Varies Fandom One-Shots (Read...

By DrunkHorse-INN

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Just some random One-Shots from different fandoms. :3 Being updated everyday. Slow publishing and slow taking... More

INFO: Please Read
Mao Mao X Male!Reader
Lewis Legend X Reader
Dark Danny X Reader
Lawrence Limburger X Reader
Yinu X Male!Reader
Green 1010 Bot X Reader
Alucard X Male!Son!Reader
Neil X Male!Reader
Molluck X Reader
Grave Digger X Reader
Johnny Gat X Reader
Creepy Susie X Male!Reader
The Jackal X Reader
Octavia X Male!Reader
Johnny Gat X Reader Pt.2
R.J. MacReady X Male!Reader
Tangath Toborn X Feline!Reader
FR! Freddy Fazbear X Reader
Red Son X Reader
Big J X Reader
Bobby X Reader
Monkey King X Reader
F!Hank X M!Grunt!Reader
The Auditor X Reader
Flippy X Reader
SkekMal X Reader
AAA!Hank X Reader PT. 2
Frazie Aquato X Male!Reader
Bruno Madrigal X Male!Reader
Monty Gator X Reader
Maxxor X Reader
Chirin X Reader
Mortimer Handee X Reader
Mortimer Handee X Reader PT.2
Bobby X Reader PT.2
SkekTek X Reader
Mortimer Handee X Reader PT.3

AAA!Hank X Reader

119 2 2
By DrunkHorse-INN

[image coming soon]
🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Reader Insert, Scientist!Reader, Non-Binary!Reader, Grunt!Reader, AU|Canon Divergence, AAA Clones Are Scary Aggressive, Randomly Named Characters, Cussing|Cursing|Swearing, Some Blood Mentioned, Uncontrollable Clones, Accidental Imprinting, Size Kink|Size Difference, Reader's Past Involvement With Hank Is Unrevealed
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: The Hank Clone
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Madness Combat Series

[1]Today had been like any other day, you and a few others jolting down quick notes as the studying of these "Super Soldiers" were being observed.

Just three of them for now.

Gen 1: Prototypes.

You let out a sneeze from the tossed up dust and dirt. You hated the outside, you just want to fiddle with your laptop right now but no! You had to be outside watching the clones training and testing out the latest gear given to them. Your [EYE COLOR] eyes caught some movement from the side, turning your head just in time to watch Sanford make a threatening gesture to a weak scientist who flinched back in fear. The clone chuckled, it seems Deimos wanted to have some fun too. The male put your poor co-worker in a headlock, forcing Phil, the bullied scientist, to drop his tablet and phone. You were sad for the electronics upon seeing Sanford stepping and crushing the devices in the process.

Who cares about Phil. He did kind of had it coming.

"Should we be doing something about that?" Asked N8 (Nate). You shook your head, writing down the current event with the clones and basically them beating the snot out of the weak grunt.

"Mm, nah. Let them." You faced your partner, "I don't want to die trying to save an asshole." You smiled, a brow raised upon N8's face. "Wilson owes me ten dollars." You chuckled seeing your friend facepalm,

"I can't believe you made a bet." N8 pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance to which you found hilarious in some part of your brain.

"It was just this once." You nudge N8, "To prove a point. Never fuck with an experiment. They're a little unstable." Nodding your head in Phil's direction, the two clones were able to rip the man's arm off using it as some form of weapon.

"They're beating Phil with his own arm!" N8 stutters and fidgets, "That's it. I'm heading over." Before your friend could even step forward, a hulking figure stepped infront of N8 who stepped back in fright. Your eyes widen as you partly hid behind the plastic clipboard, the feeling of your heart slamming against your ribcage made itself known. Taking a quick glance towards N8, fear written all over his grey face.

You both are going to be next to die!

Hank's clone stood between N8 and the bloody mess behind him. His demeanor gave off a warning, probably not even a warning. More like, if you try it- you'll die. Hank moved forward, N8 held his hands halfway up his chest, moving back.

He's so going to die!

The behemoth of a clone growled and push back the smaller man, N8 stumbled back from the force. You flinched when Hank turned to you, his goggles gleaming ominously.

Uh, oh...

You were frozen in place, feet not listening no matter how much you commanded them. You both stared at one another, no one moving. You to afraid, the predator might lunge at you if you do. Hank had been the first to move, he took his leave. But before he did, the clone purposely nicked your shoulder. It wasn't painful, just surprised you. Letting out your held breath, breathing in the dusty Nevada air.

When did you even stopped breathing?

"That was fucking scary." N8 approached you, swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded.

"I thought we're going to be murdered there for a sec."


Later in the labs, nothing eventful happened. Just the way you like it. You tapped away and clicked the mouse repeatedly, secretly playing Mine Sweeper instead of filling out your report. With a sigh, you closed out the window. Knowing full well you'll lose again. Leaning back in your wheelie chair, you debated with yourself.

Should you close up and head to bed.


Actually get your work done on time.

Such a hard decision.

The feeling of a pair of hands resting upon your shoulders made you jump, not expecting it coming. The person, who you think is N8, gently squeezed in a comforting way.

"God damn, N8. You gave me a heart attack." He stayed quiet, not a peep. You found this odd. Your friend would always respond, even when you weren't talking. Resting your head upon the back of your chair, [EYE COLOR] eyes widen in fear and maybe surprise. Glowing red eyes glared back into your own, a toothy smirk upon grey lips.


A clone had escaped!

It seems Deimos had the same idea, you wanted out of your chair. The grey hands resting upon your tense shoulders gripped at the fabric and pulled. Both you and your wheelie chair collapsing to the floor below. Your head and shoulder hurt upon impact but it wasn't enough to take you out.

"NO! PLEASE STO-" One good hard kick knocked you out, sending you spiraling into darkness. You would wake and pass out at random times, the first you awoke, you were being dragged down a hallway covered in blood. The next time you reopened your eyes, sirens and the emergency red lights flashing within the dark place. The final time, you're wide awake now. Lights bathing everything in red, your blurry vision made out a few bodies nearby.

Where were you?

What part of the facility are you in?

Pain shot throughout the side of your head, no doubt the area is bruised and swollen. With a pained groan, you weakly pushed yourself up until you were sitting. Rubbing at your good eye to clear up your sight, the sound of struggling caught your attention. Looking to the source, Deimos held up against the wall, a clothed forearm pressing into his neck. That's some strength to hold someone up with an arm and not a hand. Your eyes trailed over to the new person, you were surprised to find out it wasn't a guard but the clone of Hank.

This is something different you hadn't see before. The clones never fought Eachother upon their creation or ever!

Hank could be asserting his dominance. But that's a theory... Maybe some more research could be nee-

Shaking your head from the sudden thought. You don't have time to think these things! You need to escape while you have a chance! Quietly and carefully as one could climbing over mutilated bodies, you made your way in the opposite direction. Praying to Jebus that Sanford isn't anywhere in anywhere down yonder. A loud slam had you pausing, to scared to spare a glance back. If you had to guess; Deimos must've been able to knock back Hank but you're not staying to find out. You picked up your pace once more, you need to find somewhere safe! Your office is a no go, especially how easily one of the clones had slipped in undetected. The leading scientist's room should be face, he had been so paranoid, the basically turned his office into a safety bunker. You stood to your feet once you deemed you were just far enough.

Where were you?

You really don't recognize this part of the facility, well, you traversed this area but not very much to the point you hadn't memorized the layout. You wondered aimlessly, the flashing red lights really not helping you. You had stopped at some point, staring through a two-way mirror. It appeared to be an environment simulation, more like a vault from Fallout. You're so obsessed with that series right now. You spotted many people inside, they all seemed to be living out ordinary lives.

From this sight alone, you must assume to be in the Environmental Testing Wing. That's pretty far from were your work station is located.

A female grunt approach the mirror, you watched this lady fix her messy bun and smooth out the wrinkles of her green sweater[2]. Spinning around on your heel, you jumped back in freight. You came face-to-face a clone, Hank, you must've zoned out for you not to hear him...

Or you were just really oblivious. The man stalked towards you, to avoid him, you walked backwards until you felt you back press against the glass behind you. Your heart picked up pace once more, feeling like a rabbit being hunted by a wolf. From behind, what you hadn't notice you've accidentally turned on the touch screen. Revealing "Disaster" buttons, Hank saw the possibility of causing more chaos. He didn't need to think twice, he's going to do it. You quickly closed your [EYE COLOR] eyes as you tried to appear smaller when he decided to lean forward. You expected for something to happen, a punch, choke, or even a body slam.


But nothing came. No new pain, nothing.

Cracking your good eye open, you took notice of Hank leaning, yes, but not towards you. You heard a few taps before the male pulled away. You were very confused, why didn't he do anything? Hank did something but you weren't focused about the many people dying behind you.

"Please Hank. Don't kill me." You begged, the said male didn't make a move. You decide you should, Hank casually followed you scooting with with a tilt of his head.


That wasn't creepy at all. The fact that Hank hadn't said a word was a little unsettling, especially when you know he's able. His flesh and limbs completely intact compared to the original Hank who looked like a Frankenstein Monster. Before you make it any further, you had been yanked back towards the hulking behemoth. The sore part of your face coming in contact with a firm chest, pain made itself known, reminding you it's still there. You grimace as you sucked in a breath through gritted teeth.

"You aren't going nowhere." Your eyes shot wide open, he didn't sound like himself. It was dark and primal sounding, to you, it's as if a demon had been speaking.

That definitely spooked you...

But it did sound kinda sexy. Like how Tim Curry would voice the villains in movies. You just learned something about yourself today.

You really into smooth talking scary men.

Why are so you weird?

"Just please don't hurt me." You whined again, feeling tears pricking the corners of your eyes, knowing you wouldn't escape a second time. Hank isn't amused by how weak you're being right now, he found it kind of a annoying. He never once seen you this pitiful before, you're a different person the last time you two met.

What could've changed?

Bunching up the fabric at the back of your neck, Hank roughly ripped you from his being, you stumbled from the sudden force. One of your hands flying back to barely grip his wrist.

"Don't be stupid." You were forced to follow after the man, his long strides no match for your shorter ones. A few times, you accidently tripped over your own feet trying to keep up. You did not dare say a word in fear you might bring out his wraith, you seen what he's capable of, having watched the clones during their training. In the distance, you could hear the gun fire. Reinforcements must've arrived or one of the clones were able to get their hands on some weaponry. Your dull nails dug into Hank's skin as your free hand held tightly to the belt on the dark trench coat, trying to secure a stable balance. The pace still difficult to follow, curse you for being one of the shorties! The grey skinned male had no need to look towards you as he kept on walking, his next statement would leave you confused rather then scared. "We're going to spend some quality family time together."



What have you done for the clone to think this way?


To Be Continued...

*See you in Part 2. The next would be focused on the "family ties" past between Clone Hank and Reader.
*I also made this story primary with Female in mind but made it non-binary.

[1]-Indents don't show
[2]-This brief description is about a female Dr. Hofnarr Clone. It's part of a story involving her unknownly living in a controlled Life Simulation.

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