
By mandallee

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Haechan made a wish. One, to see you again. Two, for you to get your freedom. Little did he know that you wou... More

dropping down from the sky
into the depths of your soul
there's only you for me to hold
it may kill me to love you
through time we bonded
loving you is an island
but it's all that i've ever wanted
(I love you)
loving you may be an island
you may have my heart
my soul
and everything that is true
if loving you is an island
(i miss you)
there is space in my heart no one can replace
are the heavens treating you well?
i'll bring my love for you to my grave
i miss you

i'll be right here with you

35 4 1
By mandallee

Lee Haechan knew he had to do something before time would come and he'd regret not ever doing anything. He glanced at the flowers your sister had given to you and reached for it, your voice asking you what he was doing. He turned and passed you a small smile. Your health had deteriorated the past few days and buried deep inside Haechan's heart, he wondered if you felt it too.

Or was it a secret? A soft whisper that was erupting inside you that you were dying to say?

If you did, you did not show it. Lee Haechan glanced at the well wrapped flowers that had the company logo on it, a mark of your family's legacy. He took note of it, finally retreating back from the flowers to go towards the bed. He fell into a seat right in front of you, a hand going to take yours before he rubbed it softly.

You noticed his hand, all wrapped up and bloodied and your eyes widened. You grab his hand to inspect before your jaw went slack, your eyes flickering over to his face for a moment then back to his hand. You could make out the soft red from the blood that was pooling from within and you lifted it up to your lips.

"What's wrong with your hand?" you ask and Haechan shook his head as if to say that he did not want to talk about it. "Did you get into a fight?"

With a wall, Haechan wanted to say.

"I played guitar a bit too roughly," Haechan said, and even though you knew that was the stupidest excuse ever, you did not want to push. If Haechan wanted to tell you he would. You had to know one thing.

"Is it because of me?"

He did not hesitate to shake his head, tightening his bandaged hand around your wrist.

"No, not you," he lied. "No, my love. Not you."

You knew it was about you. It was the way he looked away when he said it, the way he laid his cheek against your hand, and it was the way his eyes seemed to water at the thought. Haechan wanted to protect you from the world, from anyone hurting and he would do so even if he had to lie to protect you from your own thoughts.

"You promise?" you asked and he turned back, nodding before standing up to kiss your forehead then his lips trailed down to your lips. He did not linger and you knew full well that you had crowded his ming and you gulped, Haechan scooting closer. "Donghyuck—"

"I promise. I promise with everything I have that I would never hurt myself because of you."

That was not true. He'd hurt himself for you and he knew that. Haechan pushed your hair away from your face, desperately thinking of a way to lighten up the mood. He couldn't be sad.

Not in front of you.

"Tell me about your sister," Haechan said to you and you licked your lips. "Why does she not visit as often?"

"She's been trying to fight for her own freedom," you answered. You loved your sister; you knew exactly what she was trying to do. Sadly, people were born only with one body and twenty-four hours a day. "My dad is trying to marry her off."

"Really?" Haechan feigned interested. He did not care about who your sister was going to get married to, but you seemed happy to talk about her and he could tell you looked up to her. Your smile brightened, nodding before your head fell forward. "What?"

"I wish I could see the wedding," you tell him and your eyes glistened. "White dresses and curtains up high. Food for people who come to give me—" your voice cracked. "Who come to give the bride their blessings."

"Weddings are just a social construct," Haechan said playfully, blowing on your face but he could tell that you did want to experience it. All little girls did. "Lie down."

"Why? Where are you going?" you asked frantically, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck. Haechan knew how weak you were and, on some days, you'd push your limits in trying to stay awake. The moment he'd lie you down, you'd feel drowsy and he'd leave.

"Nowhere, baby." His voice was smooth and your skin-tinged pink with the pet-name he called you. He said it so naturally, you had forgotten that he had never called you that before, the male fluffing up the pillow and pushing you down softly. "I'll be right here."

Haechan knew that saying that would calm you down almost immediately, your hand loosening around his neck before he peppered your face with small kisses down to your throat. He stopped when his lips grazed the skin above your neck line, Haechan moving back and giving you another kiss on the cheek.

He was generous with affection and even if both of you never said anything about the nature of your relationship, you knew that Haechan was one of those who loved you. You closed your eyes, the blaring of the TV in the background you spoke.

"You know, the guy my sister is marrying is really handsome?" you ask, Haechan perking up at your question. "He's a model and he had made the headlines a couple of times. Jung Jaehyun."

"Jay the Model?" Haechan asked incredulously and you shifted, turning to your side to see his reaction. His eyes were wide with recognition and you noticed that he looked up, like he was absorbing the information when he nodded. "I know him."

"You do?" you asked, Haechan jerking up and placing a hand on your mouth before both of you turned to stare at the door. Did they hear you? Your sister had given them a warning and told them to give you privacy. She said you were still a woman. They listened to her but your sister's words would not hold much weight if they find out that Haechan has been sneaking in through the rooftop and through your window.


"How is he like?"

"A f—" Haechan made himself stop. He wanted to say "fuck boy" but he didn't want to corrupt your innocent mind. He knew full well you had no idea how the outside world worked. "He's... a nice guy. He's warm. He's a model... Well, used to be. I think he's trying to be an actor now."

"My sister is going to be married to a model?" You tried not to squeal, your chest bubbling with happiness. "Oh, Donghyuck. She's going to be so happy."

Haechan knew that was not true. Jay the Model had a notorious reputation for fucking around. He did not blame him. Jay was blessed in ways no other people were.

"Well... Yes. I mean, he is a gentleman," Haechan said, gulping. Until he fucks her and leaves the relationship. "I didn't know he was a senator's son until I came to Korea. His father used to come to our church."

"He was sent abroad to study English and he got scouted. I remember I was just starting to go back and forth into the hospitals at that time. I don't know him personally, never met him."

For good cause, Haechan thought. He'd never want you to meet Jay the Model, dying or not. Selfish of him but he wanted you to himself—in this small room where it was just you and him.

"I partied with him a few times," Haechan told you and you leaned forward, asking him how it was. Musicians partied a lot, Haechan told you. "He got drunk and left early."

That was a lie, too. He saw Jay with two different girls that night.

"I bet he sleeps a lot. Models have a lot of work to do, don't they? They stand for hours and hours in front of the camera," you rambled on, Haechan nodding in cue. Yes, he sleeps a lot. He sleeps around.

You beamed at Haechan and he patted your cheek softly. You yawned and he knew that it wouldn't be long until he'd have to leave. Just like that, another day would have passed. You closed your eyes and after two minutes, Haechan stood up and kissed you on the cheek.

Oh, how he loved you so.

He took one last look at the flowers by the table before making his way out of the room, hoisting himself up and cracking his knuckles before heading back down to the parking lot. He had done this so many times, he probably knew the hospital like the back of his hand.

Upon entering the car, he started it and made his way straight for your family's company. A tower situated right in the middle of Seoul, high rise glass buildings with 36 floors. He sighed, easing his foot off the accelerator before parking it right in front of the entrance.

The valet began to rush towards him, Haechan casually giving them the key and masking his surprise. People entered and exited the company on a daily basis. His car wasn't that bad looking but he didn't expect to be served this way.

He walked to the counter, trying his luck.

"Uh... I need to see President Park," he said, remembering that Chairman Park was your father. Mrs. Park would be your mother but she was not part of the business and President Park would be your sister. She had snagged the position through her hard work and her determination and Haechan knew there was a very little percentage that he'd even be able to see your sister.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" the register asked and he blinked. She eyed his leather jacket and Haechan felt himself being once-overed by a few people. Of course, he wasn't dressed for the scenery. He shook his head and she gave him a sympathetic glance. "I'm sorry, sir. I—"

"It's fine." Haechan raised a hand, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth before he turned and scanned the place. He was feeling lucky today and he wondered if he should ride with the feeling.

How was he supposed to get to your sister?

He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose when he massaged it. Maybe he should wait. Your sister would still be working and maybe he could catch her when she came down—

He paused when his eyes fell on a man who just exited a car, the male recognizing him straight away. That was your sister's secretary, the male heading towards the security barriers when Haechan sprinted towards him. He caught himself by surprise. He grabbed the man.


"What the fuck?" your sister's secretary asked, swatting him away and Haechan breathed. "Wait, aren't you the dude who keeps entering and breaking President Park's sister's hospital room?"

"Ahuh, yes. I need to see her," Haechan said and blinked. "What's your name again? It was complicated when I first heard it so..."


"Still complicated," Haechan muttered, straightening himself.

"Just call me Secretary Lee. Or Ten. I'm not one for formal talk," Ten said and Haechan nodded before pointing. "You can't just go see President Park without an appointment."

"It's about her sister. She's dying."

"I know that," Ten sighed. "Is that why you are here? Because you think President Park does not know that her younger sister is dying?"

It sounded stupid in Haechan's head.

"I just need to talk to her," Haechan finalized. "I want to take her away."

Ten's facial expression was judgmental, Haechan clasping a hand over Ten's shoulder and squeezing.

"I won't let you go," Haechan said, Ten the only way he could enter to see your sister.

"I will scream," Ten said back and Haechan glowered at him. "Fine, jeez. Let me call her."

Haechan nodded and Ten took out his phone, calling your sister. He caught sight of a "President Park" as the saved number, and Ten shook his head.

"Her business line is busy. Let me call her the other number," he murmured before going to a different number. This time it was saved as "Stoopid" and Haechan frowned when he saw it. "Oh, it's ringing."

Haechan waited eagerly.

"Oi, stupid," Ten said and Haechan raised an eyebrow. "That kid you walked in on with your sister is here. Says he wants to meet you. What are you doing?"

A mumble from the opposite line.

"Okay, I'll bring him up." Ten hung up the phone, Haechan trying to understand the situation. "What?"

"Did you just call President Park 'Stupid'?"

"Childhood friends," Ten said, motioning him over to the security guard and scanning his card. "He's with me."

Haechan followed him close before, Ten going to a private elevator.

"My father worked as her father's secretary and now it's my turn to serve her. Not like I'm complaining. My studies and everything were paid for. She's a hard one to handle."

"So... you call her stupid?" Haechan asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Sometimes the B-word when it gets too much."

"The B-word?"

"Bitch," Ten answered casually, shoving him into the elevator. The elevator ride up was awkward and they had time to spare, considering Ten had pressed down on the button that was the highest floor up. "So, you are in love with the youngest Park, eh?"

Haechan coughed, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"May God be with you," Ten murmured.

"And you?" Haechan asked, Ten raising an eyebrow at the question. "Are you in love with President Park?"

It was a question Ten had heard over and over again before. He was her right hand, the man who got it all for her and he protected her from the press and from everyone else who tried to hurt her. She was also a very beautiful girl. There was one problem, however.

"I'm gay," Ten said and Haechan blanched. God, why did he even ask that question? "Don't worry. Everyone knows."

Ten winked.

Haechan nodded, the elevator opening and he was presented to a penthouse above the busy office rooms. He took one look around and realized that he wanted to be this rich one day. It was grand and luxurious and it smelled of perfume.

"Ten?" a female voice yelled out from one of the rooms and Ten sighed, telling Haechan to wait. "Who the fuck did you say was here to see me?"

President Park, your sister. The eldest daughter of your parents, the female groaning from the hangover. Ten scampered into the room to give her some hangover medicine and she grabbed his chin to inspect him.

"What?" Ten asked mildly and she sat up on the bed, stretching before Ten grabbed a robe and threw it to her. "Haechan is here. Lee Haechan."


"Watermelon on a Sunny Day?" Ten asked, trying to get her to remember. Her confused features were enough for him to spell it out for her. "That day when you visited your sister? He was in her room and he looked like a deer caught in headlights?"

"Oh," she pursed her lips, nodding before sauntering out of the room with Ten running after her. She spotted him, Haechan clearing his throat awkwardly before giving her a polite bow and she gave him a once over. "You."

"Me," Haechan said back, nodding. "Hello."

"What are you here for?" she asked, her voice rising. "Not here to blackmail my family or anything, are you?"

Haechan knew the general public did not know of your.... condition. He knew that the public just thought you were somewhere overseas.

"I'm here to ask for permission to take your sister on a trip," Haechan said, finally finding his voice. He was always a courageous one.

She sat down on a couch, motioning Haechan to take a seat. Behind her cold and icy demeanor, Haechan knew that she loved you. He saw it in the way she wiped her tears with her back against you. She just didn't want you to know.

Both of them were silent and Haechan pressed his lips together.

"Where?" President Park asked and Haechan shrugged.

"Anywhere she wants to go."

"And you're here to ask for permission?"

"I don't want to be a criminal and tried for kidnapping a chaebol."

"Fair enough," President Park said, crossing her legs and chuckling lowly. "What do you need from me?"

Haechan was brought back to his conversation with Jeno's wife, Lawyer Lee sounding concerned when he had asked her what he needed in order to not be jailed. Jeno could be heard in the background that he had burned the spaghetti.

"You probably need verbal confirmation and maybe a contract with a family member," Lawyer Lee said through the phone. That was all Haechan needed to know and he told President Park just that.

President Park nodded. "I'll give you just that. Ten—"

"On it," Ten replied, already on his phone to draft a contract. It took less than fifteen minutes for Haechan to have it in front of him. It was signed in a jiffy and Haechan also got a recording of the whole conversation.

"Won't your parents lose their shit?" he asked President Park. She shrugged.

"I'll handle it. You make her happy and bring her back when you need to. Give her what I can't."

Haechan stood up, preparing to leave when he turned back.

"You know," he began. "Jung Jaehyun isn't that bad of a man."

President Park looked surprised, the female raising an eyebrow before making a face.

"So, congratulations on your upcoming wedding," Haechan said once more, bowing to her.

With that, he left and went straight back to you so he would be able to take you away.


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