The Company: Kay

By Higgie16

2.2K 27 2

If you were a vampire who was just about to kill a lot of people, what is the last thing you'd expect? A skil... More

A note from Higgie16
Flash: Kay
Shoot: Kay
Snake: Kay
Connect: Garran
Message: Garran/Kay
Practice: Kay
Realisation: Kay
Forward: Kay
Fight: Kay
Sleep tight: Kay
Execution: Kay
S: Garran/ Kay
Trip: Kay
Room mate: Kay
Sketch: Kay
Preparation: Kay
Plaque: Kay
Entrance: Kay
Symbol: Kay
Fall: Garran
Announcement: Kay
Party: Kay
Witch: Kay

Too Close: Kay

239 2 2
By Higgie16

Too close: Kay

I’d never really given much thought to how I’d die. Well, I say die, when actually I mean something like stop existing. I had never thought that it would have to end like this, especially not when I was still human. Killed by wood. I definitely hadn’t done too badly. Friends. A job. Great creations. Speaking of my creations, as I was lying on the ground, the wooden arrow so close to my heart, my Contacter was making a noise. I listened, hoping who ever it was would just leave me be.

“Kay, can you hear me?” Garran asked, panicked.

How had he got the signal back? If I didn’t feel like I wouldn’t make it, I would have responded. Garran must know that something’s up. He just knew me so well. I heard faint footsteps. They weren’t too close, but close enough for me to hear.

Since I’ve been a vampire, life strangely seems easier. It isn’t like the old human legends say it is. Garlic, holy water, sun light all that, it doesn’t matter. The main problem for us is wood, but only if it has got into our bodies, and has a chance to cause an infection in the blood, causing us to just fade away. Except it’s a lot more painful than that.

Garran was closer, running now, never getting exhausted. As he approached his eyes went wide. He leant over me, his dark hair covering his face. He looked at where the arrow met with my chest. He sat back, pushed a button on his earpiece. He stood up as he talked.

“Okay, I’m going to need the first aid, and something to decrease pain,” He listened to the other end. “Yes, I know it’s a bit sudden, but you can’t exactly tell Kay when to get shot with an arrow. The other end went silent. He released the pressure from the button and knelt next to me.

“Okay, here’s the thing, it’s gonna take at least three minutes to get here. They’re coming as fast as they can, but the alert has been sounded, so it might be difficult for them to get in,”

I could only nod. I knew the alarm had been sounded. Security had seen me. How they knew I was a vampire, I wasn’t sure. I heard the helicopter. It was a few minutes away. I was hoping that I would survive, although most people would in this situation. It is most unusual for a vampire to sweat, but somehow I managed it. My hair was sticking to my forehead.

“Garran,” I managed to choke out. The blood was starting to go into my throat. It wouldn’t be long till I chocked on my own blood. Nice. I’d heard rumours from people who had witnessed their friend or partner have the same experience.

“Shush! They’ll be here any second. You’re gonna be fine,” Garran carried on muttering soothing words. I felt more blood but kept my mouth quiet. “Don’t worry. They’re almost here,”

I listened carefully. I heard the light taps from Tarni’s feet, and the heavier thud of Michael’s feet. The relief swept through me. I had a chance. They approached me cautiously, watching their backs as they came.

Tarni leant over me. She worked quickly, injecting me in my wrist with something that made me feel numb. Slowly, I slipped into unconsciousness, remembering nothing of what happened after.

It’s strange, I think, vampires can’t sleep, but we can still get knocked unconscious. Strange logic in the vampire world. A lot of stuff doesn’t make much sense. Since I learnt about this world I’ve decided to believe that nothing makes sense, no matter how hard you try to make it.

* * * * *

After being put to sleep by Tarni, the next thing I remember is waking up in the infirmary. The infirmary is a basic place, at first look. I know the infirmary better than anyone, except the nurses. I designed all the technology that could be found in this room. The door switches, the electronic beds, the electronic chairs, the computerised windows, the voice controlled panels in the wall. The main thing I have to do in my job is update out software and equipment.

I looked around to see the younger nurse, Karri, sat at the desk. She hadn’t noticed that I was awake. I looked around to see if any of the other beds were taken. Wow. We must be getting better at not getting injured. It is pretty hard to hurt us and make us actually need time to recover. The last time I was here because I was hurt was when there was a possible take-over. I was only there last time because I had to give Garran some information, and somehow the Contacters weren’t working. Last time I’d just got a cut from a wooden blade. It’s amazing at how skilled some people, vampires mainly, can be when crafting wood.

It hadn’t changed in here. Much. Just the decorations had changed. While I was admiring the new paintings on the wall, Garran walked in, Karri getting up to walk behind him. They approached cautiously, in case I was panicked. I nodded once so they knew I was okay. Garran bounced over more cheerful now. Garran acted just like a big brother. He would normally have a dopey grin on his face. Most of the time he’d make jokes out of situations, even the darker ones. It was just typical Garran.

“How ya doin’, small fry?” He asked.

“Better, I guess. Did you catch those guys?” I asked him.

“Good. No, they got away. We managed to get their scent; Sean is going to find them,” He thought about that for a moment before Karri spoke.

“Do you feel like you would be able to move around now?” Karri asked, comfort in her voice.

Karri was quite small, smaller than me. She had light brown hair down to her chin, with most of it hidden behind her head in a ponytail. She was wearing a white shirt with black trousers. Nurse pumps which looked really bad.

“I think I probably could. How long have I been out?”

“About a day. We think you’ve completely healed, except you’re going to have a scar, but we need you to tell us how you feel,” Karri looked at me, expecting me to try to move.

I sat up gingerly, careful not to move to quick. I felt fine, a tiny bit of pain in my chest, but it was bearable. I nodded at Karri. She understood what I meant then went back to the computer. She typed quickly. Garran offered me his hand. I accepted and slowly got out of the bed.

“Tarni went to your flat and got some spare clothes. Wait here, I’ll go get them,” Garran said before running out of the room, leaving a breeze behind him. He returned after two seconds bringing a pile of clothes with him. I took them from him as he led me to one of the changing rooms outside of the infirmary. I walked in as he leant against the wall. I changed into the clothes.

Tarni had picked out the new shirt I’d brought at the weekend, some black jeans, a blue belt with a gold pattern and my new blue pumps. Tarni knew which clothes I’d like. I wish I could say she was my best friend here, but she wasn’t. My best friend would have to be Erin. We don’t get the chance to work with each other much. She’s always out on the life-threatening missions. I’m normally at HQ.

Once I was changed I walked back out to Garran. We walked in silence down to the control room. We passed several people on our way but none took much notice of us. We waited outside of the big, black, tall doors. This was the second biggest door. The first being the one on the other side of the control room.

The panel scanned us, and then the large door opened. We walked in. I scanned the room to see who was here. Michael was sat in his usual spot with Tarni searching the bookcase for him. Darlene and Jarlim were talking quietly in the corner with Yana. Hanagin was talking to the master computer.

Hanagin’s a complex person. He likes to be the leader, but would rather receive orders than give them. That’s the one thing that confuses me about him.

He turned to look at us then back to Smythe, the computer. We decided to call it that and say that was it’s last name, that way it wasn’t a male or female. Michael’s idea.

Tarni jumped down from the ladder she was on, walked over to us. She smiled as she walked.

“You’re okay then?” She asked.

“Yeah, fine. Thanks for getting the clothes,” I smiled back.

“It’s okay. But could you tell us what happened. How did they shoot you, and so close?” Tarni asked, suddenly curious.

I walked over towards Michael, with Tarni and Garran walking close behind me. I sat down on one of the beanbags with Michael on my right and Garran on my left. I thought back to what had happened. They knew the beginning. Garran having an important mission. The newly created slayers destroying humans at a warehouse. Me having to go and help by delivering the new mark five shotguns I’d been working on.

Suddenly I was reliving it all.

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