
Oleh MstormWorks

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ATTENTION LOVES ! Major changes made from chapters 31-39 and chapters 45-47 Check them out ! Shivanya's lif... Lebih Banyak

1. Dancing Swords (Edited POV)
2. Rudraksh Rana (Edited POV)
3. Most Merciless And Deadliest Of All. (Edited POV)
4. Dark Clouds Of Fate. (Edited POV)
5. The Line Where The Sky Met The Sea (Edited POV)
6. Terrifying Tales Of Toe Eating Daayans (Edited POV)
7. From The Ganges To The Qoorg - Ball Invitation. (Edited POV)
8. Vikram Franc Kollins ( Edited POV )
9. Rudraksh Rana At Kollins Ball ( Edited POV )
10. He Was Gone (Edited POV)
11 - From Ruling To Love ? ( Edited POV )
12 - Naga Attacks And Sails Back To India ( Edited POV )
13 - You're Mine (Edited POV)
14 - His Salvation. ( Edited POV )
15 - All You Are Is Mine. (Edited POV)
16 - Trust Is A Luxury. (Edited POV)
17 - Sinful Combination (Edited POV)
18 - Dhruv's Message And Bloody Hands. (Edited POV)
20 - The Only Thing Important Is Her ( Edited POV )
21 - My darling ( Edited POV )
22 - You Are My Ultimate Salvation ( Edited POV )
23 - Burning Poems Of Euphoria (Edited POV)
24 - Jealousy ( Edited POV)
25 - End Me Before I Hurt You ( Edited POV )
26 - They Craved Domination, They Craved Touch ( Edited POV )
27 - Chillum And Matters Of Heart ( Edited POV )
28 - Solace And Nightmares ( Edited POV )
29 - Please Come Back To Me ( Edited POV )
30 - Coronation and Chaos ( Edited POV )
31 - Charms and wolves ( Edited POV )
32 - Chains and death ( Edited POV )
33 - Twenty Hours ( Edited POV )
34 - Vikraal ( Edited POV )
35 - Way to a man's heart ( Edited POV )
36 - Gone. ( Edited POV )
37 - Chasing Her ( Edited POV )
38 - Claim ( Edited POV )
39 - Taste ( Edited POV )
40 - The Sacrifice ( Edited POV )
41 - Like She Found Her God ( Edited POV )
42 - Karam Caves ( Edited POV )
43 - I Feel A Connection ( Edited POV )
44 - Ghosts Of The Past ( Edited POV )
45 - Kiss Me Please ( Edited POV )
46 - Strawberry Nights And Sinful Confessions ( Edited POV )
47 - RUDRAKSH'S POV ( Edited POV )

19 - He Will Die ( Edited POV)

610 41 3
Oleh MstormWorks

"Which one ?" Surbhi asked holding up two identical ghagra cholis, one yellow and one orange.

"Yellow." I just had a towel wrapped around me as I made my way towards the hearth. I spread my hair in front of it as my ladies busied themselves with the jewellery selection.

Once satisfied, they brought everything to me and I got dressed in no time. I slipped on the simple gold and glass bangles as Rashmi fastened my jhumkas after securing a thick gold chain without a pendent around my neck. Once done, the young artist Sakhi offered to do my makeup. I always preferred to do everything on my own but as time was scarce, I allowed it that one time. Sakhi applied kohl around my green eyes with the precision of a portrait artist and applied red lip rouge on my lips and cheeks with utmost care. At last I put a glittering stone bindi in the middle of my brows and applied sindoor. As my hair was still damp, I left them open and secured them with pins to prevent them from falling over my face.

"One last thing and you will be ready to go." Rashmi pointed towards the drawer of perfumes.

The Puja had gone by in a blur and I was thankful that the Pandit hadn't asked for Rudraksh yet. All the time during the Puja, I couldn't focus on it, I couldn't focus on anything except for the front door hoping to see a certain someone walk in but no. No one did. No one came. The lord Ganesh Puja was finished and I still had one hour before the other one. I decided to look around for the arrangements. Everything was going smoothly except for the presence of Vikram. He was there sitting on the diwan, stuffing his face with traditional sweets as the maids buzzed around him like flies. He looked like a traditional sweet at this point.

I looked around the haveli, it was decorated like a bride. Flowers, new curtains, new lightings, new lamps, everything looked new and stellar. It was no longer mourning the loss of the King, it was welcoming me to a new world as the Queen. My cousins were busy talking to each other about their hair and clothes, my ladies were going mad as always trying to keep record of everything that needed the Queen's attention and the people of Somm were seated on the Kashmiri carpets laid out for them across the vast halls with warm smiles on their faces, looking over at the portrait of lord Ganesh by the huge Havan Mandap.

Evening came in no time and I was certain Rudraksh was not going to come. As I sat on the wooden bajot for the Durga Puja, the Pandit looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Shivanya, my child, it's time for the King consort to come out of hiding." He said.

"Panditji... Can't we do this without him ? I'm afraid he can't be here."

"The Pratha is very important for the coronation not just because I say so, your majesty, but because it is crucial for both you and your reign. His Grace is supposed to place the holy Kalash in the holy circle along with you. Anything wrong will break hell loose upon us and your marriage." Said the Pandit, his voice no longer soft but stern and determined.

"I know...." My voice was almost inaudible.

"I hope I am not too late, Mrs Rana ? Forgive me Panditji. You know how harsh snow is this year." Came a familiar deep voice followed by an intoxicating scent that made me feel things I knew I should keep myself from feeling during a holy practice. Before I could look up, I felt him settle beside me and my heart picked up race in the most delicious frenzy. He had come. For me.

"Of course not Alpha Rana. You are right on time, here." The old Pandit smiled at us before handing us the holy Kalash loosely wrapped in a red cotton cloth.

Rudraksh placed his hand on mine to receive the Kalash and we placed it in the holy circle made with vermilion, rice and flower petals on top of a small velvet throne.

"Thank you." I unconsciously muttered and he gave my hand an assuring squeeze.

The Puja took two hours to complete and after taking the Pandit ji's blessing, we found ourselves a less crowded corner in the hall away from prying ears to talk. I kept my eyes away from him all that time, I didn't know how to face him when he did what I asked for even after what I had done.

"Well ?" I spoke, still looking away.

"What ?"

"I thought a certain someone would never set foot in this establishment and I see him right in front of me."

"For one, you haven't spared me a glance. I would love if you would just look at me and as for two, What can I say ? The things I do for you even surprises me sometimes, Mrs Rana." It was then I looked at him and drew a deep breath.

His young face just the same, just beautifully menacing. He was wearing tilak as he always did which made him look like someone worth worshipping. Like a divine being. He looked like a warrior, he looked ethereal. He was wearing a subtle golden kurta, an attire appropriate for traditional practices.

I couldn't drown in the fact that how much it suited him but his voice. There was that forced voice again. It felt strange to hear it, it sounded sad and was almost painful for me to hear. He didn't reek of wine or any other alcohol but his eyes were still red even more than the last time. The noticeable heat I felt throughout the Puja... I thought it was coming from havan's fire but I still felt it even when I was all the way across the hall. I had no idea as to what was happening.

"Well ?" He broke my chain of thoughts

"What ?"

"I am waiting for you to tell me what that Valaskan dressed in that ridiculous suit is doing here. I remember him from the Kollins Ball. You danced with him twice that evening." He said, eyeing Vikram who was conversing with Krishna.

"I am not answerable to you."

"Of course you are. You are answerable to me as I am to you. You are my wife."

"I don't th--" I hiccuped.

I hiccuped again and again and again

"Here." He offered me his glass of juice.

"No." Hiccup "Can't." I shook my head and took a step back.

"Why ?" He asked, confused.

"I am fasting and I can't eat or drink anything for another hour." A soft expression replaced the confused look on his face and he smiled.

"Come here you." He pulled me close to him before I could protest and rubbing the back of my neck, he added, "My mother used to do this. Just hold your breath for a few seconds and it will go awa..."

His voice trailed off and he quickly retrieved his hand when I looked at him. Realisation hit him in the face and his eyes went a little wide. His hand was burning. I felt it against my skin and the intensity of it sent cold shivers down my spine. He had fever, fever strong enough to kill a normal human.

"Mister Rana..."

"You look beautiful as ever. It's been a great time, My Queen, I shall see you tomorrow." He said and hurried away from me with each and everyone around bowing down to him on the way.

Minutes passed, hours, since he left and I tried to battle my mind with my heart. A strange voice that just won't stop talking. It reminded me constantly of my father's murder and murderer. It was rejoiced in his suffering but my heart... My heart just wanted to run to him and make sure he was alright.

If his behaviour the other day was due to the fever too then they might be struggling to break it. Did he even have anyone to look after him except for those maids ? His touch felt as if he was on fire, it was burning. What could it be ? Was he going to die ?, A question popped up and I dismissed it immediately. I didn't find joy in entertaining the thought of his death as I did in the beginning. I hated myself for it but I couldn't help it. I was not in my control.

Restless, I saw Krishna and walked up to him. I needed to distract myself and what would serve me better than politics ?

"Brother ? A word." I said and he excused himself from the group of man he was talking to.

"Sister," He bowed in front out of respect.

"Stop doing that. Have you sent someone to check the weather in Haryana ?"

"Yes I did and there is another thing sister, the delegation of the Duke of Zewargad will be delayed by a day. The winter seems in no mood of leaving this year." Krishna looked around and rubbed his hands to warm himself. He no longer looked like a boy. With our Father by his side, he was not too burdened with his duties as the Beta of the pack but since he died the roles and responsibilities started weighing him down and he like a dutiful man he was handling them perfectly well. He wasn't that brown skinned, innocent boy with his face cleanly shaven and forehead free of frowns like he was a month ago. The light stubble covering half of his cheeks made him look like a man, a ruthless fighter, a fearless warrior.

"And the ways to keep our guest occupied ?"

"Hunting. There are grounds near Tinka Valley known for it. Mostly humans and no wolves around."

"Perfect. Thank you brother."

"Queens don't go around thanking, sister, they just command. Is something troubling you ?" He frowned.

"Why do you ask ?" Was my worry too evident ? I straightened myself.

"It's written all over your face. Tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing. I've been near the havan kund most of the day and the coronation.... I never thought it would come to this so early and under such circumstances."

"Nothing is not Mahadev's will and you know he knows the best so ease up. I'll see you at dinner ?"


Ease up. Great idea. I shook my head and walked towards the front door. Maybe some fresh air would ease me up... ease up my entire self for my heart, mind, soul and subconscious were all at war. The crowd and chatter didn't help at all so with an aching head, I walked out but when I did I found even more trouble than much needed peace. Veena the maid was struggling to pass through but the guards held her back.

"Please ! please let me pass ! It's important ! I need to see Sahiba Rana ! please I beg of you good sir ! please! let me pass ! let me see her !" She pleaded but the guards stood their ground.

"Let her pass. I know her." I commanded from afar and the guards stepped back. Veena, almost tripping, rushed to me.

The poor woman looked terrified. She was covered in sweat, her short hair all dishevelled and dirt laced ghagra choli was tattered in few places.

"Veena what is wrong ?"

"Sahiba ! Sahiba Rana !" Veena panted, completely exhausted.

"What is it ?"

"Sahib Rana.. He... He..."

"What happened ? I command you to speak up !"

"His health is not getting better. Our medic is afraid that he won't be able to...."

"What happened to his health ?"  My heart started beating faster, so painfully that I wished for it to stop at once.

"He had woken up with a fever the day after you left and since then it kept getting worse. They had found traces of poison in the wine he had that night. Medic Shrestha is afraid that if the fever does not break by midnight.... He...."

"He what ?!"

"He will die." Almost unconsciously, my forest green eyes turned golden and my canines emerged as my wolf fought to unleash and tear apart everything that came in my way. She wanted to be free, to run to him and make sure he was okay. She wanted to quench the bloodthirst with the blood of the person responsible for Rudraksh's condition.
Flinching, Veena took a few steps back in fear.


I remembered his words--

"A wise Queen once told me that trust is a luxury Kings and Queens cannot afford. How do I know you won't poison my wine again ?"

It was the actual poison he was talking about and when he had asked me if I regretted poisoning him.... I said I didn't.

"Do you regret it ? Even just a little bit ?"

"I don't. I did what had to be done for my reign, my people."

Without sparing and another glance at the woman, I ran towards the infirmary. No, I thought. That cannot be happening... he cannot die. I tried hard to the restrain my wolf because I knew if I let her free... she will shed blood.

I felt that chill in my bones, unbearable fear that started sawing at my nerves and gripped existence. The drizzle turned into intensified rain, drenching me in ice cold water but I kept running towards the infirmary, I kept running towards the potential cause of everything that was happening.

At this point, I almost looked like Veena. My long black hair were a wild tangled mess, I was drenched in ice cold water from head to toe and my feet almost felt like they were no longer the part of my body. I couldn't even feel them. That's how numb they were due to all that snow and running.

I abruptly stopped in front of the house of witch Damini pandit.


Kalash - A Kalasha, also spelled Kalash or Kalasa is a metal (brass, copper, silver or gold) pot with a small mouth, large enough to hold a coconut. The Kalash is used as a sacred object in rituals ( Example - Puja ) as well as a decorative motif in Indian art and architecture.

Havan - A ritual burning of offerings such as grains and ghee, which is held to mark marriages and special occasions.

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