• The Neko • Alice In Borderl...

By Rui_ruu

173K 4.7K 1.2K

Things went normal from the start... Until you got yourself stuck in a different borderland world. Where you... More

• Announment •
• Rin Izumi •
• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Extra Chapter 1 •
• Extra Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Extra Chapter 3 •
• Extra Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Announcement (Important) •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •

• Chapter 16 •

3.3K 117 21
By Rui_ruu

🔸 Enjoy 🔸

 Suffocating Air

| Rin's POV|

To be honest that was exhausting and...irritating. But gladly is over.

Arisu and I came back to the beach looking for Usagi. Everyone is having their fun, it seems like everyone manages to survive.

While looking, I saw Usagi. I quickly tug Arisu's shirt and point "Look Arisu! Usagi!" I said as I ran towards Usagi and hug her tightly like there was no end.

Arisu followed behind me. "You guys survived." Said Usagi and smiled. "Yes." Said Arisu.

Arisu begin to walk while I followed him. "She knew the answer." Said Arisu irritated, "Sorry I didn't do anything..." I said while I lower my head.

"You don't have to be sorry. You also helped back out there without hesitation." Said Arisu looking at me with a smile. I look at him and smiled at him, it lessens my nervousness.

Arisu sits at the beach chair and Usagi sits at the other one while I sit behind next to Usagi. "Ann was trying to test us." As Arisu continued.

"When Rome, do as the Romans do." Said Usagi as she leaned down at me but she quickly leaned back when Kuina sits next to Arisu.

"Your girlfriend?" Ask Kuina, this somehow got my interest, and listen 'I wonder they liked each other.' I said to myself.

"What?" Usagi got shocked by the sudden question. 'This is getting interesting.' Usagi quickly shakes her head and holds my hand. "You're wrong!" Said Usagi

'Aww...' I wonder who Usagi likes. "You guys get along so why not date each other?" Kuina suggested, "You never know when you're going to die." said Kuina.

"That's harsh..." I mumbled, "What are you saying?" Said Arisu looking at her irritated
"There are things you should do while you're still alive!" Kuina said looking at him.

Arisu and Usagi look away trying to avoid Kuina. Kuina only smiled at them and said, "My mom is sick in the hospital. She can't even relieve herself without my help, and yet I had to be separated from her." Said Kuina.

"So I want to return alive." Kuina holds out like some plastic stick while I can't tell. "That's why I quit smoking. I haven't been able to quit before this." She explains while holding it.

"I need some stamina to survive, right?" Kuina asks while she looks at Usagi "I'll survive and return to the original world." As she finished her sentence.

I can tell Kuina is a fighter, I can tell it from appearance. "And you, your cute." Kuina said as I quickly snap out of it at my thoughts. She smiles at me and winks at me like wanting to date me.

Usagi puts her arm in front of me. "Back off." Said Usagi with a melatonin voice. Kuina just chuckled and look at the people in front of her. "No wonder you're not with Arisu." Kuina mumbles the word but gladly I heard it. But what does she mean by that?

I'm confused, so I decided not to think about it. Until I heard a voice from afar. "Hey, stop playing that tacky music!" I look around and wonder who could that be.

And saw a group of men walking. Everyone went quiet and people started to whisper to each other. I saw the man who was walking in the front, and suddenly it hit me.

'He's the guy from the game of tag.' I look at him and he has a scar on his right eye 'Damn...' I began to panic a little and hold Usagi's hand for some comfort.

Usagi notices this and puts her arm around me. These guys are scaring me and I don't know why. Everyone begins to back a bit because don't want to a scene or whatever.

"It's the militants at the Beach." Said Kuina, I look at Kuina and listen. "If you want to live peacefully at the Beach, avoid getting involved with them." As Kuina finished.

I look back at the militants, they're getting closer, my heart starting to beat fast and I couldn't breathe properly. Usagi's grip around me becomes tighter.

"The leader, Aguni, is an ex-SDF officer, and he is in charge of all the weapons at the Beach." Said Kuina 'So he's the leader huh.'

"The ones currently in power at the Beach are the Number One, Hatter, and his devotees as well as the militants led by Aguni." Said Kuina, I put slowly put my head at Usagi's shoulders... I think I'm going to pass out.

| Usagi's POV |

While listening to her, I couldn't help but have bad vibes with the militants. Rin put her head on my shoulders, I went worried and pulled her closer to me and hold her hand making sure that everything is okay.

"We've only barely managed to maintain peace and order here, but a conflict between the two parties could happen anytime." Kuina finished and I'm trying not to make eye contact with them.

My only focus is Rin right now. Rin hugged me tightly. 'I think she's getting nervous.'

"What happened to your pal?" Aguni asks Arisu. I glared at them. Aguni receives a silent answer from Arisu. "I see. He died."
"What a shame."

"So only the small fish survived." Said Aguni "Do you know each other?" Kuina asks confused. Aguni only ignores her and looks at me, I look back glaring at him, I hold Rin close to me.

"You, bring that woman over." Said Aguni command the other militant. "Hey!" shout Arisu,            "-Stop. Don't get yourself involved!" Kuina cut off Arisu as he stands up.

"Our boss says he wants to have a taste of you." Said the other militant. "Come." The militant grabbed my hand, but I wouldn't let him. "Stop it." Arisu grabs his hand before he could grab me.

I quickly hug Rin before these guys grab Rin also. I heard a quiet sniffle from her. 'Is she crying?...' Whatever it is... I have to protect Rin.

"What should we do about this kid?" Ask the militant, "Break his legs so that he'll die in the next game." Said Aguni bluntly "S-stop it..." I heard Rin speak those words. I only rubbed her back and hold her hands again.

But... Her hands are cold, I quickly hold her forehead 'No... she's burning up!' "Yes. You guys! Bring the woman to him." The militant slaps Arisu's arm, "You come with me." Aguni walks away like is nothing.

"Stand up." I shake my head holding Rin closer. Arisu wanted to save us but a sudden voice came.

"Is this a fight?" I recognized the voice and it was Hatter. "Back off, Hatter. This doesn't concern you." Said Aguni "I can't do that." Said Hatter "As the Number One, I'm obliged to maintain order at the Beach." said Hatter.

Hatter walks towards them but then stops looking at Aguni, "Could you let off the newcomers on my account, Aguni?" Ask Hatter.

Everything went silent, as I comforted Rin I slowly put her hood down and wipe the sweat on her forehead. I'm getting worried we need to do something. I notice that Rin finally fall asleep on my shoulders.

| No One's POV |

Hatter called Niragi but Niragi avoid eye contact with him and said, "I only take orders from the boss." Said Niragi not wanting to look at Hatter.

Hatter walked towards Aguni, "Then let me ask your boss." said Hatter, Aguni didn't look at Hatter but kept his face with a straight look.

Hatter comes closer and said, "Who is your boss, Aguni?" Hatter asks him, Aguni finally looks at Hatter with a hidden mad face at him.

Everyone couldn't move nor breathe, the atmosphere is suffocating them, and wanting to party again. Everyone does not dare to move.

"It's you, right?" Said Aguni with slight sarcasm in his voice. Both of them are having eye contact which made the atmosphere intense.

"Go take a shower." Hatter finish off and look away, trying not to make more scene at the Beach. Aguni quickly walks away. And Hatter begins to speak.

"All executive members are to gather in the meeting room!" Hatter announced. The militants walked away without saying a word. "Arisu, you're coming too. Bring Rin with you." said Hatter.

"I've heard about your potential from Ann." Hatter look at Arisu "Follow me." Hatter was about to walk away and notice something, "Where's Rin?" He asks.

Usagi looks at Rin who is now sleeping peacefully at her shoulder, Usagi looks at him and said "Rin has a fever. I don't think she'll come with you." Usagi said it with a stern voice. Making up some excuses so that Rin won't come to them at their meeting.

Hatter walks closely to Usagi and looks at Rin's state. "She got no other choice but to come." Said Hatter, "I have things to discuss with her." said Hatter, Usagi didn't say anything but hugged Rin tightly.

"Too bad. I won't allow it." Usagi is getting overprotective. Usagi felt that Rin is about to wake up. Usagi notices this and tries to make Rin fall asleep again.

Hatter smirk at her and makes his voice louder and clear for Rin to wake up. "Rin you're coming with me. No buts or excuses." Said Hatter with that being said, Rin is now finally awake and forgot what was happening a few minutes ago.

Usagi failed to make Rin fall asleep again, Usagi puts her hand again on Rin's forehead checking if she's ready to go. Usagi sighed in defeat and look at Hatter that she was ready to go.

Hatter smirked because he won. While Rin on other hand confused about what was happening now and why she was coming with Hatter. Arisu couldn't do anything but stand there like a statue too afraid to move.

Arisu finally snaps out of it and grabs Rin's hand gently. "We'll be back." Arisu said as they walked away. Rin looks back at Usagi with a worried and confused look. Usagi stands up with a worried look on her face.

While Usagi stands there in worried, Kuina stands up while a mysterious person walks beside her.

"So what do you think about her?" Ask the one and only Chishiya. Kuina look at him and smiled. 

" I like her. "

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