Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10

VOLUME 3 Chapter 7

398 22 24
By ArchiveOfStories

As the two continue their conversation, Paul exits out of the elevator on the 5th floor of the UN Building. He sees Alana and Bahamut talking to Daniela in the Dining area. He smiles at the sight of the Vampire actually conversing with other people and having a great time. He approaches them with his general cap locked in his right arm. Looking prim and proper in his black Eldwood General uniform.

"Well Alana, you seem to be making friends."

Oh, you're here M'Lord."

A light quake is then felt, the wine glass the Vampire was drinking drop starts visibly shaking. Daniela looks outside and sees an endless stream of armored vehicles crossing the main streets and a gigantic formation of helicopters flying by.

"Uhhh... what's happening?"

"Well Miss Knight, we've mobilized everything. I think that's the scheduled parade walking on the city street." He swiftly turns his attention to Alana and Bahamut.

"We'll be following them in the next few days. Eldwood is sending ten thousand or more soldiers there. It's exactly one thousand and four hundred players with each commanding eight to twenty skeletons."

"Then it's war." The Countess stands up, with her eyes flaming with bloodlust.

"It's the war that might just save this world from another catastrophe apart from whatever world ending event you have scheduled. One made by us, ugh." He turns his attention to Daniela who was still entranced by the large number of machines rolling through the four lane street "Miss Knight, I do thank you for entertaining my people."

He bows and immediately turns around, facing the elevator. The two say their goodbyes to Daniela and follow him down to the 1st floor.

"Could you exactly tell me what's happening?"

"Yea, I'll tell you everything on the way to the hotel."

On the sidewalk, thousands of skeleton soldiers fully decked out military gear are marching in formation, the citizens residing in the city are cheering as their lifeless warriors march to the front. Explaining everything that transpired in the UN meeting, Alana grabs Paul's arm and stops him from walking.

"So you're telling me M'Lord, there's war machines out there capable of eating anything and breeding to create more of themselves?!"

"Yes, and we must stop them before reaching Critical Mass. Their old stuff that's decommissioned on Earth, with the files on how to build them released, wasn't long till Full Dive players were able to replicate them." Bahamut tilts her head while sitting on his shoulder.

"Critical mass?"

"It means the point where we can no longer control or contain their numbers. Right now, thanks to the survivors of the Kingdom of Nebesa, we managed to act before the Robotic Horde reached a level on which we cannot stop it."

The Vampire then smiles and looks him right in the eyes.

"Then I'm guessing we'll be busy all night?"

"No, I'm just taking you two to a Hotel. I'll have to go to the airport and start planning and organizing an invasion force. We're about to compile all of our firepower, all the UN members have. But you, I need you to rest with Bahamut. Your role will be very important and might be a game changer as your purebred status might be the thing that will swiftly turn the tides."

"M'Lord, do you expect us to just stay there and be quiet?"

"No, I want you two to go out and see the city, I'll join you when the second day of the Assembly is finished. Here, take this." He pulls out an old retro flip phone from his pocket.

"Exactly what is this?"

"It's a device you can use to communicate, I'll show you how it works while we walk."

As the night sky looms, more and more aircraft are flying through the skies. All headed to one direction, the Region of Asatte near Central Geraldia. The place where the three warring Kingdoms got teleported too and overrun by their own war machines. The Moon appears and even though the marching has stopped, the streets are still littered with Military vehicles, even outnumbering civilian ones at some parts of the city.

With little to no sleep, Paul is once again outside the Conference Hall, everyone was waiting for the doors to be opened. The General Secretary once again appears, carrying with him a megaphone.

"Good Morning everyone, I know the Night's been long for many of you, but today, we'll finalize everything we've planned and have conversed about. I'd like all of you to bring up your watches, to those who do not have one. Please take one from the guard nearest to you."

Following the General Secretaries order, many of the players took one including Paul, John and Hassan.

"Dang, a watch. We never truly needed them since the player tab usually shows the in-game time."

"I know, get ready. I think we're gonna sync times."

Once again, the General Secretary brings up his megaphone.

"Alright, everyone please bring up your watches and turn them to six fifteen o'clock. Wait for my signal."

Looking at his watch, he waits for the moment while holding the megaphone up.


Everyone syncs their time and the glass doors are opened by the guards and the main hall was once again filled with people. Their desks this time had phones and a Yes/No Button. Though the phone was for each guild who brought with them their naval ships. The Knights of Eldwood was included with Hassan having the controls for the phone.

As everyone relaxes, the opening speech and deliberation is done. The first topic of the day was given.

"I'm happy to announce that we have managed to scrounge over one hundred destroyers and battlecruisers. Eighty were Arleigh Burke Class from over nineteen different guilds, fifteen Udaloy two destroyers, twenty Sovremenny class guided missile destroys and five of the only working Kirov battlecruisers from our Russian brethrens, though their guilds are still having talks with the merchants association in getting more bialloy to build at least a secondary helicopter carrier, and to add to that, Five Type Fifty Five Destroyers from our Chinese guilds."

The room was full of applause and the smiles of the generals and leaders were littered about, though Hassan wasn't smiling at all.

"And hundreds upon hundreds of helicopters, high altitude bombers and fighter aircrafts. I thank you all for showing great interest in cooperating and unifying against one common enemy. Now, for the first topic of the day."

Many of the people in the Hall lean forward as the powerpoint presentation opens and reveals the topic. "Prevention of two modern groups declaring war". The reaction was empty, but the eyes of the officials slint at the idea.

"As you know, if the people of this land were to ever experience a war between two groups of people with modern technology, not only will the destruction cause unthinkable and unspeakable amounts of deaths, but also will put us all into a higher level of danger. Right now, the current powers in play in this world are already looking at us all with keen eyes. We must avoid them seeing us more as trouble and unite against us instead of the Demon Lord."

One of the US/NA Officials was quick for a rebuttal.

"We're already a danger to them and they know it. As we speak, I know and you know they've been planning something. Ever since Eldwood's show of force, not only did our reputation get worse, but also our overall standing in the International community. Now, as a General, I cannot simply say I support two modern groups to go on an all out war, but at the same time, if two groups were to go on a war, we will also be forced to use modern weaponry."

"Hence, why must we use our combined power to remind them that their ways are wrong and will only start unspeakable deaths for the people of this land. We might be able to respawn, but not the natives. Truth to tell, we don't even know the limitations of our respawn abilities. High Ranking Mages have said that it's due to our souls still tethered on the land, but it can be exploited or even stopped or so they say..."

"I gotta agree with the North American, we cannot prevent a conflict that easily, many of us here do not even have actual political and leadership backgrounds. Heck, I'm sure half of this court is not even thirty years old and above in our world. I do not believe we should butt in when conflict rises, it'll only drag us into it making things worse."

"I also agree, though our clans had fought before, our lack of actual experience in the field of diplomacy only accelerated the tensions and made things worse."

"G'day mates, I'd like to remind our friends here in the assembly that our very reason to be here is to solve problems like this together, so instead of saying we're not qualified for this, which we obviously aren't, we don't try our best? As much as I hate to say it, this is all we got and we must make the best of it."

"Not only that Brit, but with our power, we have to get engaged in the politics of this land. I've received troubling reports that our people in the South are being traded as high class Slaves to the Kingdoms."

"Excuse moi, I have reports to support that claim."

"Then, again. Shall we allow ourselves to go into conflicts between two guilds with modern weaponry?"

The room was again silent, but then people pressed their buttons, supporting the idea. More and more and it became the majority.

"Okay, I thank everyone for this. Hence we shall form a combined peacekeeping force and help out in mediating conflicts between guilds. Or Nations, as some of us have been recognized as such. The agreed upon rules is that it's for humanitarian reasons only and nothing else, anything that's meant to push a narrative or keep a certain someone in power must be avoided and not recommended."

The mallet was dropped once and the Topic has been passed.

"Our next topic is the use of weapons that have been banned by our Geneva Convention back on Earth, Napalm, Gas, and Toxins. This also includes the well treatment of Prisoners of War and the humane interrogations of captured enemy personnel."

After a long and boring lecture on what the Laws of War is and the banning of weapons considered too inhumane for us in a battle, As if to hit a nerve, the generals from all around the Hall started to look at one another or had their eyes wonder.

"So, is anyone against or for?"

"Nein, I'm against. Magic can do far more damage. Not allowing us to use this would make us far weaker. Und ja, we might have cruise missiles but there are magic that no amount of modern defenses can stop."

"I agree with the German. I'm also against."

"Olh-eun. Against."

Without a doubt in their mind, a majority has voted against.

"May I ask why? It doesn't mean we can't mend technology and magic together and create better defenses that's never before seen."

One SEA General wearing a general uniform from the Indian army stood up.

"We're fighting Kingdoms that do not adhere to those laws. Would they do the same if a fighter pilot was to get captured by them? No. They'd even use magic to an extent, I know it seems like we're lowering ourselves to their standards, but in this world. I do not feel like using laws meant for the modern war will be that applicable. With magic involved, everything is thrown out the window."

Another General stands up, this time, wearing a uniform from the French Legion.

"As much as I want to respect the Laws of War, our enemies simply do not and even if we try to teach them this, it'll only come to them as senseless and meaningless words. There's also the factor of Magic that changes the game entirely, we cannot adhere to them. I agree, we are going to be defeated sooner or later, long before finding a way home the moment they get the right recipe to destroy our armor and machines."

Just as this was finished, a loud thud of a desk was heard on the US/NA side. An official is visibly angered and flustered.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? We're using weapons that can kill them from thousands of miles, we can maim them and fucking turn them into ashes with a press of a button and you tell me you don't want to put a leash on how we'll be using or weapons? With our capabilities, we can create so many deaths at such a short notice. No, I'm for this and knowing the lack of actual military experience many of us have here, I do not want us to make mistakes the leaders of our world have already made, imagine what players who waste their lives on a full dive game can do. The amount of deaths will be beyond staggering. May I remind everyone that we're playing with lives here. This isn't a joke. We are playing with lives here!"

Everyone was shocked by this, even the General Secretary was made speechless. Until then, a Russian player stands up to break the ice.

"Comrade. We'll meet halfway, we'll still be using Napalm and the likes, but we'll adhere to the laws of keeping prisoners well treated and to heal any wounded hostile combatant. If you're asking for my reason Representative Will Oliver from the respected Minutemen of Moor, our enemies have weapons that we do not know of. Yes, we might have long range cruise missiles, main battle tanks and attack helicopters. But looking at the footage from the Battle of Eldwood, these people have the capability to stand up against us, that wide AoE magic the Church used to fire Spectral Blades, those are colored gold. Meaning Divine, I highly doubt Reactive Armor and Depleted Uranium will stand a chance against those."

"Then, taking in your consideration. I propose that we take the Laws of War in treating combatants humanely while allowing the use of banned weapons while supporting the method of mending magic and technology. We've already done with with Durablite, Bialloy and Trialloy that makes our tanks and planes are more stronger than there Earthly counterparts but seeing how unhinged things are in Threa, we must continue to improve them even with the current status of the conflicts occurring."

After a few more minutes of conversation between the players, everyone reached a conclusion to allow banned weapons but all hostile combatants to be found are to be treated with the utmost care. Those who disobey this, are to be given sanctions and even the possibility of being kicked out of the United Nations.

"Third Topic for the day is our upcoming combined operation against the robotic horde. My computer man here will change the slide and to a livestream from one of our Drones currently flying over the quarantined region."

The powerpoint presentation was closed and the big screens now show an image of what seems to be a large formation of Knights, Cavalry and basic grunts marching to the affected region of Asatte. Phones inside the wall were quickly pulled and panicked people started talking.

"I want you to go and get the men there quickly Colonel!" "Third Regiment, Where the Hell are you? Natives are headed straight into a slaughter!" "Hello, is this the Fifteenth Tactical Fighter Wing? What's your ETA to the Region?" "Tell our Armored Battalions to not stop, all Main Battle Tanks have to reach the area! We got eyes on Natives of the Land!" "Hey, is this Safir? Didn't the recon drones say there weren't any other factions in the area?! What do you mean you saw them but didn't report?!"

As if in a mass panic situation, the room was full of players in their general uniforms and suits having a screaming match with one another.

In the field of Greala, the neighboring Region of Asatte. A massive combined force of American M1A2 Abrams, German Leopard 2A6s, French Leclerc's and Russian T-90As with T-80Us main battle tanks, supported by American AH-64Ds, AH-1Z and Russian Mi-24P Hinds with Mi-28N Havocs are plowing straight through the quiet fields, ravaging the beautiful unpolluted lands with tank tracks and destroying bushery and little trees that stood in their way. Small countryside villagers are fazed by the strange metal beasts rolling through their fields with such immense speed. Relently leaving threads on their wheat and grass as a smoke billows through them.

Just when they thought it was over, another formation of American M3A3 Bradleys, Russian BMP-3M, and German Marder A3s with Flak Gepard, 2K22 Tunguska and M3 Linebacker's are all following close behind. Filled to the brim with skeleton soldiers wearing uniforms of differing clans and guilds. Though the army was one united force, the logos and flags that they fly vary, representing the guilds and groups they got sent from. Many with meme faces and logos on their armor as the few players that're mental enough to join the offensive are riding on top of the IFVs with happy faces.

Back East, a few hundred and a half miles away in the safety of the Capital of Woodstock, the Headquarters of the Men of the Woods, and of the former League of Modernized Guilds, now the United Nations. The drone taking livestream footage of the army sent by what could be three Kingdoms from the Natives is getting demolished by the combat robots that are attached to the side of a rocky hill. Mark Ones with their dual 30mm autocannons are churning Knights and Grunts from a far with a continuous and accurate barrage of high explosive rounds.

Before the mid formation was about to taste the firepower of the robots, accurate armor piercing shots were sent to the Hill. Disabling multiple robots, a reply was quickly sent back and a pincer attack with Mark Ones armed with the 75mm smoothbore guns made a large circle to the fast approaching armored arrowhead, the tankers were shocked by the fast movement of the quadrupedals.


The helicopters following them immediately fired a barrage of unguided rockets into the flanking robots, it was successful till the bots recalculated and started opening fire with their autocannons, shooting down some of the helicopters while the rest flew away in panic. Hinds flying low enough to hit the top of the trees appeared out of nowhere and fired there barraged as they dangerously yawed back into safety.

Inside the UN Hall, everything was silent. The atmosphere was heavy and hard as the various guild leaders clench their hands in hopes that they'll be able to contain the spread of the self replicating robots. The only thing they could hear was the mass amount of marching on the street outside as more troops from the modernized guilds arrived to help out with the situation.

Paul was also extremely tense with the situation, watching the live feed of tanks, APCs, IFVs and helicopters going all out against the robotic monstrosities. The armor was successful in saving what remains of the Medieval army but now they're taking the full brunt of the fire, some of the tanks had the four legged robots jump on their top and fired the 75mm smoothbores into the top, instantly disabling the mighty main battle tank. A ring then came from his pocket which startled him and the guy next to him. Hassan and John were fixated on the screen.

It was a selfie of Alana wearing modern clothes with Bahamut in the background eating some junk food.

"Ugh, How did she learn how to use the camera?"

The man next to him who was wearing a suit notices Alana's beauty.

"Your girl? She looks good with that yellow blouse on."

"Nah, just someone I know."

"Ohhh, I see you have some history with her."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you could've just said no. But instead you answered differently."


"So, that means you've known her for a while."

"Just a few weeks."

"Dang a tall black haired beauty like that, pretty sure she's a monster on the bed ehy?" He looks smug and smiling as if he figured out the answer to life.

While talking, Paul notices a bunch of bags from various brands which opens his eyes and makes a facepalm. Going through his head are the prices of these things she's bought and how much it'll take him back even though he only has a rough idea of how much Gold she has.

"Are you not seeing the situation right now? Our men are literally fighting the self-replicating bots."

"Hey man, that's just our first wave. It already shows how outgunned those war bots are. Won't be long till our bombers and jets arrive with artillery. Take care of your lady, I get the feeling she's the type who'll stick to someone for eternity."

"Is that a joke since her fangs are visible?"

"Yes and no."

The conversation ends between the two and Paul texts back to Alana

>Nice selfie, but how much is all that?

>Don't worry about it, also bring a vehicle.

>How many bags are there?"


>Okay, just calm down with the buying. I know you're curious and all.

>Modern clothes are so comfy yet still show off my body.

>I get it, but please. I'm not a bag boy.

>Alright, I'll hold off buying till you arrive. >.<

"What the heck, is that a text emoji?" He leaned closer to his flip phone while the Hall was still staring at the situation, some whispering to one another about the fighting.

>Things are busy, I'll text you back later.


>Nice English though. Good to see you've already mastered it this fast.

>That's what hundreds of years of boredom can do to a pretty lady M'Lord!

>Ahahahaha alright, just don't overspend alright? That's your money, you should take care of it.

He promptly takes a photo of the Hall and the seriousness of the place is very apparent in the photo.

>Ok, good luck and don't work too much.

>Yep, be careful, okay?

>Because I'm a Vampire?

>Exactly, some people might fanboy over seeing an actual Vampire.

>That might explain the reactions of some of the boys I met on the street.

>Did they do anything to you? Did they annoy you?

>Don't worry, they're just some curious souls. Ok, take care alright ♡

"What the heck? Even symbols. She learns fast."

>Yea, but if anything happens, text me alright?


He closes his flip phone with a stupidly big smile on his face. "So this is how it feels like to text a girl. I can get used to this in no time." He looks back at the livestream and could see that a foothold has been set. But they're still not out of the woods yet, the men deployed have to fend off the robots counterattack.

In the field, the IFVs and APCs have deployed the soldiers that were onboard. Squads spread out, twenty to thirty meters apart while helicopters continually strafe the oncoming robots.

"They're sending trash at us! Hold out a little longer! Tell the infantry to start digging holes! I get the feeling they'll be firing another barrage of missiles at us!"

"Get those medieval fuckers out of here! The shrapnel will go through their shield and armor!"

"This is Vupo One to Iron Golem, we're seeing a massive outpour of robots on your East side, I recommend facing your main battle tanks to that direction, over."

The chatter was endless on the military radio, as the robotic horde reached its hand over to the foothold, flights of F-16s and Su-25s bombarded the wave. The immense shockwave from the continuous explosion bends the trees and branches fly outward, into the tanks at high speed. Soon, the rare and special F-22 Raptors of the Men of the Woods appear with their external payloads loaded with missiles of all types.

Some of the players on the field, commanding the mindless skeleton soldiers were already celebrating when more robots emerged from the fire. The tanks took no second to fire immediately, 120mm and 125mm shells were shot towards the bots without any mercy. The immense fire being laid down prevented any breakthrough as the units continued to waste away through their munitions.

"Babushka One to all Pilots! We need more runs! They're still appearing! Cyka! Look in front of you brainless skeleton!"

"Affirmative, we got more flights of F-Thirty Fives and Mirage coming in with Napalm and Cluster Munitions."

"This is Excalibur signing in Frequency One Nine Five point Six, we've just arrived with four batteries of M-One-O-Nine Paladins. Cluster and High Explosive rounds are ready. Send in the coordinates."

Already, multitudes of replies come. It overwhelms the Platoon commander of the battery but nevertheless tries his best to listen in on the replies. Some of the coordinates were over the Hill while others were danger close. More Batteries arrived and slowly, the weight of the calls got divided and rounds were sent to the battlefield. Through the thick clouds, the rounds arch through the sky and into the ground. The rounds sent were all very effective, prompting the players on the ground to start calling in more, some of who were more desperate started using spells and magic to heal themselves.

More and more units flood in and the radio chatter just grows more and more diverse as languages from different nations join together in different frequencies.

"Мы запрашиваем дополнительный основной боевой танк! Мы теряем здесь кое-какое оборудование, и нам нужно больше!"

"Wo sind die Leoparden Rommel One? Wir brauchen sie hier im Wald, im Westen!Sofort!"


"西方人正在做一个很好的工作与他们战斗! 我们也需要展示我们的手! 来吧伙计们!"

As the combat raged on, more and more people arrived and the battle was slowly turning to their favor. The players inside the Assembly Hall breathe a sigh of relief. There's still a chance to win the war and contain them. Many put their backs into the chairs, relaxing themselves from slouching to the table for so long.

"This is God Hand to all callsigns, flight of two B-Fifty Two Golfs loaded with sixty Mark Eighty Two Five hundred pound bombs. The Knights of Eldwood send their regards, hold in your position, we'll blast them back to the stone age out!"

"You American bastards made it just in time! There's more seats in the party. Трахать."

"Salutations du pays de l'amour, You better kill them all!"

"Schließlich Gott Hand! You make one Hell of an entrance! viel Glück!"

"好时机西方人!We were just about to throw rocks at them!"

Though most of the backline of the robotic horde was already blown to smithereens by the cruise missiles fired before the main army arrived, their numbers were still staggeringly high. The B-52G Stratofortress dropped its massive payload of 500 Pound bombs, finally breaking the back of the robotic wave. Seeing the futility, a Mark IV way behind the lines recalculates and orders the remaining remnants of the robotic army to retreat and return back deeper into the forest.

Soldiers on the frontlines celebrate, hugging one another and throwing up arms at the victory. The tankers on the other hand immediately move forward, their tracks once again mark the burnt land, and high above them, contrails of more cruise missiles flying thousands of feet are visibly seen as it slowly arches into the enemy territory. The field was very colorful, as the soldiers wearing the Russian EMR Olive Camouflage, PLA with their Digital Jungle Green, the French with its Camouflage Europe Centrale, the German Flecktarn and the US Army Operational Camouflage Pattern litter the place. On their shoulder patches were the clans they came from, The officials watching the livestream in the Assembly Hall shed a tear at the sight, due to the nature of modern warfare, the guilds chose to build their armies from what they know in the real world, hence looking like their respective militaries just with a bit of change in the design and loadout.

"You'll never see something like this again." John said to Hassan and Paul who was on his right.

"That was an amazing show of firepower though, all that different calibers and weapon types shooting at one thing. Guess all we have to do now is tighten the grip, and crush them. If only World War Three was like that, I'd prefer whatever is happening right now than what happened on Earth."

"There's still a long way to go, I've talked to our friends from the other guilds, Paul. I'm sending you in. Though it's still gonna take us a while to get everyone, we already have a Platoon of Abrams Main Battle Tanks ready. Spearhead the assault, leave not one robot alive."

"Roger that."

"John, get everything we can and send it to the frontlines. We must not let the people of this land suffer more from our mistakes. Apaches, Cobras, Vipers, Warthogs and everything else we have."

"Yes sir, copy on all."

He picks up the telephone on the desk and dials in for City 01.

"Kenworth, Has Francis or Elmer returned?"

"Kenworth here I mean Francis, what's up?"

"I know you've already heard?"

"Yep, already sending the good stuff to the frontlines."

"Good, what about Elmer?"

"Want me to patch him through?

"No, just notify him to move about five to six Destroyers to the city of Woodstock, Capital of the Men of the Woods."

"Alrighty, Kenworth out."

He put the phone down and the Assembly Hall was still full of people on the phone congratulating their men and commanding officers for doing a great job on the field. Amid the celebrations, the General Secretary pummels the podium with his mallet.

"I know everyone is happy, but this is just one battle that won't dictate the rest of the war. Let us hold our hands high and hope that we'll keep this up till the end. Now, we'll end the livestream and talk about the last topic of this assembly."

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It was funny when I read other novels that portray people getting sucked out in a novel or an otome game. Until that happened to me. I wake up, grogg...
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Once there was a land of swords in the ruthless world of Malgrim, guarded by four ancient dragons, and there was a great continent named Vligauyan. I...
2.9K 235 20
Okay, I'm not gonna drive my potential fans away with a boring Bio. And with that being said, let's get into this Sexy-Ass Intro... In a World... (Ye...