Shh... He's My Husband (Compl...

By nadiamalik786

323K 14.5K 4K

Today I start a new journey of my life. College!!! I was as thrilled as any fresher could be, however, my exc... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four


10.6K 566 96
By nadiamalik786

Mazhar's POV,
Our car stopped outside my house and I couldn't control that huge grin on my face. Mumma and Meher will be soo surprised to see me. Yes, I told them I'll be arriving day after tomorrow but I wanted to surprise them. Also, I'm here at lunch time. I couldn't wait to eat the food made by Mumma and Meher again.

"Yo Arsh..." I got out of the car excitedly.
"Bro, take my bags out for me and just keep them near the threshold, while I take this huge surprise inside to my little sister." I chuckled.
"She's going to go crazy when she sees this 5 foot tall teddy. She loves this kind of fluffy stuff." I said while taking it out from the backseat of the car.

Arsh laughed
"She's grown up now, right? Still playing with teddy bears?"

"You know girls and our Meher loves to cuddle so I bought her this."

"Wahh, she's such a lucky sister." He grinned and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Now you're just pulling my leg."

He chuckled and patted my back.
"Now go, I'll make you buy me food for this favour soon."
He said taking out the bags from behind.


I could imagine Meher's cute reaction seeing this Teddy and how she would be hopping like a bunny soon. I couldn't wait to see that happy face of hers. I rang the doorbell keeping the teddy in front of me, hiding myself behind it so that the first thing she sees is this. However, there was no response.
Good thing I had a spare key in my pocket so I reached for it and managed to open the door.

"Mumma.... Meher....look who's back!"

No response. Did they go somewhere?

"Meher? Baccha, where are you?!" I called out. Maybe she was praying Zohar salah or must be having her headphones on. This tactless girl I tell ya! At this rate the house might get robbed and she wouldn't even know. So I directly went to her room.

"Meher.... where are you? Look what I've got you." I laughed.
"I wonder where you'll even keep this thing."

Maybe she'll turn it into her new bed. My adorable little sister! She's going to be estatic.

" the door. Your Mazhar bhai is back!"

She didn't reply and I could hear the ceiling fan from inside, means she was in. I knocked twice but getting bored of waiting I decided to surprise her and again held the blue teddy in front of me, blocking me and opened the door.

"Look what I've got you~~~" I sang but I almost lost my balance as I accidentally stepped on some liquid as soon as I stepped my foot in. There was even a weird smell in the room like corroded metal.

"Tsk tsk, clumsy girl, did you spill juice Meher?" I frowned.

I removed the teddy from my sight and what I saw next made my knees go out and I sank on the floor on my hands and knees as the large teddy fell soaking in the blood covering the floor.

That's right! Almost the whole floor was covered on blackish-red blood and the stream ended near the wall where ......Meher laid still.


My blood ran cold in my veins and I scrambled towards her in haste. My brain was in a frenzy as my heart was pounding with terror.

"M... Meher!!! Meher!!!" I cried out taking her in my arms as she laid still in the pool of her own blood.

She....slit her wrists? WHY?

There, my eyes went on the wall behind her and my teary eyes widened in shock at the words written on them in swiggly line with her blood....



Her body was cold and face was all pale, even her lips had no color. My desperate cries were no heed to her ears either.

"Mazhar.... what's wrong? Why are you screa....ya Khuda!"
Arsh stood at the door horrified.

"Arsh....she... she's not Meher... she's....soo cold.... she's not listening to me... what's wrong with her.... MEHER!!! Meher wake up my baccha... for Allah's sake...please.... please... Meher....ya Allah!!!"
My brain was soo numb and fear has consumed me to think anything straight as I just kept crying and begging her to wake up.

"Mazhar....calm down! You need to calm down first!"

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" I yelled at him frantically.

"Mazhar... listen to me...we need to take her to the hospital.... she'll be fine....just trust the Lord... please..." He was trying to be reasonable and knock some sense into me.

"H... hospital?" I whispered.

Yes, that's right, hospital....we need to take her there.

"I'm coming...hold on." He said rushing towards us.

Thank God Arsh was there at the moment as he helped me and Meher on time. We somehow managed to carry her lifeless body and rushed out to the car as I didn't stop calling to her desperately. He tied both her wrist with handkerchiefs to stop any more bleeding but I wondered,
was it even necessary anymore, because the amount of blood that she had lost...was there anymore left?
Such thoughts were haunting me while Arsh was driving us to the hospital as fast as he could in his car.

" baccha please.... don't leave me..." My tears fell on her cold face as I kissed her forehead hugging her to my chest.

Azlaan's POV,
This restlessness was killing me!

Why would anyone love you?
You don't deserve it?
No one would care what happens to you?

Did I go to far? What if that fool actually does something foolish?

The truth didn't change, I love you.
Say, do you want to make love to me now? I promise I won't scream....
I waited for you for 10 years Azlaan.

I groaned sinking back on my bed as my legs were dangling down. The dead look in her eyes was .... scary.
I brought my hand to my thumping heart. There was this uneasiness I just couldn't brush off.

Fuck! I should check on her. She was all alone at home even.

So I jumped on my feet and grabbing my car keys, set out. After the five minutes drive, when I reached outside her gate, there was a cluster of people standing outside peeping in curiously. I got out to see what all the fuss was about.

"Is that true? Allah, that is soo horrible! So the Qadri's daughter really killed herself?"

My heart jumped to my throat hearing a lady say that.

"Oh ho... I don't know if she's dead or not. Thier son Mazhar found her unconscious and rushed her to the hospital carrying her in his arms. It was such a scary sight I tell you. Uff, his clothes looked like he bathed in her blood."

"Sheee.... I don't think after losing soo much blood a young fragile girl like her could survive. My husband said the room is all painted in litters of blood. I heard she slit both her wrists. Astagfirullah!"

"Poor child, Meher was such a sweet little girl. She never spoke much and didn't even go near any bad company. The world is soo cruel. Let's just pray she survives. "

"What about her mother?"

"She too ran to the hospital when her son called."

After hearing all that I jumped in between without thinking.

"W...which hospital did they take her to?" My voice was loud that it startled them all making them jump.
"Tell me which hospital!"

"That Wellness hospital I think." One of them said looking at me weird.

And without wasting another minute, I got in my car driving there.

Fuck! Meher! How could you?!

Zoya's POV,
I got back home exhausted after my 2 hours long extra class and as soon as I entered the door I heard Mum scream.

Forgetting my fatigue, I ran to the kitchen where she was. My mother isn't the dramatic types to scream like that just over anything. Infact, I've never heard her scream like that before. So I was really worried.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked holding her by her shoulders as she sank on the dining chair with her head in her hand after a phone call. I was scared now.

"Mum, tell me what's wrong?" I said desperately.

"Zoya...." Her voice was shaking and her eyes swam with tears.
" is it possible? That sweet little girl...."

"Who? What are you talking about Mum? Which girl, what happened?!"

She shook her head.
"Your friend Meher...."

I felt a ball of anxiety in my stomach.

"What.... happened to her?" I questioned carefully and hearing what she said, made my whole world come to a standstill making my knees give out.

Thankyou for being my friend Zoya. You became more than a friend, my sister and I love you, you know.

"No way!" My voice was a breathless whisper.

So that's why she was... acting soo weird? Saying all those things and even cut her precious hair... because, she was about to let go of everyone and everything and....kill herself?!

Imraan's POV,
You're a good friend to me Imraan.
I wish you get all the happiness in the world that you deserve.

The textbook was in front of me on the table but my mind was occupied by Meher. Her words were ringing in my ears and all I see was that strange smile of her's. It was the most beautiful smile I've seen yet soo full of sadness and despair.

The moment she walked away from me I wanted to grab her hand and pull her into my arms, telling her my feelings. I know, quite filmy, but still.... yet, I was frozen and by the time I got to her, she was already gone. I couldn't even see her jn college today because I had to miss it to go with Ammi on a relative's funeral.

Should I try calling her? She rarely answers though and even if I do call she'd never tell me anything. I should just try calling her friend Zoya and try to ask her what's wrong with Meher. Maybe she could have a better idea.

So I again got her number from our class whatsapp group and called her. She picked up on the second try.

"Hello." I heard a meek breaking voice.

" is Imraan. We're in the same class."

"Imraan? Yes, I know."

"Actually, I got your number from our class whatsapp group...uh... actually I wanted to ask you about Meher. You two are good friends right?"

At this she started crying across the phone making me anxious.

"Um... ok..."

"Meher.... she...." She was crying harder and my heart skipped painfully in my chest.

"W...what about her? Why are you crying Zoya?" My voice was getting higher.


The phone almost fell from my hands and my whole body felt numb with shock.

Her every smile, her words... everything was flashing in front of my eyes. The way she rode on my bike, her changed attitude, the way she kissed me and the sadness in her eyes, the way she hugged, it was because....she was saying goodbye?!

No way! could you....

I have to go to her but my body wouldn't move.

Meher! Why?! Meher!!!!

I have something.... I need to be there, she cannot leave, never!

She doesn't even know how much I.... I have to tell her, she needs to know and she needs to wake up and give me a bloody explanation why she did such a thing!

I jumped of the chair and grabbing my bike keys ran out like the world was on fire.

"Imraan... where are you going soo late in such hurry? Imraan......"

I couldn't even comprehend Ammi's words and I just hopped on my bike and the engine roared on the night street as I rode like a mad man not caring about any traffic rules or other bullshit.

I haven't even told you damnit. You cannot leave, not yet Meher. Never!
I have to tell you something important you fool so you have to hang in there, waiting for me.

Meher! I'm coming.... don't leave me!


Mazhar's POV,
I sat outside the emergency room with my head in my hands as I had no energy to even sit back. I was covered in her blood. My clothes, my hands everything was crimson, turning brown and the smell was making my head spin but I wanted to be as close to my Meher as I could and waited for the doctor to inform something.

He finally came out and I ejected off my seat rushing to him in utter desperation.
"How is my sister?"

He had a strained expression on his face that scared me.
"You need to calm down first and listen to me. Her condition was already extremely critical when you brought her here as she has lost dangerous amount of blood and we're trying to get her enough amount of blood and treatment but recover also depends on the patient."

Depends on her?
"What do you mean doctor?" I was scared now.

"Usually, in suicide cases patients just don't have the will to live anymore. A person's mental health affects their body drastically. In your sister's case too it seems like her mental health is too fragile not giving the chance to her body to heal. It's like she just doesn't wants to hold on to her life and has given up all hope.... I'm sorry, we're trying our best but unless she, herself wants to live.... I'm afraid only prayers could help now."

The doctor said all that while I listened to him in shock after which he just left.

What happened to my baby sister that she...took such a step?

The police were questioning Arsh. As it was a suicide case, the doctors forced us to involve the police in order to treat her.
I told them as much as I could but they can be soo brutal, asking all kinds of horrible things.

Arsh came and sat beside me placing his arm around my shoulder.

"I was just hardly away for a month and ....look what happened yaar. My baby sister....she tried to...." I couldn't even say it.
"What could've happened in this past month that drove her to take such a drastic step. What happened to my innocent baby? Why would she...."

He hugged me as I couldn't speak anymore and broke down on his shoulder.
"I'm scared Arsh....what if she..."

"Hey hey.... don't say such things. Have faith on Allah. He never burdens his slaves more than they can handle. This must be a test too and you need to be strong. I know how much you love your sister, so just don't lose hope. She'll wake up soon. Let's just pray for now but before that, you need to wash yourself Mazhar. Seeing her ....blood must be too much for you."

I shook my head
"I don't want to leave her alone again...not even for a second."

I got back from him and threw my head back on the wall drying my tears and praying with all my heart.

Pune, why?
Do you really have to go?
Please come back soon, I miss you.
I'd be all alone when you're gone.

I wished I'd never left her alone. I wish I just knew what she was going through and what drove her to commit such a sin!

Meher.... baccha please wake up. Don't do this to me. Oh Lord.... please, don't take this innocent child soo soon. She didn't even get a chance to be truly little sister... she's soo naive and simple who could never hurt anyone....who hurt her soo much she...was forced to fight between life and death?!

Just then my thoughts were interupted by a familiar voice.

"Mazhar bhai..."

When I lifted my head to look up, it was Azlaan. His face was all pale and he looked like he would break down any moment.

"I'm sorry."

I watched him confused. What was he apologizing for?
A tear slipped down his cheek as he avoided my eyes and I could see...heavy guilt in them.

"What for?" I questioned skeptically.

"It' fault... Meher's condition... it's because of me. I'm responsible...."

Everything around me just stopped for a moment as realisation hit me.



Next chapter....

I'll try my best to update soon.

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