Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

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✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

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-𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ✫ 𝟜𝟚 P𝕖-

939 88 125
By Taegyaza

Pendant time

Despite that he can't generate from his own brain memories related to Taehyun...

Despite that his left arm is incomplete...

Taehyun is experiencing this soft warm feeling in his heart whenever his boyfriend used to hug him. This element of safety and affection that BG had in store solely for him, Taehyun can feel it right now.

He thought his boyfriend was gone so the fact that this foreign person is hugging him just like he was hugged by BG, makes Taehyun feel scared but in an exhilarating manner.

He had set his mind to let Beomgyu go but the latter is making that so hard for him and he hates it. The umyrien is trembling like a little leaf and he keeps on muttering "Don't leave me"

With a sigh, Taehyun lifted his hand up to run his fingers through Beomgyu soft hair trying to soothe him "Don't cry... If you insist, I won't leave now.." He felt oddly flustered though.

Hearing this, Beomgyu gently pulled away while still keeping his hand on his waist "Do you promise?" His voice was tiny but his eyes were big like a pleading puppy.

The younger's face reddened, Beomgyu is still such a cute person who can make Taehyun's heart hammer all the time "Mhm.."
Beomgyu let a little smile out as he made their foreheads meet in a delicate touch "Thank you.."




"Why?!" Taehyun couldn't take this heart-playing confusion any longer, he pushed Beomgyu "Why are you acting so different from earlier..?" He blubbered, tears of frustration starting to stream down his cheeks "You wanted me gone but now you're like this.."

"I'm sorry."

Taehyun looked up at him, lips quivering, eyes unsure. The older placed his hand on his cheek as he wiped a tear-off with his thumb "I shouldn't have acted that way, I'm just not that trusting.. But now I realised how much you mean to me"

Taehyun broke the eye contact as he looked away "H-How? Aren't I just a stranger to you?"

"You're not a stranger.." Beomgyu's hand moved down in seek for Taehyun's, and he soon raised his hand after gently grabbing it "You're my boyfriend."

The younger's heart flipped with his blush worsening, he's not sure why exactly but.. There's something about real Beomgyu that's very mysteriously charming "I-I.."

Beomgyu glanced at their paired hands before pulling Taehyun's a bit closer to him "I liked giving the back of your hand a kiss right?"
Mister charming is being all cool on the outside but on the inside.. 'AAAAH but no way I can do that again, that's embarrassing!! His hands are so pretty thoooough!'

"How can you know or remember that?" Taehyun was staying wary.

With a smile, Beomgyu reluctantly lets go of his hand so he can head to the little table where his notebook is. He sat on the hospital bed before patting the space beside him. Gesturing Taehyun to come over.

The aforementioned wasn't really sure.. He's not in the mood to keep on being deceived. But Beomgyu has been acting a bit like the boyfriend he once was, that little tinge of familiarity is making Taehyun unable to not be by his side. He wants to be around his boyfriend more than anyone.

Well, plus he promised to stay a little longer.

So he soon sat beside him, much to Beomgyu's joy as he immediately handed him the notebook.
"I've been reading this while you were away earlier.."

Taehyun's eyes widened "The notebook you always had with you.." he whispered astonished "You.. want me to?"

"Take a look yes!" Beomgyu smiled sweetly at him.

Sometime later

Taehyun was reading the content just like Beomgyu was earlier. The latter playfully read along with him as well while sometimes providing him with more explanations.

He let Taehyun know how every day he would write his life with him in the notebook. He told him how BG knew that there would be a chance that he forgets Taehyun. And that's a big no. So he created this to copy-paste his memories to his future self.

"Uahhh!!" Taehyun covered his mouth, the lights around him were reflecting in his watery eyes making them twinkle. They read 20ish sections together and Taehyun is stunned. He turned to Beomgyu and couldn't help but immediately break into tears of bittersweet emotions "Is this for real??"

Beomgyu laced his arm around the younger's shoulder and brought him closer "Yes... See how much you meant to me? You still do~ I'm thankful that you made me so happy during my time on Earth.."

When Taehyun's innocent brown eyes met Beomgyu's beautiful blue ones, it felt like time stopped for the two of them. It's not only that they were captivated by each other's outside beauty but it was as if the bond and the romantic enchantment that they once shared was reblossoming during the moment.

"So you know the moments we had together?" Taehyun asked softly.

The older showed him a sweet smile which made Taehyun's heart flutter "I do.. My current memory is quite good so I memorized everything that I read. And I can visualize the content well so I feel like I lived those moments with you..." This position is perfect for a forehead kiss but Beomgyu is still a bit shy.

With no hesitance and with a soft satisfied smile, Taehyun rested his head on Beomgyu's shoulder, the older's heart skipped a beat immediately as he tensed up. 'He's warming up to me.. I'm glad... But Beomgyu get a grip!'

In the beginning when he first met Beomgyu, Taehyun had a really hard time trying to know what goes on in the little alien's head. BG was awfully positive and didn't seem to have a care in the world. And now it's been revealed to Taehyun that he had actually been expressing most of his feelings in words, aka in his notebook.

He now understands BG better.

BG has been keeping a lot of things to himself, not wanting to trouble people around him. Despite being honest, he didn't actually reveal much unless he's asked directly.

(BG always wrote a few pages per section and he was detailed, what's in the images are just highlights)

"Wow.. And I didn't think you cared that much back then.." Taehyun whispered looking down at the words. He then flinched as that object of vision was stolen from his hands.

Beomgyu had taken the book and muttered shyly while looking sideways "I think you saw enough.. from that section onwards it gets rather personal..."

"Strange indecipherable feelings.." Taehyun said something that he just recalled. He poked Beomgyu's cheek to get his attention "Do you know what you meant?"

Beomgyu was still looking sideways.

Taehyun poked him again but no response. So he decided to sit up from the bed and stand in front of him to see his face.

And it's just now that he can see that Beomgyu had gone pink, probably why he was hiding. Taehyun still can't get used to the fact that he can blush now, and he finds him so adorable every time.

The older slowly brought his phone out before attempting to stand up. But it's still a bit hard. He's been more energized ever since Taehyun came back but he's still struggling with his overall condition. Taehyun's instinct was to carefully grab his hand then pull him up. And he did.

"Thanks.." He muttered in a tiny voice.
"So Dr Froth had sent me an email containing all the emotions that I learned and umm.." The boy can't bring himself to say it out so he simply showed him it.

Taehyun nodded looking at his phone "Oh that's a lot.. You must have forgotten so much..." His voice got more and more dispirited...

"Wait.." Taehyun batted his eyelashes in disbelief before looking right into Beomgyu's eyes "Love?"

The umyrien exhaled to calm his racing heart "Y-Yes the.."

Taehyun stepped closer to him, there was just something that attracted him to the other boy. It's been the case during the entire time that he spent with real Beomgyu since he came back.
He doesn't want any distance, and he wants to know what he has to say.

He wouldn't be feeling this attraction if he didn't think or know that his boyfriend was deep in there.

Their fingers intertwined without them even taking notice of it, it was completely natural. Beomgyu feels like he's known Taehyun forever, he can genuinely feel their unbreakable bond.

"The reason why I forgot you.. is because I..." Their blushing faces got closer by the second, not breaking eye contact "Because I lo—"

"TAEHYUN!" Jaemin barged in the room like he's the FBI or something "Why you take long time?!- Oh?"

Is he interrupting something? He asked himself..

"J-Jaemin?" Taehyun stuttered feeling fluster over his sudden appearance. He couldn't stop glancing at Beomgyu, he wished he could've finished his sentence.

The oldest stomped inside, grabbed the youngest's shoulders and thought it'll be a good idea to start shaking him "Was supposed to take not long for you to take thing you forgot!!"

Meanwhile, Beomgyu was really feeling something, his face got red with embarrassment but also anger. That person literally intruded into his personal time with his Taehyun.

The silver-haired was about to reply to him. But then he felt an unexpectedly strong arm wrap around his little waist, bringing him away from Jaemin. And pressing his back against someone's torso.

"Who's this?" Beomgyu muttered bashfully in his shoulder, back-hugging him close. "You've already found handsome umyrien guys to hang out with you huh......."

Taehyun giggled, jealous Beomgyu is cute. "He's just an acquaintance don't worry, I got familiar with my surroundings thanks to him"

Beomgyu looked up at the guy in question with such a glare that Jaemin felt intimidated "⏁⊑⌖ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊑⟒⌰⌿⟟⋏☌ ⊑⟟⋔ ⋏⍜⍙ ⎅⟟⌇⏃⌿⌿⟒⏃⍀."
(Thanks for helping him out, now disappear.)

Jaemin made a tight-lipped smile "⟒⊑ ☊⊑⟟⌰⌰, ⟟ ⋏⍜ ⌇⏁⟒⏃⌰ ⏚⎍⏁ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ☌⍜⟟⋏☌ ⍜⋏ ⟟⋔ ☊⍜⋏⎎⎍⌇⟒⎅.." (Eh chill, I won't steal him. But what's going on? I'm confused..)

Jaemin had left the door open which gave Dr. Froth easy access to the room as he soon walked in, holding in his hands something that immediately piqued Beomgyu's interest as he darted to him "My necklace!"

Dr. Froth handed it to him much to Beomgyu's thrill.

'Dr Froth really did take the necklace...' Taehyun smiled to himself, glad that he had misunderstood the reason why Beomgyu didn't have it until now.

Jaemin leaned to the side to see Taehyun before mouthing "I see you are good, so I go. Bye-bye...!"

The younger waved enthusiastically with a smile "Bye and thank you~" Jaemin smiled back and left, closing the door behind him.


Dr. Froth had some information to share with them.

And he started with telling Taehyun something, quite blankly but there was this slight tinge of cheekiness gracing his voice "My patient had learned the love emotion during his time on Earth. and he felt that the most towards you."

Beomgyu's face got as red as a tomato, he hit Dr Froth's arm "Shhhhh!!"

Ignoring the several hits that his arm was receiving the oldest continued "I saw in his memory file that the only time he expressed those feelings out, was a moment where he told it to his sapphire pendant."

"STOOOOOP! THAT WAS A SECRET" Beomgyu whined before covering his burning face in his palm.



The umyrien parted his fingers a bit to see the boy who just asked that in his soft honeyed voice. "Um yes..." Beomgyu didn't know where to look, he felt so flustered.

Taehyun made his brightest smile in a while, his eyes were welling up with happy tears. To believe that for all this time, his boyfriend reciprocated his feelings...

'That's why he forgot me...'
At first, Taehyun thought it was so unfair, he was wondering how he could remember everyone but him. But now that he knows why he doesn't know if he should be happy or.... not.

Even though there's some physical distance between the two boys, the romance floating in the air was apparent. As a result, Dr Froth felt out of place. But that didn't stop him from proceeding.

Emotions and magic were emitting inside of the surgery room BG was in because of the preternatural procedures Froth was using. "I had warned B1-G3 that those procedures might affect his necklace but he still refused to take it off. I've been inspecting the gemstone and I want to share that it was indeed affected." He revealed.

"Huh in what way?!!" Beomgyu panicked, he's hoping that it won't lose its blue colour or something...

Froth said "Close your eyes, bring it to your ear and you'll get your answer."

Taehyun looked worriedly at Beomgyu, the older smiled to reassure him then did what Dr Froth had proposed to him.

He held the pendant to his ear and closed his eyes.




"I'm in love with Taehyun.."

Beomgyu's mouth slowly went agape with his eyes widening simultaneously.

He heard his own voice.

His voice from like a week ago is lowly echoing what he had confided to the stone. You really have to concentrate to hear it.

"So, what's happening?" Taehyun asked innocently.

"U-uhhh..." Beomgyu who's still flabbergasted just stared into nothingness, heart pounding.


Dr Froth cleared his throat "After further inspection, I have concluded that Beomgyu's feelings of love stored themselves inside of his pendant during the surgery. It remains a theory but I'm almost certain."

"What...?" The two boys whispered at the same time.

"Therefore." He continued "If we break the gemstone open, that emotion will escape it and Beomgyu will possibly retrieve all the memories related to love that he had learned.
In other words, remember Taehyun perfectly and other things like blueberries too."

That's just like having B1-G3 back...

The two were staring at each other with wide eyes, slowly registering the reveal that they just heard.

'I'll be like before?'

'It'll almost be like I never went through memory loss?'

Seeing Beomgyu's lost state, Dr Froth said "I don't know how big of a decision that is. But I'll give you time to think about it" He made his way to the door "If you want to break it, join me in my lab and I'll help you. I hope you didn't forget about the bad news that I have for you. I'll be back either way to deliver it." He then left the room.


Beomgyu has never been trapped in such a dilemma. Whatever they decide, there'll be a bad outcome:

You can..

Become the person you once were, the boyfriend that Taehyun loved and who he's so close to. You'll remember living all the times you had together. You won't have to learn them anymore. But that'll be after destroying the possession you care about so much, the gift that symbolizes the day your relationship with your lover started.


You keep your promise by not breaking the expensive pendant, but you'll never have the same relationship with Taehyun.


Taehyun attached the necklace around his boyfriend's neck "This will symbolize that you're my berry~"

He showed him a beautiful and genuine smile "I adore it... thank you.. I will wear and treasure it forever.." Beomgyu embraced him in a warm hug "Thank you..."


Beomgyu doesn't remember from his own brain living this exchange but he knows it happened.
"This isn't natural, it's like I'm copying BG, trying to be him, the memories are his not mine, You gave the pendant to him not me, you're his boyfriend not mine." His fist that's holding the pendant started shaking in anxiety.
"Maybe I should just br—"

The shaking stopped.

Taehyun had gently shielded his hand with his two hands, and smiled sweetly "When I first knew that you lost your memories, I really felt like you and B1-G3 were different people but.."

"But now, I'm learning that you're the same person. Please don't refer to your cyborg self in the third person okay? It's still you~"

There is one option that Taehyun likes more but what he wants doesn't matter, it's Beomgyu's say. "No matter what you choose, you're still my berry.."


It's official..

Beomgyu can't help but fall for Taehyun, remembering him or not.

The decision he has to take is obvious.


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