The Red Queen (Editing)

By lightning1057

176K 3.8K 233

The Eldest daughter of Floki the Boatbuilder becomes the best friend of the sons of Ragnar. She goes with the... More

Meet the Characters
Eye for an Eye
Answers in Blood
Blood Eagle
The Lord's Prayer
Act 2
Warrior's Fate
The Userper
Born Again
Breaking Point
Act 3
A Good Treason
Kill the Queen
What Might Have Been
The Profit and the Loss
The Last Ship
The Outsider
The Vision
Two Journeys
In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning
All His Angels
The Great Army
On the Eve
The Reckoning
Act 4
The Departed Pt1
The Departed Pt2
The Plan
The Prisoner
The Message
Full Moon
The Joke
A Simple Story
Moments of Vision
The Revelation
Murder Most Foul
The Lost Moment
The Buddha
The Most Terrible Thing
Baldur and Yrsa
What Happens in the Cave
Act 5
New Beginnings
The Prophet
Ghosts, Gods, and Running Dogs
All the Prisoners
The Key
Death and The Serpent
The Ice Maiden
Valhalla Can Wait
The Best Laid Plans

A New God

1.2K 26 6
By lightning1057

You sat in your new throne beside Ivar, smile glued to your face as you watched the feast. Your throne was made of the darkest and smoothest red wood, intricate designs and carvings on it.

Ivar smiled when he saw you sit on the throne for the first time, now officially being Queen and all.

"King Harald!" Ivar suddenly said as he raised his large horn of mead. "I will think of you in York." Your husband said. "I left some good men in charge there."

"I will be glad to meet them." Harald replied with a sigh. "But York will only be a staging post for us."

"Good." You smirked as you ate. "We still consider it part of our new kingdom."

"I think it is a good thing I am leaving."

"Yes, I agree. It is a good thing." Ivar said

"Don't worry. With my ships full with treasure and slaves, I will come back." Harald said, raising his horn to you and Ivar.

Your eyes drifted to Hvitserk, causing you to sigh. His hand was shaking as he drank more mead. He had found Margarethe a few nights ago, after you had killed her. He knew that you and Ivar did it. That is why he would glare whenever chance he got.

It seemed as if Ivar noticed this to. "What is the matter with you, huh, little brother?" Ivar teased as he pulled you close.

"I am not your little brother! And you both know exactly what's wrong with me. Margarethe is dead." Hvitserk said

"I know." Ivar said, glancing at you.

"Of course you know! YOU ORDERED THE KILLING!" Hvitserk roared, the crowd going quiet

"And why would he do that?" You ask, leaning forward

"Because she knew that you could never get a woman pregnant." Hvitserk snarled

Ivar grinned at this. "But that is not true. Is it, my little dove?" Ivar asked.

"No. It's not true." You smiled

"Tell them why." Ivar said, placing a kiss on your hand.

"For I am with child." You said, smiling as you looked to the whispering crowd.

"She is with my child!" Ivar announced. "And in any case, Margarethe was a crazy woman."

Hvitserk stood, walking to stand in front of Ivar's throne. "I liked her." Hvitserk snarls

"But not as much as you like my wife." Ivar replied, eerily calm.

Both you and Hvitserk stared at Ivar in shock, wondering how he knew.

"My men were watching. Some, even listening. They told me about your love for the woman carrying my child." Ivar snarled

"It is true that I love Astrid. I always have. Since I was a child. I've loved her. I still love her. But she does not love me." Hvitserk replied, watching how you didn't look him or Ivar in the eyes.

"Good. Because she is mine. My Wife, my Queen, the mother of my child." Ivar snarled

"Margarethe was right about you from the very beginning, Ivar." Hvitserk snarled

"Be very careful what you say about me, Hvitserk." Ivar replied

"Why? Will you kill me next?" Hvitserk asked. "Just remember that I am also a son of Ragnar Lothbrok. The people of Kattegat don't love you, Ivar. What do you think they would do if you even touched a hair on my head?" Hvitserk asks

"Well... just a thought." Ivar says. "Why don't you go back to England with King Harald? Hmm?"

At this, Hvitserk chuckled. "I belong here with you, Ivar. You know that. I chose your side. And now, for good or ill, you're stuck with me." The man said as he returned to his seat


You sat with Ivar as the people around you fought, seeing who was better.

"Go and get Hvitserk for me." Ivar whispered

You nodded, moving to where Hvitserk sat and watched the fight. You grabbed his shoulder to get his attention before leaning down and whispering in his ear.

"Ivar wants you."

Hvitserk nodded and stood, moving to sit at the table that Ivar waited at. "You wanted to speak to me, brother?" Hvitserk asked

"Yes, my brother." Ivar replied as he summons you back to stand beside him. "Come. Sit with us. Drink. I have some wonderful news. Great news. Isn't that right, my sweetheart?" Ivar asks

"Yes, my love. Wonderful news." You smiled

Hvitserk let out a huff as he sat across from you and King Ivar, flicking his braid behind his back. "So what's the great news? I would love some great news."

"Where to start?" Ivar chuckled as he handed Hvitserk a horn of mead. "You know that our whole family is descended from the All-Father?"

"Yes." Hvitserk sighs.

"Yes, that is you and that is me to. You and me are descendants of Odin. Everyone knows that." Ivar said. "You also remember, when we were young, you and your brothers always made fun of me because I was different."

"I don't remember me making fun of you, Ivar." Hvitserk said

"No, but you pitied me. And I was ashamed. I hated being a cripple. Always breaking my bones. The endless pain. I was so angry all the time, Hvitserk. And I asked myself, why did the gods hate me so much? Why me?" Ivar asked

You frowned as you looked to him causing him to smile. "But then Astrid explained something to me. She told me that being deformed was a sure sign of the gods' favour. That it marked my out as a very special person. It wasn't a badge of shame after all. Not a curse, but a blessing."

"It's true." You smiled. "I knew that."

"Why are you telling me this, Ivar?" Hvitserk asks

"I am telling you this, because this very special person, has realized something extraordinary about himself and it is so obvious." Ivar laughs, gesturing to himself.

"Realized what?" Hvitserk asks

"Realized that I am not just descended from the gods. No. The fact is, Hvitserk... Ivar the Boneless is a god." Ivar said

You frowned when Hvitserk began to laugh while Ivar stared at his brother. "He is a god." You spoke. And I am carrying his divine child."

"You're crazy, Ivar." Hvitserk said.

"I am not crazy." Ivar snarled, pointing at his brother. "I am not. That is your mistake. I did the impossible. I am going to be a father. I am divine as my children will be. And to celebrate, we will have a feast and we will invite everyone in Kattegat! And we will make a sacrafice, dedicated to my fellow gods, welcoming me into the family of the Aesir! But it must be an important sacrifice. It must be someone that the gods will have heard of. Someone that all the people will have heard of, some-"

Ivar suddenly stopped talking, seeming deep in thought for a moment. "Someone...."

Looking to Ivar, you saw him staring at Hvitserk's it's an evil grin as he chuckled

"You don't know what you're saying, brother." Hvitserk said.

Ivar wanted to sacrifice Hvitserk...


By night, you and Ivar wore paint of all sorts. Ivar's chest was painted red while his face and neck was painted white. You wore a red dress while the uncovered skin of your body was also painted white.

Red paint dripped from under your eyes as the drums played, two men placing special crowns on the heads of you and Ivar.

"Hail God Ivar." Many men said as you and your husband looked to each other. He smirked at you, keeping a tight grip on your hand.

You could hear the screams of fear from your people as they were forced out of their homes late at night. Your men marched out first, carrying torches and wearing special armour. People dressed in animal skins went next, chanting, dancing and singing the names of you and Ivar, praising you both.

Out went the priests for your people next, splashing sacrificial blood on their faces as they walked by.

"Hail to the God Ivar, and his wife Astrid!" Your men shouted as you and Ivar came out next. The people quickly kneeled, in fear of what was happening around them.

You stood on Ivar's carriage as his horse trotted down the path, you and Ivar only scaring the people more.

You and Ivar were grinning evilly as you walked down the rest of the path. Upon arriving at the destination, Ivar grinned as he kissed your hand again before nodding to the thrones behind you both.

"Sit. I wouldn't want you getting tired." He whispered

You nodded, sitting behind him.

Upon Ivar's command, the chanting and music stopped.

"BRING OUT THE SACRIFICE!!!" Ivar roared, the people now cheering as they realized why they had been woken up in the dark hour of the night.

Ivar moved to sit beside you as they brought them out, the person cloaked and chained.

Ivar grasped your hand again as they passed you with you sighed.

They were brought down the dock and toward the ship that held a large pole where they would be tied to until the ship was erupted in flames.

Who was the sacrifice? It was Lagertha Ingstad.

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