By Gay4nutella

6.5K 2.1K 712

~~~~~~~~~~~ #I smiled guiltily, about to turn at a corner. "Well-" I started high pitched, getting ready to e... More

Author's note
•1: SS2 Already•
•2: Dem Babes•
•3: I Don't Like Him•
•4: Surprises•
•5: Adekunle•
•5b: Crushes and Bro Hugs•
•5c: Whipped•
•6: Lunch•
•6b: Spice Palace•
•6c: I'm Famished!•
•7: Making Progress•
•8: Fights and Insomnia•
•9: You're a case I swear•
•10: Oh No•
•12: Clubs•
•13: Suspicions•
•13b: Sly Motherf*cker•
•14: Movie Date?•
•15: Unlicensed Snack Supermarket•
•16: Ya Doing Well•
•17: Complicated Species•
•17b: Galaxy Mall•
•18: Talks and Basketball•
•19: Facades•
•20: Bittersweet Nostalgia•
•21: Timiva•
Resumption of updates?🌚
•22: Rubber Duck•

•11: Stay Happy•

186 68 13
By Gay4nutella


Dedicated to @mostlyme3. Fun fact? She's the inspiration for Ava😀.

Well, enjoy!


Rolake Coker


That's how I feel right now.

I remember, we were playing football on the field with each other. And then I started feeling my chest constrict and my breathing quicken a few minutes before the game ended. I thought I wouldn't have an attack because it had been long since I last had one, but apparently, I ended up going unconscious right before Adekunle. Beautiful.

I woke up a few minutes ago and I saw myself in my room. Apparently, Adekunle rushed me to the clinic, where they gave me some things I don't know about and called my parents to alert them. They took me home after they approved the school giving me some drugs and maybe an injection, I don't know. I can feel a sting though. We have certified nurses and doctors.

Eventually, I woke up in the grey, black, white and red interior of my room.

"Rolake please don't scare me like that again" Bami said from beside me with tears streaming down her face. Apparently, she had been crying since well, since.

I smiled at her weakly and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry for scaring you" I said with a weak smile.

"I really hate you right now for the stupid stunt you pulled" Ava said, glaring daggers at me which caused me to laugh under my breath.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hate me" I said, pouting while she just huffed and looked away.

"Well all I have to say is, you're stupid. I mean, what if Adekunle didn't alert us on time huh?" Shatoni asked and my gaze diverted to Adekunle who had been leaning against the door frame of my room but hadn't said a word since he got here. He looked distant.

"Sure we know of your health condition but you promised us that you were going to inform us if you started feeling uneasy" Shatoni continued her rant, "you broke that promise and it led us all into a frenzy! What if something worse happened to you?" Shatoni asked, her voice breaking at the last statement.

I heaved a heavy sigh. Now I feel guilty. I didn't expect to have an attack and I left my inhaler in my bag. All in all l, I can make really stupid decisions.

"Look guys, I'm sorry for what happened. I'll try to not make it happen again" I said, sincerely. "Now that I think about it, where's Deinbofa and Folakemi?" I asked looking around. My gaze landed on Adekunle again for some time though. He looked deep in thought. I wanted to call out to him but I had angry girls to appease first.

"They both have after school lessons remember?" Ava said, with a roll of her eyes. "Come on. Let's give these two some alone time. They need to sort their shit out" Ava said while concentrating on Shatoni and Bami, who were already standing up. "No funny business kids. We're right outside!" She called over her shoulder, while dragging my two idiotic friends who had goofy smiles on their faces. So they noticed. Wonderful.

They left and slammed the door right after Adekunle fully stepped into the room. Great.

I am just so full of scarcasm today.

I stared at him, still looking lost in his thoughts by the door.

I took in a deep breath and released it. Why does it feel like I'm about to give a speech to a multitude of people whereas it's just one person I wanted to talk to? Damn.

"Thank you Adekunle" I said but it wasn't very loud. I doubt he even heard me.

He blinked. Looked at me. Smiled a brief smile and made his way over to my bed.

Now that I think about it, we're still wearing uniforms.

Adekunle sat down at the edge of the bed, being smart to put distance between us.

He took in a deep breath and released it. "You know, you scared the life out of me today" he said, laughing under his breath but it sounded void of humour. He looked up to the ceiling and released a shaky breath.

"Why do you care? Why are you so concerned about me? I'm grateful for today but I really need to know. We just became friends so there must be something more to it" I spilled out what was on my mind which caused him to look at me with a faint smile on his lips.

"It'll probably sound like I'm spitting bull but I care because I feel connected to you in a way, I don't really know. I always have this strong urge to look after you. I feel like you being in my life, is like a way for me to ammend my past mistakes" he said while looking at me and I swear I could feel the intensity in his eyes shooting through me like laser beams.

What did he mean though? Amend his past mistakes? Urge to look after me? Connection?

My brain was rushing with so much questions that I couldn't even concentrate on anything.

"What do you mean?" I had to ask after I  had processed what I could. I needed nothing more but answers right now.

"Well you see, I once had a twin sister"...

Adekunle Orenuga

I took in a shaky breath. I haven't told anyone about my sister except Timilehin and damn was it terrible. Losing someone who felt like your lifeline is probably the most turtorous thing a person has to go through because you feel like your heart has been legit ripped apart. You feel like your purpose has been taken from you. Like your a lost soul without a guardian in an unknown realm.

"What happened to her?" Star asked in a weak, quiet voice.

She looked so concerned and vulnerable. Funny how that's the emotions I'm meant be feeling. Her presence always had a way of calming me down.

"Can I hold your hand?" I asked her because I really needed that physical assurance to know she's there.

She hesitated but eventually stretched out her pretty, slick fingers that she called a hand. I reached out to her hand and gripped it reassuringly, her soft yet hard textured palm giving me this calming relief.

"She died" I simply stated. Shockingly, it didn't hurt as bad as the last time I said it. I was even expecting to have an emotional breakdown.

"Oh" was all she said.

I shot her a brief smile so she would know I'm not that affected even though deep down, I know I am.

"She died of an asthma attack" I continued. I expected Star to say something but she remained silent but calmly squeezed my hand which I knew was a silent message that said 'I'm here for you. I'm not gonna disturb or intrude. Just pour your heart out if you feel the need to. I'm listening' and I felt extremely grateful for that.

"Yinka and I were inseparable. We never went anywhere without each other. We looked out for each other like normal twins would. Fought, advised, played and all that fun stuff" I said, smiling, remembering the memories. Star only squeezed my hand again.

"I always made fun of her though. Teased her and annoyed the hell out of her. She would always pout and report to our mom or tried to give a comeback which always resulted in more insults" I laughed under my breath, remembering how she always whined when I insulted her. We were happy kids.

"That's why I have this habit of always picking on you yunno" I said and smiled widely at her which she in turn, rolled her eyes at.

"But she also had asthma too" I said, my voice dropping a few octaves. Star only squeezed my hand tighter. I'm here for you.

"One ugly day, she had an attack. It was so severe that she couldn't move and unfortunately, I wasn't around her. I was in my room playing video games seeing as it was a Sunday and we didn't go to church because both our parents traveled, I decided to just game the whole day" my mind was a mess.

"While playing, I had this feeling, I think it was twin telepathy or something but I felt like a part of me aching. Like I couldn't breath very well. I coughed a little to free my chest, paying no mind to it, continued gaming" I said and looked Star in the eye. "I should have known something was wrong. I should have paid attention. I should have gone to check up on her Star, I should have" I said, feeling nothing but guilt in my heart.

"I should have known. She always had asthma. Since we were kids" I muttered under my breath and I could feel the pool of tears form in my eyes. Star scooted closer and held my hand with both her hands. It made me calm down a little.

"I felt the pain again and that's when I decided to check if everything was okay" I said, shakily. "I got to her room to see her laying on her floor with one of her arm stretched out, her face looking pale from lack of air and her eyes, red from crying. I panicked. I started scurrying around her room in search of her inhaler but I heard her slowly whisper my name" I felt the tears threatening to pour.

"She asked me to come with tears still in her eyes. I rushed to her, my own tear glands betraying me as I cried seriously. I held her up and positioned her on my lap as I cried. I tried getting my phone to call somebody for help but she stopped me from even doing anything. I was confused".

" Yinka please let me call someone. You need help" I said while crying but she held my hand and weakly shook her head. What was wrong with her?

"Then where is your inhaler?" My 13yr old self questioned.

"I don't like all these Bollywood play your pulling on me nau" I whined but she only smiled and beckoned for me with her weak hand to come closer.

I immediately moved, thinking she was going to tell where the inhaler was but instead got a weird message.

"Stay happy" Yinka whispered in my ear which I pulled back in confusion.

I wiped my tears form my face and looked at her. "What?" I asked her.

"Stay happy" mouthed the same two words again.

"Yinka" I said but her eyes started dropping. I started shaking her to stay awake and screamed out the name of our house help. I shook her violently but she refused to open them.

"Yinka! Mrs Enoh!" I screamed to make sure she heard me.

"Yinka please stay with me" I muttered still shaking and picking my phone to call someone. I was scrolling through my contact list when I felt Yinka's body go limp.

I froze.

I slowly looked at her.

I blinked.




"Yinka?" I said and poked her. Nothing.

"Yinka you better wake up. Mummy and daddy must not catch you with this your type of play o" I said and laughed thinking she would open her eyes, tell me it was a prank and beg me not to tell mummy and daddy.

Still nothing.

I shook her and brought her closer. "Yinka you better wake up" I said already getting fed up of her prank. She should just tell me it's a joke and I might reconsider telling on her.

Again, nothing.

"Yinka" I whispered and placed my ear on her chest.

No sound.


I looked up at her and squeezed her to me. "No no no you can't be gone. You don't dare to. You're not supposed to leave me. That's not how twins work Yinka. Just wake up and if you tell me it was a prank, I'll forgive you and not tell on you I promise. Just wake up" I muttered to her ear.

Still, nothing.

I paused in my movement and I screamed.

*end of flashback*

"My scream alerted the workers who were apparently not in the house but outside, who rushed to where I was when they found me holding my sister. My dead sister. My dead twin sister. I killed her" I said and by this time, Star had pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I killed my sister Star" I broke down in tears. I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I killed her. I'm a murderer" I whispered and Star shushed me.

"It isn't your fault. It's nobody's fault. You can't blame yourself" she whispered but I shook my head in denial.

"You don't understand. I would have been able to save her if I had paid more attention. She would still be alive" I muttered, shaking my head. I was a sobbing mess and I didn't give a damn.

"Well she didn't want your saving" she said which made me gulp.

"I also blame her because she gave up too easily. It was like she didn't even want to be saved" I said with a little anger under my breath but Star turned her head to face me and subtly shook her head.

"Don't say that" she whispered and I gulped.

"We're going to fulfill her dying wish. You're going to stay happy and I don't mind fulfilling it with you" she whispered which sent goosebumps to my body. Was she for real?

"We're gonna Stay happy" she whispered again.

A/N: 🙊🙊🙊
How many of you saw that coming?😂

This chapter was long overdue. It's meant to be a double update but I decided to make it one long ass chapter😂. I'm sorry for the delay🤗💕

So we finally found out what happened to Adekunle's sister huh?😏

Did I do justice to the chapter?🙃

Just spam me your thoughts in the comment ay?😫❤

Before I go, I just want to thank you all for your consistent support and votes. I'm really grateful💘💝

Anyways I'm tired and I need sleep😴

You guys should keep voting and sharing. Let's get Rolake to 500 reads ay?😺

Well this amateur writer shall see you in the next chapter✌

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