Love in thirds

By Nelleke9

13.5K 380 970

Falling in love is different for everybody. Some fall in love the moment their eyes meet, others don't real... More

Authors Note
1.1 Charles & Sofia
1.2 Carlos & Marie
1.3 Daniel & Nell
2.1 Charles & Sofia
2.2 Carlos & Marie
2.3 Daniel & Nell
3.1 Charles & Sofia
3.2 Carlos & Marie
3.3 Daniel & Nell
4.1 Charles & Sofia
4.2 Carlos & Marie
4.3 Daniel & Nell
5.1 Charles & Sofia
5.2 Carlos & Marie
5.3 Daniel & Nell
6.1 Charles & Sofia
6.2 Carlos & Marie
6.3 Daniel & Nell
7.1 Charles & Sofia
7.2 Carlos & Marie
7.3 Daniel & Nell
8.1 Charles & Sofia
8.2 Carlos & Marie
8.3 Daniel & Nell
9.1 Charles & Sofia
9.2 Carlos & Marie
9.3 Daniel & Nell
10.1 Charles & Sofia
10.2 Carlos & Marie
10.3 Daniel & Nell
11.1 Charles & Sofia
11.2 Carlos & Marie
11.3 Daniel & Nell
12.1 Charles & Sofia
12.2 Carlos & Marie
12.3 Daniel & Nell
13.1 Charles & Sofia
13.2 Carlos & Marie
13.3 Daniel & Nell
14.2 Charles & Sofia
14.3 Carlos & Marie
Authors note

14.1 Daniel & Nell

166 7 23
By Nelleke9


You look up when Sofia walks into the dressing room with a whiny Milo on her hip. "I think he's hungry, Charles couldn't get him calm, so he told me to bring the little guy to you" she says, handing Milo over to you. "Oh, thanks love. I'm sorry you had to entertain my fussy man" you say, winking at her before pressing a kiss on Milo's head and getting ready to feed him. "It's not a problem, Charles gave him to me and said that I should bring him to you. He's scared that he'll tell Daniel what you look like if he sees you now" Sofia answers, making you and the other women in the room laugh. You smile at Grace and your mom through the mirror, glancing at Marie who's busy fixing the last small details of your veil before they'll help you get dressed. "I'm really grateful that you're all here" you say softly, looking down at Milo who's happily drinking. "I can't believe that I'm really getting married" you continue, looking around the room with tears in your eyes.

After Daniel proposed to you a year ago, you both decided that you wanted to soak up the first few months with Milo without stressing about planning a wedding. You had struggled a lot during the last races of the previous season, missing Daniel and feeling emotionally overwhelmed to be looking after your son. Daniel gave you the space and time to relax during the winter break, which you spent it in Perth together. He went out with Milo for hours a day, taking him to all his favourite places while you enjoyed some quiet time. It did you good, and after a month you told him that you wanted to join in on their adventures again. Dad-life suited Daniel, he loved walking around with Milo strapped to his chest, pointing at every little thing that caught his eye to tell his son what it was. He barely complained, telling you to stay in bed whenever Milo woke up during the night and always being there whenever Milo needed him.

Milo just laughed and squealed at everything when Daniel pointed things out, and you thank the heavens every day that your baby is so relaxed. It made the hard days a little less hard because they didn't occur that frequently. Daniel and you decided that you wanted to get married in Perth, picking out the Darlington Estate as your wedding and reception venue. It's located in a huge vineyard, and when you and Daniel went to take a look you both fell in love with the place immediately. Daniel wanted to invite a bunch of his friends and people from work, and you were fine with it as long as the overall feeling of your wedding would be intimate. He agreed, inviting a lot of people from work for the reception and inviting friends and family for the entire wedding-weekend. Grace and your mom helped out with a lot of things, especially because Daniel couldn't stop coming up with ideas and it made you a little overwhelmed.

Your favourite moment of all the wedding planning was asking Marie and Sofia to be your bridesmaids and asking Marie to help with designing your wedding dress. You had invited them to lunch in Monaco, asking them the big question after you were done catching up with each other. Needless to say, there were a lot of tears that day. You smile when Milo shakes you from your thoughts, patting your cheek with his small hand. "Are you done love?" you ask him, putting him against your shoulder and patting his back softly until he lets out a little burp. "Alright, now that you're finished, let's get mommy in her dress" you tell him, booping his nose before smiling at him when he giggles. His dark curls are styled just like Daniel's, and it's the cutest thing ever, especially in combination with the small tux he's wearing. "You look so handsome, just like your dad" you whisper, kissing his squishy face before handing him to your mom.

A gasp leaves your mouth when you look at your reflection in the mirror after you finally got your wedding dress on. You look at Marie with tears in your eyes, opening your arms so you can hug her. "Thank you, it's perfect" you whisper, smiling when she squeezes you back and mumbles a "you're so welcome." The soft silky material hugs your widened hips perfectly, accentuating all the parts of yourself that you love. A V-neck neckline shows just the right amount of cleavage, and you smile when you see the detailing along the line. Small flowers with little sparkles blink slightly, not too overwhelming, just enough. Perth weather has done you good, and the off-white material stands out against your tanned skin. You look up when you hear a sob, seeing Grace and your mom leaning on each other while trying not to ruin their makeup with their tears. You smile at everyone in the room, butterflies fluttering through your stomach when you think about seeing Daniel's reaction in a bit.

"Wow" you brother says when he walks into the room. "You look so beautiful, Daniel is not going to know what hit him" he continues, walking towards you to wrap his arms around you in a big hug. "Love ya" he says, squeezing your hand when you tell him that you love him too. "I'm actually here to pick you up, Daniel is bouncing at the end of the altar, the guys are trying to calm him down but he's super nervous" he says, grinning at you. "So, my dear sister, can I escort you to your future husband now?" his voice cracks a little, and he looks at you with tears in his eyes. You nod, the lump in your throat making it unable to answer him. Marie adjusts your veil before she presses a kiss on your cheek, waving Milo's small hand at you while she makes her way towards her spot with him. Sofia kisses your cheek too, squeezing your hand before winking at you. One by one the room empties out until it's just you and your brother. "You ready for the next chapter sis?" he asks you, wiping away an escaped tear before you take a deep breath. "Yeah, let's do this."

Daniel let's out a gasp the minute he sees you, staring at you with parted lips before he lets out a little sob. "Oh my god" you hear him whisper, smiling brightly at you while wiping away the tears that don't seem to stop. You smile at him, not even registering how everyone is looking at the two of you. You only see Daniel, his slightly shaking hands and the way his smile seems to broaden even more when you smile at him. Your brother squeezes your arm, pressing a kiss on your cheek before putting your hands in Daniel's warm ones, patting his brother-in-law on the back before he takes his place next to Carlos, Charles, Michael, and Blake. "Hi" you whisper, giggling when Daniel let's out a strangled sound. "Y-you look so beautiful; I was so nervous. I can't stop crying" he mumbles, chuckling when you squeeze his hands and whisper an "it's okay love."

The whoops and cheers that fill the venue when the official says "you may now kiss the bride" bring a smile to your face before your lips are crushed by Daniel's. He wraps his arms tightly around you, smiling into the kiss before resting his forehead against yours. His teary brown eyes stare at your green ones, sparkling with love and admiration before he kisses you again. "I can't believe I'm your husband now" he mumbles against your lips, pulling away before pressing you against his chest. "I'm going to love you every single day for the rest of our lives" he whispers, tightening his hold when you let out a slight sob. Milo breaks the moment when he starts giggling, making grabby hands at you and Daniel. Daniel opens one of his arms, smiling at Marie when she hands Milo over to him. "Hey little guy, do you want to join in on the hug? Is that it?" he hums, kissing his son before you do the same. "I don't think I've ever been this happy" you say, kissing Daniel before you look at everyone in the room who's looking at the three of you with love in their eyes.

Laughter fills the dinner area while your and Daniel's friends give speeches about the two of you. Daniel is leaning against the back of his chair, his tie loosened around his neck and the first few buttons of his dress shirt are unbuttoned. His warm hand is resting on your thigh, drawing imaginary figures while he chuckles at something Michael tells the guests. You let your eyes travel over your fresh husband, nibbling on your lower lip when you see his relaxed face and tousled curls. He leans towards your ear suddenly, breathing on the skin of your neck before whispering, "please don't look at me like that, I want to take my time with you later tonight, so don't tempt me into taking you in the bathroom." You look at him with wides eyes while a blush spreads over your cheeks, shaking your head when he winks at you. "Don't act like you weren't looking at me like you wanted to eat me babe, I know you well enough by now" he teases, squeezing your thigh before kissing you softly.

Daniel sighs when you finally settle on the plane, looking at you with a smile on his face. "I still can't believe we're leaving the sun and going to one of the coldest places I'll probably ever visit for our honeymoon" he says, chuckling when you roll your eyes. "Well, I can drop you off somewhere hot if you want" you tell him, raising your eyebrows when he laughs. "I don't want you to drop me off baby, I like the idea that it'll be so cold that you don't want to leave the bed" he winks at you, laughing even harder when you groan. "I can't believe I married you" you mumble, "and you even have a child with me!" he exclaims, grinning at you when you chuckle. "Come sit next to me love, let's finish the episode we started yesterday."

The cold air greets you the moment you and Daniel step out of the plane, taking in a totally new landscape for the two of you. Deciding on a honeymoon destination was probably the hardest part of the wedding planning. Daniel wanted to try and go somewhere he'd never been, and you both weren't really in the mood for anything too hot, especially since you live in warm places throughout the year anyways. "Holy shit, it really is cold here" Daniel mumbles, wrapping his arm around your waist while you walk towards the car that is waiting for you. "Welcome to Lapland!" the chauffeur says excitedly, opening the door for the two of you so you can take a seat. You smile at Daniel when he immediately intertwines your fingers after you sit down, looking out of the car window while you make your way to the hotel you were staying the first few days.

"Oh my god Dan, look! You can see everything from up here" you say excitedly, standing in front of the window of your suite, overlooking the snowy peaks of the mountains. "This place is a bloody ripper" he says, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your shoulder. "This is seriously one of the sickest places I've ever visited, I can't believe we didn't go earlier" he mumbles, kissing your neck softly. You hum, leaning against his warm body while your eyes travel over the landscape. "Shall we take a nap?" you ask, yawning slightly while Daniel nods. "Yeah, let's do that and then go out and explore? I made a reservation for dinner for tonight, this hotel is really well known for its good food. We should try some Lapland traditional food" he tells you, smiling when you hum. "Sure, but I'm not eating anything scary."

The next four days are spent exploring the town a little, but mostly enjoying the luxury of the hotel and your bed. Daniel and you are packing both your bags now because you're spending three days in an igloo in the middle of the mountains. "Someone from the hotel said that it snowed there a few days ago, so if we're lucky we'll really be in winter wonderland" Daniel says, intertwining your fingers while the two of you make your way towards the car that's waiting for you. "I hope so, that would be really cool. Maybe we can see northern lights too" you say with a hopeful voice, smiling when Daniel says that he hopes so too. You lean against him in the car, playing with his wedding ring while you look at his hands. "You know," he whispers, looking at you with a playful glint in his eyes, "I hope it's snowed because then it'll be very cold, meaning I can warm you up." He wiggles his eyes at you while you chuckle, kissing you softly before squeezing your hand.

Night falls in your igloo, and you gasp when you can see the stars adorning the night sky. "Babe, look at this! We can see a lot of stars in Perth, but this is insane" you clap your hands excitedly, falling down on the matrass to look up into the sky. Daniel joins you soon after, looking at the stars with you while you try figuring out which constellations you're seeing. You feel two strong arms wrap around you after a while, and you giggle when Daniel nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. "I love you" he mumbles, stroking your hair out of face when you turn on your side to look at him, starry sky soon forgotten when you lock eyes with him. "I love you too" you whisper back, stroking his cheek with your hand, smiling when you see your engagement and wedding ring adorning your ring finger.

You hum when his warm hand slips under your sweater, sighing when he caresses your skin slowly. You roll on your back, tugging him on top of you before brushing your lips over his. His hands roll your sweater up slowly while he kisses you, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before pulling away from you breathlessly. You sit up a little, taking off your sweater and shirt that you were wearing underneath it before tugging at the soft hoodie he's wearing. You hum approvingly when he pulls it off, dragging your hands and eyes over his exposed skin. "I'm a happy wife" you tell him, giggling when he lets out a strangled moan. "I don't know why, but hearing you say that you're my wife is doing things to me" he mumbles, laying you down again before pressing open mouthed kisses all over your body. You shiver when he reaches your loose pants, whining when he moves his hands over the fabric without taking it off. "Undress me, please" you whisper, looking at Daniel with hooded eyes.

He takes your and his clothes of quickly, pulling the covers away for the two of you before he hovers over you again. "I want to get cosy with you" he says, wiggling his eyebrows when you shake your head. "I'm not even going to respond" you say, giggling when he scoffs before pulling his face towards you to kiss him deeply. You wander your hands over his smooth skin, smiling into the kiss when he groans while your hand travels closer to his hardened length. His kisses move from your lips to your jaw, sucking a small bruise on your collarbone before he travels further down towards your core. You whimper when you feel his lips brushing over the inside of your thighs, throwing your head back when his fingers stroke through your soaked folds. "Daniel" you moan, arching your back when he thrusts a finger into you, humming when he feels how wet you are.

"So ready for me" he whispers, looking at you through his lashes before pushing a second one in. You moan when his fingertips reach your sweet spot, gasping when you feel his tongue on your bundle of nerves before he sucks it into his mouth. "D-Dan" you stutter, gripping the sheets with both hands while you close your eyes. "Look at me" he says, humming when you open your eyes and look down on him. The sight of Daniel between your legs is always hot but seeing the fire and love in his eyes today feels different than normally. You whimper his name, feeling your walls tighten around his digits before you come with a silent cry, throwing your head back against the pillows while he thrusts you through it, pulling away from you when you wiggle away from his grasp.

He moves upwards your body again, kissing your flushed skin before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You wrap your arms around his back, humming when his fingertips trail the skin of your breasts. "My beautiful wife" he whispers, pulling away from your neck to look at your glowing face. "My handsome husband" you reply, smiling when he lets out a chuckle. "Can't believe I married my best friend after being in love with her secretly for years" he says, blushing when you coo at him. "I know, it's a good thing that we stopped being idiots that night" you answer, stroking his cheeks before running his fingers through your curls. He hums, ducking down to pepper kisses all over your neck. "Now I get to make babies with you."

You sigh when he runs his tongue over your nipples, pressing your nails into the skin of his back when he sucks a bruise on your breast. He looks into your eyes deeply while he aligns himself with your entrance, letting out a low moan when he feels your warm and wet core envelope his length. "F-fuck, you feel so good baby" he moans, closing his eyes when he bottoms out completely. You whimper from the stretch, wrapping your legs around his waist before pulling his face down so you can kiss him. He thrusts into you slow but firmly, looking at your glazed eyes when he hits your sweet spot. "So good to me" he mumbles, kissing your jaw before stroking some loose strands out of your face, "my gorgeous woman."

You whimper when he picks up the pace, already feeling the tightening in your lower abdomen when he keeps hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. "Daniel" you sigh, pulling him closer towards you so you can rest your foreheads against each other. He hums, grunting when your walls tighten around him again. "Come for me baby, let go" he whispers, trailing his hand over your soft skin before reaching your clit, rubbing circles on it until he feels and hears you fall apart under him. He curses when your walls squeeze him tightly, pressing his face in the crook of your neck when he spills inside of you. He rolls off you, pulling you against his chest immediately while the two of you catch your breath.

Staring at the starlit sky you realise that this is what it's all about; loving and being loved. "I love you so much, Daniel" you whisper, stroking his firm chest while you listen to his heartbeat. 

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