Crashing into Another World

By RockCandies

133K 5.5K 882

On a routine flight headed up north to restock a lumber camp, Iris gets caught in a dry microburst* while fly... More

Character intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 2

5.8K 211 11
By RockCandies

Greeting! Here I am, once again with a few helpful words of vocab.

1. Class G airspace – This class of airspace is uncontrolled. That means there is no control tower to guide pilots and pilots are not required to be in communication with any tower.

2. Altimeter – a neat gadget that tells you how high you are based off of the pressure.

3. Dry microburst – is defined as a column of sinking air that causes planes to loose altitude when they enter one. They can not be seen unless if they are causing dust clouds on the ground, which is not always the case.

4. ELT – emergency location transmitter


Humming lightly to herself, the woman's eyes continuously scanned the surrounding for other planes that may have not yet noticed her. Due to being in an uncontrolled, class G, airspace she had to keep an eye out for traffic herself.

Through the noise cancelling headset she could still hear the loud rumble of the radial engine. As much as she loved the unique plane, it was times like these that she was truly grateful to her headset.

Giving the instruments a once over, she returned her eyes to the sky to once again check over her surroundings before entering a mountainous stretch. Once she entered the area she would have to keep a keen eye on the terrain as her altimeter only gave her altitude from sea level rather than ground level. She also didn't particularly want to fly over the mountains today as she found that flying through their large valleys was a beautiful and exhilarating experience. At least as exhilarating bush flying could get without crashlanding, that is.

As she flew over, she watched the trees slowly inch closer as the ground beneath them gradually reached for the sky. When the trees were close enough that she could see their individual branches, she veered the plane away from the slope, and into the valley. Like this, the yellow plane could be seen snaking its way through the valley, never getting dangerously close to any slope but never completely free from another slope.

This was not the safest activity, she knew, however the sinfully fun pastime had such a rewarding view that she found herself unable to deny it.

Suddenly she felt her stomach in her throat. Her eyes bulged and her visage significantly palled as she watched the treetops suddenly start getting a whole lot closer much faster than what was reasonable. Doing her best to breath and maintain her calm, she checked the altimeter and confirmed, the plane was losing altitude! She was in a dry microburst and too close to the ground to be able to recover.

Taking deep breaths she switched her radio over to the emergency frequency, 121.5MHz, "Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" She all but shouted while her eyes were frantically scouring the fast approaching tree tops for some area that could do for a suitable emergency landing.

"This is..."


Before she could finish the distress call the plane had made contact with ground bellow.

--------------Sometime Later ----------------

Groggy, the woman felt her head pound slightly. She was slouched forward in her seat, having been held in place by her seatbelt. Not moving from her position, she cracked her eyes open. Her vision swam and she quickly clenched her lids shut to fight off the bout of nausea. Once it subsided, she again opened her eyes squinting a bit at the light.

Her head felt foggy and she was unsure why she could see leaves and branches when looking through the windows. From her position she could tell she was up in the air but was unable to make out how high up she was.

Removing her headset, she mumbled, "What's going on?"

She slowly started to sit up in order to better be able to asses her situation. "Why am I in the... Oh SHIT!"

Recalling what happened her head snapped up.

"FUCK" She grabbed her head as the abrupt movement caused an intense ache to erupt in her skull.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... I'm soooooo fucked"

Taking a deep breath, she did her best to push the thought of loosing her hard earned, minimal wage job to the back of her pounding head.

She probably had a concussion.

Thinking was hard.

Trying to recall her train of thought she began mumbling, trying to talk herself through the situation.

"ok, sooo I crashed. What do I do? Lose my job? Hahah" She laughed dryly, "before that... Oh uhhh I wanna be found. Yeah... Search and rescue...... The ELT!" She exclaimed just a tad loud, enough to send another round of pounding through her head.

Unbuckling her belt, she carefully and oh so slowly maneuvered her way between the two front seats and into the rear. At times like this she was thankful for her curveless form and narrow hips. From there she supported herself as if she were playing twister in order to avoid leaning on the boxes of cans and water bottles. She peered into the section beyond the cargo, the emergency kit.

She had overlooked the emergency location transmitter while doing her check but luckily it was present. After checking that it was transmitting, she let out a breath she hadn't known she had been holding. Now all she had to do was survive until the search and rescue found her.

"Shouldn't take them more than three weeks. It's gonna be ok Iris." She comforted herself.

Iris knew that the model of ELT in her plane only sent out a signal for about three weeks. After that, she would be as good as on her own. Then again she was grateful that there was one. Knowing her cheap boss, it's a miracle he actually had them in each of the planes.

She giggled to herself as she repeated the uncomfortable maneuvers while making her way back to the front. Iris planned to relax a bit before surveying her situation. Who knows, maybe search and rescue would find her during that time and she'd have saved herself the effort. After all, she was in a YELLOW plane, how hard is it to miss that?


Thank you for reading! Like, comment & share <3

Oct. 1, 2021

Thank you to @Darious891 for pointing out a number of my typos <3 You're a champ

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