11.1 Charles & Sofia

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It's cold for Monaco temperatures, but you don't feel anything of that since you're snuggly under the covers. You sigh contently, turning around under to look at Charles' sleeping face. His arm is still loosely around your waist after he wrapped the sheets around you both last night. You smile, shuffling a little closer to lay your head on his chest. He mumbles something in his sleep, before pressing you against him tighter.

The winter break had been good to you and Charles. You spent most of the time in Monaco together, visiting his family, going out for dates, and having lazy days at home. Tonight, you'll be celebrating Christmas with his family, before you fly back to Portugal with him to celebrate Christmas with your family. You had thought of getting everyone together, but your parents had not met Charles yet, so you felt like that might be a bit much immediately.

Charles tightens his arms around you before kissing you on your forehead. "Good morning mon amour" he mumbles, opening one of his eyes to look at you with a lazy smile before closing them again. "Good morning, babe" you say, pecking his lips before running your hands through his ruffled morning hair. He sighs contently, smiling while you ruffle it a little more. "We should get up; your mama wants us at the house by 1PM right?" you ask to which Charles hums. "Oui, what time is it now then?" you try turning around in his embrace to look at your phone for the time, but he doesn't let you.

"Babe, I can't see what time it is if you keep me this close to you" you giggle, trying to loosen the hold he has on you. "But you're so warm now, I don't want to get up yet" he pouts, chuckling when you roll your eyes. He gives you a bit more space to turn around before he presses himself against your back again, lazily kissing the exposed skin of your shoulder. "Shit, Charles it's a bit past 11 already, we need to get up now if we want to look put together for the Christmas celebrations!" you exclaim, to which Charles groans. "For what did we need to sleep so long?" he mumbles, letting you get out of his embrace. You look at him with raised eyebrows, and he grins at you before winking.

The next hour and a half are spent running around Charles' apartment, getting ready and making sure that you have all the gifts for his mother and brothers. "Babe, did you see that small box somewhere? The small jewellery box?" Charles asks you with slight panic in his eyes and voice. You shake your head with raised eyebrows, "no I didn't, why? Do I need to help you look for it?" he waves with his hands as a no, running towards his simulator room to look for it there. You chuckle, shaking your head while realising that your boyfriend is a bit of an idiot.

You smooth the dark green dress over your hips while checking your appearance for the last time in the mirror. You smile at Charles through the mirror while he makes his way over to you, standing next to you while his hand strokes your waist and hip. "Wow, you look as beautiful as ever mon amour" he whispers, kissing you softly before looking at you in the mirror again. "We should take a picture!" he exclaims suddenly, taking his phone out of his pocket to snap the photo. He's wearing a black button up with little Christmas trees on it which he thought was amazing, paired with a black pair of pants and his sneakers. "You look handsome" you tell him, looking up at him before kissing him.

Since you've been spending more time with Charles' family over the summer break, you have no reason to feel nervous. You all enjoy some board games before you go into the kitchen to help his mom with preparing the Christmas dinner. You talk to her about your job-less situation, listening to her advice while Charles and his brothers are playing some game on the PlayStation. You can hear their shouts and laughter, which makes you smile. You feel at home in this family, and it's one of the nicest feelings you've ever experienced. "Let's put all this in the oven now, then we can relax some before it's presents time!" his mom says excitedly. You smile at her, nodding before putting the dishes into the oven.

Love in thirds Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora