We are one - HTTYD FanFic (Th...

By ZombieBeheader

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I turn to the boy as he thrusts his flaming sword towards me. I dodge and I kick the sword out of his hands a... More

Chapter 1 - Blood bruises and scars
Chapter 2 - Getting to know my friends...and foes
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Chiefs mother
Chapter 4 - Hiccup actually cries
Chapter 5 - Wildsouls
Chapter 6 - Talking about the perks of puberty
Chapter 7 - How does whips and chains sound?
Chapter 8 - Shirtless
Chapter 9 - Hugger
Chapter 10 - Banished
Chapter 12 - Vigilantes
Chapter 13 - Take a leap of Faith or a fall of Fear
Chapter 14 - A trail of kisses
Chapter 15 - The fall of the Night Fury
Chapter 16 - Blue Tattoo?
Chapter 17 - Pain...it hurts
Chapter 18 - Splitting skin
Chapter 19 - Dragon Racing with style
Chapter 20 - Take my heart
Chapter 21 - Burning skin
Chapter 22 - The Heart of a Chief and the Soul of a Dragon
Chapter 23 - Shirtless...again
Chapter 25 - Teeth and claws
A/N - Writing Tips
Chapter 25 - Rogue and Blind
Chapter 26 - Finding a cure
Chapter 27 - The missing Harmony
Chapter 28 - Snoggletog
Chapter 29 - ...Uh?
Chapter 30 - Stolen Child

Chapter 11 - The pain of love

1.5K 56 210
By ZombieBeheader

Chapter 11 - The pain of love

"You look beautiful today" he murmured in my ear.

I laughed. "You must be blind then."

He rolled his eyes. "You must think that you are as ugly as a troll."

"I am as ugly as a troll."

He kissed my cheek. "I don't think that."

I sighed. "Of course you don't."

"I'm serious" he said, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

I smiled, raking my hands through his hair. "I love you" I whispered.

The scenery changes, blurring two memories together.

"She's there!" my lover shouted, pointing at me.

Drago's men laid their eyes on me and ran towards me, weapons in their hands. I screamed, running the other way. A boa wrapped itself around my legs and I fell. I felt my dragon surfacing, but I was hit in the head hard, and I blacked out.


I scream, bolting up. I feel my legs and I sigh when I feel no boa wrapped around them.

It was a dream. All a damn dream.

Have I mentioned how much I hated dreams? Well, times that by a thousand.

Hiccup bolts up, looking around frantically until he sees me and he relaxes. "You right?"

I nod, laying back down and pulling the blankets under my chin. "Y-Yeah. Just....just a bad dream."

He snorts. "You've been having a lot of those lately."

I groan. "I know. I don't know why."

He shrugs, laying back down. "Maybe it's a sign."

"A sign? A sign that I am going crazy?"

He shakes his head. "Maybe...maybe the dreams are warning you."

I gulp, laying back down. "Warning me."

He sucks in a short breath and then let's it out. "Or you are just going crazy."

I roll my eyes. "Well, if I am, at least we will be crazy together."

He rolls his eyes. "Good Night Ember. Try to dream happy dreams."

"I'll try, but I can't guarantee you that I won't."

"I don't mind; I just don't want you to suffer."

I sigh. "Thanks Hiccup. I imagine many people kicking me out of their room for screaming all the time."

He smiles, turning over so his back faces me. "I would never kick you out Ember. Never."

I smile, turning over. "Good night Hiccup the kind."

He snorts. "Good night Ember the great."




"Hm...how about, no."







"You guys are children" sneers Astrid, sharpening her axe.

I roll my eyes and turn to Snotlout. "He's the only child here that I can see."

He glares at me. "I'm not a child! You just aren't letting me use your sword."

"There's a reason for that."

"And that is..."

"My sword. I'm not letting your filthy fingers touch it."

"Oh come on" he whines, taking a step closer, reaching out for it in my hands. "I just wanna--"

In a flash, my sword is at his throat, slightly touching it. "Don't. You. Dare" I grit.

He gulps, his Adam apple narrowly missing the blade. "I-I-I-I--"

"You sound like an idiot" I smirk, taking the sword away and swinging it around.

"At least I'm a beautiful one" he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

I groan. "What is up with the boys here on Berk? It's like they all think their gorgeous when they are not."

"Tell that to Hiccup" smirks Ruffnut. "He's the hottest Viking here...after Eret."

Oh not this again.

I shake my head. "I can name three guys that are..hotter than Hiccup."

No you cant.

"Who?" asks Fishlegs, suddenly interested.

I shrug. "You wouldn't know them."

I have seen some pretty nifty boys on my travels.

"Try me" says Tuffnut.

"Patric, Spitfire and...and...--"

My past flashes before my eyes.

Beautiful black hair, tan skin and bright blue eyes. He always had stubble on that square jaw of his. His body was not bulky, nor thin. It was perfect, just right.

His name.


I realise I'm screaming when the vision goes away. The riders are looking at me like I have gone crazy, and maybe I have.

Oh Odin. Make it go away. Make it go away. Please.

My anger flares.

I grip my katana sword, walking over to a wooden dummy and I slice it in half with a swing of my arm.

"Are you okay Ember?" asks Fishlegs.

I suck in a deep breath, my anger still roaring.

Settle Ember. He's gone. Don't worry about him.

I take a deep breath, sheathing my sword. "I'm fine" I whisper.

Ruthless nudges me with her snout, trying to comfort me, but it doesn't work.

I take a deep breath, avoiding the gazes of the riders. "I want you guys to keep practising your punches, I have to go."

They all watch me jump onto Ruthless, and fly off, out of the academy.

Stupid vision. Why do they keep happening? Why me? Why? Why? Why?!

I roar into the empty sky, punching the air before laying down on Ruthless's back.

She grunts. 'You okay?'

I sigh. "I'm okay girl. I'm just stressed."

She snorts. 'You are always stressed.'

I groan again, looking to the sky. "It's one of the joys of being me."

Ruthless flies above the island, probably waiting for me to direct her to where I want her to go.

Truth is, I don't know where I want to go.

Hiccup is doing chief stuff, and Gobber always talks about 'Adult stuff' and trying to show me Hiccups chest. Valka will just get me to do chores, or she will start crying, and I am not going back to the riders because I have no explanation for my screaming.

Well, I do, but I ain't telling them squat about the back-stabbing-hair-twirling-mother-hugger whose name I shall not say.

And, I'm embarrassed. This is my second time storming out of the academy. They must think I'm weak. Or crazy.

They probably think that I am some psycho lunatic girl that is sensitive.

I'm not sensitive!

I am just always in constant pain. Emotional pain. From loss, devastation, horror. I'm not sensitive, I just carry too much on my shoulders.

And I have a short temper.

I rub my temples, looking back to the clouds. Ruthless grunts and I sigh.

"I'm okay."

She snorts, not believing me.

"I'm fine."

She grumbles. 'You are so...unsocial. You never tell anyone what you are truly feeling. Unless it's Hiccup.'

I sigh. "I think he's the only one that gets me."

'Toothless is the only one that gets me' she grunts.

I smile. "Then you know what I mean."

I feel my stomach drop as Ruthless quickly descends towards land and I almost fall off her, but I manage to grab the saddle before I fall.

She extends her wings, making us slow until we reach the ground. I hop of Ruthless, looking around confused. "What are you doing?"

She smirks, lifting her head up as she struts through the village. I trail behind her, unsure of what she is doing.

I hear a roar of happiness and I turn just as something slams into me, knocking me over. Toothless rushes over me and straight to Ruthless, and I just lay here furious.

"Oh, thanks Toothless...thanks a lot."

"Oh, sorry about that."

I turn to see Hiccup standing in front of me, and I sigh. "I ain't dead. It's good."

He rolls his eyes and extends a hand. I reach out and grab it, warmth rippling through me at his touch. He pulls me up with little effort and I brush my hands on my pants.

"Thanks" I sigh. "Toothless just bowled me over like I was a piece of trash."

He snorts. "I think he likes Ruthless more than you."

I smirk. "It's good to know that at least somebody doesn't have a crush on me."

Hiccup blushes, but I don't think he realises. "Yep. Everyone has a crush on you" he says, rolling his eyes.

I pout, putting my hand on my hip and flicking my hair over my shoulder. "Yep, I'm super hot."

He laughs. "Maybe if you keep telling yourself that, it'll come true. One day."

I punch his arm, making him slightly stumble and he laughs.

"You know I'm hot."

He rolls his eyes. "Yes. You are v-very hot."

I flutter my eyelashes flirtatiously. "Oh my Hiccup...I feel the same way."

His cheeks redden. "W-What--"

I smirk, laughing. "Chillax my brother from another mother, I was kidding. Anyways, I wouldn't go out with you; Astrid would try to beat me up, and I'd end up beating her face up and then the whole village would hate me."

He smirks. "Is that the only reason why you wouldn't date me?"

I feel my cheeks redden so I groan, wiping my forehead so it looks like I'm just hot. "Do you want me to read the entire list? You might wanna sit down for it."

"You are just...just...--"

"Awesome? Perfect? Spectacular? Don't tell me, I already know."

He rolls his eyes, sighing. "Never mind."

Ruthless comes over to me, nudging me with her snout and I give her a small glare. "Don't do that thing where you push me onto Hiccup; if Astrid sees, Hiccups dead."

Ruthless rolls her eyes. Toothless then pounces on top of her, tackling her to the ground, then runs off. Ruthless gets up, her purple eyes wide with joy. She chases after Toothless and the two Night Furies disappear from sight.

"Well" sighs Hiccup. "I best be off. I have to go to the Meade hall and fix up this water leakage."

"I'll watch."

"Wait. Aren't you training the gang?"

I gulp."Well...I was."

"Was? What happened?"


Hiccup looks almost distressed for a moment. "D-Did they hurt you? Is your hand still hurting? Are you okay?" he rushes.

"I'm fine. I just...I just stormed out of the academy again."

He pats my arm, giving me a smile. "Well...at least your not hurt. Doesn't matter why you ran out. I'm just glad you are okay."

I smile. "Can I watch you fix a leakage?"

He does his weird shoulder shrug. "Sure."

I impersonate his shrug.

He raises an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

I do his shrug again. "I don't know" I say, trying to impersonate his voice. "What am I doing?"

He laughs. "First of all, I-I don't sound like that. What--Who is this character? And second, what is that thing you're doing with my shoulders?"

"Oh, well first off, I'm impersonating you" I smirk, a little bit of laughter escaping my lips.

"Yeah, that's a very flattering impersonation."

"And second" I say, doing his shoulder shrug. "You do it all the time."

He does a funny hand gesture. "No I don't! I've never done that in my life Ember."

I roll my eyes. I do his hand gesture, again mimicking his voice. "I am Hiccup, the great Dragon rider!"

He laughs, doing his weird hand gesture. "When have I ever done that with my hands?"

"You just did it!"

"Wha? No I didn't!"

I laugh. "Well you do it all the time."

"No I don't."

I laugh. "Hiccup...you do."

He laughs. "I do not!"

"You so do. If only you were me for a moment. You would see how many times your shoulders shrug and your hands moves. It happens every. Time. You talk."

He does his gesture, then throws his hands up in the air. "When have I ever done that?"

"You did it again!" I say, laughing.

He shrugs. "I don't mean to!"

"Stop shrugging you...you shrugger!" I laugh, doing his weird shrug.

"Just hold...still" his says, grabbing my arms trying to stop me, making heat ripple through me.

I don't stop, doing his weird shoulder shrug again, and I say "shrug" as I do.


I shrug. "Shrug."


"Shrug" I say, shrugging.



"I'm being serious" he says, still laughing.

I pout, shrugging again.

He holds my arms to my side, pouting his lips, making his voice low and deep. "Very serious."

"Very" I say, managing to squeeze in a little shrug.

He releases me, throwing his hands up in the air, doing a weird hand gesture. "You are unbelievable."

"You did it again" I smirk.

He does his shrug again, then lifting his hands up once more. "Unbelievable."

"Stop shrugging you shrugger" I smirk and he closes his eyes.

We both start laughing.

When we recover, we head up to Meade hall. I can't keep the smile off my face though, and neither can Hiccup.

It's only been a week, and Hiccup and I are best friends.


I whistle no particular song as I make my way down to the docks.

I had just visited Luna. I flew there on Ruthless and gave her some food, fresh water and another blanket. Althea was happy to see me, trying to lick my face. I couldn't stay for long with Luna because I knew Hiccup would worry about my whereabouts.

I'm now getting some salt water for what Valka is dishing up. She wants to make something special for me and Hiccup, and I have to say, I'm scared.

I mean, Valka isn't the best cook. She can bake a mean loaf of bread, but when it comes to dinners, she's...well, not terrible...but she's not good either.

Or, as Gobber says, her meatballs can kill more than a battle axe.

At least Cloudjumper and the Night Furies like her cooking.

Hiccup and the dragons are back at Valka's, waiting for me. Lately, Ruthless and Toothless have been occupied with each other. It's not like I miss just us, it's just strange. Hiccup is glad though; at least someone is there with Toothless when he's off doing chief stuff.

I make it to the edge and I dip the bucket into the water, then lift it out. I groan, picking out a little bit of seaweed that found it's way inside the bucket. Satisfied, I heave the bucket up and I start to walk off when I see a boat.

Turning slowly, I stare wide-eyed at the boat.

It's painted blue with a little engraving on the side which is a heart. And inside that heart is; Forever my ember, forever my spark.

Oh no....it's him.

I drop the bucket, a screaming rising in my throat but I chug it down. My dragon roars with fury and I start to hyperventilate.

No. It can't be. It's not true. A...A thief stole it. Yeah, that's it. A thief stole the boat. He isn't here. He isn't here.

Then I see a little charm in the boat; a black dragon scale on a chain.

"You like it?" he asked, putting the chain around my neck.

On the end was a black, dragon scale. I held it in my hands, tears starting to flow.

"Oh Ethan...I love it."


"NO!" I scream, running away from the docks. My legs pound the ground with each step, and my breaths become laboured as I start to hyperventilate.

Calm. Just calm.

I sprint into the woods, branches and leaves slapping at my face. I dodge a tree, tripping over it's roots, falling to the ground. I get up, ignoring the protests of my ankle.

I must of sprained it.

I run/limp through the forest, and I stop when I get to a fairly small lake. I drop to my knees, sinking my hands into the mud that surrounds the lake.

I take a deep breath, trying not to lose it. Trying not to freak out, trying not to scream. Just...I'm just trying.

"No" I whimper. "It's not true. It cant be true. He's dead. He could never find me here anyway. But his boat. His damn boat."

I take in a shuddering breath. "Don't freak. Calm down Ember. Everything's fine. Nothing's...nothing's happened yet. Just be...be calm."

I splash some water on to my face, then when I open my eyes, I stare into beautiful blue eyes in the reflection of the water.



My heart speeds up, rapidly thumping away at my chest. Anymore and it might break my ribs.

I slowly stand, turning and staring into a pair of beautiful blue eyes that stand two metres away.

Oh Odin...save me...

I feel like screaming at him, punching him, killing him, strangling him roaring at him, cowering beneath him, breaking down in front of him and running away from him all at the same time.

But I just stand here frozen, my heart thumping rapidly at my chest.

It's all I can hear.

He takes a cautious step towards me, his big blue eyes pleading me to stay still. "Ember? Is that really you?"

I can't move. Or speak.

"E-Ember" he says softly.

"Ethan" I manage to whimper.

A small smile creeps across his face as he takes another step closer. I can not move, or do anything. The closer he gets, the faster my heart faces and I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack by the time he's an inch away.

"I missed you" he says softly, taking one last step forward before being right in front of me.

Beautiful black hair that is combed over to the side. Big, blue sapphire eyes and tan skin. Stubble with a lean, muscular build.

"Ethan..." I whimper again.

A spark goes off, my anger slowly catching onto the flames.

He reaches his hand out, using his finger to lift my chin up, a chilly feeling running through me at his touch.

Opposite to the feeling I have when I touch Hiccup.

"You still look beautiful" he says softly, his voice as smooth as velvet.

My anger starts to grow, turning into a blaze.

He caresses his hand down my cheek, making me shudder from the coolness of his hand.

My anger turns into rage.

He lifts my chin up more with his finger, tilting it slightly and leaning down towards me.

"As beautiful as the day I lost you" he murmurs as his lips are about to press up against mine.

My rage turns into an inferno.

I push him away from me, making him slam into a tree. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and I throw him into another tree. I stalk over to him, ignoring his groans of pain and I throw him to the ground, hard.

He coughs, sitting up and leaning against a tree.

"YOU DARE COME BACK TO ME! YOU DARE TRY TO KISS ME!" I roar in his face, transforming into my Wildsoul form. I put the tip of my razor sharp nail onto his throat, my eyes burning with tears. "YOU BETRAYED ME! I WAS WHIPPED! BEATEN! AND TORTURED BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU PLAYED ME!"

He spits out blood. "But...Ember...--"

"YOU BROKE MY HEART" I scream at him, my nail digging further into his throat. "YOU BROKE ME!"

He groans. "I didn't--"


He opens his mouth to say something but I raise my hand, back handing him in the face with all the force I can muster. His head jerks to the side and he falls limply to the ground.

I stand here for a moment, trying to click everything into place.

Ethan's back...he's back...he's back...

I transform back to normal, taking a step away from him. "No" I whimper before running off. "NO!" I roar, tears starting to streak my face.

I am not sensitive. I just carry to much. I carry to much, and I am broken.

He broke me.


"Ember, are you alright?" asks Valka from the other side of the door.

I have locked myself in the bedroom.

I know, such a childish thing. I really don't care though. I don't want to talk to anyone.

I sit in the corner, my legs pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped around them. I rock back and forth, occasionally sniffling.

Valka sighs, giving up and walking away.

I haven't even let Ruthless in yet, and she's been scratching at the door, trying to get in.

I want to be alone.

Why does love hurt? I don't love Ethan anymore, I don't think I loved him in the first place, but I trusted him with everything. I told him about Ruthless, I showed him my Wildsoul side, I told him my strengths and my weaknesses.

And I gave him my heart, fragile and thin, and he played with it, eventually shattering it.

I thought he was gone forever....but he's here.

Oh Odin...he's here.

I thought it was strange that I befriended Hiccup, especially since I have had bad experience with boys. But my gut said it was fine.

But what if Hiccup is just another Ethan?

A knock sounds at my door.

"Ember...it's Hiccup...can I come it?"

I say nothing.


I bite my lip, more tears flowing.

"Fine. I'll wait."

What does he mean?

Then I hear him sit down and lean against the door, and a small smile creeps onto my face.

No. He isn't like Ethan. Not at all.

"You are wasting your time" I croak.

"I'm never wasting time if it involves you."

Sighing, I shakily stand and shuffle towards the door, unlocking it. I open the door a crack and Hiccup jumps up, turning and looking at me

He looks...he looks upset. "Oh, Ember."

I wrap my arms around him and I sulk into the crook of his neck.

He seems surprised at first, but he then wraps his arms around me, covering me with his warm touch and sweet smell. He strokes my hair, trying to calm me.

"It's okay Ember...don't cry...it's fine."

The warmth we create goes crazy, swirling through me, and strangely, I feel stronger.

Hiccup releases me, steering me over to the bed and he sits down next to me.

"What is wrong?" he asks.

I sniffle, wiping my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder. He strokes my hair.


"Did someone hurt you?" he asks slowly and I realise his hand is balled into a fist.


"M-More that...t-that" I croak.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a friendly squeeze. I cry more into his shoulder. I want to say sorry for wetting him from my tears, but I can't seem to do it.

Warmth ripples through me as Hiccup holds me, and my eyes get droopy with sleep, but I force them open.

"Rest" whispers Hiccup as I give in, closing my eyes.


I slowly open my eyes, and I see the small window in the ceiling.

No nightmares. No dreams.

A smile steadily creeps across my face and I turn, resting my head on Hiccups warm chest--


Hiccup is asleep, his arm around me as I lay in the crook of his arm, my head on his chest. I slowly get up, confused.


Then it all hits me like a ton of yaks.

He's back. I cried. Hiccup comforted me. I fell asleep in his arms.

I groan, rubbing my eyes.

I feel Hiccup stir and I look back to him to see his forest green eyes looking at me with concern.

"You okay?" he asks.

I nod. "Been better."

He sits up, his arm still around me. I feel warm now, like I am wrapped in a fluffy fur coat. Is it because Hiccup is touching me? Or is it just a coincidence?

"At least you didn't wake up screaming" he says, rubbing my back encouragingly.

I groan again. "Ugh, I totally had a mental break down, didn't I?"

He smiles softly. "Everyone has one of those at least once in their lives."

"Even you?" I ask.

He slowly grabs my hand and turns it so the palm faces up. He then rubs his thumb in circles on my palm. I don't know what he is doing, but I let him do it anyway.

"A few times."

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask, leaning in to him a little.

The circular rubbing he is doing on my palm calms me, and I realise that's why he is doing it.

He looks out the window beside him, and I follow his gaze and I see Astrid just across the street, taking to Gobber. He looks at her, hurt crossing his face for a moment.

I realise the sun is up, morning time.

"I was beaten when I was younger" he says softly. "Snotlout, the twins and Astrid did it."

My anger suddenly goes wild and I bite my lip to stop myself from jumping up, rushing to Astrid and kicking her in the gut.

I stop biting when I taste blood.

"W-Why?" I ask softly.

He sighs, looking back to the palm that he is still rubbing. "I was a Hiccup. You saw the painting. I was weak...I...I wasn't..."--he takes a deep, shuddering breath, on the verge of tears--"...good enough."

Tears spring into his eyes and I slowly close the hand that he is rubbing, so I end up holding his hand. He slightly smiles.

"My father....he also hurt me. H-He used to shove me...o-or punch me...try to toughen me up because I was weak"--he takes in another shuddering breath with tear filled eyes--"...I wasn't...I wasn't...good enough."

I give his hand a friendly squeeze. "You're good enough for me."

He smiles slightly. "This was before Toothless. Before I trained dragons. Before I was accepted. Before the Red Death. After that...everyone accepted me."

"That's stupid."

"What do you mean?"

"You were small...weak...a Hiccup. Because of that, they hurt you; Physically and Emotionally. Then you do this great...this great thing, and they all love you. They totally judged you by your looks...and I hate that."

He shrugs softly. "Yeah. They did just look at me and saw a wimp. They...they made me depressed. I used to cry myself to sleep. I used to ask myself, 'Why me? What did I ever do? What can I do?'."

"If only I was there."

Hiccup smiles. "Yeah, I imagine it. I would of loved that; I would of had a friend."

I lift our joined hands up, giving them a friendly squeeze before putting it down. "You do have a friend."

He smiles, wiping his eyes before his smile disappears. "I had a breakdown when I got home from Berk, and I was chief. I cried for two days straight, unable to comprehend what had happened. I was...I was afraid."

I start to rub my thumb on the back of his hand, trying to comfort him.

"I was so afraid of becoming my dad, mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless?...I guess you could only try."

I smile. "Or, you could be something much, much more."

He softly laughs. "Yeah. Did that well, didn't I?"

I slightly smile. "No ones dead. The place isn't on fire, I can't hear any screaming...I say that you did a good job."

He laughs. "And you would know."

I hit the back of his head and he laughs, his tears disappearing.

"Of course. I know everything."

He smirks, getting up, pulling me off the bed. We release each other's hands and the warmth disappears, and I find myself cold.

"We best go down to mom. She'll be worrying."

We head down the stairs, making our way toward the kitchen. Valka smiles when we enter and she rushes to me, throwing her arms around me.

"Oh Ember, you feeling better?"

Strangely, I feel strong. I know he's back, and I am terrified. I am furious.

But...I don't care right now. Strangely...I feel strong...like I can handle this.

Isn't it strange, the fact that I feel like this after sleeping next to Hiccup?

"Yeah" I reply, smiling. "I'm okay."

She smiles, giving me a bowl of soup that smells delicious. "Good. Eat. You didn't have dinner; and it was special."

Hiccup rolls his eyes. "It was baked fish."

"I never make baked fish, so it is special."

Someone nudges my leg and I turn to see Ruthless nudging me with her snout. I smile, putting my breakfast down and rubbing her head.

"Hey girl."

She whimpers. 'What was wrong?'

I am not going to tell her. If I do, she will end up killing Ethan in a non-subtle way. And she might become too over protective.

"Nothing" I reply with a tight smile.

She looks at me, like she doesn't believe me. Ignoring her, I pick up my soup again and I scoop some up and place it in to mouth.

"Mmm....it's good" I say.

Valka smiles. "Wonderful! You two better hurry along now. Ember, you have to train the others whilst Hiccup has some chief stuff to attend to."

Hiccup waves, walking out the door, Toothless behind him. I walk out, catching up to him, my warm soup still in my hands.

"So...what are you doing first?" he asks.


I hear a whisp of metal cutting through air and I turn just as a dagger comes spinning towards me. It hits me, and I fall to the ground, a yelp escaping my lips. I put my hand to my stomach to warm, sticky substance covering it.

Is that...is that BLOOD?!?!

"Ember!" shouts Hiccup, running to my side. He looks wide eyed at me. "Oh no...oh Ember..."



Ohhh...Ethan's back.

When Hiccup was talking about being beaten, and about Stoick, I got emotional. Did you?


<----------Pic on side is a random edit I did :P

<----------I just imagine this song being played whilst this is happening.

Oh, I decided to write a second book in the 'We Are' series (This is the first book in the series). Hey, don't judge me! I had this awesome idea...well dream thing, and I was in luv with it! so I wrote it down, then I just knew I had to write another book after this one. I'm not telling you what the title is, or what the book is about until the last chapter or too.

Anyway, next shoutout goes to...


**drum roll plzzz!!!**


LuminaDarkAngel with her book; The Big Four; ROTBTD

She has been a big help with some non-wattpad related issues, and I all suggest you follow her :D Thnks for all your help ;)

And school starts back tomorrow....yay!

Oh, and now I will be posting around two chapters a week, minimum one.

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