Wrong Number, so sorry!

By LivingUnderTheRock2

187K 5.9K 4.1K

Peter Parker is having a normal day as spiderman, kicking names and taking ass, when he runs into a little tr... More

Hello random online stranger!
Nicknames! Fun!
Who's kid?
Tony Stark 2
... what the fu-
RIP Tony/MJ is weird
Spiderling? A threat???
The confrontation
Set, go!
The plan
The Internship
The internship pt 2
Happy's here today
Your Majesty
Geronimo Cheddar
Field trip part 1 :)
Field trip part 2
Aunt May
The Actual Confrontation
Life With A Bunch Of Weirdos
The News (and Flash getting humbled)

The Antelope's Sister

5.6K 205 144
By LivingUnderTheRock2

Ah, isn't life just brilliant.


A couple days had gone by and Peter had settled into a new routine. Wake up, avoid May's bad mood, go to school, come home and do his homework, pack up his spider suit and go to the internship, come back through his bedroom window, wait for May to call for him. It was quite a long routine, actually.

The internship was going well. After that first day when he'd embarrassed himself terribly, he and Stark had gotten closer. The man would give him mini projects to work on and they'd talk about recent scientific breakthroughs (most of which were Tony Stark's). He hadn't seen the avengers again and was hoping that Hawk-Eye wouldn't be showing up any time soon, because after 'scrawny' Peter beat him at arm wrestling (which was so cool!), he would definitely have some questions.

May had gone back to being her usual grumpy, butchering-knife self, which was just brilliant. Peter had been made to rearrange the DVD's 20 times in the past two days. 20. Times. He hadn't even known there were 20 ways to organize DVD's! But there were, and he should know. He was kind of an expert in the topic now, and what was he going to do with that knowledge? It was just useless mass taking up valuable brain space.

Now, the first way is alphabetical order by title. The second is alphabetical order by the director's first name. The third is alphabetical order by the director's last name. The fourth is by dates released (least to most recent). The fifth is dates most recent to least recent. The sixth is in order of length (long to short), the seventh is short to long. The eighth is in rainbow order (yay). The ninth is by seriousness (comedies to documentaries). The tenth was the ninth reversed. And then the rest of them were 1-10 flipped upside down.

Anyway, Ned was talking non-stop (man, the man is non-stop) about the trip to the Avengers compound that the decathlon team would be going on that weekend. When Peter had told him about the avengers stopping by in the middle of the internship, Ned had almost thrown his hat. Luckily MJ had stolen the hat earlier that day (but that was another story). Peter couldn't help but join Ned in fanboying over the trip, but his only worry was May (what else was knew?) not letting him go. Eh, he'd deal with it when he had to.

At that moment in time, Peter was working on a school project for biology. He was trying to sketch out a model, but his drawing skills were so bad it wasn't even funny. After trying and erasing five times, he gave up and decided to beg MJ to help him later. Then his phone buzzed.

Tony Stark 2:

New phone who dis


You're joking.

Tony Stark 2:

No you're joking


No I'm Peter.

Tony Stark 2:

Hi I'm Jared I'm 19 and I don't know how to read



Tony Stark 2:

Oh, I stole his phone.
I am your worst nightmare (wooo woo)


So you're a collapsing building?
Oh wait that hasn't happened yet...
So you're the impending sense of doom that grows stronger every day and will eventually crush you and ground you into dirt?
Or wait *le gasp*

Tony Stark 2:



It can't be...

Tony Stark 2:



Is it?...

Tony Stark 2:



Well now you sound like beetle juice and I'm confused.

Tony Stark 2?:

My brother can sneak into your room and kill you while your sleeping


Sounds like a screwed up Santa Claus

Tony Stark 2?:

Santa Claus is already screwed up, I mean hello?



Tony Stark2:

Did you just interrupt me?
Anyway as I was SAYING, he watches small children all the time so really he's just one big perv


Coolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt

Tony Stark 2:

But my brother is an antelope.


Come again? Wait that doesn't really work on text, does it?
Say what now?

Tony Stark 2:

Wait no. He's not an antelope. He's a panther.


How could u mix up antelope and panther?

Tony Stark 2:

You wouldn't understand. It's an inside joke


Why would you tell an inside joke when the other person or people that are in on the joke aren't here? No, you know what? Never mind.
Your brother is a panther?

Tony Stark 2:



What are you on???

Tony Stark 2:

I'm standing on a Vibranium floor in my lab


Vibranium? You mean that super rare stuff?

Tony Stark 2:

It's only rare for your people with your "advanced technology"


Hey what's that supposed to mean?

Tony Stark 2:

You wouldn't understand


I get the feeling that you think I'm dumb. I'm not doomb I would understand! I'm a intern for Tony Stark at 15! And I know 20 ways to organize DVD's!

Tony Stark 2:

Woah, 20? There aren't 20 different ways... but that's nothing. I have my own lab not run by some rich white dude that thinks he's revolutionizing technology when in reality we have invisible cars and vibranium train tracks.



Tony Stark 2:

Anyway I gotta go be amazing and design some new weapons for my brother now byeee



Tony pov:

He had visited Wakanda a couple times before. Of course, Tony was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to know that it existed, but SHEILD had held information about it on their database, and nobody had told Tony not to break into it, so...

Tony walked with T'Challa in the bustling city streets, marveling (haha marvel ing) at all the hidden wonders.

"It's really incredible, the things Vibranium can do," said Stark.

"Yes, it really is. And my sister Shuri has made big changes to this city. Five years ago, half of what you see didn't exist."

"Ah, yes. I want to meet your sister. You talk about her work as if she were a genius, you know?"

T'Challa shrugged and grinned. "Her work is one thing. Her personality on the other hand... well, if you talk to her, try to knock down her ego a notch or two."

"Hello, brother, Stark. Talking about me? Of course you are, what else would you be talking about." Shuri walked over to them from a nearby store.

"Speak her name and she appears," T'Challa whispered to Tony.

"Hello, Shuri. I'm interested to know how your inventions work." Tony turned his head to look at her as she stopped next to him. He didn't notice as she took his phone from his back pocket.

"Of course! Why don't you walk with me, hm? We can go to my lab. Come on, follow me," Shuri announced quickly, and started to walk. "I have two rules: don't wear sandals in my lab and don't go kicking stuff around."

"Hey, you told me to kick it!"

"I said to hit it. Not destroy it!"

"I didn't destroy it!" T'Challa argued.

"Well if course not, I'm much too good to let my work be destroyed by one kick!"

Tony followed after the siblings, wondering what on earth they were talking about.


After they got to the lab, Tony asked question after question, with Shuri answering them eagerly. He was amazed by everything, trying to take in every tiny detail.

As Tony looked around, he didn't realize Shuri had stopped and taken out his phone. He didn't notice that she'd stopped walking next to him. When Shuri slipped the phone back into his pocket, T'Challa was the one to notice.

"Shuri," he whispered, "did you steal Stark's phone?"

"I returned it, don't worry!" Shuri waved him off.

"Oh yes, that makes it alright then," said T'Challa sarcastically.

Tony turned to face them, and Shuri put her hands behind her back and smiled, trying to look inconspicuous.

"Well, this is amazing. I should probably go now, but..." Tony looked longingly out of the window. "No, I should go."

"Okay, bye!" Shuri said, waving happily.

T'Challa chuckled and said goodbye.

"I will most definitely be coming back at some time!" Tony promised, before leaving to go back to New York.

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