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By soggykookie

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*READ THE PREQUEL FIRST* The sky was grey as the coffin shook and rattled until it tumbled down the pedestal... More

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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳

2.5K 172 91
By soggykookie

I scoff, "I gave that boy a chance to live and now he's on my throat."

"What, sir?" My secretary asks.

"Nothing," I fist my hands, "Get one of our men to join his team. Find out what he's planning."

"Yes, sir," he replies and leaves.

I throw my head back. I will kill that son of a-

"Baby Tae?" I hear her sweet voice.

"Yes, my dear," I smile.

"Can I come in?" She asks poking her head through the door.

"Yes, my dear," she hops into my office and sits on the couch.

"You can do your work," she says taking out her phone, "I'll just be here."

"No, my dear," I stand up and walk to her, "When you're with me, my entire attention will only be for you."

"You need to work, Tae," she says, "I'm afraid I'm holding you back from doing your job and duties."

I chuckle, "I'm performing my duties quite well." 

I'll make sure I do it perfectly. I'll make sure your sweet brother knows what and who he's messing with.

"I think I should go home," she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Don't know," she shrugs.

"I know there's a reason," I sigh, "Tell me, dear."

"It's okay, Tae," she smiles, "Can I go home?"

"Of course, but I want to know why," I reply.

"I, uh," she pauses, "Some people don't like me much..."

"Who?" I ask in anger.

"It's okay," she cups my face and presses her forehead on mine, "I'm fine. Just let me go home. I'll take the bus or a cab."

"No," I deny, "I can't let you go without me."

"Tae, baby," she whines, "I'll be fine."

"No," I say sternly, "I'll drop you home."

"I can't do that!" She says, "I'm already such a huge distraction."

"Dear," I warn her, "You are no distraction."

"Your company needs you," she replies.

"So do you," I whisper. 

"You need me more than my company does. You need my protection from those dirty people," I state.

"Tae, I can't do this to you!" She replies.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Always having your attention on me," she tears up, "I'm just a girl who..."

"Who what?" I ask holding her shoulders.

"Who isn't that great, okay?" She whispers, "You got into so much trouble because of me. Your reputation was damaged because of me."

"No," I reply, "No," I hug her, "I will not allow you to feel like that. I knew what I was getting into when I saved your life at the graduation. I knew when I made out with you in the car. You didn't get me into any trouble. I was the one who did it."

"Why did you do it?" She sobs and whispers, "I'm a nobody."

"You aren't a nobody," I clench my jaw, "You're my everything. Why can't you just understand that?"

"I'm sorry," she cries.

"No, no, don't be sorry," I kiss her forehead, "I just need you to be more confident about yourself. Okay?"

She nods.

"And I also want you to tell me if anything is wrong," I say.

"Okay," she nods.

"You want to go home? Come," I stand up and extend my hand to her.

"No," she smiles through her teary eyes, "I think I'll stay here."

"Dear," I say slowly.

"What?" She asks in a whisper.

"You don't have to-"

"I don't want to go home," she stops me, "I think I'm better here with you."

I smile, "Okay."

"I'm hungry. I'm gonna get something to eat," she says and leaves my office.

I sigh. Only if she knew how much she meant to me.

"Sir, what will we do about Mr Min Yoongi?" My secretary asks.

"I have an idea but..." I trail, "I'm not sure."

"What is it, sir?" He asks.

"I think it's better if you're not involved anymore," I state.

"I see, sir. I shall take my leave if you don't have anything else," he says and I nod.

You did this for your dead girlfriend, huh? I'll show you who you were hurting all along. I'll make sure your heart crumbles when you remember you have a baby sister but she doesn't even know. I let out a sinister laugh. You'll watch me have your baby sister. You'll watch unable to have her near you or give you any love.

Yoongi's POV

I was looking through many of Taehyung's videos thinking about which one to publish next. I will not only crumble his business but also his girl. I will take her away from him. My stupid men hit another car instead of hitting Taehyung's. This time I missed, but the next, I won't.

"Taehyung," I tut, "So careless. Giving me more videos to upload online. So proud of your girlfriend, huh?"

"Upload it," I order my man.

"Yes, sir," he says and leaves.

"Yoongi!" I hear Hoseok coming in.

"Hoseok," I reply.

"I brought food! Let's have it," he smiles.

"Sure," I smile moving to the smaller table in my office, "Smells amazing."

"Doesn't it?" Hoseok sets the food down on the table.

"How is your work?" I ask him.

"It's going good," he replies, "I just miss one of my friends. She hasn't been coming to work."

"Why?" I ask chewing.

"She's in some trouble," he says.

"Something I can help?" I chuckle.

"I think she already got help," Hoseok smiles.

"That's good," I reply.

"This food tastes so good," Hoseok hums.

I hum back in approval, "Any expeditions coming up?"

"Yeah," he struggles to talk while chewing, "We're going to Egypt soon but the date hasn't been fixed."

"That's great," I smile, "Haven't you always wanted to go to Egypt?"

"Yeah," Hoseok grins. 

I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Yoongi," Mr Choi's daughter, Soo-An purrs.

"Who is this woman, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks.

"You can have the food," I stand up, "I'll be right back," I pull Soo-An out of the room.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I saw you uploaded another video," she huffs, "But are you doing anything to get rid of that whore?"

"I tried and I missed," I reply, "I am planning something."

"I want that whore out of my way," she says, "I want Taehyung."

"You will have Taehyung," I smirk, "And I will kill Yuna."

"Good if you do," she says, "By the way, my sister, Jean, has been doing some spy work."

"What?" I ask.

"She found out that the whore is always in Taehyung's office and he's taken her protection into his own hands," she informs.

I scoff, "But he himself is unprotected."

"Look, Yoongi," she starts, "I don't want Taehyung to take much damage. I still need him. Just kill or do whatever you want with that whore and get rid of her."

"Don't give me orders," I glare at her.

"I gave you orders because you are being useless," she says.


"Sir! Mr Min!" My man runs in, "I've got a new video!"

"Get out," I warn Soo-An and push her out.

"What? Why are you telling that to me? Go put it on my system," I reply to my man.

"No, sir," he pants, "You have to see this."

"Show me," I take his phone to see Taehyung teleporting from one place at the mall to another.

"What is this? I didn't ask for edited videos of Taehyung performing black magic," I reply with no interest.

"It's n-not edited, sir," he replies.

"What?" I ask.

"Really, sir," he nods his head, "We have a witness too."


"Me," another one of my men replies, "I saw it with my own eyes while following him sir. A huge sand cloud and he disappeared."

"What the hell?" I ask myself.

"Sir, you've gotten a letter."

I take the letter and read it.

She's still alive. Come get her if you want.

"WHAT?" I scream, "That asshole!"

"I'm going to kill him!"


1350 words

A/N- Sorry for the late update, had some stuff to do. AND OMG IDEK WHERE THIS STORY IS GOINNGNGNGNNG. Aaaah Yoongiiii :( I'm sorry. What's gonna happen now :( 

In the prequel, Taehyung was the villain of his own story. Will he be the villain of his story in this one too? 👀

LMAO bye,


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