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The last 5 years were wonderful years for the friend group.

After Daniel and Nell's wedding the wedding planning for Carlos and Marie started. After he finally had his realisation moment, he couldn't wait to officially be married to her, which resulted in them marrying a little over a year after their engagement. The ceremony was small, only their closest friends and family were invited. The weather on Mallorca was gorgeous, a soft breeze and a beautiful sunset made it the perfect wedding for the two of them. After a sun and loved filled honeymoon, it was back to work again. Marie's brand has been growing over the years, resulting in a busy work/life schedule for her while also trying to support Carlos at his races. They found out they were expecting a few months after the honeymoon and Carlos couldn't stop gushing about how happy he was to everyone who asked how he was doing. He spent all his free time decorating the nursery, kissing Marie's bump, and scrolling through parent sites to know as much about babies as possible.

Enzo was born on a sunny day, a week after Carlos' famous Monza win. He had Carlos' dark eyes, and a mix of his father and mother's hair colours. Since Marie's brand was going so well, she could easily take a step back, spending as much time with Enzo as possible while working on ideas in the background. Free weeks were either spent with the three of them, or with the entire friend group. Enzo loved playing with Milo, and when Bodhi was born, he took his role of older cousin incredibly serious. It was adorable to watch the three boys growing up, playing soccer with Daniel, Carlos, and Charles, or "helping" in the garage during race weekends when there were calm moments. After Enzo turned two it was a pleasant surprise when Marie found out they were expecting again, and she gave birth to their baby girl Salome a month ago.

Sofia and Charles enjoyed their engagement for a longer time, marrying three years after he asked her to be his wife. Work had kept them both busy, and they weren't that much in a rush. "I feel like we've been married for years anyways" was something that he always answered when he was asked about their long engagement. Sofia still worked for the F1 social media team, now also being one of the most loved interviewers. She travelled with Charles to every race, spending time in his garage or with Marie, Nell, and the babies when she had her breaks. It was an incredible feeling to have her friends so close, especially after having friends all over the world who she barely saw in her past. She loved seeing the kids of her friends grow up, even though she definitely didn't mind going home after a long day of babysitting. Penny was very popular among the kids too; Milo and Bodhi came by at least twice a week to go on walks with her.

Their wedding took place in Portugal, in a gorgeous, secluded garden. The entire place was adorned with flowers, creating a colourful but romantic setting, just like Sofia wanted. She had asked Nell to marry her and Charles, which resulted in a very thought out talk before she married the two of them. They adopted two more puppies in the following year, a brother and a sister, and their family felt complete. Charles was getting more trophies with every race he drove, filling up the cabinets at home with sparkles in his eyes. Whenever he was home, he would ask Daniel to take Milo and Bodhi with them to karting tracks in the neighbourhood. He loved karting with the little boys and teaching them everything he and Daniel know. He loved being the uncle of his friends children but coming home to Sofia and their dogs made him happier than anything.

Nell and Daniel shared the news they were expecting their second baby a year and a half after their honeymoon, moving out of their first shared apartment and into a gorgeous penthouse with panorama over the sea. They redesigned the entire place, which cost a lot of late nights, tears, and frustrations. They eventually managed to move and settle in, just in time for the birth of their second son, Bodhi. Nell was mainly working for the F1 social media channel, shooting photos and videos, or working for Marie's brand. The boys modelled a bunch of outfits, and she even managed to get Carlos, Daniel, and Charles to do shoot with Marie's designs. Those shoots resulted in more tears and laughter than serious photos, but it worked as great advertisement.

Daniel had been thinking about retiring from F1, feeling guilty for leaving Nell at home with their two boys a lot. After multiple conversations he decided to keep racing as long as he was wanted in a team, while figuring out what his next career step would be when the time for retirement really came. When Bodhi was 2,5 Nell revealed that she was pregnant again, which had brought their happiness level to a maximum. Milo was incredibly caring, especially when Daniel was away. He tried to help around the house, walking around with a broom or the vacuum cleaner, or helping Bodhi with eating and drinking. The last bit mostly meant stealing candy and cookies when their mom took a nap, but it's the thought that counts.

The group became closer every year, going on summer/winter break trips together and spending free weekends at one of their houses. They enjoyed barbies whenever it was summertime, and incredible pasta evenings when it was wintertime. Looking around the table, the only thing you'll see are happy and content faces. Throughout the years these people have encountered hardships, but their friendships only grew stronger through them.

Laughter and children voices fill the room in casa Sainz. "Oh, be careful boys" Nell says, making sure Milo and Bodhi don't smack the little girl in Marie's arms. "Mommy, is the baby going to be like Salome?" Milo asks Nell, stroking the bump of his mom. "Well, maybe the baby will be a girl, maybe it's going to be a boy" she answers, stroking his curls before letting out an 'oof' when Bodhi plops down against her. "I don't want another brother, I want a sister now" Milo answers, staring at Salome with adoration. Nell chuckles, looking at Marie with a shake of her head before focussing on her sons.

"Enzo, where are you?" Charles calls out, chuckling when he sees the feet of the small boy under the curtains, trying to hide from his uncle. "I can't find Enzo anywhere, can you see him?" he asks Carlos and Sofia, acting like he doesn't hear the giggles from the boy while they look around the room. Marie and Nell smile while they look at the scene, chuckling when Enzo steps away from the curtain with an "I was here Uncle Charles!" He runs into Charles' open arms, wrapping his arms around him while giggling when he starts tickling him. Daniel lifts Bodhi up, joining Nell and Marie on the couch while they look at Charles and Enzo who roll over the ground while Sofia watches on with a smile on her face.

Surround yourself with people who lift you up, support you and make you laugh when you actually want to cry. There is nothing more enjoyable than having good people around you.  

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