Perfect Double Suicide ~Dazai...

By theuchihamassacre

1.1K 18 21

This fanfiction is about a young girl named Saiko, who gave up upon her life and was ready to commit. But a m... More

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By theuchihamassacre

Chapter 18

*Blood, trigger and violence warning!*

The old lady stood till the night, and then finally left saying she'd be back.

"After all I haven't seen you in year's young Dazai boy" She said before she left, leaving him staring in panic at the door, after his aunt was gone. I grabbed his arm and laid my hand over his cheek. "Let's just leave" I said, close to tears. I couldn't bear to see him like that.

"You are safest here" He replied and went upstairs. I wanted to punch the wall in frustration, I started hating this stupid sentence. Like I cared! So if he'd hurt me? It hurts far more seeing him like that, knowing he will be like that every day from now on. He was so good already! Then this woman had to appear... She has to disappear.

Suddenly I remembered there was a supply of medicine in the bathroom. If I wasn't wrong, I had seen a small bottle of rat poison. If I were to cook food and drug her with it- I slapped my hands against my head.

What the hell am I thinking? Murder?

I shook my head and went to get a glass of water. As I stood in the kitchen, I became dizzy again and had to sit down. Something was off with me. Maybe I did catch a cold, I should take some flu pills. Before I get really sick and need to rest for a long time.

The old lady returned as she said and that went on for days. Dazai barley talked a word and I was so close to actually poisoning her. I stood quiet till that one night everything went to hell.

I went to go shopping and when I returned I found the kitchen completely messed up. Broken plates and cups laid in pieces on the floor. I dropped my bag and slapped my hand in front of my face, when I saw blood stains on a drawing hanging up the wall. It was one of the sleeping Dazai ones I drew so often in the morning.

"DAZAI?!" I screamed and ran searching around the rooms. Panic was running through my veins, who's blood was it? Dazai's or the old lady's? I was stopped at the door to his mother's bed room. It was looked, so I kicked and threw myself against it. At this point tears were running down my cheeks.

Where is he? Is he hurt? What happened?

I took a few steps back, "DAZAIIII!" I screamed and finally crashed the door into the room. And there I found him, laying on the floor next to the old lady. Blood was everywhere, I couldn't see from who it was coming from.

I ran to him and fell on my knees. "Dazai! Say something! Wake up!" I shouted and shook his shoulders.

No response.

I placed two fingers on his wrist and closed my eyes begging. Don't let history repeath itself!

1...2...3...Where is the heart beat? 4...5...6...

My own heart beat stopped.

7...8...heartbeat...and another, he was alive!

I ripped my eyes open and whined out, pulling him on his shoulder into a hug. He wasn't dead, his pulse was weak but he was alive! I looked over to the old lady, she had her eyes closed. Was she dead or alive too? I needed to know.

I laid him back down slowly on the floor and crawled over the blood soaked floor to her. I checked her pulse like I did with Dazai and when I felt it I froze. She was still alive too. I saw a deep wound on her neck, bleeding over the floor, it looked deadly. I stared into the old woman's face and the hate overcame me. I thought so many time about making her disappear. She was going to die on those wounds and I won't stop that.

Suddenly she started coughing and opened her eyes, searching around and crossing mine.

"H-help...m-me" she coughed up and grabbed my hand that was around her wrist. Blood was rinning out of her mouth and wounds, her eyes were begging me to save her. My look fell onto the kitchen knife laying next to her on the floor. A thought overcame my head and I looked back to the old lady I hated till my bones.

You- You deserve to die...I will save Dazai-san by taking your life away.

I reached out for the knife and laid my fingers around it. She deserves to die! I thought and took the knife. Her eyes widened when she saw it, and tried rolling around to get away. A grin overcame my lips as I watched her crawl through the blood on the floor like a worm to be crushed.

"You know, I was shocked for a while to have developed such sick thoughts but- I don't know much about what you did, all I know is that your existence is a threat to Dazai-san. I will eliminate all threats around him so he can be happy!" I said while slowly walking after the old lady. She turned around to me and tried saying something, but only blood came out of her throat. "Man, you are as good as dead anyways. I'll be just doing you a favor and end your suffering" I sighted and threw the knife to the floor. "I guess I'll let you just die like you deserve"

I turned to Dazai, walked up to him and tried lifting him up. He was really heavy for me, but the will to save him was stronger. I managed to get him downstairs and laid him on the sofa. Then I went back up and checked on the old lady. She was laying on the floor not moving, she was probably dead already. Without a care I went back downstairs and got a bucket with water and towel. I placed both on the coffee table and started undressing Dazai. His entire body and clothes were covered in deep red blood.

Since his bandaged were soaked too, I removed them and thoroughly checked his body for any serious wounds. I found only a flesh wound not to deep, all the blood must have been from the old lady. Glad that he wasn't hurt, I started washing his face and body carefully. He had quite a few burns and bruises everywhere, I wondered how he got them. Maybe it had something to do with the old ladies ability.

After I cleaned him up, I got new bandages, disinfection spray, plasters and a set of fresh clothes. All I could find were really old shirts, so I used one of those. Hoping they weren't from his dad, because that would give him the rest probably.

I treated his wounds and wrapped him up in bandaged again, I knew he wouldn't want to wake up seeing them. Then I placed a blanket over him and kissed his forehead.

Now rest my sweet little bunny, I will watch over you and protect you forever.

I smiled softly and tucked him in a bit better. Then I remembered to check on the old lady and went upstairs. She was still on the same spot, so I went to check her pulse. As I bowed down, she suddenly moved and stabbed me into my foot. I screamed out in surprise and pain that shot through my body like a gunshot. She started coughing and fell back down to the ground. In a huge wave a pure hatred, I bowed down and grabbed the knife stuck in my foot and floor. Taking a deep breath, I took out the knife in one go, screaming once more in pain, before I went right down into the old ladies back with it.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" I screamed at started to stab her all over again, far over the point she was alive and I realized only moments later that she was long dead. I dropped the knife and looked at my shaking hands. They were soaked in blood, it was dripping down on my pants, running along my leg in a deep red trail.

It hit me like a train, I just committed murder. With that realization, I started screaming while staring down on my bloody hands. My mind felt like it was about to break apart, I had just killed someone and the weight was splitting my thoughts. The voices that had been gone so long, returned and took over my body. My scream turned into maniac laughing, as I slapped my hands on my face. Bowing back, feeling them take my mind over.

The next thing I know is a warm sensation running over my face. It felt like warm water in a shower.

Huh? Why do I feel so dizzy?

I opened my eyes slowly and looked into Dazai's eyes, was he crying? What for? My right eyes vision was painted red and I tasted blood on my lips.


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