part 3: nice to meet you

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Nothing to really say but I hope you like what you're reading.

Nejire Hado

           hello, this is y/n I/N, I'm this person you. stuck a sticky note to?

Hi! I'm happy you texted me
tomorrow I'm gonna sit in
your homeroom with you.

Nejire informed you of this sudden thing you didn't quit know how to respond. Part of you wanted to so badly decline but she seemed to be the person once their mind is made you cant change it.

You stared at the text and set your phone down. "Why am I giddy? Having friends is stupid... but I'm excited... this is stupid!" You climbed into your bed and played there when you heard a knock on your door and the squeak of it opening. It was your brother Kito.

He had a plate of food. Kito handed you the plate and closed the door. "How was your first day at UA?" Kito asked sitting on your bed by you.

You cracked a small smile "it was actually kind of good I think I made a friend?" You said taking the food and started eating.

Kito's eyes lit up when you said the word "friend". "That's awesome! Are they gonna come over? When can I meet them?!" Kito exclaimed practically jumping off the bed.

You almost choked at his sudden happiness. "Idk I hardly just met her so chill out will ya? Once I know her better I'll have you meet her ok?" You mumbled but Kito understood what you said.

Kito hugged you and left your room closing the door quietly.  "I'm happy Kito is happy, I cant wait to make his hero gear one day that is if he wants to be a hero." You finished eating and went to clean your plate when you thought no one was down stairs but you ended up bumping into your dad.

She gave you a glance and said "just because your going to UA now doesn't change anything you're still a failure in our eyes"
She said it so coldly with no emotion.

You scrubbed the hell out of your plate trying not to accidentally break it. Once finished you played down in your bed and fell asleep. Sleepy is the best escape of all. It's easy to sleep unless you have insomnia.

~the next morning~

You woke up late having realized that when your 5th and last alarm went off you jumped out of your bed. You had to quickly put your uniform on, brush your hair and teeth then run out the door. You hardly had time to say good morning and good bye to Kito but you did.

You ran as fast to school as you could being as short as you were. "Walking to school is such a bother but running is 10x worse then walking!!!" You run and run till finally you get to school and run into the building.

You have to change your shoes so you do it quickly and walk as fast as possible to class. Somehow you make it just in time, the gods must really be on your side today. So you sit in your seat panting and kind of dying but you guess it's better then being late.

~lunch time~

You stayed in your homeroom for lunch again wondering if Nejire was actually going to sit in there with you. "I feel guilty for letting someone sit with me I'm so boring.." you started to think bad thoughts when in came three people. One of them being Nejire.

"Hiiii y/n! I hope you don't mind that I brought two of my friends. When I mentioned you they wanted to meet you too." Said Nejire excited and happy.

You almost died inside "I'm ok with meeting new people but trying to get to possibly know 3 kind of overwhelming". You looked Nejire's friend and saw a taller blonde haired boy with orbs for eyes almost cartoon like. And the pointy-eared boy that you bumped into the first day of school.

You and the pointy-eared boy made eye contact for a second and quickly looked away realizing who each other were. Both of you died inside.

"The tall blonde guy is Togata Mirio and this shy boy is Amajiki Tamaki" Nejire introduced both her friends.

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