
By NanamiMomozono675

47.3K 1.7K 149

Audrey wakes up in an unfamiliar room only to realize she has forgotten all of her memories. She is taken to... More

The Awakening
First Kiss
The Secret
A New Friend
The Party
Going Home
Picnic Date
His Birthday
The Date
The Fight
Locked Up
My Angel
The plan
Leaving Him
Seeing Him Again
The Truth
Going Home
The Dream
Home Alone
No More Monsters
I Love You

The Plan

1.3K 66 4
By NanamiMomozono675


It had been a month already and I still wasn't allowed to leave this room. I really felt I was going crazy at this point.

At first, Xavier would come into the room wanting to eat together but we would end up fighting and yelling at each other. 

Then I started ignoring him and then he stopped coming. Although he would always come to the bedroom at night when I was asleep and sneak in bed to sleep beside me.

I couldn't do this anymore. I finally came to terms with the idea that I would have to escape.

I knew Xavier was in love with me. I needed to pretend I had finally come to my senses and realized he was right. I needed to make him think we were a normal married couple again, and then when he trusted me again I would find a way to escape. 

I would have to gain his trust little by little. The first step was getting him to let me go to other areas of the house. And then maybe we could go on a date outside of the house and then I could run away.

I didn’t know where I would go. Maybe I could say I wanted to visit Caroline. Just maybe she could help me. We were best friends after all.

Although I was worried she would take Xavier’s side, he was her older brother.

It was time for breakfast. Xavier had already left for work. 

I had plenty of time to think of a plan. I didn't know how long it would take for me to get him to trust me. It would probably take me a while, but I was willing to wait.

As much as I wanted to escape. I still loved Xavier and it pained me that I had to leave him. But his behavior lately was toxic. 

This was no longer a healthy relationship and I didn't want any part of it.

I ate my breakfast and read some books as always. I also called my granny. She always helped me feel better and distracted me from my problems.

Soon it was time for lunch and before I knew it Xavier had arrived.

He normally didn't come to see me anymore. So I didn't know how I was going to get closer to him.

The first step was to start having my meals with him. 

Of course, he wasn't going to let me have dinner with him in the dining room. I would be much closer to the front door and it would be a lot easier for me to escape.

 So I would have to start small and invite him to have dinner in our room.

I waited for the maid who always brought my meals, to enter the room. 

As soon as she came in, she placed the tray on the side table.

"Where is Xavier?" I asked her.

She appeared surprised by my sudden question. Usually I never spoke to her, I just gave her a smile as a thanks for the meal and then she would leave.

"He's having dinner." 

He was probably eating alone at the dinner table.

"Is he eating alone?" 

I wondered.

"Yes, he's been eating alone every night." 

I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

This used to be his parents home, the place he and Caroline had grown up in.

And now he didn't have his parents, Caroline lived in another country, and I no longer talked to him.

Meaning he was having dinner at what used to be a lively dinner table, all by himself. 

The large rectangular table with empty seats must be a constant reminder that he was truly alone.

As much as what he was doing to me hurt me, I was sure he was also in pain.

However I felt like we had reached a point where we could no longer be a true couple. What he was doing was wrong and was hurting the both of us.

I was angry and devastated at what was happening. I had so many mixed feelings. 

But what I was sure of was that I could no longer stand being locked up in a room.

I was no longer going to let Xavier treat me this way.

I was going to need the maid's help for my plan.

"Can you tell Xavier something for me?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and said yes.

"Great! Can you tell Xavier that I would like to have dinner with him every night and that we can eat in our bedroom." 

I hoped he would agree.

"I will inform him right away." 

"Thank you." I answered.

The maid quickly left, leaving me locked away again.

I began to eat my food in silence. Being alone in this room was lonely. 

Being in here was affecting my emotional well-being. But I was going to do something to save myself.

I just had to, one way or another I was going to end this suffering.

 I heard the door suddenly open and to my surprise, Xavier had just walked in.

He closed the door behind him without taking his eyes off of me.

Really seeing him again after about a month of not talking to him felt a bit weird. It almost felt like he was a complete stranger. 

The logical side of me was angry and wanted nothing to do with him. But my heart wanted him.

He was so handsome and had the most charming smile. Seeing him again made me so happy. Maybe that's why I had pushed him away.

Just by staring at him it was hard to look away. I didn’t want him near me nor did I want him to touch me because I was afraid I was going to give in and go to him. But, I couldn’t forgive him for what he was doing to me.

"You want to eat dinner together from now on?"

He asked. He seemed a bit nervous yet a bit excited to be here.

"Yes, it's a bit lonely eating alone. I'm sure you feel the same way." 

Although I was trying to get him to trust me by having him eat dinner with me, deep down I knew it was also because I missed him and I wanted to spend time with him.

"Yes, it is really lonely." He gave me a weak smile.

Being together didn’t feel the same. It felt almost awkward. 

We were avoiding the problem so things felt tense.

But I had to go through with this plan.

Xavier grabbed his plate and sat beside me.

I could smell his cologne. I loved how it smelled. It reminded me of him.

Being so close to him made it hard not to want to hug him, but I stopped myself. 


As soon as I stared into that angelic face of hers I felt all my worries go away.

I missed hearing her voice, seeing her small frame, and that gentle look as she stared back at me. 

When she spoke, it was the most beautiful thing. 

I wondered how she was doing. 

I missed her like crazy. Sleeping beside her each night was the only thing keeping me sane.

I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Who was I kidding, even before our fight I still couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Only now I worried about her more.

I wondered if she was eating well and if her health was ok. She had a tendency not to eat whenever she felt sad.

I worried about how she was feeling. It broke my heart just thinking about her crying. 

As I sat beside her I fought the urge not to touch her. I wanted, no I needed to touch her. I needed to embrace her and pull her close to me.

I needed to feel her lips on mine and have her small body pressed against me. 

But I couldn’t do it. She was finally letting me back into her life, I couldn’t ruin this moment.


I didn’t even know what to talk about with Xavier. Anything we said could lead to a fight.

“What would you like the cook to make tomorrow?”

I looked at Xavier surprised by his sudden question.

“Maybe we can have ravioli.”

I really liked ravioli. It was a simple yet tasty dish. 

“Ok I’ll make sure to ask the chef to make that for us tomorrow.”

We continued to eat our food in silence.

Although things weren't the same and we couldn’t really talk without arguing, I felt comfortable just having him here beside me.

I felt angry at how much I still loved him and how much peace he gave me just by being near. However I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just let me live my life.

We both finished eating our food.

“Give me your plate. I’ll go tell the maid to take this to the kitchen.”

I handed him my plate and knife. However as I gave it to him he happened to grab my hand while doing it. He didn’t react and managed to grab the plate.

He was probably trying to make it seem like an accident.

Although, I did react. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t want him to know he still affected me.

But I couldn’t say I hated his touch even if I tried.

As he walked out I caught a glimpse of his smile. I realized he had noticed I reacted to his touch.

Well, at least this would help me gain his trust again.

 He handed our plates to a maid and then he walked back inside as he locked the door.

“I’m going to shower.” He said to me as he walked to the bathroom.


I practically yelled.

“I need to wash my teeth.” He laughed and then let me use the restroom first.

“Go ahead.” He said.

I hated how I got butterflies in my stomach just from seeing him laugh. But he was just so handsome and seeing him happy made me happy.

I mentally slapped myself for feeling this way and then I quickly brushed my teeth before heading back into the room.

Xavier headed to the bathroom and closed the door.

I used this time to change into some sleepwear and then I turned off the lights.

This house was surrounded by a beautiful forest. There weren’t any other homes nearby and it was quite secluded. This made it so that the stars and the moon were visible.

 I walked near the large window and sat on one of the chairs nearby. There was a full moon tonight that brought in a bit of light to the bedroom.

For some reason these simple things made me happy. Hopefully soon I would be able to get out of here and lay in the grass as I stare at the sky.

I planned to go to my granny and see her again. But I had to be strategic so that Xavier wouldn’t be able to find me.

This plan would be hard to go through with but I had to do it.

I stared at the beautiful sky and then closed my eyes as I imagined a good life. One where I was free to do whatever I wanted and one where I was truly happy.


I got out of the shower and got ready for bed.

As soon as I entered the room I noticed the lights were off.

I noticed the silhouette of a woman and I realized my princess was sitting on the chair.

As I moved closer. I noticed she had her legs on top of the chair while she slept peacefully.

She was so beautiful. She looked so fragile, like a doll I didn’t want to break.

I grabbed her and carried her to bed.

I put the bed covers over her and then I moved to the other side of the bed as I wrapped my arms around her.

It was impossible for me not to be near her.

I breathed in her scent feeling regenerated. She was like the sun that brought light into my life. 

I loved this woman so much, It hurt me so much seeing her in pain. I knew what I was doing was hurting our marriage but I felt this was for the best.

Seeing how she had invited me for dinner and called for me, meant she missed me just as much as I missed her. I was going to find a way to fix this.

I wasn’t going to let her leave me. 

I kissed her head and I fell asleep.


(I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! ☺ If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to VOTE! 😆 Let me know if you want me to write more in Xavier’s POV.😁 Thank you all for reading and I’ll see you next time.)

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