part 29: A restless night

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Tamaki's words made you tremble, not from fear, well maybe a little you didn't know what else was going to happen. But you trembled at Tamaki's sudden words which embarrassed you so much. "T-T-Tamaki I'm nervous.." you mumbled into his neck.

"I k-know y/n but I p-promise to be gentle...the safe w-word is dinosaur ok?" Tamaki said getting you to look at him.

You nodded understanding. Tamaki put his hands on your upper inner thighs and lightly caressed them as you both started kissing again. "Are we going that far we need a safe word?! And why is the safe word dinosaur? Ahhhh my poor heart stay still for just a second" you thought trying to somewhat distract yourself from what's happening.

Tamaki moved his hand up under your shirt and rested on your hips. You pulled away gasping for air. "Y/n remember t-to breathe please.." Tamaki mumbled pulling off your shirt.

You tried to cover yourself but Tamaki pushed you onto the floor and was in between your legs. He lightly held your arms down as he kissed your ears, neck, and chest. You gasped and panted quietly but when Tamaki lightly bit your ear you let out a soft quiet moan. Your body temperature grew, you were embarrassed by the sound you had just made. Tamaki very well heard the sound you made but he was busy. Tamaki started leaving hickeys and bite marks on your chest and shoulders.

Tamaki tried to avoid your neck so that no one would see any of these. Only you and him would know about this. Every once in awhile you accidentally let out quiet moans and whimpers. "T-Tamaki..?" you could finally say which made him look at you curiously.

"T-This isn't fair I-I want to leave some on you t-too..." you said shyly looking away.

Tamaki just took his shirt off which you've seen him with out one but it still made you embarrassed. "g-go ahead y/n d-do your worst" Tamaki said giving you the look.

You were about ready to die but you started doing the same things to Tamaki. Of course you were still below him but you started by lightly kissing his ears, neck and chest. Tamaki closed his eyes seemingly trying to focus on something. You started biting and leaving hickeys on Tamaki he let out heavy breaths and very little almost unnoticeable moans. Tamaki began to tremble a little and ball his hands into fists.

You noticed Tamaki tensing up. "Hey, T-Tama you ok h-hun?" You asked and Tamaki shook his head.

"No y-your to hot.. b-both temperature and you know?" Tamaki started and looked at you. "I-I'm scared I'm g-going to hurt y-you y/n.."

You stared at Tamaki, was he seriously worried about that? You giggled at Tamaki a little. "h-hey don't l-laugh at me y-y/n this is serious.." Tamaki mumbled rubbing your noses together.

"I-I know I'm sorry but please don't worry about hurting me I-I guess we have a safe word for a reason.." you said shyly trying not to think of what might happen.

Tamaki stood to his feet and picked you up, throwing you onto his bed. You blushed as Tamaki got got a little aggressive and started kissing you rough. Tamaki pushed his body close to yours and bit your bottom lip. "I should've ok tomorrow morning right? Yeah this should be fine..."

Tamaki pulled away and put his fingers in the waist of your pants. "Are t-these allowed o-off" Tamaki asked very embarrassed but consent is key.

You nodded and covered your face with your hands. Tamaki took off your pants it was kind of awkward but how great it was you unknowingly prepared for this. You were wearing a black bra and black underwear something matching for once. Tamaki stared at your body for awhile admiring every curve and tummy roll you had. "Y/n why m-must you b-be so gorgeous?" Tamaki mumbled then took his pants off too not for any reason just to even and maybe make you more comfortable.

Tamaki moved your hands and kisses all over your face. "Y/n.. y-you're far to b-beautiful for m-me but I-I'm selfish and I'm keeping y-you all to myself forever" Tamaki said right into your ear while caressing your thigh.

Tamaki went down to the base of your neck and bit down making you jump. But Tamaki bit harder, it made you squirm around, it kind of hurt. "o-ow Tamaki.." you said.

Tamaki stopped biting however he bit you a little to hard now you were bleeding. "Ah!! Y/n your bleeding now b-because of me!! Hold on" Tamaki said panicked and quickly looked for something to stop the bleeding.

"It didn't hurt that bad and still doesn't Tamaki.." you mumbled sitting up from the bed.

Tamaki grabbed a small towel and pressed it firmly to your wound. "I-I'm sorry that m-might scar.." Tamaki mumbled with a sad look.

"Cool get a scar in the shape of your teeth" you giggled and Tamaki didn't know how to react.

"p-promise it really doesn't h-hurt?" Tamaki asked you.

You nodded and gave him a hug. "Man I-I kind of ruined the mood s-sorry y/n.." Tamaki kissed your cheek.

You shrugged. "Its fine I mean it was fun while it lasted and hey! You didn't pass out this time that means progress!" You shouted and Tamaki shook his head.

What was Tamaki going to do with you? Tamaki went to his dresser and threw one of his big shirts at you. Then one of of his shirts on himself. "That s-shirt is for y-you if you bleed on it'll be ok so d-don't worry." Tamaki said and you made sure the towel was still firmly pressed your wound and put the shirt on.

" that clock right? It says its 5 a.m..." you mumbled starting to get comfy into his bed as Tamaki turned off the light.

"Nope its r-right.. d-didn't know we w-were doing it for that l-long.." Tamaki thought but shrugged "anyways aftercare c-cuddles and bed time I bet your m-more tired than me" Tamaki mumbled as he climbed into bed with you.

Tamaki was spooning you obviously you were the little spoon next time you get to be big spoon. Tamaki placed his hand on your chest where your heart is and nuzzled into you. You were happy tonight was fun for many reasons but this is what you appreciated the most. You and Tamaki fell asleep pretty quick together you both were so at peace. Good thing you didn't think about that painting you didn't get to finish at least you could do it tomorrow.

Tamaki Amajiki x fem readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat