
1-800-suck-my-P द्वारा

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... अधिक



172 5 40
1-800-suck-my-P द्वारा


I'm so bored.

It's like there's nothing to look forward to, it's the same shit every day. Thursday-Sunday I'm working at the supermarket getting weird stares from customers. Worst of all is when they have a child with them, I'll play it out.

I'd be like, hello ma'am, need anything? She'd look down, see my belly, then awkwardly smile. Shrugging they walk off and look down at their kid. "That's the perfect definition of what you shouldn't become, you don't want to be pregnant working at a supermarket, my love"

It hurts

It saddens me, even more, when I see the same exact person go off to a different employee for their help when I was kindly asking.

She doesn't even know anything about me too. I'm successful, studying business to one day be a CEO, I live on my own with my cousin, and I'm about to welcome a beautiful daughter into the world.

Your kid probably most likely won't experience that. The pressure of having to not fail because there's nobody to fall back on. The hard life of funds and loans and fucking bills to pay with the help of one person at age twenty.

Life sucks

Uncle Carter visited about a week ago, it was very nice. He forced Lori and me to start talking again... yeah we went three weeks— no conversation whatsoever.

I realized how much I miss my uncle, he left yesterday though, and now it's Thursday. I'm walking to work because Lori had to get started on assignments, there are so many it's frustrating. Although, it's a new semester so it's fine, just reviews and shit.

I love fall, the weather's so pretty and I'm a Scorpio, October Scorpios are elite— fight me. Luckily, if my math is correct and this baby decides to work, the girl should be an October Scorpio too.

We've been thinking of names— which reminds me, that night I tried to steal the names back... crazy and long story.

I hold my breath but remember I'm sorta pregos so maybe I shouldn't be doing that. Miss commander Gianna walks inside the house without coming to the trunk and I take that as my sign to flip over into the back seats of the car.

After a couple of minutes, she comes back and pops the trunk open, grabbing what I'm positive is the bag, and leaving back to the front of the house. Before she could lock the door, I quietly open it and wait. I hear the doors lock and don't hop out just yet, there could be guards.

Looking around from inside the tinted windows, I hear the slight chatter of guards, some laughing and others just simply smiling. They all quiet themselves and nod respectfully when their commander comes through and she smiles at all of them.

She enters the house, I look up to see a beautiful mansion. Oh my fuck— insert sarcastic gasp— he's rich. I would've never fucking guessed.

So he's over here living lavishly while I'm struggling in my nicely sized apartment? I could've made him pay child support or something, I internally roll my eyes.

One guard shouts "hey guys it's switch time" I look and instantly recognize the guy from my room, Romeo. Where's Bianca?

Never mind, I see her. She hops out of the passenger seat and states. "Angelo says we have to wait for the other guards to get out here so we could swi—"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him" he grins, cutting her off. Bianca rolls her eyes and mumbles while walking past the commander's car. "Why do I even try"

The guards all clap and shout following Romeo inside the house. Bianca waits a good couple of seconds before looking around paranoid and hesitantly walking inside.

Now, I can finally get out of this rich shit. One more second inside that car and I would've started speaking Gucci. Slowly, I walk towards the house and slip inside. I have to find the command— found her.

She's over there talking to some guy in the front room. After all this time she never even left the front room.

This place is gigantic though, bigger on the inside to be honest. I should probably hide until she's done talking so I could follow her to Angelo or somewhere. I walk inside a closet just as the chatter escapes the room when guards start to leave, most likely to their new posts.

I try to listen to the last part of the commander's conversation, might as well eavesdrop while I wait. "Yeah well I have to get these things to Angelo, he wants a part in the baby naming"

"Awww" the guy coos. "How cute, lil' Buff Tuff wants a part in without actually being in, what's he going to do now? Force Matteo to give his idea to... you know who"

"Stop" She rolls her eyes with a smile threatening her lips. "You know how Big Man Ang is a lil' coward"

"Yeah—" the guy gets a notification on his phone and pulls it out looking down at it. "Uh... I got to go, bye sis— love you" he places a gentle kiss on her temple and walks away.

She shouts "love you too, Emi!" And he groans loudly. "Stop calling me that! It's Emiliano"

She just simply chuckles and walks upstairs, this is my time. I follow behind wondering why they were making fun of Angelo back there.

Maybe they're closer to him than I thought, I mean she was talking to Ana— who's siblings with Ri— who's associated with everyone I met these past months... that means they're all connected. There's no way Matteo doesn't know, they even brought him up in their joke.

This was all a lie, they were spies, weren't they? It doesn't make any sense— he could've just tried to reach out to me, yeah maybe I might've questioned how he found me but still.

She reaches a huge door after years of exhausting steps. Rich people are so extra, why do they need doors twice the size of themselves?

I won't be like that for sure.

I trip over air and she stops walking... shit.

I go into an open door and quietly shut it behind me. She walks towards it and stops suspiciously. Shit shit shit.

I walk farther into the room and bang the headboard on the bed a few times, letting out a loud moan.

Was that believable? Shit, I don't know. I hear her choking outside then fast footfalls. Okay great now I gotta find out which way she went.

Before I could do that, someone walks out of a closed door inside the room which I'm guessing is the washroom because of the fact he's dressed in a towel low on his waist.

I awkwardly laugh. "Long story, Big Guy"

He scoffs and strides toward me. He bangs the back of my head on the headboard and the pain is excruciating. He starts shouting as I start to see black. "People! There's an intruder! Anyone?"

I see my workplace and sigh while stopping, another fucking day. I walk inside and look around seeing nothing new.

I work as a merchandiser and cashier here, I'm getting good payroll, you know? It sucks arse here though, the workers are so rude to me just because they think I'm a whore.

I didn't tell Lori about the information I learned while on my short time with the rich.

Back to names, since I'm half Hispanic, I thought I'd choose names from that origin— they have such beautiful names.

We were thinking Valentina, its meaning is strong or healthy.

Maria, the meaning is of the sea, bitter, beloved, and rebellious. Lori loved this one because she felt like she related to the name. I don't even know what "of the sea" means.

Sofia. In my opinion, it's pretty common so I probably won't choose this one but it means wisdom.

And finally, Valeria. This name looks so pretty to me, while I'm leaning towards this, Lori already decided on Maria. The name means strong, brave, and healthy.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Some lady taps my shoulder. I turn around and her eyes widen looking me up and down. "Never mind" she kindly smiles falsely.

I sigh muttering. "Great, 'bouts to have a long day"


Lori left about an hour ago, having finished most of the work while I was gone so there wasn't much when I got back.

I head out of the kitchen after a quick snack and go to my room. I walk towards my floor mirror and sit crisscrossed.

Look into it seeing my reflection and inspecting myself. A scar on the left side of my jaw. A huge ass. A paper cut from work.  Melon-sized titties.

Someone slaps me awake while another pours water on me, I don't recognize these people. I look around to see men surrounding me in the room, I couldn't escape if I wanted to.

They attempt to hide in the shadows but by the stares, I feel all over me right now, they're obviously there. It's so cold here and I'm hanging from chains off the ceiling.

"ricorda, non ci è permesso farle del male" One points his finger to the other. "lascia solo che la sgridi un po'"
(Remember we're not allowed to hurt her/let's just rough her up a bit"

What are they saying? Like come on, I don't speak your language. I don't even speak my language.

The guy who poured water on me places his bucket down and comes closer, he tilts my chin up and lets out a devilish smirk. "è una bellezza, questa"
(She's a beauty, this one)

I don't know what he said but if I had Lori mentality and wasn't in a crusty cold basement that has the smell of blood lingering through the air, I'd fuck him.

"Sorry I have to mess up your face, darling" He smiles and I'm lost for a moment, his smile is so gorgeous. He has one dimple on his left cheek and a beauty mark not too far under his right eye. A punch knocks me right back into reality when I finally realize what he was telling me.

I groan as my head shoots to the side, damn that hurt. "Why are you intruding on our home?" He asks, his accent peeking through.

Stop fangirling over him, he'll probably kill you

You're right... but he's so fucking hot man.

"Huh?" The guy next to him speaks. "What's your name, puttana?"

He's hot and all but he's got nothing on waterboy. I wonder what puttana means though, is it like gorgeous but in Italian... or maybe pretty because it starts with a P.

Wait I think they actually expect me to answer their questions, don't talk to strangers kids.

Water boy turns around and grabs a knife from a nearby table full of tools. "posso malmenarla con una lama?"
(Can I rough her up with a blade?)

"sì amico, non fare nulla che possa danneggiare suo figlio" he replies to whatever waterboy asked.
(Yeah man, just don't do anything that could harm her child)

He looks back at me and winks, bending down again and starting to trail the knife over my facial features.


He's so hot man, like— I never thought I'd simp for a psychopath.

He gets to the left side of my jaw and presses harder, making my skin tear and blood seek through, I hiss. He stares me deep in the eyes as he makes a slit on my jaw. The cuts probably going to scar now.

"What's your name, darling" he taunts. "Why are you here"

"Al—" I rasp, how long was I knocked out? Clearing my throat I try again. "Alissa"

His head tilts to the side and he hides a smile with an eyebrow raised. "And why are you here... Alissa?"

Shit, he's onto me. Abort.

"If you knew it wouldn't be a secret" I smirk, if I act tough then maybe I'll do a little damage.

He nods at me once, sticking his tongue at his right cheek, and backs away. The other guy comes up and tries to touch me but I move away. Yeah no, I see those crusty dusty nails you got on your little fingers. Catfish in the looks, ugly in the hands. I bet your dick is small too.

Now Mr. Water boy over here who seems to have a thing for agua, he's definitely on big dick energy.

He rolls his eyes and touches my stomach, I start trying to swing myself away from him but end up looking like a fish out of water, the snorts and snickers going around the room prove it.

"Get your paws off my baby!" I growl, lifting my leg up and kicking him in the face. He stumbles back out of surprise but comes up again for a punch to my face. I dodge it and use the wall behind me to kick off of it and swing forward, wrapping my legs around his neck and choking him. "Look" I taunt. "I'm winning while being inexperienced and having no hands"

To be fair, I got this off of social media— it's really great help. Laughs go off around me and I smirk.

Girl, you were just kidnapped—

I think I know that



I think it's not normal to have fights with yourself in your head but who cares?

Where's Angelo though, he'd really allow his baby mommy to lose his baby.

"il capo sta arrivando!" one shouts near the door. "That's what she said" another snorts.
(Boss is coming)

"Translate please?" I say while letting go of the man trapped between my thighs. I wanna know what the dirty joke was.

Arriv— whatever, sounds like arrive so I'm guessing someone's coming— oh.

"Shush" the guy who shouted someone was coming speaks again. "Get in position."

Crusty Nails stands next to Waterboy as they put their hands behind their backs and have some sort of soldier stance, weird.

Everything goes quiet and you could hear the echo of footsteps in the distance. "Gianna, what do you mean they're gone?"

"I swear Ang I put them in my bag and placed them in the trunk, someone stole it," she tells him.

He sighs. "Whatever, go in first"

The door swings open and Gianna walks in, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees something on my jaw.

What's she looking at?

"I said don't hurt her" she glares at the two men.

"It was Ricardo" the Crusty Nail guy states. Gianna looks at Ricardo and thins her lips annoyed.

"My bad" he shrugs innocently with a smile at the tips of his lips, ready to peek through.

She moves on and walks over to me. "Name?"

"Alana, babe" I grin. "Can I just say, you are one fine lady"

She gives me a questioning look ignoring my compliment. "Your name sounds so familiar" 

Someone clears their throat off to the side and she looks toward them. "Ma'am, she's the baby mommy"

Her eyes go wide and she looks back at me.

It's been a couple of minutes and she's still staring at me...

Suddenly, she yells. "Get the syringe!"

I hear a thud next door. I've been hearing that a lot lately to be honest.

From what I know, a girl just about my age lives there. She's really pretty too, I've seen her. Beautiful black skin and piercing light brown eyes. She's dark skin which makes her eyes really pop.

Her beauty is so unique, to be honest. And her lips, don't get me started. They are big and gorgeous, I'm actually jealous of those lips. Maybe she likes it rough and hard. Rough thrusts make the thuds but they gotta be hard so it's every couple of seconds.

I've talked to her, once. It was a while ago though. We were in the elevator together and she looked over and smiled at me, telling me congratulations. I felt so happy that day, nothing ruined my mood.

Of course, I complimented her and said she had beautiful hair, she has long dark— almost black— curls. I could honestly never, I don't understand how she does it. We had a conversation on hair the whole ride down the elevator and to the sidewalk where we parted and turned different ways.

I'd love to be her friend but I get the vibe she isn't interested in a social life right now. She's almost always in her house.

I go to my desk and sit down, ready to start writing my alliance letter. We're doing this fun thing in class where you have to write a letter to start an alliance with the people in your class, they can either decline or grant access. It started with stage one where we made our own business and now stage two where we have to form alliances.

I can't wait to find out what stage three is!

You have to choose five businesses so I'm obviously going with Lori and four other people in my class. Their names are Camila, Axel, Kai, and Nova.

Nova is the CEO of NovaThink Inc. It's basically a company for developing and creating, I want in. Next is Axel, he's the CEO of MehrAxel and I like what his business has to offer, mehr means more in German, I had to search it up.

Thirdly, we have Camila. She is the CEO of La Mejor Corp. it's a good name, meaning The Very Best Corp. I'm only going for her because she's a badass and I like her vibe.

Lastly, we have Kai. His is called Suzuki Kokka. It means Suzuki Nation in Japanese. I chose him because he makes good business choices and has good money moves, he'd be a helpful alliance.

My eyes fall to the note that I've left on my desk this past month. I never had the motivation to move it from my desk.

I wake up and try to recall yesterday's events, I feel like shit right now.

I remember being at a house... who's house? Think Alana. You were going there to find out information and stuff.

Your bra! There's something in your bra. I pick up my hand weakly and search the inside of my bra, finding nothing. It was names in there, wasn't it? And a family portrait.

I had it because... someone stole it! That's right, Angelo wanted it for some reason. Okay, I was definitely in a basement, I got a cut from waterboy who I now know as Ricardo.

Gianna got a syringe and stabbed me once she realized who I was, damn.

I was drugged.

Is the baby okay? Angelo wouldn't harm his child like that right? I don't fucking know anymore.

I get up as fast as possible but it takes a moment. Limping over to my desk to check the date on my phone charging there, I see a note.

"This never happened"


I don't even want to know what that is. They really thought a note saying that would make me let it go.

If he ain't gon' love you, the way he should, then let it goooooo

Not the time Alana.

I pick up the note and look closer, seeing something I didn't see before. The e's look exactly how V would write his e's.

Yeah I know, what an odd thing to notice. He had a unique way of writing e's, basically, it's an 'o' and a line straight through a little above the middle.

He wrote this note.

Vince La Rosa wrote this note. He can write a note and not fucking message me back.

Vince and I were like brother and sister, I never thought he'd do something like that to me.

No wonder why Matteo's been lying to Lori, they know something I'm missing. Lori asks about V all the time but he just avoids the subject, saying shit like. "I hate talking about him, it hurts too much"

Lori always tells me to trust Matteo. I decided to drop last month's conversation and leave her out of my investigation, it'll all be amusing to me. She finally apologizes when she finds out.

So all I do is nod my head every time she tells me shit like that. I always have to act like everything's fine just so our fight doesn't happen again.

When I see V, I want to hug him, harass him, confront him, then finally slap him. He doesn't know how big the effect he had on my life was, everything changed.

That'll be my last time texting him, I just have one final thing to say.


My husband <3

I know it was you who wrote the letter


I know he won't reply but I stare at the message with tears clouding my vision.


Wait what?

Oh my fucking daffodils he's typing.


My husband <3

You'll know when the time is right
I love you, Alana
Goodbye for now
Also, I'm not allowed to be texting
you but who gives a fuck anymore
I've seen your texts and me and Iris
are doing great, bye now
Oh and remember to make her middle name Vince because I'm amazing


Well... what— I feel a sharp pain course through my stomach and bend over clutching it. What the fuck was tha— "ahhh" I yell.


Shit, I think I'm going into labor. Lori isn't here, how am I supposed to get to the hospital?

I hear another thud and an idea lights in my brain.

Limping over to my door and out of my room to get to my front door, I feel the contractions getting closer together.

I focus on my breathing as I knock on my neighbor's door, hearing her yell fine to someone. The door opens and her face forms one of shock. "There's no time, can you please bring me to the hospital?" I breathe out.

She quickly nods grabbing a key from the rack next to her door. "Da— Asher, I'm going to take someone to the hospital!" She doesn't wait for a reply as she snakes an arm around my waist and vastly walks to the elevator.

Girl slow down, I'm trying to focus on my breathing.

I hear shouts behind me and my eyebrows furrow, looking behind. "Don't worry about it" she smiles. "I don't think you know my name, I'm Nairobi"

"I'm Alana"



I love any emoji combination with 💪 lately, it's weird.

Anyways how y'all doinnnn

Remember Camila, all I gots to say

I had her as a planned character then I was like, why not add her to Alana's past so they could have a reuniting moment or whatevs.

Just remember her.

Anyways yall ain't ready for these three books.

I can't believe I'm almost done the first period of this book, I've come a long way.

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

My bad, I thought of that.

It'd be smarter if I did word counts before the author's note cuz this shit don't count 🌚


I don't even know why I ask for ideas, maybe to use in the books I publish after this ig?

Wow this chapter is so important

We only have one more chap until this 20 year old Lana period is over, who's ready? 😏

Goodbye my lovelies


Word count: 3904

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