Defect | Katsuki Bakugo

By zvcappelle

49.5K 2.2K 4.2K

In a world where having a quirk is the norm, Y/n Midoriya is born without one. But when the League of Villain... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Author note
New fanfic: Traveler (first chapter)

Chapter fifty five

432 22 81
By zvcappelle

Quick note before the chapter begins...

Normally I post on sunday but I had some time so Yeah. :)

The next chapter will be up on sunday, it will be a happy chapter I promise!
The next day...

You and Katsuki had stayed up until two in the night, both not wanting to end the amazing day you had.

You ended up making out and watching movies, nothing more.

The first pieces of sunlight peeked through your curtains as your alarm went off.

You groaned, remembering that you had to go back to school today and that days like yesterday weren't something that would happen often.

You opened one eye as you laid on your side with Katsuki spooning you from behind, his warmth comforting your body.

You picked up your phone to look at the time but what you saw made your eyes go wide open.

One message from Crusty brother.

Crusty brother 🖤
- Wake up! Kurogiri is bringing you to the base. We need to talk about your plans...

"Fuck!" You shouted, pushing Katsuki away from you which woke him up immediately.

You jumped out of bed, your heart beating fast as you tried to find clothes to put on.

"What's wrong?!" Katsuki muttered, still half asleep.

"Shigaraki somehow knows about my plans!" You said, stumbling a bit forward as you were pulling on a pair of jeans.

You were getting sweaty but you had no time to shower because Shigaraki didn't like waiting.

"Really? You're not joking?" Katsuki asked, sitting up straight while looking at you with  sleepy eyes.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" You snapped back, glaring at the half sleeping boy.

Damn, you wished you could sleep a bit longer but when you saw that message all desire to sleep had left your body and you were wide awake.

"Ah shit." Katsuki cussed with a sigh. "And what now?"

"He wants to talk with me so you have to go." You explained.

You grabbed your favorite hoodie and pulled it over your head before grabbing your shoes, running to your bed to put them on.

You gave Katsuki a little push as he was still sitting on your bed.

"Alright alright. I'm going." He said, putting his hands up in the air in a defensive way.

He took everything he needed for today before walking to the door.

You opened the door for him but before he would walk out, he turned around towards you with a smile.

"See you later." He said, pursing his lips for a kiss.

"Yes. Bye." You quickly said, giving him a small peck on the lips.

You took your phone off the bed and sent a quick message to Aizawa to tell him that you were going to the league for something important.

After that you messaged Shigaraki that you were ready to talk.

Not a minute later a purple portal appeared in front of you.

You gulped, hoping it would make all the stress disappear but it wasn't something magical like that.

You had to face Shigaraki and try to convince him into leaving Afo and joining you in this battle.

You walked through the portal, arriving immediately two meters from Shigaraki.

"Good morning Shigaraki. You wanted to talk?" You asked, you could basically hear the stress lingering in your tone.

Shigaraki looked at you while you spoke before rolling his eyes and standing up from the wooden box he sat on, again the others from the league weren't there.

"Ugh for fuck sacks don't be so formal." He snapped at you, walking past you to get something to drink.

"Sorry." You apologized, rubbing the back of your neck.

Shigaraki walked to another room, leaving Kurogiri behind so the two of you could talk without anyone around.

The stress felt like it was eating you alive from inside out. It didn't help that he wasn't speaking at all, just standing there, sipping his drink while staring at you.

"So how do you know about my plans?" You asked, getting to the point because you wanted the stress to leave.

"You said you needed that hero for your plans." He shortly explained.

"Oh." You muttered.

How could you make such a stupid small mistake, all because you were in shock and nervous that your teacher would die that day.

"But I figured it out." He quickly added.

Woah, he really surprised you so many times.

You had thought that a boy who hadn't gone to a proper school for most of his life wouldn't figure out something that secret by only one sentence.

You nodded, your mouth making an 'O' as you looked around. "Oh so What do you think?"

"The idea of you, what was it called again?" Shigaraki asked, placing his glass back on a small table that stood in the middle of the room.

Called? You hadn't named it anything? But he probably meant what the main subjects were of your plan.

"Saving you and killing master?" You said in a questioning manner.

Shigaraki nodded his head as if he hadn't clearly heard what you said but then it snapped into his mind, making him turn his head quickly towards you with wide eyes.

"Wait. What?!" He shouted, shock washing over his face.

Now you understood what he was doing all this time. He never knew the whole thing of your plans, he just knew you had plans but he didn't know more.

He tried to look like he knew more so you would eventually tell him what it was.

And you fell right for it.

"You want to kill master?! Why?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because he's the reason that everything in our lives is so fucked up." You said, hoping that he would see that too.

"He is the reason I was saved and got a home." Shigaraki argued back.

He was right. But he didn't get saved, his life got worse.

He felt saved but truly the nightmare just started at that moment.

"You wanted to be a hero and look at you now? Is this really what you want? Are you happy like this?" You asked, stepping closer towards him as your hands roamed through the air, sometimes pointing at him.

"I-" Shigaraki said but stopped, not knowing what to say.

This time you were right and he knew that.

He had been thinking about all of this before. The moment that his master had hurt you, he had never stopped thinking about what Afo true intentions were.

"He almost killed me. The only family you have." You softly said, now standing only a small meter away from him.

His eyes locked with yours, your eyes were soft and true.

"I know." He whispered, the pain lingering in his voice.

"Isn't that already enough reason to kill him?"

Your heart was beating quickly, not knowing what Shigaraki's reaction would be to all of this.

You just hoped he wouldn't get angry and end up killing you.

However, that wasn't his plan in the first place.

"It is." He agreed with you.

"And don't-" You said when you heard his voice but then you thought more clearly about what he said.

Your eyes widened as you looked at the boy. "Wait? You agree?"

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time but without him I would have nobody." He admitted, not shameful for wanting to do any of that.

"That's not true. You'll always have me." You assured him.

You wouldn't ever leave him, for nobody. He needed you just as much as you needed him. Without you he would have nobody while all the others in your life would still have somebody else.

He and Katsuki were the most important people in your life but if you had to make a choice, you would choose Shigaraki without a second thought.

"But you're part of the heroes too. Plus you're in love with one."

He wasn't 100% convinced that you'd choose him any time.

He saw how much you and Katsuki cared for each other, he saw how happy the boy made you.

You shook your head. "That doesn't matter, I'll always choose you. Also see this as an opportunity to still make your dreams come true."

Shigaraki scoffed. "I don't think that's possible."

"We can try."

Honestly, you hoped that his dream still could come true even after all he had done.

You knew he still wanted to be a hero, you saw how his eyes sparkled when you said he could become a hero too.

It was like a little child seeing his favorite hero or a child that gets that one gift they always wanted.

"They need your help because without you we can't win this fight." You said, giving him a smile.

"I know about all of that. I read it in his papers when he was in jail." He muttered, looking annoyed by the fact that afo did this to the two of you.

"Since then I always wanted to leave but I don't wanna end up being locked up and after what I have done-" He was saying but you cut him off,

"No, they won't lock you up because they need you just like they need me. And when we kill All For One and save the day, they will see us as heroes too." You assured him.

Hoping what you said would be true.

"Come on, we can at least try, right?" You grabbed his hand, being careful with the fingers as he wasn't wearing the hand gloves you gave him.

"You'll always stand by my side, right? Even when everything goes wrong?" He said, looking at your hands holding each other in a comforting way.

"I will, I promise."

Shigaraki looked at you as if he was in deep thoughts about all of this before sighing and nodding his head. "I'll try but how do we convince the heroes?"

"I'll talk with them. After all they have to agree otherwise All For One won't go down." You smiled, letting go of his hand.

"Don't tell this to anyone else from the league. alright?"

You nodded. "I won't. They don't have to know about this."

Of course you weren't. You maybe could convince Shigaraki to turn sides but that wasn't going to work for all of them.

Not everyone wanted to become a hero and most were with the league for revenge.

You were pretty shocked by how fast you convinced Shigaraki into this but that probably was because he wanted to leave Afo too.

"If something goes wrong, I want you to come back to the league immediately. You're save here." Shigaraki demanded you, his eyes holding a serious look in them.

"If something goes wrong I will return to the league immediately, I promise." You said.

That would mean you had to leave Katsuki behind if something were to happen.

Or he has to join you but you weren't sure that he ever would.

Not even for you.


After talking and spending some time with the league, Kurogiri made a portal back to your room.

With a big smile you walked outside of your room towards Katsuki's room to tell him the good news.

You knew he was already back from class because it was almost dinner time.

"Katsuki, you won't believe what he said-" You cheerfully said, slowly opening the door of Katsuki's room but you stopped almost halfway.

You were frozen to the ground, mouth gaped open while you stared with wide eyes at the scene in front of you.

The only feeling you had was your heart beating rapidly fast and your body temperature turning cold.

A shot of pain went straight to your heart as you heard his voice.

"Not now, Tokage."

Setsuna Tokage from class B stood in front of him with a big smile on her face, looking up to Katsuki through her eyelashes while she leaned closer towards him.

"Aw, why not? She isn't here." She said, placing her hand on his arm.

It seemed like the two hadn't noticed you opening the door at all.

You wanted to step inside of the room and punch the girl for touching your man but for some reason you could only look at everything that was happening, hoping that he would push her away.

"Don't touch me." He snarled at the girl, pushing her hand off his shoulder.

However the words the girl had spoken made you overthink all of this.

'She isn't here.'

It made you incredibly mad.

She placed her hands on her hip. "You didn't say that before. What suddenly happened that changed your mind?"

Your breath hitched and tears pricked in your eyes but they couldn't escape.

'You didn't say that before.'

So there was a before? They had talked before? Seen each other before?

But that wasn't what hurted you because in your eyes Katsuki could have friends from whatever gender but it was that one word she said that hurted you.


They had touched each other? In what way? A hug? A kiss?

With that thought, your heart began to break in pieces.

"Fuck off." Katsuki snapped at the girl, not even trying to deny what she said.

Which meant it was true.

The date from the day before...
Was it all fake for him? Why was this happening?

"Hey Y/n!" You heard Mina's voice say from behind you but you couldn't move.

Until she suddenly stood next to you with worried eyes, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Woah girl, what's wrong?" She asked as you slowly looked at her with wide tearful eyes.

Because she called out for you, Katsuki and Tokage saw you standing a bit before the doorway with the door halfway open.

"Y/n?" You suddenly heard Katsuki's voice from in front of you.

Everything sounded faded and every word stung in your heart, especially his voice.

Now you looked at him with the same expression.

His mouth was gaped open a bit of shock from seeing you here.

"Oops." Tokage said, rolling her eyes a bit in awkwardness.

But she only felt like that for Katsuki, she didn't care that you caught her flirting with your boyfriend.

"What are you still doing here? Fucking leave!" Katsuki shouted at her, making her jump.

She nodded and walked away at a fast speed, leaving you three behind.

Katsuki kept his eyes on you, fear filling his veins.

"Y/n, please listen to me." He said, stumbling forward while trying to pull you into a hug.

But you roughly pushed him away from you, finally not being frozen to the ground anymore and realizing everything that had happened.

"Don't touch me, you fucking asshole!" You shouted while glaring at him, taking some steps back to create some distance between the two of you.

"Please, just listen." His voice sounded soft and broken, the only feeling that you could hear was fear.

"What was she doing in your room?"

"Class B was here and she just barged into my room. I-" He tried to explain but you cut him off.

"And you let her?" You asked, shocked that he would let another girl in his room but not his own friends.

"Also what does she mean with 'you let her touch you before?"

"I never let her touch me. I only love you, I'd never let another girl touch me." He said in a rough way.

He only sounded rough because he was annoyed by Tokage. He knew all of this would eventually get out of hand. It didn't matter how much he tried to push the girl away from him and keep it a secret from you, he knew you would find out one day.

"That doesn't explain why she was in your fucking room!" You shouted, your hands forming a fist.

"She literally walked into my room without my permission. I wanted to get her out and that was probably the moment you stood in front of my door." He explained.

He probably was right and every piece of your body was telling you to believe him but the scene that played in front of you just a couple of minutes ago was playing over and over again inside of your mind.

"I promise I won't ever cheat on you. Fuck Y/n I only love you." His voice cracked a bit as he said those last words.

You locked eyes with him again. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the tears in his eyes.

It showed you how much fear and pain he felt, how worried he was that you wouldn't believe him and end up leaving him.

"How long has she been doing this?" You asked, wanting more answers.

"Since the sports camp." He quietly admitted, eyes turning away from you.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because she isn't important. When I'm with you I only think about you and do things to make you happy. I don't think about her." He grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes again to show you how much he meant all of this.

"You promise?" You whispered.

"Yes, I promise. And if you don't believe me, ask Pinky." He said.

"Oh shit." You muttered, realizing that Mina was standing behind you and had heard everything.

Which only could mean one thing, she now knew that you had your memories.

You turned towards her with a small but stressful smile.

"So you got your memory back?" She asked, looking at you with a confused look.

"Euhm, something like that." You nervously chuckled.

Suddenly her face brightened and a smile appeared.

"Oh my god! I have to tell the others!" She cheered, jumping to tell the others but you quickly stopped her.

"No wait!" You shouted as you grabbed her arm.

"I'll explain everything but you have to keep it a secret."

"Okay." She nodded, confused about what was happening.

You didn't have another choice than to explain everything to her.


The two of you walked to her room and you explained everything to her.

From the beginning in middle school where you first met Shigaraki to the moment you found out that the league was keeping secrets from you to the big secret from Afo and what he did to you and Shigaraki.

And finally the plan you had and the plan from the heroes and why you had to act as if you lost your memory.

At the end the girl looked at you with mouth gaped open and dried up tears on her cheeks.

"Is everything alright?" You asked when she didn't say anything.

She gulped, slowly nodding her head as she finally began to move again. "Yes, I'm just shocked about all of this."

You understood that. You were pretty shocked too when you found out.

"I promise I didn't want to lie to all of you but I had to." You said, hoping she wouldn't stop being your friend.

"I know, I believe you." She assured you, placing a hand on top of yours. "Let's just talk about Bakugo maybe?"

You could tell that she was still progressing all this information and wanted to think about it more clearly after you two had talked.

So you nodded your head. "Yes, that's fine. Tell me everything you know, please."

She pushed her lips on each other, her eyes drifting off towards the wall as she was trying to remember how it went.

"Tokage has developed some sort of crush on Bakugo since the sports festival but truly started showing it in the sport camp. When you were in a coma she was visiting Bakugo almost every day, it was creepy as fuck." She explained.

"Yeah, it sounds creepy too." You chuckled.

You never noticed it, not even once. At the sports camp you weren't always with Katsuki as you were also training or following extra classes but you didn't think something would happen in those times.

Well, you were wrong.

Every time that Tokage saw that you weren't near Katsuki, she took her chance to talk with him.

Katsuki never saw anything wrong with it until it started to get creepy.

"What did Katsuki do about that?" You asked, hoping he did something about it.

However, that wasn't the case.

Mina's smile disappeared and was replaced by a frown.

"Nothing." She quietly told you, afraid to hurt your feelings.

"Did they hang out a lot?" You asked, your hands clenching on your clothes.

Mina simply answered with a nod.

You gulped. "Did they act close? Touch each other?"

You were afraid of the answer to those questions. It was the thing that would hurt you the most of all.

Mina's eyes widened before turning sad again.

"Y-yeah, they did." She stuttered a bit as she released a shaky breath.

Your heart stood still for a second while your mind tried to convince you that what Mina said wasn't true but it was.

The girl was speaking the truth when she said something about touching each other before.

But you wondered how they touched? Hugs or worse, kissing?

Just as if Mina could read your mind, she answered your question.

"Denki walked past them one day without them knowing it and he took a picture of what he saw. Do you wanna see the picture?"

You nodded your head, desperate to see the picture. Even though you knew that seeing him with her was going to hurt and make you mad, you needed to see it.

She sighed, not a frustrated sigh but a sad one.

She took her phone and searched for the picture before showing it to you.

The picture was different than you expected.

It was Katsuki standing in his driveway next to his motorcycle. Tokage stood in front of him with a bright smile and closed eyes.

That seemed normal, just fine. Even though they stood only a couple of centimeters apart from each other.

What was a bit hurtful for you was how Katsuki looked at her and where her hands were placed.

Her hands laid on his chest while he looked down at her with a small smile or even smirk on his face.

That wasn't how friends looked at each other.

They almost seemed like a couple...

He almost looked in love with her...

"Before you think the wrong thing. This was the picture right after." Mina said, breaking your thoughts.

"What?" You questioned but she quickly showed you another picture which was taken not a minute after the first one.

It was Katsuki glaring at the girl while pushing her hands off his chest.

He didn't want her to touch him.

"Bakugo hung out with her to ease the pain of not having you around anymore. When they hung out it was only for twenty minutes maximum, maybe even less than that." Mina explained.

That eased your thoughts a lot, knowing they hung out for only a couple of minutes.

"He really does only love you, Y/n. He literally shouted at her because she was disrespecting you. He would never love her or choose her above you." She gave you a small smile.

Her words were truthful.

You knew he really only loved you and you had seen it in his eyes that he wasn't doing anything really wrong.

If he really was cheating on you he would act differently, he would be coming up with lies when you found out but he didn't.

"I know, I believe him and you but I just don't understand why he kept it a secret." You sighed.

That was the only thing that was bothering you at the moment.

Also the fact that she touches him without him wanting to.

"Because we all knew you would kill her." Mina said in a sassy way.

You chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. I really do wanna kill her now."

You really did. She made you almost as mad as Afo did and that tells a lot.

"Yeah, let's not do that before you end up in jail."

"I'll try." You smiled at her.

After hearing Mina explain all of it in her view, you truly believed that Katsuki wasn't cheating on you and that the girl kept trying and pushing for him to like her back.

He always thought it was in a friendship way but after the last time hanging out, he saw that she wanted more and he pushed her away, not wanting more or anything else anymore.

He only wanted you.
Before anyone get's confused...
Katsuki did not cheat on Y/n, he thought that Tokage was a friend but when he saw that she wanted more, he stopped hanging out with her.

Please don't get mad at me for choosing her. I personally don't ship them but I chose Tokage for this role because She has green hair like Y/n (but without the white pieces) and I couldn't chose anyone of class A because it wouldn't have fitted the plot line of the sequel.

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