12.3 Daniel & Nell

188 7 24

± 18 weeks pregnant

You stifle a yawn while you lounge on the couch, trying to read a book while Daniel is out for his training with Michael. You've been staying in Perth the last few months, leaving for Monaco somewhere next week. Your family had left after celebrating new year, and it had been amazing to spent so much time with everyone together. Daniel is always smiley, but the last few months he had been smiling every second that he was awake. Sometimes he even smiled in his sleep. The thought makes you giggle, and you rub your growing belly while yawning again. "Mommy will just take a quick nap, alright, alright" you mumble, shifting on the couch before wrapping the blanket around you.

"Love, wake up, you won't sleep tonight if you sleep it all away now" you hear Daniel's voice vaguely in the distance, and you open your eyes slowly, blinking to get adjusted to the bright light. "Hey baby" he says softly, kissing you before holding your glasses up. "Here, put these on. Have you been outside today?" he asks next, stroking your stomach while looking at you with a lazy smile. "So many things you're saying at once" you grumble, sitting up a little bit before rubbing your eyes, taking your glasses from him so you can see him more clearly. "I didn't go outside yet, what time is it now then?" he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your lips before laying his head on your stomach.

"It's 4PM, I came back around 2 so I figured I'd let you sleep, but I know you want to go for a walk around 4 normally, so that's why I woke you up. We also planned the facetime session with everyone today. At 5, right?" you nod, running your hands through his curls while you wake up a little more. "Let's go for a walk after dinner if you're not busy, I want to get changed and make sure we have everything to tell them the news" you say softly, and Daniel hums before standing up. "Let's do that yes, let me grab the things you want while you change, okay?" you nod, walking towards the bedroom to get out of the huge hoodie from Daniel that you're wearing and into a new dress that you bought that shows your bum off, putting the knitted sweater from Marie over it.

She also knitted an adorable baby onesie, which matches with the sweater that she made for you. You took that with you as well, so you could show that to Sofia to see if she'd get the hint immediately. It was so hard to keep it from her, Marie knew because you had called her in panic when you found out, but you hadn't told Sofia yet. You wanted to do it in real life, but the first time you'd see her would be on the paddock, so you decided that this was a better idea. You smile and wave at the screen excitedly when the call connects with Carlos & Marie and Charles & Sofia. "Hey you guys!" you say excitedly, looking at Daniel who sits down next to you before waving at the screen.

You chat with them for a while, listening to everything they've been up to before you look at Daniel. He smiles at you, nodding before standing up to grab something. "So, I didn't only ask you guys to facetime because I wanted to know what's been going on in your lives, we actually have news to share with all of you" you say, grabbing the small baby onesie before looking into the camera again while Daniel comes back with the ultrasounds. "Okay, we're going to have you guys guess what it is, so here's round one!" you say, looking at the camera while you wait for the guesses.

Everyone says the exact same guess, "you're getting married!" which makes you laugh while you shake your head. "Not yet anyways" says Daniel, winking at you before looking at the screen. "Alright," he says, "we have a hint for you. Show it babe" he nudges you, and you nod before lifting the baby onesie up. You see Marie trying to hide her facial expression while Carlos is thinking, asking her something to which she shrugs. "WAIT" you hear Sofia exclaim suddenly, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" she says with Charles at the same time. You laugh, nodding happily while showing the ultrasounds. "Oh my god! Congratulations!" Sofia claps her hands excitedly while Marie wipes a tear away. "I'm so happy for you guys" she says, smiling at Carlos who wraps his arms around her to comfort her.

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