𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐧𝐜𝐭...

By renjunworld

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➺ kim yunhee, a hufflepuff with a spark of courage and ambition, embarks on adventures with the chosen one, t... More

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⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥

⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟑𝟕

860 36 50
By renjunworld

𝐚𝐩𝐫 𝟐𝟐 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟕

yunhee was standing outside the great hall when jisung stormed past her, tugging at his clothes as if he was hyperventilating. she hadn't seen him since she had woken up. the others told her he had been avoiding them so when she saw him in that state, she knew something was up.

"jisung?" she called, hurrying after him. she followed him to the bathroom where he turned on the tap and wiped his face. she placed her hand on his back, rubbing it. "what's wrong, ji?"

"yun, i'm sorry." he sobbed.

"i know what you did, jisung. you hexed her, didn't you?" mark asked. he had been following the slytherin too and just entered the bathroom.

"yun, move out the way." jisung told her, roughly pushing her to the side as he threw a spell at mark.

"no! stop! you two!" yunhee yelled as they aimed spells back and forth at each other. this was what she had seen in her dreams. this was where jisung got hurt and it was going to be because of mark.

she ducked under the stalls and made it out the other side behind mark who had drawn his wand again. everything seemed to move in slow motion as he opened his mouth to yell a spell, but before he could she took out her wand and aimed it at mark.

"sectumsempra!" yunhee yelled, stopping mark. it was the first spell that came to her. she had heard it in her dream, not knowing it was the spell that caused jisung to be gravely hurt. but when mark fell to the floor, blood surrounding him, she knew she had made a huge mistake.

"mark! oh my god! no, no, no, no!" she dropped next to him, placing her hands on his chest, trying to stop the blood.

"yunhee, what did you do?" jisung's quiet voice met her ears as she looked around the room in a panic.

"jisung, call someone! quick!" she cried, putting more pressure on the bleeding boy's chest.

jisung remained where he was standing, watching with his hand covering his mouth as footsteps could be heard along with splashes from the water.

"mark?!" jeno yelled, pushing past jisung to get to the boy. he placed his hands on top of yunhee's as mark cried from the pain.

"what the fuck happened?!" renjun shouted, aiming his words at jisung. he assumed he had done this to mark. he never would have suspected the hufflepuff girl.

"i don't know, i don't know! i used a spell! oh my god. i'm so sorry." yunhee answered.

"you... you did this?" he asked, faltering. he was beyond shocked that she could do such a thing.

"i didn't mean to! he was going to hurt jisung and i panicked."

chenle turned to jisung who nodded his head, confirming what had happened as snape entered the bathroom and knelt beside yunhee and jeno. jeno pulled her away from mark, allowing snape to help him.

"vulnera sanentur." snape repeated and the blood went back into mark, his wound healing.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." yunhee kept saying, her hands on her face, staining it with her friend's blood.

snape lifted mark, taking him to the medical wing and everyone in the bathroom turned to yunhee who was still a mess on the floor.

"yunhee, what happened?" jeno demanded.

"i used... a spell. i heard it in my dreams. i didn't know what it would do, but i wanted to stop mark from hurting jisung. i saw that in my dreams too! i didn't expect this to happen!" 

"yunhee, you do not ever use spells that you don't know the consequences of!" renjun yelled and she flinched.

"i know, i know." she buried her face into her knees, her whole body shaking. "i'm an idiot and was being reckless. now mark..."

"he's going to be okay. snape saved him." chenle told her, holding his hand out. "get up. come on."

"i'm so sorry. i can't believe i did that. i'm so sorry. he's going to hate me." she said, allowing chenle to help her up.

"yun, no one will hate you, but we are mad. you attacked our friend. just get yourself changed and come to the medical wing." jeno told her, leaving with renjun.

chenle led her out of the bathroom, passing by jisung who stayed silent. he had seen what spell mark was about to use on him and it was the same one. he didn't want yunhee feeling guilty for hitting mark with it because he was going to get hit with it himself. either way, it was a lose, lose situation. someone was bound to get hurt.

after she was all cleaned up, yunhee went to the medical wing and upon seeing her, madam pomfrey dropped her jar of ointment.

"please don't tell me..." she said, staring at the brunette.

"no. i'm here to see a friend this time." yunhee told her.

"thank god."

she walked over to where mark was awake on his bed with renjun, jeno and chenle sitting around him. when mark looked at her, his face was void of emotions.

"mark..." she started, sitting down on the bed.

"let me speak first." he interrupted, shuffling so that he was sitting up. "you tried to kill me."

"i... i had no idea the spell would do that. it was like something took over me and i just yelled out the first thing that came to my mind. i swear if i had any control at that moment, i wouldn't have done that."

"i don't blame you." he sighed, glancing down at his fingers.


"that spell... it was from the half-blood prince book. i had been reading it over and over, not knowing what it would do either. when i was fighting with jisung, i was going to use it on him." he admitted and the other's eyes widened.

chenle was more in shock than anyone else. that could have been jisung on the floor, bleeding out.

"you were...?"

"yes, but you stopped me before i could and i can't help but want to thank you for stopping me from doing something barbaric, but at the same time... you could've killed me."

"i'm sorry, mark. i deserve to be yelled at, but please don't hate me. i can't stand being hated by any of you. you guys mean so much to me."

"i'm not going to hate you. i never could. i think i just need time." he replied, turning his head to face the wall in front of him. yunhee felt a pang of hurt in her heart when he wasn't even able to look at her.

"i understand. take as long as you need." she told him, then stood up and left. once she was outside, she collapsed against the wall. she did something terrible and probably wouldn't ever recover from it.

jisung found her, stood there, crying into her hands and he let out a sigh, placing his hands on her shoulders.


"jisung... i messed up so bad." she said, running her hands through her hair.

"don't beat yourself up over this. i don't know why he's making you feel so guilty. he was literally going to use that spell on me. if i was the one in that bed, would he be out here crying like you are?!" jisung said and some part of her agreed, understanding where he was coming from.

"but it's different..."

"it's really not. stop crying now. you do too much of that." he told her, wiping the tears that were rolling down her face. "do you want to go to the kitchen? donghyuck and jaemin are there."

"sure. i don't think i'll be welcome around mark and the others for a while."

"you're always welcome with us." he said as they started making their way to the kitchen.

donghyuck and jaemin were there like said, eating some treats on the table. yunhee slid into a seat next to jaemin and took one of the fresh cookies on a plate.

"jisung told us what happened." jaemin said.

"it definitely wasn't your fault. thanks to you, jisung is unharmed." donghyuck told her.

"thanks to me, mark is in the hospital." she muttered, tossing the half-eaten cookie aside.

"none of us blame you for what happened and i'm sure the others don't either. you were trying to do the right thing for both of them. you couldn't have known this would happen." jaemin said, sending the other two worried glances at how glum she looked.

"i could've used any other spell, like stupefy."

"stop being so negative. what happened, happened. now i suggest everyone gets over it because dwelling on this is stupid." donghyuck said, pointing a liquorice wand at her.

"doesn't that hermione girl have a time turner? why can't you just go back in time and fix it?" jisung asked and jaemin sighed.

"that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard you say. messing with the past is worse than messing with the future." jaemin said and yunhee's heart dropped.

"hold on... i did something awful." she gasped, standing up.

"yeah, we know. you almost killed mark." donghyuck said, shrugging his shoulders. "so what?"

"no. i messed with the future."

"what are you on about?" jaemin asked.

"jisung was the one that was meant to get hit by the spell, but i changed that. i changed the future." she blurted out then ran for the door. "i have to go!"

"don't worry. she's just having one of her crazy moments." donghyuck said as they watched her stumble out of the kitchen.

"no. she isn't telling us the full story." jisung said. "she tends to run when there's a problem."

it wasn't that yunhee was running for that reason — well she was running — just to dumbledore's office to tell him everything that happened. she entered his office, using the password mark had told her and unknowingly walked into a meeting between dumbledore and snape. he quickly dismissed snape and took a seat on his chair.

"what is the matter, miss kim?" dumbledore asked.

"i changed the future." she told him.

"i know."

"huh?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. he gestured for her to sit on the chair across from him so she did.

"i can already tell things have changed. nothing major, but still... you shouldn't have done that." he said, holding out a sweet. "lemon sherbet?"

"no, thanks..." she mumbled, not caring for the sweet. she just wanted him to elaborate.

"your friends will come around. you all have a special bond that can't be broken. do not worry about what has been changed though. from now on, i need you to promise not to interfere with anything else. it can ruin things permanently and we can't afford for that to happen."


"i guess you've already seen the visions about me. that i die. am i right?" he asked, standing up and walking around the desk.

"you know you're going to die. how? why?" she asked, feeling even more confused than before.

"because it's all been planned out. it's meant to happen, so don't try to stop it. you must let what's set in stone carry out." he said. "i was worried that you'd try and prevent things from happening so i asked renjun to look out for you. allow him to do that, so he can stop you before it's too late. he's the only one i want you to confide in. don't speak a word about this to anyone else."

"are you saying renjun's been acting like a spy for you?" she questioned. she wasn't sure if betrayed was the right word to describe how she was feeling, but she was definitely hurt.

"not a spy. he was being a good friend. he came to me after he noticed you weren't sleeping, so i simply advised him." he replied. "how has your sleeping been?"

"better. i'm getting longer amounts of sleep and i'm not so tired during the day, but going back to before, is that it? i'm just supposed to continue on with the fact that you're doing to die?"

"you must. don't think about it so much. later on, you'll see more visions and you'll know how everything ends and for that end to come, i must die."

"just like mark?" she asked and he went silent, rubbing his hand on his face.

"you've already seen that far into the future..."

"you're not denying it."

"let's not talk about this any longer. you should return to your dorm. today has been a long day." he said and knowing that she wouldn't get any more answers from him, she headed for the exit.

"every day has been a long day." she whispered.

"and miss kim." he called.


"keep an eye on jisung, will you? he's a troubled boy who needs the right guidance." he told her and she nodded before exiting his office and leaving him to sigh deeply.

"these kids..."


a/n: random question, but what's your hogwarts house?

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