I'm Just Dancing

By Bumblebeexe

4K 105 25

Ryan learns to be himself without the guidance of his sister. More

Prologue: Sibling ties
The Blog
Party Prep
Panic at the Party
The Backyard
A present
First Day Back
Getcha Head In The Game
Status Quo
The Plot
Feeling Small
The Rooftop
The Texts Keep Coming
Missed Calls
Oh Yeah?
Championship Party
Summer Summer Summer
The Call
A Change of Plans
Lava Springs

The "Date"

107 3 5
By Bumblebeexe

Ryan POV

Normally Shar and I would plan some trip before heading up to the country club for the summer, but since next year is our senior year we want to take the extra time planning and spend maybe our last full summer at Lava Springs. That leaves us a quiet few days in the big empty house. Well, leaves me, because Sharpay is out shopping. Normally I would be more than content to be alone but I feel cagey.

I don't know what it is in me that makes me text Chad to see if he wants to hang out. I could easily find something to do alone, but he's my friend right? Friends hang out. It's not until he says he can that I realize I have no clue what we are even going to do?

pick u up in 20 4 dinner

c u then :))

I take care in getting ready, always. I just don't see the point in looking scruffy when you could dress smart casual. A blush tone, short sleeve, button down, geometric patterns are back in fashion but I am simply fond of stripes. Pair that with a white pair of tailored knee shorts and you have an outfit. There are no occasions where it's inappropriate to dress well.

It's probably a little more than twenty minutes before I'm outside Chad's house. I forget to even look for him before he is already in the passenger's seat.

"Why do you look so good?" Okay maybe that's a blunt way to ask but it is surprising.

"I'm not allowed to look better than you?" The cockiness betrays that he is hiding something.

"You are certainly welcome to try, you don't right now." That's partially a lie. He is in a button down instead of one of those stupid graphic tee's and dark washed fitted jeans. It's like he got my memo for the dress code. But it's not the outfit that makes him look better than me, it's his cheek bones, his smile, his eyes, his...

"Where are we eating?" He's not going to change the topic that easily.

"Artichoke. Please tell me the real reason for the get up." I would deploy puppy dog eyes if I weren't driving.

"Fine, but you can't say anything." I can hear the hint of a smile in his voice.

"I won't tell a soul." I put a hand on my heart as we stop at a light.

"Not even Sharpay." He adds.

"Spit it out Danforth." I laugh.

"My mom thought I was going on a date and it was easier to get dressed than explain to her the change of plans." Aww he's scared of his mommy.

"Wait, your mom thought you were going on a date with me?" Is this a date?

"No, with Taylor" He doesn't explain.

"You had a date with Taylor?" Did I ruin a date?

"Kinda?" He shrugs.

"Does Taylor know?" What is happening?

"About the date? She set it up." Oh, he's stupid. Okay.

"That it isn't happening, Chad." Am I yelling I can't tell?

"Oh fuck, I forgot to text Taylor." He pulls out his phone

I pull off into a random parking lot and try to collect myself and my thoughts before I crash the car.

"You cannot cancel a date over text message." I mumble leaning my head against my steering wheel.

"Why not?" He continues typing.

"Chad call your fucking girlfriend!" This has to be what an aneurysm feels like.

"Fine, jeez." He dials.

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