The Dream

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"Good morning Audrey"

I walked to the dinning room to have breakfast.

"Good morning Dorothy."

I answered as I sat down.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

I did, thank you.

It was all thanks to Xavier. He had always made me feel safe and protected. After we got married I knew nothing and no one could hurt me anymore.

"Are you still having those nightmares?"

"No, luckily I've been doing a lot better."

After my father's debt collectors had broken into our house and beat my grandmother. I couldn't live in peace.

I had felt especially frightened since the police still hadn't figured out where they were hiding after a year of searching. Meaning they could come for me or my granny at any time.

Xavier had done his very best to keep me safe. Luckily, the house was always guarded.

After I finished my meal I headed out.

As I drove to the flower shop I got a call from Xavier.

I put him on speaker as I went to work.

"Good morning my love."

Xavier always called me whenever I went to work. He would wake up a lot earlier than me to head to his company, so most of the time I didn't get to see him in the mornings.

"Good morning Xavier." I loved hearing the sound of his voice.

"Let's have lunch today at your favorite restaurant."

Xavier and I always made time for each other.

And every lunch break we would meet up.

"I would love that. I'll meet you there at our usual time."

I couldn't help but smile thinking about him.

"Of course. I can't wait, I miss you already."

Xavier was very affectionate and wasn't afraid of showing me how much he loved me.

Before I could answer I felt like time stopped.

It all happened so fast I hadn't realized a car had just crashed into me from the passenger side.

Everything turned white and when I woke up I began hyperventilating.

"My love, are you alright?"

I looked up at a very concerned Xavier.

"You seemed in pain while you slept. I tried to wake you up but you just wouldn't."

I tried to calm myself down.

I felt Xavier pull me close and felt at ease as I felt his strong arms around me.

I could hear Xavier's heartbeat. With each beat I felt myself calm down. His scent was comforting and before I knew it, I felt better.

"I think I finally remembered the accident."

What I had just experienced was not simply a dream. But a memory of that awful morning.

I clinged onto Xavier as I tried my best not to cry.

Everything was hitting me all at once. And my memories along with my fears, where coming back.

"It's alright princess. I got you." He hugged me tighter. Showing me he would protect me.

"You're safe with me. I won't let anyone hurt you." He whispered.

Soon we would land in New York. I was petrified to think I'd be closer to those men who almost killed me.

But I had hope Xavier and I would find them and they'd be locked up for a long time.

Xavier and I had finally made it home.

We unpacked everything and then laid down as we watched a movie.

I cuddled next to Xavier and he held me close.

"I love you." He said while kissing my forehead.

"I love you" I responded.

I felt at peace and happy being in Xavier's arms.

But I couldn't help but fear for what was coming.


(I apologize for not updating in so long 😣 but I'll be updating more often now. The book will be coming to an end soon. Chapter 23 is already out so check it out.☺️)

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