The Villainess's Rebirth(Full...

By Wildestwp

33.6K 1.1K 111

A young noble named Adelaide Reisel von Lascena was executed because she was accused by harming her sister Iv... More

Season 1: Chapter 1
Season 1: Chapter 2
Season 1: Chapter 3
Season 1: Chapter 4
Season 1: Chapter 5
Season 1: Chapter 6
Season 1: Chapter 7
Season 1: Chapter 8
Season 1: Chapter 9
Season 1: Chapter 10
Season 1: Chapter 11
Season 1: Chapter 12
Season 1: Chapter 13
Season 1: Chapter 14
Season 1: Chapter 15
Season 1: Chapter 16
Season 1: Chapter 17
Season 1: Chapter 18
Season 1: Chapter 19
Season 1: Chapter 21

Season 1: Chapter 20

643 24 2
By Wildestwp

Chapter 20

I suddenly remembered that I had put the scroll in my clothes pocket! I can use that now in case the kidnappers fight us.

I immediately opened the scroll and I was amazed because there were different spells placed there. There is also a movement where you need to memorize to master the spell.

To my great delight, I couldn't help but shout. Alexis noticed me but I ignored him and continued reading the scroll. Instead of interfering with what I was doing, he chose to practice a little with his sword. Unlike the others, Alexis used two swords.

Anyways, back to learning the spells. I focused my aura on my hand and thought of an electric current similar to tazer. I saw tiny sparks forming that eventually got bigger and bigger.

Woah, I can't believe I can produce lighting on my own! I can use it on both offense and defense. With the lightning that strikes them, they become paralyzed at the same time that can take damage from it.

So can use lightning now. Next is to control it, release a larger amount of Mana and unleash it on the target!

Because the lightning is powerful when it strikes, the wall has been shattered that creates a hole for us to exit. Because of this massive explosion, it triggered the security alarm.

"What was that explosion?" Alexis asked in shocked

"No time for that, we got to move out!" I said and grab his hands while running away

I use Fyon so that I could see a hidden trap that may catch us again.

As expected, they were.

"Can you use Fyon?" I asked while we're still on the run


"Use it so you can see the traps and evade it"

Together, we evade all the traps while running at full speed. My stamina now is much better because of the whole week of training. I'm amazed that I could catch up with Alexis.

We're running until we reached the path where there were no traps. I started to catch my breath slowly and I catch Alexis staring at me.

"How come you could run like a horse?"

"Shut up," I said and ignore him

Horse? How dare he mock me? Can you say something meaningful next time, Alexis?

He's looking at my hand and I realized that I was still holding his hands all the time! I quickly release my grip to his hands. Now he's staring at me again.

"What?" I asked in irritation

"Nothing" he replied and looked in another direction


"Can you use your Kon?"


"Use it, so that the enemy can't sense us"

Once again, I pulled out the scroll in my pocket. I looked at it and saw a spell.

This is perfect.

I focused on releasing my aura to surround the whole place so that I could sense all the people present in this building.

"Mana Zone!" I chanted as I released a powerful aura to surround the whole place

Mana Zone, as in the scroll says. The enemy that is surrounded by the mana zone will sense it but they can't identify where it came from. Once an aura reacts to the Mana zone, the caster who cast it will know the location of where he is.

So, my aura elopes the place and I can really see all the things, people, and even insects that are inside my Mana zone.

"The one is approaching the cell at a great speed. When his aura reacts to my Mana zone, I can sense that he is a wizard with the power of diamond. One has spatial magic who teleports in the cell right away. And lastly, a man who has a lot of guns in his shirt was approaching the cell too. From my observation, they're the ones who's responsible for kidnapping us" I discussed

"Will they know that we're here? " Alexis asked

"No, unless we stay here. They will probably find us because we evade all the traps."

I looked at the ceiling and used my Mana zone to sense if there were any pathways in there. Luckily, there was a tunnel that leads us to the floor above.

"Wind Sword strike!"

I used wind Sword strike three times to the ceiling so it created a triangular cut that made an entrance. Fighting is not an option for us. We should run to escape from them. When they react to my magic, I can sense that they were very strong. Plus, we are at a disadvantage in number. They are three strong magicians while we're only two, I'm not really that strong and this boy on my side is an idiot but can fight.

The problem is how can we jump up to that ceiling.

"Hop in"

Alexis kneeled down and offered his back from me telling me to have a piggyback ride.

Wait a minute... PIGGYBACK RIDE?!

I am becoming flustered in my own imagination. Just who the hell will ask a lady to have a piggyback ride to him? T-This guy is crazy?

"If you don't do this, you'll never going to get up there" he warned


Although I was nervous, I'll let him do it. I was expecting this earlier and I didn't realize that he will actually use it. Alexis can control fire affinity.

"Fire magic: Fire rocket" he casted

A force of fire appeared in the sole of his feet that helps him to fly. And now, we finally managed to go to the floor above. After that, I quickly got out of Alexis's back and we both rushed to find the exit.

Meanwhile, while we were running I sense an aura surrounding the place.

Shoot, I didn't realize that the enemy can also use Mana zone.

"Alexis, are you still activating your Kon?" I asked


I stopped running and when she saw me stopped he paused.

"I didn't use Kon so probably they sensed my Mana here. One of the enemies can use spatial magic and they will go and get me in no time. I'm sorry but you should continue to run. Just leave me here. " I said

"Are you an idiot?!" His voice was loud

"I'll never leave you. If you were going to die then at least I'll die with you. You can't convince me to leave you behind. I've learned my mistakes, from now on. I'll protect you." he said

I took the bait for a second and I was touched by the words he said. But, anger and madness devoured the trust that he wanted to build. My heart can't let him win my favor again.

Not long ago, a spatial hole appeared in our front and it made us do our fighting stance. From the dimension hole, a guy with cyan-colored hair appeared, next to him is a guy with scarlet hair who has a lot of guns with him, and lastly, the guy who is controlling the spatial magic.

Sh*t, they're already here! We must think of a strategy before we could fight. If we don't move, they can use that power again to make us feel unconscious.

But before I could say a thing, Alexis suddenly moved in front of me with his sword.

"I got you, Adel. I'll protect you" he said

A burst of laughter was startled us and it's coming from the cyan-haired guy with diamond magic.

"Trying to be a prince who's saving a damsel? You're a funny kid" he chuckled

"Tsk" uttered by Alexis

"There was a knight in the Ducal mansion who also tried to save her but did you know what happened to him?"

What? My knight? My knight was trying to find me?

"I left his corpse in the alley while scattering birdseed in him so the birds will eat the seeds together with his flesh, isn't that amazing? HAHAHAHA! "

"You're so vicious.." Alexis said in a pitying tone

His words make my heart cold. It's cold that I couldn't feel anything. There was a bloodlust developing from it and little by little, it becomes stronger.

"He was a very funny man, he creates smoke to attack me but I killed him with my magic! I heard him saying 'Im sorry son, I can't fulfill my promise' HAHAHAHA---"


In just a millisecond, I was in front of that diamond guy because of the lightning in my feet that's making me fast as a bolt of lightning.

"Iron fist"

I focused my aura into my hands like my mother had done before and punched this guy in his face. Because of the extreme power, his body was been thrown out and his body smashed the wall. He probably uses his aura to protect his body but not his face.

It all happened in just a second, so fast that the two enemies didn't know how to react.

"Adel fall back!"

I heard the shout of Alexis from behind, I turned my head to him and he was shocked when he saw my empty eyes.

"It doesn't matter anymore..." I uttered

I remembered the knight who offered me an escort and probably the commander. I saw dedication in his eyes so I let him. He's a true knight and a great father but sadly... He died in vain.

"I need to bring justice to the sinners. I shall execute them today. "

"Don't be too cocky!" yelled the gun user


Alexis suddenly moved to cover my front and his sword is on fire.

"Sword magic: Fire Sword Blast!"

His sword omits fire and it attacks the two enemies and because is his power, they fall back.

"Tsk" was uttered by the gun user when his arms were nearly burned

Alexis is really powerful. But did I heard it right? Sword magic? But he is a Fire magic user! That's right, I didn't see any grimoire with him. Does that mean...

No, there's more, his hair was turning red! How is that possible? He looked at me and probably know that I was confused about what happened in his hair.

"My hair was originally red in color, but my father always tells me to dye it silver. It turns red when I'm in distress."

"I-Impossible.. "

We looked at the enemies at the same time and they began to kneel in front of Alexis.

"He's the true heir of the empire.." the gun said while shivering in fear

I looked at Alexis and he seemed to be confused also.

"What nonsense are you speaking? I'm the true heir of Laczero" Alexis uttered in fury

"No, you don't belong here. You're not the son of the Emperor! You-----"

"Daniel!" The guy who controls the spatial magic interrupted his words.

"You're lying... That's not true.."

"Tsk, if you're that curious then come with us"

"What's going on, why did you kidnapped us?"

"We won't harm you. Prince, someone will like to talk to you. We should get you there immediately" said the spatial magic-user

"The whole kingdom will be in trouble if they find out that I was missing, I won't go"

"We have prepared your double to act in your place. You'd better come with us."

A-A double? What happened... This didn't happen before. But if it happened before, they carried their plan perfectly while no one noticing that the prince they knew was only a double and if it's possible... Then the double... His double is the one who killed me!

"How about the lady?"

"She will also come and we'll have her memories erased and she'll safely returned to the Lascena estate."

"Huh, you gotta be kidding me" we all surprised when Alexis chuckled

"You dare to lay your hands on my woman and now you're saying you will safely return her? If you are truly saying the truth then why would you have to kidnap her? "

The two guys gulped after Alexis spoke.

Alexis is right. Something was wrong. If they truly wanted to talk to Alexis, then why would they kidnap me too?

"The truth is, the lady is our hostage. The talk was one-sided so you can't refuse"

"Daniel! Why did you say that? You are a big idiot!"

"It doesn't matter, Vynn. I'll make them go to sleep again" he smirked

"Alexis, close your eyes"

After he saw the bloodlust in my aura, he didn't dare to complain. He just do my command and let his hands close his eyes.

I walked slowly in front of them but they smirked. They seemed to belittle my power so I'll let them taste it.

"God Valeria punishes the sinners and never had the mercy to them. Today, I shall grant your death"

They burst into laughter because of what I've said. That's right, laugh all you want because this is the last time that you'll laugh.

"Hell.. Dungeon..."

After I said these words, the aura of the place change into a gloomy one. Then some lightning bolt where one by one fell and it formed a cage-like cell.

"W-What's this? Are you trying to trapped us?"

After that, we could only hear their screams and shrieks because he'll dungeon is a spell that creates a steel bar made of lightning bolts, and inside, you will be attacked by flame arrows, the floor will become lava and all the punishment in hell will be experienced inside.

"You can open your eyes," I said

After minutes, I withdraw the spell that leaves the unidentified corpse of Daniel and the burnt body of Vynn. He used his spatial magic to create a dimension hole.

"Deliver this message to your boss. Next time, don't use me as a hostage, or else I won't show mercy upon those who want me dead, understood?" I warned

"And also tell him that he should come to me face to face. I won't tolerate this kind of meeting." Alexis said

He's still confused about what these guys said earlier. What does he mean that he's not the son of the Emperor? Something big is happening and I don't have a clue about it. It must've been revealed soon.

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