Life Is Full Of Surprises

By _QueenMarinette_

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Marinette is heart broken after her 2 year boyfriend tells her he's leaving her for someone else and that he... More

Chapter 1: Lies and Betrayal
Chapter 2: Comfort
Chapter 3: Spill That Hot Coffee
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: The Club's Gonna Be Lit
Chapter 6: A Night To Never Forget
Chapter 7: Work o'clock
Chapter 8: After A Long Day At Work
Chapter 10: Nothing's Changed
Chapter 11: A Night Of Friends, Fun And A Little chaos
Chapter 12: Jealousy And Tears
Chapter 13: The Way I Feel For You
Chapter 14: A Thanksgiving Dinner Pt1

Chapter 9: I Need To See You

59 1 1
By _QueenMarinette_

1 week later

Mari POV:
It's been a week sense Chat and I have spoken.. and if I'm being honest this week has been the hardest of my life. At times I just stare at my phone trying to figure out if I should just call him, ask him what I did wrong. But maybe he doesn't want to talk to me or else he would have called

With work everything has been running smoothly in fact I had finished my work early. Cindy told me I could go home early for the holiday but I told her if she needed any help she could call me. I decide to finish it quickly so I would be able to spend more time with my family on thanksgiving day.

Thanksgiving is in a week and for this whole week I have nothing to do but relax and be sad without my kitty. Lately Alya has been all over her phone, her Nino have been texting quite a lot lately someone's gotta crush~

But apart of me is jealous I wish I could just text chat like that but I'm scared. What if when I text him he say something like 'I'm sorry marinette but I don't want to be your friend anymore' I'd be devastated if he said that. Chat had been a huge help in my life ever sense nath.

If I lost him I don't know what I'd be able to do with myself. Anyways It's Sunday 10:26am Alya stayed the night because she said she's having some of her house redone and she needed somewhere to crash for a few days of course I didn't mind.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast and I soon heard Alya sleepily walk into the kitchen

"Morning Mari.." she said still asleep I giggled

"Morning Alya" I said

"Mmmm what smells so good" she said

"I'm making pancakes bacon and eggs"

"Oooooo that sounds great!!"

She said and I giggled but I soon stoped when she asked me what I was dreading to answer

"How have you and chat talked yet?" She said

I froze I told Alya about and ever sense she has been telling me to talk to him so I can understand and I know I should I just get so scared and I don't know what to even say I sighed and answered

"No" I said not looking at her

"Gurl it's been a week your need to call him" she said I know she was right I was just afraid

"I know, I know it's just... What if he wants nothing to do with me anymore.. what if I ruined our friendship" I said as I could feel tears form in my eyes

I heard her walk over to me and I felt an arm around me. I looked up and saw Alya looking at me with sadnesses in her eyes I sighed I knew what she was going to say next

"You need to talk to him I know I just-" I said but she cut me off

"Ialreadytextedhimonyourphoneandhesgonnabehereat1:30pm!!" She said fastly

"Wait what did you say?" I asked she sighed and spoke slower so I would understand

"Ummm... I already texted him on your phone and he's gonna be here around 12:30pm" she said

I froze he's gonna be here?! I don't know what to say I'm really mad that she did that without my permission but I'm also really happy she did I was to chicken to do it

"Oh Alya I hate you!" I said I looked over to her and she looked sad

"But I also love you" I said smiling she looked up surprised by my answer

"Wait? You aren't mad at me?" She said raising a brow

"Well yes and no, I'm mad that you did it without telling me but I'm also kinda relieved I was to.. afraid to do it. And you were only doing what you thought was right and I guess I kinda deserved it because I did give Nino your number" I said with honesty

"Exactly" she said as she walked over to the stool and sat down waiting for her breakfast I giggled I was done with the eggs and pancakes now I'm just waiting on the bacon.

I already placed 2 plates down I just had to bring the food over. I put 3 stacks of pancakes on her plate and then put three stacks on mine. I than added the egged and waited for the bacon.

"I guess one of us should be the bigger person, and I do.. miss him..."

She smiled widely and took a sip of her drink.


"NOPE I don't wanna hear, just because I miss him doesn't mean I like him. He's my friend" I looked away

I looked away before she could say anything but I still heard her "mmhm" oh boy, Even I don't understand what these feelings are I needa find out

11: 35 With Chat

Chat POV:
I was laying in bed looking up at my ceiling, Marinette and I haven't spoken in a week and that's my fault. I haven't been able to face her after what I did she must hate me and I wouldn't blame her. Work hasn't been that busy I've looked into the jewels missing and I'm really close to finding out what happened

But I still feel horrible the work has been able to distract me at the moment but I miss my princess. I miss her smile.. her adorable laugh.. her beautiful bluebell eyes as I continued to think of my princess I got a text. I wonder who that's from?

Chat I know it's been a while but I need to see you. If you can please come to my house at 12:30pm we need to talk..

She wanted to see me? I thought I screwed up that she'd hate me. Why would she wanna talked to me? Maybe it was probably to end our friendship.. I sighed Mari had been the warmth in my life now that Lila is gone.. if I lost her I don't know what I'd do.

But I owe it to her to explain she deserves it. I got up outta bed and walking into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and almost had a heart attack woah I know I looked bad but not this bad?! Well even if Mari is ending our friendship I still need to see her.

I walked over to my shower turning it on.

10 minutes later

I got out of my shower with a towel rapped around my waist. I walked in my closet and picked out some clothes once I did I walked back into my bathroom and slipped them on. I left the bathroom as I headed down stairs. I walked in the kitchen to make a pot of coffee to wake me up since I was still a little sleepy.

While my coffee was making I was wondering what I was gonna say to Mari when she opens that door. Do I say hi? Should I bring her a bundle of roses? I'll probably look like a sucker if I do that

I turned around and grabbed my coffee. I should bring her some Danish it's a start to show her that I'm sorry.

I finished my coffee and looked at the time. 12:01 well I should get going. I put my cup in the sink and walked to my front door I put the keys on the hook in my pocket. I walked out my front door and walked to my garage

I opened it and walked to my car I decide to take the black one again. I opened the front door and and hopped in. I decide I would go to the dupain-cheng bakery at get some danish for marinette.

I started the car and spend of to the bakery

With Mari

Mari POV:
Alya had left 10 minutes ago because she wanted to go see the Development on her house. It was 12:28. Alya texted chat on my phone of course I was mad that she invaded my privacy but I was also kind of jealous that she was able to do that with no hesitation.

I was sitting on the couch just waiting for the door bell to ring. I didn't even notice that I was shaking? Wow my hands are actually shaking. Am I really this nervous to talk to a guy? When was the last time I felt like this?

I glanced at the clock on my wall 12:31 chat should have been here 1 minute ago. Is he not gonna show up? Is this his way of saying he wants to end our friendship? Do I call him? So many questions in my head I was overwhelmed by my thoughts.


That's my front door..!? He's here?! So maybe he dose still wanna be friends I sat up as quickly as I could I walked over to the door my heart was pounding so loud that I could hear it in my ears.

Oh god I'm not ready what If when I see him he will just walk away.. No don't think like that Mari you got this you can do it.

I was now in front of the door. I took a deep breathe in and reached out for the door knob. When I placed my hand on it I slowly turned the door. I squeezed my eyes shut as I quickly open the door

I opened my eyes slightly and there stood chat.. my kitty he was here. I felt so happy to see him but in the other hand I wanted to slam the door right in his cute face.

Neither of us said anything we just stared at each other like we were the last people on earth. It was only 1 week but it felt like years. I missed him no doubt. As we continued to stare I noticed something in his hands it was 2 pink boxes with the logo dupain-Cheng

"I brought danish and donuts I remembered you said you liked one of them I couldn't remember so I thought I'd just get them both" he said

He was holding 2 boxes one with danish and the other one with donuts I can't believe he remembered. I giggled softy he looked at me and smiled

"Hey Mari" he said softly

"Hey chat, come in" I opened the door allowing him to come inside. He did and we walked to the kitchen.

"I-I.. we don't have to eat it now I'd you don't want to.." he was nervous and so was I

"No it's ok really. I wouldn't mind eating it now, I'll get us some plates"

I walked over to the cabin and picked out 2 plates I also got some silver wear. I brought them over to our chairs and placed them down.

He opened the boxes 1 with donuts and danish my mouth watered at the sight.

I sat down beside him I gave him the knife, he began to cut the danish and placed a piece on my side as well as a glazed donut. He also placed on his side.

"Thank you"

"It's not problem really, princess"

Princess... I missed that name so much. I never thought I'd miss someone's nickname. We both began to eat. Neither of us spoke a word. I didn't know what to say and neither did he. The silence was killing me. I put down the danish and stared at my plate

"Chat.. the danish and the donuts are lovely but-" I began to speak but chat cut me off

"Marinette I know what your going to say and I completely understand why you don't want to be my friend anymore.."

I looked at him shocked. Why would he think that. I was the one who thought he didn't wanna be my friend anymore? Wait is this why chat hasn't spoken to me all week because he thought I didn't want to be his friend anymore

"What?! Chat of course I still want to be your friend.. I-I thought you didn't wanna be m-my friend anymore.."

He looked at me happy and confused at the same time.

"What you thought that I didn't want to be your friend?"

I nodded. He stood up from his chair in a swift move and hugged me. My eyes widen, he was hugging me! All the Doubts about chat and my friendship ending went away I hugged him back tightly in happiness

We hugged like our life depended on it. Even smelling him brought me great joy. I missed him.. We soon pulled away

He took his hand and wiped the tears that have fallen. I didn't even know I was crying but I knew there were tears of joy

"But chat why were you worried I didn't want to be your friend. When you left my parents bakery I thought I did something to upset you so that you didn't want to be my friend anymore?" I asked him

"Well.. I didn't mean to be rude and for that I'm so sorry princess, it's just when you asked me what I was doing for thanksgiving I-I panicked B-Because.."

He stopped and looked at the floor. I placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Chat.. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's no pressure really."

"No. It's ok I have to, you need to know why I left so sudden"

He took a deep breathe than looked me straight in the eyes

"I don't really have any family.." he said as his ears deflected like a ballon

Oh no. That's why he ran out he doesn't have anyone to spend Thanksgiving with.. he's like a real alley cat, he's in need of a family. Wait I wonder how long he's been alone?

"Chat..I'm so sorry, I had no idea. If you don't mind me asking why don't you have any family?"

"Well.. M-my mother passed when I was 9.. and ever sense then my father became cold and heartless and when I turned 18 I left. It wasn't my home anymore so I had no reason to stay."

"I was too young to know anything about her death but when I grew up I found out that she died of brain tumor" he said sadly

My poor kitty..

"Oh kitty I'm so sorry.. didn't you dad ever confront you during that time?" I asked confused

"No, not really"

"Wait chat? When was the last time you saw or heard from him?" I asked

"I haven't seen or heard from my father in 5 years" he said

WHAT?! he hasn't been in contact with his dad in 5 year?!..all that time he was alone he had no one well until he met Lila and she totally played him. It must be really hard for him to trust people.

"Chat Noir.. I'm so so sorry you are an amazing person you don't know how important you are to me. And I want you to know if you ever wanna talk or need some company I will always be here for you"

I said wiping his tears away. He was more than a friend to me and I definitely wanted him to know. And than the best idea had popped into my head!!



"Well.. I know we just met and... well I'd love it if you joined me and my family for thanksgiving?" I said to him

He just stared at me as he was processing what I just said. I blushed I'm embarrassment maybe I shouldn't have said that

"I'm sorry!! That was a stupid idea just forget-"

"NO?! I-I was just amazement.. why would any guy ever brake up with you.. your a real princess" chat said

I blush madly. He than grabbed both of my hand making face him

"I'd love to spend thanksgiving with you.. are you sure you'd want me there?"

"Yes, in fact my dad has called me over 20 times this week asking if you and I are ever gonna get together"
I giggled

"Well I wouldn't be Opposed to the idea" he said smirking

I blushed at the thought of chat my boyfriend

"Is my princess blushing?" He asked with a smirk across his face.

I looked away so he wouldn't see anymore of my flustered face. And I heard him chuckle

"A-anyways... So it's Settled... your gonna spend thanksgiving with me and my family" I said looking back at him

"Yes, yes I am" chat said smiling ear to ear

I'm so happy that nothing has changed between us

Chat POV:
"Yes, yes I am" I said smiling ear to ear

I was over joyed that my princess had invite me to spend thanksgiving with her and her family. I had forgotten what it felt like to be with your family on holidays but I hadn't had a family in over 10 years I only spent thanksgiving with Lila.

I spent it with her family but they didn't like me very much I could tell by the hard glares they were giving me. I tried to ignore it but some got to me, Lila said there were like that with every guy she dated but I don't know.

But when I met Mari's family or her dad I could feel the love radiating off of him. He even hugged me?! When was the last time I got hugged from any father?

I'm lucky to have Marinette I wouldn't want to lose her ever.

"I'm really happy you and I talked princess and I promise I'll be more honest with you"

"Me too kitty I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere and that you have me as anything you need"

She said and I blushed

"What about you chat? How are you doing?" She asked and I shrugged

"Same old same old, I'm still working on 'that' case" I said

"Oh well I know you'll find what and who you need soon"

"As you as my luck charm I know I will~" I said as I winked at her

I saw her face blush madly red. But she shook it off

"H-Hey chat would you like to s-stay a littler longer? I-I'm not ready for you to leave just yet" Mari asked, I thought it was absolutely adorable how flustered she was I had to bow down a chuckle

"Is that is what my princess wants consider it done"

She smiled at me

"Why don't we go to the living room, it's way more comfortable" she said

"Sure no problem"

We got up from our chairs and went to them he living room. She sat ok the left side and I sat down right beside her. I missed this couch

"How's everything been going with work? Princess~" she giggled

"Everything's good, I finished my work early which is a first usually I always finish just in time. My boss said I could leave early but I told her I'd she needed anything I would be happy to help. As with everything else Alya's been crashing here a couple nights, she having her house redone so I had no problem with it, what about you?" she said

"Well so far work as been pretty stand still the case I'm still working ok has me stuck but I'm sure I'll fine something soon" I said

"I know you will chat I believe in you, it's only a matter of time."

"Thanks princess"

"Your welcome kitty"

Timeskippy :33

Marinette and I talked for hours it was like we haven't missed anything. I told her more about my family, my mom mostly because she was more a family to me than my father was. She asked me if I wanted to see my father again I couldn't answer that question literally.

It not that I didn't want to be rude it's just I didn't even know how to answer that, I've never really thought about it. But she understood and she didn't pressure me on it like Lila would have.

We ever talked about Nino and Alya those two have been in in contact 24/7 ever since they met. She told me that she wants to set them up and I think that's a great idea.

Now she's telling me about her childhood, this funny moment when she was little girl.

"And when I was little my tooth came out I thought I was gonna die but my mom told me that breaking a tooth means the tooth fairy was gonna come. And I was amazed and than I told myself I wanted to be the tooth fairy when I grow up"

We laughed

"Hahaha oh princess"

"I know I know" she giggled

We laughed like crazy she really was crazy. After a while the laughter died down and we were just looking at each other. Before I knew it I was leaning in, and so was she our faces were just a few inches away. This is it we're gonna kiss, just as our lips were about touch until we hear the front door close

"MARI IM BACK- oh" Alya shouted but soon stopped talking when she saw me and Mari

She stops and looks at us. I scoot back to the spot I was in. I glanced at Mari and saw she was a blushing mess. I chuckled a little

"Um, was I interrupting something?" Alya said

"N-no we were just uh talking" Mari said still flustered

I nodded fastly

"Uh huh...welp I just brought some dinner home, chat are you staying?" I looked at the clock on the wall 7:26pm was I really here all day?

"I should really get going, I've been here all day so I think imma let you lady's go but uh I'll definitely see you later princess?" I asked looking at Mari

"Yes, that sounds great. Text me when you get home so I know your safe. And thank you for the danish and the donuts kitty" she smiled

"It's no problem" I said getting up. She got up as

"Lemme walk you out" she said sweetly

"I'd love that. Alya it was great seeing you"

"Likewise, but hey chat have you heard from Nino at all?" She asked

Mari and I looked at each other smirking

"Yea I talk to him yesterday, In fact every year before thanksgiving one of us throws a party at our house like a little hang out. Last year we did it at Ninos house so this time it's my turn and If you want you girls are welcome to come."

"Really you wouldn't mind?" Mari ask

"Not at all in fact I'd love it if you could come"

"Well be there" Alya said

"Great I'll text y'all the details, and I'll see you than" I said

"Ok great good night chat see you later" Alya said leaving into the kitchen

I walked to the front door with Mari behind me. Just as I was about to leave I turned to faced her.

"Princess I had a really good time thank you for letting me explain and comforting me."

"Like I said chat your always welcome to my home. And it wasn't me in fact Alya sent the text"

"She did?"

"Yes, but I'm glad she sent it or this never would have happened" she giggled

"Me too princess. Good night princess I'll see you tomorrow"

"Good bye kitty"

Mari opened the front door before I could walk out she grabbed hand. It made me turn to face her Mari kissed my cheek leaving me stunned. Before closing the front door she smiled

I walked to my car with my smile never leaving my face. My cheek was still tingly I'm never washing my face ever again. I hopped in my car and took off back to my house and my smile never leaving my face.

Mari POV:
I close the door, I couldn't help but giggle he's amazing, he's charming, funny, sweet, honest. I walk to the kitchen we're I saw Alya un boxing the food. I sat down in the chair. With my mouth watering at the sight Chinese my favorite!!

"Sooo~ what did you two talk about when I wasn't here?" Alya asked me with a sly smirk across her face

Great I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

"It was nothing he explained why he left so sudden and than it was like nothing changed. We talked about his family, he flirted, we laughed, he brought some sweets and that was it" I said

"Oh really? So why was he so close to you when I walked in" she smirked

"W-well y-you see... U-um he was j-just t-telling me something about h-his mom"

That was a horrible lie but I couldn't think of anything else.

"Mmmhmm ok girl whatever you say but at least tell me that you two and good now?"

"Yes we cleared everything up. It's just like how we left it... now enough about me and chat, what's going on with you and Nino~" I asked it was my turn to tease her

"Uhh w-what are you t-talking about?" She asked getting the plates

"Alya you have been glued to your phone and not to mention you asked chat about him" I said

"N-no I haven't I just wanted to see how he's doing" She said flustered

"Should I make a group chat for us all?" I asked pulling out my phone

"Yeah sure we need to know the details about tomorrow anyways"

I pulled out my phone and started to make a group chat for me, Chat, Alya, and Nino


Hey guys it's Me and Alya

Hey princess I just walked in my front door

Oh I'm sorry kitty is this a bad time?

It's never a bad time to talk to you princess ❤️

Get a room u two


It's a only a matter of time before it's you and Nino 😉


Oh Nino I invited Alya and Mari to our hang out if that's cool with you?

Oh sure man it's no problem the more the better in fact I was gonna tell u that I invited One of the buddies I met at the band meeting he's pretty cool I think you'll like him

Ight man it's no problem

I'm sorry guys but I gotta go my moms calling me I'll see y'all tmmr . So Alya your gonna be there right?

Yes Nino I will be there

Great I'll see u tmmr than

Yes gn Nino 💙

Gn 🧡

Oooooo so how many kids y'all gonna have?

I hate you

So the hang out we gonna start at 5:30 bring whatever you want to make you comfortable

Ok thanks kitty. Alya and will be there

Purrrfect I'll see you than princess. Get some sleep now I want you to be well rested tmmr U too Alya

Don't worry chat we were just having our dinner and than going to sleep

Good than I'll see y'all tmmr night Alya, Night princess ❤️

Gn kitty sweet dreams ❤️

Night cat boy

I left the group chat and Alya and I ate our dinner.

"I think Chat is 10 times better than ugh your ex. I never really liked nath but I think Chat is perfect for you" Alya said taking a bite of her orange chicken

She was mostly right. Chat was a man nath was a coward and guy who was simply not ready for a serious relationship. I thought that when he and I broke up I would be all over my couch consuming gallons of ice cream but instead I've been over him. I've moved on from that and I'm happy now that I can just worry about myself, my friends and my family.

I yawn and looked at the time 8:10pm.

"I should probably get to bed" I said getting up

I closed the food that was left in my box and walked over to my Fridge and put it inside

"What?! It's only 8 at night I wanted to watch a movie"

"I'm sorry Alya I'm just really tried. I didn't really get that much sleep last night and plus I want to be ready for tomorrow" I said

She smiled and nodded

"Oh alright, I'll go to bed soon I just wanted to watch sucker punch." She said

"Haven't you seen that movie like 5 times?" I asked

"Ok and? It an amazing movie?!" She said. I rolled my eyes and giggled

"Alright just don't stay up too late, good night Alya love you" I said

"Ok love you too" she said before I left to my room

I walked into my room closing the door behind me. I was relieved that the day was over and I could get some shut eye. I walked to my bed I didn't need to change into my pjs because I was technically in them. Chat came over I didn't bother to change sense he saw me In one of my pjs.

As I relaxed myself in the covers I couldn't help but smile. I was so happy that chat and I made up, losing him would be hard. I couldn't wait for what the day would bring tomorrow. I wonder what kind of party's chat dose with Nino.

I was really happy that he invited Alya and I to come. Should I bring something maybe some croissants Chat did say he loved them. And he was so sweet to bring me something. I should probably do the same. Show him how important he is to me.

I take my phone from my stand and go to my contacts to find chat, once I did I clicked on it

Hey kitty I just wanted to say thank u again for inviting me Alya

It's my pleasure princess. Get some sleep I want you to be wide awake for tomorrow

Don't worry Chatton I will

Ooooh~ so my princess has given me a new nick name

I thought you'd might like it 😂☺️

Anything you name me I will love M'lady❤️

I blushed at one of his new nick names for me

Same goes for you Minou~

I don't wanna go but I don't wanna be tried for tmmr when I see you

Me too chatton, I had so much fun today and I know we will have lots more tmmr I can't wait!! Gn kitty ❤️

Gn princess 😘

I put my phone back on the stand and turned to my side. I can't wait to see my kitty tomorrow, I was so exited about tomorrow and I soon drifted off to sleep with a warmth in my heart, and chat on my mind.

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. I know last month I didn't post anything and I promise it's not because I didn't want to, I've had no internet so I couldn't post till I had internet so I had to wait but I'm sorry but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one bug out ✌🏾😘

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