Tamaki Amajiki x fem reader

By CharizardLady

11K 309 182

This is somewhere between fluff and smut mostly fluff. idk what I'm doing this is my first so I hope you enjo... More

hey thats you!
part 1: beginnigs
part 2: so suddenly?
part 3: nice to meet you
part 4: this is akward...
part 5: snacks at your door
part 6: I dont know what you want
part 7: thats not good..
part 8: Im sorry!
part 9: your gone?
part 10: you're my hero
part 11: why am I still scared?
part 12: you cant tell me how I feel
part 13: what is happening?
part 14: our first date
part 15: tell me about yourself
part 16:I hate summer
part 17: Tamaki what is this?
part 18: what just happened?
part 19: you're stupid
part 20: I didnt know you were so strong
part 21: friends day out
part 22: shes a pervert
part 23: even if its just wednesday
part 24: new girl in the group
part 25: were falling apart
part 26: sweet little poems
part 27: germs are gross
part 28: Let my paint!!
part 29: A restless night
part 30: meet my brother
part 31: happy birthday y/n!
Part 32: Its been a year now
Part 33:today is a little hard
Part 34: this is our child
Part 36: summer time snuggle time
Part 37: I'm just curious
Part 38: A new era is coming
part 39: epilogue

Part 35: summer is back baby!

150 3 1
By CharizardLady

Winter quickly turned into summer once more which also meant again everyone was leaving the dorms except you and Kage who had gained healthy weight since living with you. But now the coming school year would be your last it was worrying. For now though you had your 4 fans in your dorm room going laying on your bed spread out with Kage spread out in front of a small fan you bought for him to keep cool. Tamaki was working as usual. It was mid day and Kage decided he'd help with one of your paintings by walking all over it after stepping in paint. Either way a work of art was a work of art ruined or not.

Tamaki wouldn't be done with work for awhile guaranteed that hero work doesn't just end when you got home. Not like you were going to be a hero anyways and companies that had you come in to see your work didn't like how you used your quirk to make equipment. Most people thought it was lazy to make equipment like that but painting so much detail to get it just right is just as much work. To you at this time it only mattered is Tamaki thought it was just as much work which he did luckily. 

You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling starting to wonder if going to UA was actually a good choice. Maybe art school would have bin better might have actually disappointed your parents. Not like it mattered anyway they were disappointed when they found out what your quirk was but it'd be fun to disappoint them more by going to art school. As your thoughts clouded your mind your door suddenly opened and there your beautiful boyfriend stood, Tamaki.

He had a couple of bags full of snacks and drinks. "hey y/n! I-I got to come here early" Tamaki said knowing where you put your snacks so he nicely put them away same with the drinks.

You sat up and looked at him as Kage rubbed on Tamaki meowing for his attention. "Your son wants your attention Tama" You mumbled as Tamaki picked Kage up and sat on your bed.

"well o-our son will have to learn t-to not b-be so needy because you keep spoiling him" Tamaki said chuckling a little.

you shrugged as Kage walked over to you and sat in your lap. Tamaki could tell something was off with you, you were more spaced out then normal. "y-y/n honey.. what's going on?" Tamaki said grabbing your hand.

"nothing really just... no one wants me making equipment for their business and maybe I'd be better as a free lancing artist or something like that" You mumbled "but then that means I've come to UA for no reason" 

"well y/n whatever y-you'd like to do I'll s-stick with you and I bet someone will want you to work for them e-eventually" Tamaki said flashing a smile and giving you a big hug.

" you always make me feel better thank you Tamaki!" You said throwing your arms around Tamaki  giving him a big hug.

Tamaki smiled and gave you small kisses all over your face. Tamaki was your comfort person like in shows how you have a comfort character or simp for someone but Tamaki was your comfort person. It really is something special to find a comfort person but losing them is another story. good thing you and Tamaki were to attached to each other to leave, you were each others comfort person.

Suddenly your door swung open it was Nejire back again to torture your poor fluffy son. "oh hey Tamaki didn't know you'd be here, actually Mirio said if I saw you to tell you he's training alone and needs a training buddy" Nejire said all while picking up Kage and pressing on his little toe beans.

"alright well y/n I'll stop by w-whenever I'm free o-ok?" Tamaki said giving you a small kiss then leaving.

You smiled then looked to Nejire who had Kage on him back laying between her legs pressing his toe beans. "Nejire just because you keep doing that to him doesn't mean he'll like it eventually" You said.

"well he isn't struggling as much this time or all the other times so I'm taking this as a win and now I'm going to start putting outfits on him~!" Nejire said before she could stop you from Taking your baby boy back.

"No outfits Nejire!" You said then she pouted.

"You can Mirio and Tamaki by their first names start calling me by mine! make me feel all left out.." Hado pouted.

"fine fine well either way Hado no putting outfits on him!" You shouted them you both started giggling.

After awhile of sitting there and Talking Hado left and you sat alone in your room to think. being stuck with your thoughts such a dangerous thing but thats alright. you weren't completely alone you had Kage. Kage was laying on your chest purring away which you always loved. when Kage purred you felt so calm and it really helped calm the thoughts and worries you had for the freshman that would be coming in next year what would happen? how strong would they be? everything is such a great mystery...


Hello again! recently I cant decide if I'm going to keep going all the way through this last year of high school or just go straight to an epilogue of what happens a couple years after high school.. please let me know what you'd like but I will do a couple more summer things I just dont know where to go after that

I really appreciate everyone who reads this! make sure to eat and drink water!   

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