Closer than you think || Nats...

By ThePotat420

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♤This is an idea that just popped in the back of my mind a year ago and since I cannot mod and I purely like... More

Chapter 1: So it begins
Chapter 2: The Club
Chapter 3: The Pink Devil
Chapter 4: A poem, a snack and a near heart attack
Chapter 5: What did you say!?
Chapter 6: Next page.
Chapter 7: Talk with Monika
Chapter 8: Closet Chaos.
Chapter 9: New Trust
Chapter 10: The Truth
Chapter 11: Lost p.1
Chapter 12: Lost p.2
Chapter 14: Stop it!
Chapter 15: Ready? Set, Prep!
Chapter 16: Sweet, sweet regrets
Chapter 17: Keep me close
Chapter 18: The Festival p.1
Chapter 19: The Festival p.2
Chapter 20: Break me more
Chapter 21: Rebuild and Restore
Chapter 22: Sudden Warmth
Chapter 23: Simple but Risky
Chapter 24: A Man's Heart
Chapter 25: Passion before Pain
Chapter 26: Never Alone
Chapter 27: A Quest!
Chapter 28: Find your way
Chapter 29: Get with the times
Chapter 30: Found
Chapter 31: Roses
Chapter 32: Shattered
Chapter 33: What Matters
Chapter 34: Tampered Flow
Chapter 35: Lavender in my heart
Chapter 36: Old Wounds
Chapter 37: Antipathy
Chapter 38: Put you back together
Chapter 39: Piece by piece
Chapter 40: And never let go
Chapter 41: Home
Chapter 42: Midnight Brawl
Chapter 43: Consternation
Chapter 44: Take Heart
Chapter 45: Welcome Life
Chapter 46: Where we are and where we'll go
5K special

Chapter 13: Lavender in the mud

516 12 13
By ThePotat420

I ended up sleeping on the couch as I found myself drooling when I woke up and reminded myself that I still have school and shoot up from the couch, I checked my phone to find that it was still- 5 in the morning... I sigh and toss my phone onto the couch and head upstairs.

I clearly couldn't sleep after that so I just decided to keep myself busy until it was time to actually get ready. My own fucked up sleep schedule has been my concern for some time now but I'm not doing anything about it either. I checked my email and found that there's two new clients appointing in the same week so that was something. Eventually the time came around so I got ready for school with the least amount of enthusiasm I've had in a long time and that's coming from someone who hates school anyway.

After my morning routine I head outside and wait for Sayori who texted me saying she's feeling better but hasn't fully recovered. Although I kept suggesting she should stay home until she's 100% good but she reassured me saying she'd wear a mask. When she stepped outside she sure as hell did wear one but I think it would just make everyone cautious of her.

"You look stupid."

"Good morning to you too meanie!" She pouted.

We made our way to school with our usual conversations sparking up once again and it felt good for it to pick back up again.

When we reached the school gates I noticed that we were actually early because there were still students roaming the school grounds.

"I'm going to the club right now! Monika texted me last night said that we need to discuss some things!" Sayori said with her cheery smile but I think I have an idea of what the talk is going to be about.

"And you better talk to Misha!" She said trying to make an angry face but I just chuckle.

I waved her off and decided to chill near the fountain as I make my way over to the area. I noticed a bunch of students gathered around it already but they appeared to be surrounding someone..

"Aren't those the people that...- Oh no..."

I quickly go over to the group when I realized they were Yuri's bullies and my suspicions were soon revealed to be true as I look over their shoulders and find her between them as one of the guys snatched her book from her hand and start tossing it between the group. All the while hearing the terms 'freak' or 'loser'

As they played catch with her book I stepped in and caught it mid air as it was being passed on before looking back at them, my eyes darting to presumably their leader who was keeping Yuri from getting the book.

"You asshats are reaaallyy starting to piss me off..."

"E-Evan..! Um hi.." one of the girls exclaimed but I doubt she's trying to explain anything and just fan girl.

"May I ask what your problem is with this girl?" I say with a sharp gaze directly to the main man in question.

"Dude...we're just messing around- She doesn't even talk and sits in the corner of the class like a fre-" Before he could finish I slapped him across the face while the rest of the group flinched and stepped back.

"What are you, 5?! I really don't get how you animals find entertainment in harassing others."

I push him aside and hand Yuri her book who was still frozen in a mix of emotions. I turn back and stare the group down while also occasionally glancing at the jerk holding his cheek.

"Let me make this clear...if I ever see you people around her again- And believe me, I'll know- I can either put this in 2 perspectives. 1. I Get the student council and have them deal with your shit because this isn't the first time this has gone down. 2. I take matters into my own hands and deal with you people myself."

I grab the guy by the collar and pull him closer, "And you better pray it's option 1..."

As I let go he runs off without another word while I look back at the rest. "Walk away..." They all obey easily.

I turn around to face Yuri and sigh, she sat back down on the edge of the fountains and stared at her book on her lap. Before I could even say anything I noticed a tear fall onto the cover. I quickly kneel down and place my hand on her shoulder and reached a level to finally see her face.

"Yuri...come on, those assholes don't deserve the satisfaction of you crying."

Her voice comes out in a broken whisper, "B-but they're right...I'm a freak.."

I sigh and stand back up and sit next to her with my hand on her back, rubbing it gently. "It's never wise to accept the words of the people that harm you."

"It's obvious they know something about you that I don't and they're using it against you..but people only do that because you're different and why does being different always have to mean it's bad?"

She stays silent while I do so as well. She tries to calm down as I see her head perk up, she takes a deep breath while holding the book close to her chest and not a moment too soon. The bell finally rang as our heads turned towards the main building almost in sync, I got up from the edge and looked back at Yuri who wiped away the remainder of her tears and stood up as well.

"I...still need to thank you for helping me...again-" Her shy voice reached me as I smile and turn to her.

"There's no need Yuri...I'm always going to help my friends, all you need to do is tell me when something's wrong." I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Can you do that?" She looked back at me with a slight sore in her eyes but responded with a smile followed by a light nod.

"Great! have to tell me what I need to know.." Her smile fades away but soon walked past me and whispered in my ear before disappearing into the crowds of students making their way to class.

" 'I'll tell you at the club' huh?" I said to myself recalling Yuri's words as I made my way to class. Reaching my classroom I could notice Misha at his usual desk right behind mine who also noticed me walking along.

There was no contact between us for the first few classes until I note down a small message and flick it behind me as it lands on Misha's table. Hopefully he sees it as a request and not a threat to get beaten up.

I don't fucking know how guys make up! What do I even say to him after getting him to the cafeteria?

As break came along it was as embarrassing as I hoped, Kegan and Saito were kept off the hook about what happened and for the best and I managed to talk with Misha. I sure as hell didn't give him a batman backstory but explained to him that he doesn't need to worry about me butting in on things again and we just shook off the sappy ass conversation and moved on.

I left the cafeteria and noticed Natsuki near the water fountain, filling up her bottle as I decide to sneak up behind her and calculated all the consequences of what I'm doing.

Lean over and whisper in her ear,

"Boo~" I was met with a yelp from Natsuki follwed by a splash of water to my face as I step back and chuckle.

"What the hell Evan?!" Natsuki turned towards me fully with her water bottle now empty again as she had splashed it in my face out of panic. Though half my uniform and face was drenched I look back at Natsuki and smile.

"So how's your day going princess?"

"Huh-!? Forget about that! Go dry off!"

"Eh I'm good."

She suddenly grabs my arm and drags me away to God knows where, "No you're not you idiot you're gonna catch a cold too!"

I don't think she's gathered the fact that she's holding my arm while walking down a crowded hall where everyone can see her but I don't remind her either, I'm not complaining about this situation myself.

We end up in what seems to be her classroom as I stand next to her rummaging through her bag and finally pulls out a small towel.

"Why do you have th-" she throws it in my face and I just don't question it any further and dry myself off.

"We have P.E today and I keep a towel for myself." Well that makes sense..

As I slide the towel off my face I look back to Natsuki staring me down with her brows furrowed. She steps closer to me and I fell back onto the chair behind me.

"I see those bags under your eyes Evan." She said with a tone I'm unfamiliar with, aggression but with a hint of concern. Just as fast as it came it went away, "You've been up all night again haven't you?!"

I roll my eyes as for the first time I see Natsuki towering over me with her hands on her hips.

"Why do you guys always end up acting like mothers around me?"

"Because you're so terrible at taking care of yourself you dumbass!"

"...fair enough."

Natsuki went on to rant about how I always do stupid stuff and what I'm supposed to be doing at home but I just smile and look at her as I notice how close her face is to me and she catches onto it herself as she suddenly grows silent and looks at me.

Her face is in an intense colour of red but she's not pulling away. I've always known she can be cute but actually looking at her when this close I can't help but stare, her eyes stared deep into my soul while her overall look was so calm yet intense at the same time..she was slowly inching closer with slightly parted lips while my own face seemed to do the same.

Is this really going to happen...? I can feel her warmth on my face followed by her breathing, until-



Natsuki snaps back to reality and pushes herself away from me before snatching her towel from my hand before sliding it into her bag, turning away from me. I stand up from the chair, "Natsuki-"

"Get to class Evan..."

"But I-"

"J-JUST GET OUT!" She yells while still looking down at her bag.

Both of us were in a state of confusion so I just regain my composure and head out of the class as I see students flooding in after my departure.

Natsuki's POV:

Class had already began but I sure as hell couldn't focus on any of it.

Why did I do that....? I screamed and told him to leave...Why does this always happen when I'm around him? My heart feels like it'll explode whenever I look at him for too long, I'm either sick or...

"Natsuki are you alright?" The teacher called out to me and my head quickly jolts up. "U-uh! Yes...I'm fine."

Classes went by as slow as ever but when the final bell rang I grabbed my back and rushed for the club room. All my energy seemed to crumble to dust once I reached the door knowing Evan may be in there but...I came here real early so he might not even be here yet.

"Moment of truth." I slide open the door to find...Monika at the teachers desk. Wow I actually was early this time, he still may show up so I'm just going to bury my own grave in the closet.

"Oh! Hey Natsuki, fancy seeing you here first~"

"Y-yeah..I um- got out early so.."

"Are you alright? You seem to be burning up and I can see it from here.."

She gets up from her desk and walks over to me while I was half way down the room to the closet. "I-I'm fine! It's just really hot today."

"Are you sure..?"

Monika gave me a concerned look while I stare back at her, suddenly I'm reminded what Evan said yesterday. 'Be honest with yourself and others around you' although what he did that time only made my face burn up more, I had to at least do this. I need my friends to know I trust them...

I sigh, "I don't know. I just...something dumb happened today with Evan and...I think he hates me now..." My voice trails off as I sink into one of the chairs sitting sideways while Monika decides to sit on the one opposite to mine so we faced each other.

"Can you tell me what happened exactly? You don't have to if you're not comfortable with it...."

I sighed and explained every detail of the events that took place during break although every fiber of my body hated it for the entire time. There was only a few seconds of silence in the room before Monika suddenly started giggling.

"Ahaha~ I'm sorry...I'm not laughing at you. It's just- I can't believe you two are having such a hard time with each other's feelings."

"Wait what?"

"Evan was always shy and sometimes stupid when it came to situations like that but trust me. He doesn't hate you.."

" say so.."

Monika sighed as she was about to stand up from her seat but soon more questions came up in my mind.



"Why....did you guys break up?"

There was a sad smile on her face as she stared at the desk infront of her, "Well there are some complications to that topic but...let's just say no one was too happy about the idea of us being together."

"Huh..? You guys ended it because everyone else didn't want you two dating?" I shift in my seat as I stared at her with and irritated look.

"What happened to him always saying he didn't care what people thought?"

"He only developed that mindset now, ...back then our reputation was a priority to us. Plus, the one who was against it the most was the principal..."

I'm getting more confused by the second. "Wait why does he care?!"

"He's my father."

Well that', "Oh..."

"Yeah...ahaha~ But! When summer break came by we still talked and eventually we came to the conclusion that I wouldn't work if we tried again but we still stayed friends."

I could hear footsteps from outside the club and I think so could Monika, she quickly got up from the chair and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"And I think we both know he has his eyes on someone right now~" with a giggle she walked back to the front of the class and in came Sayori and Evan through the door while I sat there with Monika's words echoing in my mind.

Evan's POV:

Sayori and I enter the club room to find Natsuki and Monika already there.

"Afternoon you two~ I have a special announcement today so when Yuri gets here we can discuss it now or at the end of the club meeting."

"Gotcha Prez."

The mention of Yuri reminded me of the talk we're supposed to have which makes me think about how it's going to happen. I don't think she's that confident enough to just sit in club and whisper everything to me.

"I-I'm sorry I'm late..." In came Yuri with a worried look on her face but it was just her usual shyness as we all turned to see her standing at the door.

Our usual greetings continue as she timidly walks to her seat to set down her bag but then walked to the back of the room, I sat in my chair and turned back to see that she was setting up her tea set again and picked up the water pitcher.

She turned and came back to me with a nervous blush on her face, "U-um...i need to go fill this, would you like to come with me..?"

I guess this is her plan to finally talk to me, although not a bold one I decide to just go with the flow.

"Sure Yuri." I get up from my seat after she walks past me.

Monika looked at us and opened her mouth as to question us about our leave but I raised my finger to stop her and I think she got the gist of it.

As we exit the room Yuri and I are mostly silent for the walk down the hall as I notice her grip on the pitcher tighten, her fingers were yellow from how hard she was holding it.

"Yuri...calm down."

"I'm...I'm sorry. I'm just afraid..."

We stop near a classroom out of sight and away from the club room as Yuri sets the pitcher down on a bench and sighs.

I let her gather her words as I lean against the wall opposite to the one she was standing near. This must be something really deep to have her think about it this much.

Finally she seems ready for my questioning as I cross my arms, "So what makes them think you're a 'freak' Yuri?"

"One of the girls in my class...she peeked into my bag when I was pulling out my book and knife."

A knife huh..."She then tried to reach for it and pull it out but I closed my bag  and quickly set it down on my lap. Soon after that she went on about me being a either a serial killer or insane person to her freinds.....although she could have just gone to the teachers and told them about me...but they just-"

"Kept it to themselves so they could either torment you or use it as blackmail to have you do their dirty work."


"But why did you have a knife with you Yuri?"

" was..."

"Take your time. I'm not going to pressure you on this."

A few minutes go by, "I have certain...hobbies." She sighs, "..I have this fascination with knives, I keep a collection at home and my interests only grew from there...that day I brought it in by accident because I was running late."

Yuri then stood up straight and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes with her chin up slightly as if expecting something.


She looked down at me, "h-huh?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"'re...supposed to call me weird for even having such a mindset." She starts to stumble on her words like she usually does. "You- Tell me I'm a freak for- I..."

"That's not something I have a right to comment on, Yuri." I shrug.

"We all have our interests, they're either dark or weird but that's our choice. True, we would try to keep them from others but what happened to you was out of your control. You couldn't have done anything about it." I pull myself away from the wall as I step closer to her.

"It doesn't mean you're in the wrong to even have such a hobby." I keep my gaze locked into her as her head kept lowering the more I spoke.

"B-but...that's not all.." Her voice was cracking up more, she's at the verge of tears.

"I'm listening." I stay calm as I watch Yuri reach for her left arm and grip onto the sleeve. I absolutely hate the fact that I have a hunch on what I'm about to witness.

Yuri pulls up her sleeve and I'm met with the sight of multiple cuts on her arm. They weren't randomly made but rather in order from top to bottom.

I sigh and reach out my hand as a gesture to ask her to lend me her hand. She reluctantly reached out to me as I gently hold her arm and examine the wounds. None of them are fresh but some are deep enough to be considered scares.

"So how long have you been doing this?"

"I've.....only ever did it for a month...I didn't mean to go further than once, I just-!"

"Easy's okay." I say as I slide her sleeve back down and button it up before slowly stepping away.

"So what made you do it in the first place?"

"I was just...setting up my collection until I held one of my most prized knife. I could see my reflection in it's silver blade and I just...I don't know why but...I-"

"I get it..." I smile as I grabbed the pitcher off the bench.

"Funny enough I can relate to some extent." I say as I motion her to follow, we actually had to fill the pitcher too otherwise our excuse meant nothing.

"W-what do you mean...?" Yuri followed soon after as we reached the water fountain.

"A month after my dad died I was left in my room with my own thoughts, I say thoughts but what I'd actually call it would be insanity. I kept thinking about what it felt like for him to...ascend..leave this world." I filled up the pitcher and handed it back to Yuri.

"I wasn't thinking straight and I sneaked downstairs at night when mom was asleep and got the kitchen knife and stood there, the blade pressing against the tip of my finger until I saw the tiniest drop of blood and I got more curious..."

I don't go into further detail about that exact moment but Yuri seems to have picked up on what happened next anyway.

"Basically that small hint of curiosity turned into an urge but my mother found out about and instead of doing something good about it she locked me in my room."

"But did you stop..?"

"I could ask you the same question."

She sighed as we made our way back to the club, "The bullying continued...and I wanted to continue this after that parents found out and I was sent to therapy. Although I live alone now, the disappointment of my family still lingered and it stopped me from ever going any further."

We reached the last few classes before our club room where I stopped and turned to Yuri.

"For me..I stopped because I had others. I suddenly had people who cared for me and only wanted the best for me."

I point to the club room, "And one of them is in that room."

Yuri looked ahead with her eyes slightly glistening with hope. "And now I have more, like you."

She showed a faint smile as she slowly looked down at her feet, "We care for you equally Yuri. Though you don't need to worry about those jerks anymore you'll always have people here who are ready to help you anytime."

I begin walking to the club while Yuri stood there for a few seconds before shaking her head and pacing towards me.

I slide open the door, "Waz up fuckers!"

"Please don't use that type of language in here Evan..." Monika sighed as she rubbed the area between her eyes.

"Language being a part of literature but frowned upon?! Impossible!" I hear Yuri giggle behind me as she takes the pitcher to the back of the room.

"What took you guys so long tho?" Sayori asked as I look at her, she was drawing on her desk before we came in.

"We stopped by at the vending machine later cus I wanted something to eat but then the little scammer ate my money and I got nothing."

"Did you really have to spend so much time just to get a snack?"

"Yeah I kinda forgot about breakfast and I was on the verge of passing out." Although I had to make up a story about our late arrival that last part wasn't exactly a lie.

"YOU WHAT!!?" I hear Natsuki scream from the back of the room as the closet doors burst open.



Author's note:

Ayoooo, this chapter kinda felt like a stretch but I really wanted to add in some Yuri time because she really just felt like a side character too much and I wanted to give every character equal amounts of character development and 'screen time'rather than just make this story all Natsuki.

Thanks for reading tho, leave a vote if  you want! Peace out.


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