Last First Kiss *COMPLETED*

By rockk_me_harry

1.7K 84 0

Olivia was a normal girl, but on her birthday she went to see One Direction and her whole life was flipped up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

125 6 0
By rockk_me_harry

The concert was going great! So far they sang Little Things, Tell Me A Lie, I Wish, Kiss You, Up All Night, and Na Na Na. They just finished answering twitter questions, which was really funny as usual. They were beginning to sing 'Stole My Heart', which was my favorite song ever! Then as Harry was singing one of his lines, he turned around and we made eye contact.

Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart

With just one look, when I saw your face I fell in love

It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight.

Those are the lines he was singing as we made eye contact. He started walking towards where I was sitting and then realized the rest of the boys were lining up in the middle of the stage. He walked over to them without taking his eyes of me. For the rest of the song, I could feel his eyes staring at me. It was almost as if I felt sparks. After they sang 'Stole My Heart', they sang 'Gotta Be You', which was another one of my favorite songs. For this song, they didnt have set spots where they had to be. They were able to go where they wanted, and I realized that Harry was in front of me for the majority of the song. At one point he kneeled down in front of me and reached his hand out so we could touch hands. It wasn't like the normal thing they do with fans with a simple high five. It was more passionate. I definitely felt something between us. At the end of the song, the rest of the boys got off stage, but Harry kneeled down in the front of the stage and told something to the security guard. I was looking at them and saw him point to me. The security guard nodded and Harry ran offstage. After Harry left, the security gaurd walked over to me. 

"Hi, this might be weird but I'm part of One Direction's security. What is your name?" The security guard said to me.

"My name is Olivia."

"Hi Olivia, um Harry told me that he made eye contact with you and he felt chemistry right away. He would really like to meet you after the concert."

"Oh my gosh, are you kidding? I would love too!"

"Great, he asked me to give you and whoever you were with backstage passes so you would be able to get in." The security guard told me.

"Okay great. I'm with these 3 other girls."

He handed me four backstage passes and a thumbs up before saying "Enjoy the rest of the concert! I'll probably be backstage after this area is cleared so maybe see you later!"

He walked away and the three girls started squealing. They were so excited to be able to meet One Direction. I was exctied too, but I was also really nervous. What if he ended up not liking me as much as he thought he would? What if he thinks I'm boring? All sorts of questions were running through my head. The girls must have noticed that I was scared. Jenna gave me a hug while the other girls comforted me and told me not to be nervous. They told me about how pretty I was and how I have a great personality and of course he will like me.  I agreed with them and tried to enjoy the rest of the concert. The boys went offstage and then came back on for the encore. Before they ran offstage, I noticed Harry wink in my direction. I started getting really nervous again. We sat in our seats and let the area clear up a little bit before going backstage. We finally found out where to go. There was a long hallway and then a set of doors. I knew that as soon as we went through those doors, One Direction would be standing there waiting for us. Harry would be waiting for me specifically. That was a scary thought. We all fixed our hair and put quick touchups on our makeup to make sure we would look perfect. Then we opened the doors and there they were.

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