You Interest Me \\L x F!Reader

By entriico

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"Would you mind if I asked for your assistance?" She looked up from the ground to meet his eyes that were alr... More

1: Pandas In A Candy Shop
2: Sweet Coincidences And Home Sweet Home
3: Ever Met A Candy Man That Hates Sour Candy?
4: Reaper of Death? Is that You?
5: Confess Your Sins To The Detective And You Shall Be Free
6: KIRA (Japanese); Meaning: Biggest Pain In The Ass
7: Ironically, Death Is Not An Option
8: Apple For Your Thoughts?
9: Mother Dearest That Was Sent From Hell
10: Realizations And Sugar Rushes
11: They're The Yagami's, Apparently
12: Nice Guys Get Shot
13: Watari's Loyal Helper
14: Solving Crime and Looking Good While Doing So
15: It's Not Home If Matsuda's Stupidity Is Not There
16: It's The 31st Of October, Can We Prepare For Christmas Now?
17: Cuffs and Kicks, It All Makes Her Sick
18: Welcome Home, My Precious Child
19: Date Nights, Romance and Murder
20: Forgive Thy Enemy, But Only After They Have Been Hanged
22: Memories In Your Photograph
23: If Ghosts Aren't Real, Then What The Hell Is This?
24: Do You Believe in Eternal Happiness?
25: The Harboured Tales of Grief And Fear
26: That's Our Mello Alright
27: Terrifying Situations And Terrifying Phone Calls
28: Don't Stand Too Close The Heart, Plastic Melts
29: Young Kids And Stupid Mistakes
30: Whoever Said 'Communication Is Key', Fucking Lied
31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain
32: Party Time and Past Times
33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"
34: He's Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good
35: Anxiety Is A Reminder Of What You Have Done Wrong
36: The Greatest Detective's Hardest Case Yet
37: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
38: Leave No Stone Unturned. They're Gonna Get You
39: She's A Human With An Independent Will. Freedom? Not So Much
40: Welcome To The Club, Pal
EPILOGUE: A Fairytale Prince Wears A Crown, Ours Wear Jeans

21: Walk With Hope And You'll Never walk Alone Again

5.4K 224 103
By entriico

"No I haven't seen her."

The men of the task force sighed.

Matsuda leaned back into the sofa, "You guys think she..." He couldn't bring himself to finish his question.

"That is a possibility." Light sighed, "Y/n did take it pretty hard."

"Poor girl." Aizawa shook his head in sympathy, "She's been missing for almost 2 weeks now and we haven't found a body. Y/n's probably dead."

They refused to believe that they lost 3 friends in a short amount of time.

It was heartbreaking.

More quiet without them. Especially Y/n.

She was the loudest and the most hyper out of L and Watari, obviously.

Light withheld a much needed grin.

Happy he was able to eliminate his competitions.

Now with those folks out of the way, he could be the new head of the case and manipulate the men, making them his lap dogs without even knowing it.

Most importantly he'd begin his rain of terror with ease and become as what he likes to call it.

'God of the New World'

But there was just one thing he didn't think about.

In a old run down hotel. A heartbroken girl sat.

Surrounded by sweets that reminded her of her love. Wrappers littered the floor, used sanitary cups messily stacked on the floor.

The curtain were shut to restrict all sunlight that she hadn't seen in 2 weeks.

She haven't met proper sleep in two weeks either.

The first time she let herself drift off, she encountered a nightmare, reminding her that the people that kept her happy were gone and not coming back.

She drank coffee, ate sugar and even took pills to keep her up.

When her body couldn't take it, it'd make the girl throw up in the toilet.

Did that stop her?

She wasn't going to sleep so she'd do it all again.

It was far from healthy.

The messy h/c haired girl had eyebags just as the detective, if it was even possible hers was worse.

Y/n knew she should be out there looking for Light, trying to put him behind bars but she couldn't.

She thought her love was a curse.

Everyone who had it died.

Y/n grew angry with God for taking them away.

The memories is what killed her the most, what kept her up at night and what never left her mind

People say to think back at the memories and smile.

Y/n called bullshit.

Memories like those were reminders of what she'll never have again.

What's one of the worst things about losing a loved one?

Forgetting their voice, the way they laughed, the way they talked, how they felt.

Y/n hated herself for forgetting things like that but with time, she was bound to forget. It was inevitable.

A noticeable frown sat on her face, its been there for weeks and no intent on changing.

The girl hadn't spoken in a while as well, her voice became weak and it'd probably break when she tried to use it.

Whilst sitting on her bed, snacking on marshmallows she received a phone call.

Y/n never answered her phone but that doesn't mean she wouldn't look at who's trying to contact her.

It was a number that wasn't in her region.

"From London? " she questioned trying to remember the area code from there.

Skeptical she answered but stayed silent.

"Hello," an old man spoke, she furrowed her eyebrows. She hadn't recognized the voice, "I am Roger from Wammy's house."

Her eyes immediately grew wider as he continued, "Ms. Kitamura? "

"How do you know my name?" As she suspected her voice was rough but soft, breaking in between words.

"Watari and L spoke heavily of you, all good things." he laughed

Her heart broke hearing their names, "O-Oh, I'm sorry for, for your lost." Y/n restrained her tears whilst talking to this man.

"Thank you Ms. Kitamura. I could say the same thing. I know you were close to the two."

Y/n stayed silent for a couple seconds, "Not to be disrespectful but what do you want?"

The man on the other line laughed, "Yes of course," he continued, "Before Watari passed, he had you listed under staff at the orphanage."

Y/n felt warm at the memory, "Yes, he said he wanted me to be a part of staff when the Kira case was finished."

"We were hoping that you could fly out to England and help with the kids."


"A ride will be provided, your flight is already paid for and a residency will be provided for you. It's your call."

"You want me to live in England? "


Y/n already knew the answer, "Alright, when's my flight."

"5 hours."

"5 hours?"

"Your ride will be outside your location in exactly 30 minutes." With that he hung up.

Y/n wanted to do it, for Watari.

Maybe all she needed was a change of scenery.

It would be hard being where L grew up but she also thought about the other kids.

They also had no one.

So she packed up her stuff and as Roger said, a black limo pulled up in exactly 30 minutes later.

She didn't even bother changing her over sized shirt and jeans nor did she bother brushing her hair.

The last thing she was about to do was fix herself to avoid strangers stares

She checked out of the hotel and ran to the woman who had the door of the car open for her.

"Ms. Kitamura? Heading to Narita Airport?"

Y/n nodded at the short sweet woman before her.

She gave the girl her boarding pass before going into the limo right after.

She didn't engage in conversation with the driver even when she tried talking to her but y/n gave half assed answers.

Y/n looked out the window, watching the pink sky, getting darker and darker over time.

Soon the night came and they reached her destination. Sure enough she got stares, people wondering why this girl would come out her house looking like that.

After a while she got used to it.

Y/n checked in, handed in her luggage, went through security and boarded her plane.

In her seat Y/n sighed, preparing herself for the next 12 hours she'd be in there.

She looked like a mad person sitting there, staring at the back of the seat in front of her.

Y/n refused to sleep, she lost interest in stuff she liked, she found joy in nothing really.

She was left with her thoughts and that was a dangerous thing.

She hoped it'd be a phase because she right at that moment she felt miserable. Y/n hadn't felt like that since her father passed.

This was no different than when she was at home, she didn't speak, she didn't eat since they couldn't provide her with sweets, she didn't cry either which was a miracle.

12 hours felt like 12 years for the girl, her back and neck had so much tension it hurt her but she didn't even bother as she does.

Getting off her eyes immediately met another woman who held up a sign with her name on it.

"Y/n Kitamura?"

She nodded once again, she loved the woman's English accent.

The lady led the h/c haired girl to a black car which led her to the one and only Wammy's house.

Her eyes met the big establishment, it looked like a mansion. 'The Wammy's House' was engraved on a concrete sign, something she never realized when she first saw this place all those years ago.

Children played in front of the house, boys and girls giggled with each other. For the first time in weeks she smiled at the sight.

Y/n got out and entered through the fancy gate, some kids stopped and looked her. Y/n was confused but she remembered how she looked.

Entering the house she was greeted immediately.

"Hello Y/n, pleasure to finally meet you," an old man with many noticeable wrinkles wearing spectacles stretched his hand out, "I am Roger,"

She accepted his hand shake, "Hi."

"Let me show you around." he smiled.

Y/n was taken to the kitchen that was connected to a large dining room with lots of tables and chairs, she assumed there is where all the kids ate.

Going down a hallway, doors on each side were classrooms and Roger's office

Going back to the kitchen there was a playroom further down, kids were there already playing with puzzles, toys and blocks.

Stairs in the dining room led to the kid's bedrooms.

"I want to introduce you to three boys. Two of them are L's successors while they're friends with the other." He chuckled, "They're always together."

Heading to a particular bedroom there were indeed three boys around the age of 14.

Two were on the bed playing video games while the other laid on his stomach playing with blocks on the floor.

"Hello boys."

Without looking from the screen and the blocks, they nodded acknowledging his presence.

"What's up Roger."

"Is that how you greet someone boys?"

"We saw you 10 minutes ago." the blonde cringed at the screen as the boy next to him beat him at the game

Roger rubbed his temples and sighed, "I apologize for their behavior."

Upon realizing he was talking to someone, they looked from what was keeping their attention and looked to the doorway.

Y/n saw their faces properly and she lips curved upwards slightly, "Well well." y/n paused, "Isn't it the powerpuff girls."

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