It Comes the Dawn (Merlin Fan...

By ladyofthecelts

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After every dusk and the darkest hour it always comes the dawn. ~ What if Merlin managed to take Arthur to Av... More

Chapter I - The Journey to Avalon Part I
Chapter II - The Journey to Avalon Part II
Chapter III - The Grail
Chapter IV - Kingdoms in Disarray
Chapter V - Galahad's Story
Chapter VI - The Purest and Most Perfect of All Knights
Chapter VII - The Coming of the New Age
Chapter VIII - The King's Advisor
Chapter IX - Impostors
Chapter X - An Unexpected Message
Chapter XI - Road to Essetir
Chapter XII - Keep Your Enemies Close
Chapter XIII - The Secret of the Cave
Chapter XIV - To Befriend an Enemy
Chapter XV - A Flight to the Fair Land
Chapter XVII - Courage, Strength and Magic
Chapter XVIII - A Seed of Suspicion
Chapter XIX - Regained Trust
Chapter XX - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XXI - Under Attack Part I
Chapter XXII - Under Attack Part II
Chapter XXIII - Tears of Sorrow
Chapter XXIV - The Once and Future King
Chapter XXV - The Light of the Sun

Chapter XVI - Small Actions Shape the Future

140 9 4
By ladyofthecelts

Merlin walked down the main alley through the city. It was semi-darkness, maybe just an hour before dawn, so he had to watch out for the guards wandering around the streets. Soon he passed the tavern The Rising Sun and after a few turns he found himself at the door of the house he knew very well, and which had been empty for a long time. Suddenly the warlock heard footsteps marching rhythmically. He snapped his head in the direction the sound was coming from and saw two guards walking a few yards from him towards the castle. He swiftly hid behind the wall and waited for them to go away, observing the surroundings at the same time. When it was clear he made a sign with his hand for Vortimer to walk with him. A hooded figure of the blonde man followed Merlin to the door and then the warlock's eyes flashed gold. They slipped inside, quietly closing the door behind them.

"Whose home is it?" Vortimer asked, looking around the room.

"It was Gwen's," Merlin replied.

"The queen?"

"Yhym, I hope you like it."

"It's perfect," said Vortimer. "Empty, but perfect."

The warlock chuckled. "I… er… I'll ask for a job for you if you intend to live here, of course."

"Great, if everything goes well, I would like to be a part of Camelot," he smiled.

Merlin sat at the table and glanced at Vortimer. "Are you really sure that you want to give up the life of a prince?"

"Yes. I'm tired of the life I've lived so far," said the blond and Merlin nodded.

"Right, so make yourself comfortable," the warlock smiled. "I'll be back later with some clothes for you because now I have to go and return to my duties."

"Don't let your king wait," Vortimer laughed as Merlin was leaving.

"I won't," he chuckled and left.

He made his way straight to the castle and then headed to the palace kitchens to get breakfast for Arthur. Everything had been prepared by the cooks beforehand, so all Merlin had to do was put the food on a silver plate. He chose what his friend liked best, that is cheese, ham and fresh bread, and when he was done he went to the king's chambers. As he walked along the corridors, fatigue took its toll, but he couldn't let himself fall asleep during work, and he knew that there's plenty to do. He winced at the thought of it and walked into Arthur's room opening the door by only looking at it. The warlock stood at the end of the king's bed setting down the plate on the bedroom trunk, and with a mere flip of his hand he pulled back the curtains. The sun flooded the chamber, waking Arthur up so that Merlin didn't even have to say anything.

"Merlin, you're back," said Arthur rubbing his eyes.

"Yep, and I got you breakfast," he replied.

"Thank you," the king took the plate and started eating while Merlin sat on the chair behind Arthur's desk. He tilted his head back, sighing tiredly. The king glanced at him with raised eyebrows. "Are you all right?"

"I've been gathering herbs for Gaius all night," the warlock said, not changing his position.

"I know, you should go home."

Merlin straightened up abruptly as if something had struck him. "Come again?"

"I'm giving you a day off."

"No way," he walked over to Arthur's bed. The king looked at him questioningly, stopping halfway through his eating. "Someone has to polish your armour."

Arthur swallowed quickly the food he had in his mouth and put aside a plate. "I'll fetch someone to do it for you, besides, I don't understand, Merlin, some time ago you asked for a day off and now you refuse."

"It was just banter."

"Oh, and I told you about you being my advisor, didn't I?" Arthur smirked.

"Well, you do realise that you have no one to make you breakfast and other things that you're not able to do for yourself? Apart from the fact that I am your advisor, I can also carry out my duties so far, and believe me, no other servant would be as bad at this as I am," Merlin said in one breath.

"I like that," the king smiled and jumped out of his bed while his friend was smiling proudly. "But I was serious about the day off, you should sleep," he added.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Better tell me how the feast was," the warlock changed the subject.

"I'm sober," Arthur looked at him; "if that's what you wanted to know, but we all have to be because we have training today. We saw Galahad in action how good he is and the knights are going to face him."

"You seem very impressed by Galahad."

"He joined the greatest army in the Five Kingdoms and he is now one of my best knights, I'm pleased to have him here," he said and finished dressing himself. "We're gonna hold a jousting tournament in a week, will you help with preparations?"

"Yeah, of course," Merlin agreed. "What's the occasion?"

"Anniversary of the establishment of the Round Table in Camelot." Arthur replied.

"Oh, that's great," the warlock smiled. "Actually, I have something else to do, so see you later on the training ground," he said and almost ran out from the chamber leaving Arthur slightly confused by his strange behaviour.

Merlin burst into Gaius' chambers and went straight to his room. The physician shuddered and followed him with his eyes.

"Merlin!" Gaius stood at the threshold and saw his apprentice rummaging through clothes. "What are you doing?"

The warlock picked some clean shirts and trousers and packed it into his bag, then he looked at the old man and led him to the table asking him to sit down. He himself took the seat as well.

"Aithusa is safe," said Merlin grinning.

"That's fantastic!" Gaius smiled. "Where is she?"

"I took her to the Darkling Woods with a little help from the great dragon and… Vortimer, of course. He's here, in Camelot."

The physician looked surprised. "How come?"

"He wants to live here."

"Merlin," Gaius said in a disapproving tone. "He's with the Saxons, he could be dangerous."

The warlock sighed and shook his head. "He's not an enemy anymore. Why can't you just trust me?"

"It's not like I don't trust you, Merlin, I don't trust him," the old man said calmly.

"Well, but I do, Gaius. I see he's a good man," said Merlin and then suddenly a shadow of doubt came over him. "Even if it is as you say, he would not attempt to kill Arthur, not in Camelot."

"Nevertheless, he may be a spy, providing information to Vortigern, and worse, to Mordred."

"So you're saying that I shouldn't have let him help me and allow him to stay?"

"No, I only meant that you better have an eye on him."


Merlin returned to Gwen's old home which henceforth belonged to Vortimer. Gaius' words still echoed in his head and he wasn't sure anymore whether the help from the man was sincere or was just an excuse to get to Camelot. And the truth is that Vortimer only guided Merlin where the white dragon was, nothing more. The warlock shook his head to dismiss those thoughts and focus on what he had to do.  Nevertheless, he decided to stick to his new friend as close as possible.
He handed Vortimer all the clothes he had brought with him and waited for the blond to get changed.

"How do I look?" Vortimer asked turning around to let the warlock assess his attire.

"Like me," said Merlin looking at his blue shirt and dark trousers.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Good we are the same size. I will give them back to you as soon as I buy some for myself."

"Keep them, I have a few more of the same. And Arthur completed my wardrobe with more formal clothes," the warlock rolled his eyes, Vortimer laughed. "Put on the belt and you are fully dressed."

The blond glanced at Merlin and spoke after a beat. "When are you going to tell Arthur about the dragon?"

"Dragons, actually," the warlock corrected him. "He thinks he killed Kilgharrah."

"Well, that'll be a surprise for him," the man laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll tell him but I have to find the proper moment, and now," Merlin pointed at his friend; "it is a moment for you to get a job."

"You mean you found something for me?" Vortimer asked with a smile.

"Maybe," the warlock chuckled. "We'll have to find out. Come on, let's go."

They went outside on the street bustling with people. Vortimer kept right behind Merlin, trying not to be noticed by anyone but the warlock stated that he might seem even more suspicious in this way. They headed towards the lower town and then walked into a place with a blue sign with the sun, hanging over its entrance; the place that is well known to every citizen of Camelot. Merlin sat at the bar and motioned for Vortimer to join him.

"Pretty rush at this time of the day," spoke the warlock looking at the man making drinks behind the bar. As he heard his voice he turned around to face Merlin.

"Ah, Merlin," he said. "Is it not too early for a drink?" he chuckled.

"Actually, I have a favour to ask, Evoric."

"Ask away."

"This is a friend of mine from Ealdor," Merlin pointed at Vortimer. "He's looking for a job and I thought that maybe you are in need of a bartender?"

Evoric glanced at the blonde haired man and paused doing his work. He sat across from them.

"I'm running this place by myself, I could certainly use some help," he stated. "What's your name, young man?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Er…, I'm Murtagh," Vortimer replied quickly, glancing briefly at Merlin.

"All right, Murtagh, you can start today. I'll introduce you and we will see if you are suitable," Evoric said.

"Really? That's great," the blond smiled.

"Well," Merlin smiled too; "I leave you here, I'm going back to my work," he stood up to leave, but turned towards them before he did. "And it's better that Arthur wouldn't know I've been here."

"Not a word," Evoric chuckled and led Vortimer to the back room.

After half an hour later Merlin was sharpening swords at the training ground and waiting for the rest of the knights to show up. When he finished, he picked up Excalibur, which, thanks to its magical properties, never dulled itself. The warlock's admiration of the blade was interrupted by Gwaine, who suddenly appeared in front of his face out of nowhere.

"May I?" the knight asked, reaching for the sword.

"Nope," Merlin swung swiftly the blade down and leaned against it.

"Rude," Gwaine chuckled. "Why not?"

"It's meant only for Arthur," he replied and placed the sword next to the others on the stand.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. Just let me feel its balance."

At the same moment Arthur came, who stood nearby leaning against one of the shooting targets and watched their actions.

"Gwaine, really, no one else can wield it but Arthur."

"Well, is it magical or what?" the knight laughed but his smile faded as he saw the serious look on the Merlin's face. "No way."

"Kind of, it was forged in the dragon's breath," the warlock explained.

"Dragon's breath…?" Gwaine was slightly confused. "No wonder that he's better than all of us."

"Would you mind putting yourself to the test with me?" Arthur spoke, getting their attention. He walked over to them and took Excalibur. "So?" he smirked looking at Gwaine.

"I don't mind," the knight chuckled. "But not with that, Arthur, you're gonna use an ordinary one."

"Of course," the king agreed, putting the sword back on the stand and taking the other. "Mine is best if it is here or in my hands, especially when Merlin is around," he glanced at his friend with a smile.

"No cheating, Merlin!" Gwaine exclaimed, walking away with Arthur to a safe distance.

"Wouldn't dare!"

"If I win," the knight said to Arthur after a beat; "you buy me a drink."

"How original of you," Arthur chuckled. "And if I win?"

"Well, then we can all agree that you really are the best of us all."


They prepared for the fight and at the signal that Merlin gave them they started their combat. Gwaine made the first move and attacked Arthur from above, but the king deftly blocked it. They exchanged blows for a while. The fight grew fiercer until Arthur finally swung against Gwaine's head but the knight made a dodge, exactly as Arthur thought, who shoved him with his shoulder in the chest, knocking him to the ground. The knight's helmet rolled to the side, and Gwaine rose quickly so as not to let his friend win the duel. The king took off his helmet and tossed it towards Merlin.

"You're giving up?" Arthur asked. In the meantime the rest of the knights gathered around to watch their fight.

"The knights of Camelot never give up," Gwaine replied.

The king delivered another blow and their blades collided with a clash. Arthur jumped aside avoiding Gwaine's sword, but smoothly repelled the attack. Everything indicated that Arthur would defeat Gwaine, but Merlin decided to take the king down a peg. The warlock's eyes flashed gold and Arthur's belt unbuckled and slid down the chainmail. He, distracted, glanced down and Gwaine seized his opportunity. After a moment the king collapsed and the knight plunged his sword into the ground next to Arthur's head. Merlin held back his smirk and looked away at Leon and Percival who began clapping. He couldn't believe that Arthur didn't notice anything.

"Well, congratulations, sir Gwaine," said Arthur approvingly and grabbed the hand offered by the knight.

"Thank you, sire."

"But if it wasn't for this belt, I would be victorious," the king stated, teasing him.

"Yeah, for sure," Gwaine chuckled. "Let me enjoy it," he patted Arthur on the shoulder.

"Deservedly," the king also laughed. "Galahad and Leon are next," he nodded at them and walked over to Merlin.

"Let me see, maybe I'll be able to fix it," the warlock took the belt from Arthur whose gaze lingered somewhere over Merlin's shoulder. "What is it?" he asked and turned around to see a figure in a blue shirt and with blonde hair disappearing in the crowd.

"I thought I saw someone I knew. I must have imagined it," he said and returned to his knights.

After training Merlin went straight to Vortimer's home. He entered without bothering to knock what startled the blonde man who jumped in his bed.

"Do you want to get yourself killed?" Merlin raised his voice and Vortimer's eyes widened in shock.

"What are you talking about and why are you yelling?" he frowned.

"I'm not yelling, I'm just telling you," the warlock replied a little softer. "You can't wander around Camelot incautiously, and especially near where Arthur is. We saw you, luckily he didn't recognise you."

Vortimer looked surprised and as the meaning of the words came to him he sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to look around. I'll be more careful next time."

"Just try not to run into people who know you. How's your first day at work?"

"Actually, good," Vortimer smiled. "I'm not making drinks yet. For now all I have to do is clean all the mess that the drunk people did, so," he laughed.

"Well, job definitely not for a prince," Merlin chuckled. "And you're saying that it was good, I'm in shock. I can't imagine Arthur doing such a thing."

"Me either."

"You know you're not going to hide forever," said Merlin after a beat.

"I know, but I want to stay here as long as possible. When Arthur finds out, I can't expect him to accept me with open arms."

"I'm sure that if you explain everything to him like you did to me, he will understand."

Vortimer smiled. "Thank you, Merlin, for all the help and kindness you gave me. You're a really good friend."

"You too," the warlock smiled back. "I've never thought fate would turn out that way. See you tomorrow," he said and left.

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