Eternal Desires - Zamasu x Go...

By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

1.9K 69 7

Cover was drawn by me (✿◡‿◡) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goku was always one for a fight. To clash and comp... More

⚜ Information ⚜
⚜ Chapter One - Conflicts ⚜
⚜ Chapter Two - Emotions ⚜
⚜ Chapter Three - Change ⚜
⚜ Chapter Four - Contentment ⚜
⚜ Chapter Five - Wrath ⚜
⚜ Chapter Seven - Vigor ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eight - Blessings ⚜
⚜ Chapter Nine - Regrets ⚜
⚜ Chapter Ten - Presage ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eleven - Disheartened ⚜
⚜ Chapter Twelve - Duplicity ⚜
⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

⚜ Chapter Six - Fallout ⚜

114 5 0
By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

At some point Goku had been whisked off to a room setup for him. The bed's comfort left him drifting from reality and a dream. His eyes burned from the constant tears that left trials along his tanned skin. Even so, he felt a hint of relief. It had been so long since he opened those gates. Let his own emotions rise and fall, become present and allow them to loom and cascade his features. How it felt nice to know his sorrows had left him through every tear that rolled along his cheeks. He'd been laying down for a time, not entirely sure how long; only that he'd welcomed the warmth. The atmosphere was delicate, peaceful. It left his heart soothed and calm, something that seemed nearly impossible. Yet here he was, not another tear to shed. A short smile pressed to the edges of his lips, but it held no real purpose. Truth was, he didn't understand where the shred of joy flourished from. At least not at first. But remembering the recent events, it wasn't hard to locate. In all his life, no one openly accepted him for who he was by blood. They never truly comforted him when he felt down, not that they knew. He wore a mask like gold, showing it wherever he could. But earlier had been his weakest point. The mask melted away, burning him as his emotions raged outward. If not for Zamasu, he wasn't sure what state he would be in. His memory was a mess, but he distinctly remembered the gentle hold. The way the Kai supported him unlike anyone he'd lived countless years with. That single moment proved a point as clear as day. No one on Earth truly cared. They saw Goku like a tool and nothing more; and that truth hurt. It hurt deep and cut him open, letting him bleed out alone. At least until his current moment. Truth was, he couldn't find the heart to care anymore. He'd abandoned Earth, setting himself free. He simply hoped things would become better. That life would finally offer him even a small sliver of peace and serenity.

Rolling along the mattress, he heard the sounds of voices beyond the door. They moved slowly, as if careful to not disturb Goku. He'd have simply continued to trail off if not for the voice of his own little cub. His little Goten that brought his emotions like a wave that engulfed everything. He'd never been as mad before, but they had harmed his family. His child who he treasured more than life itself. That had been the main factor that led to him snapping. He was simply glad he'd not harmed someone in his fits of anger. It was a possibility and from the expressions at Bulma's, he wasn't sure anyone would have stopped him should he aim for Chi-Chi's life. Luckily it never got to that point. He was indeed fortunate, if only slightly. Leaving his own mind, he noticed the soft knocking before grunting. The noise alerted the others as the door was opened, Goku sitting up as he peered at familiar green hued skin. Zamasu gave a brief smile before the Saiyan noticed the body that raced toward him. Goten had leapt onto the bed, colliding with Goku's frame as the Saiyan pulled his cub close. Held him so firmly and showed his protection.

"Dad!" The wails filled the room as Goku nuzzled into Goten's head, giving a soft hum to soothe him. It took a moment before the cries softened and soon fell silent, the Saiyan running his fingers through his cubs hair as he glanced at the Kai still present in the room.

"Thank you, for everything. I owe you a lot." Zamasu waved it off, stepping further into the room. He perched on the edge of the bed, noticing Goten shift as the child spun around. He sat in Goku's embrace, snuggled against his father's chest as he smiled up toward the Kai.

"I did what was right. I'm not sure what happened, but you'll tell when ready. We checked over Goten. It was just the tail that was harmed, nothing more." Goku nodded, taking in a long breath before he played with Goten's hair, aiding in his cubs sleep. Those eyes fluttered softly, before ultimately closing, short and gentle snores present, not that either of the adults minded.

"His tail will grow back, it will just take time. I mean it, Zamasu. Thank you. You gave me support when no one else would." The Kai remained silent, keeping a smile. Goku had to admit, the expression suited the other well. Showed more of his features. "I've spent my life hiding who I was and earlier was the first moment I truly let my emotions run rampant. I needed the shoulder to lean on, even if it bothered you."

"It was no trouble. I didn't mind, honestly. I would willingly offer my shoulder again, should it ever be desired." A short chuckle left the Saiyan as he nodded, peering to Goten. He carefully shifted before climbing from the bed, tucking his cub into the sheets and blankets. Once settled, he stretched before offering a hand, to which Zamasu accepted. Pulled to his feet, he met the other's gaze before smiling warmly. It made the Saiyan's heart flutter slightly.

"I haven't eaten much today, so I was curious if you have something to eat." The Kai nodded, motioning Goku to follow. The Saiyan obeyed, closing the door gently behind him as the two headed down the halls in silence. It was peaceful for Goku. To simply have such a calming presence beside him. It was different from life on Earth, where chaos seemed to follow him.

The duo had arrived beyond the confines of the building where Goten was sound asleep, noticing the slight breeze that ruffled Goku's attire. It made him glimpse at his clothes, a sigh rolling from his tongue. He'd brought nothing with him, including clothes. Zamasu seemed to notice, giving a soft chuckle as he spoke slightly louder since they were far enough from the slumbering child.

"I can mention to Gowasu about getting some things from Earth, if you'd like." The Saiyan pondered it before shaking his head, taking a few steps forward before glancing back to the other. He noticed how the light caught that skin and seemed to make it glow. How that white hair shifted about and brought the Kai's gaze to life. Sighing gently, he spoke in a calm manner.

"It's not worth it. I've decided to forsake Earth. As such, I simply need to work on making new ones. New clothes, new possession, even a new me. No more hiding who I am." His tail shifted about, waving around as it caught the Kai's gaze.

"I'll be looking forward to seeing the changes. If you give me colors and measurements, I can see about getting you clothes." Goku smiled lightly, mentioning his proportions. He was tempted to remain in the blue and orange colors, but it was his Earth colors. If he truly wanted to change, he'd not make an exception.

"As for colors, why not choose for me. I trust your judgement." Zamasu widened his gaze, but nodded. His finger brushed his hair a bit that lingered before his eyes, those green orbs locking onto the Saiyan's dark hued ones.

"I'll see what I can do. Gowasu wanted to speak with you, once you were up and feeling a bit better. You'll find him near the tree where we last met. No doubt drinking tea, as that is his usual."

"A tea lover?" Zamasu shrugged, but chuckled before turning.

"Maybe. Can't say I don't love tea as well. I'll be back soon, Goku." The Saiyan nodded, watching that back leave him. He watched the way the shoulders dipped and the slight sway as Zamasu walked off. He truly didn't realize until then how slender Zamasu truly was, not that he minded. It only showed the difference. Grinning inwardly, he dismissed his thoughts that ran rampant as he shifted his focus. His feet carried him toward the location, his gaze looming over the calm and steady figure of the other Kai. They were older by a lot, that much Goku knew. Even so, he respected that. The Kai was wise.

"May I take a seat?" His tone was low, drawing the other's focus. They nodded, motioning for him to sit. Once seated, he noticed the cup slid his way. Giving a thankful look, he drank it slowly, taking in the subtle warmth it offered. He only stopped when Gowasu found his words.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but I am definitely in a better place. I wanted to thank you. You two have made such a change in my life in such a short time." Gowasu waved it off.

"I'd do it again, if ever needed. You deserved much more than what you got." Goku smiled weakly, staring into his teacup. "Even so, now you've been given a new chance. Do well by it. Take this opportunity and move with it. Keep paving a path and future that will make you happy. That will carve a better outcome from the past ones."

"I will." Gowasu seemed content at the response, his expression shifting. He rested his cup on the table before offering a short smile.

"Now then, you mentioned training for the tournament. I am not asking you to partake if not desired, but I still wish to help you reach new lengths. On that note, I mentioned meditation, if you're still interested." The Saiyan seemed to perk up a bit, nodding slowly. "Good. Now listen well, understand? I don't desire to repeat unless needed. If this does not work, I've another thing to try. Finish your tea and we will begin."

Goku felt his mouth twitch as he smiled wider, his gratitude in the open. He may have had it rough, but life had given him another chance. He knew well that it would be ignorant to let it slip. Even if he didn't have many to fight for or protect, he still had those who were of value. In the end he decided who he would protect. It wasn't those who used him, but those who came to accept him. The two Kai's and his own cub were his foundation and he would treasure them all. Guard them and protect what he had, no matter the cost. Gowasu had been correct in his words. It was time for Goku to move on. To forge a new path that he desired and cherished.

Nearly a month of time had gone by as Earth seemed more bleak. With the sudden disappearance of Goku and Goten, it left many mysteries unanswered. No one had the slightest idea on where the two went, only the details of the large clash that had happened prior. It had been heated and even as Chi-Chi had tried to spin that tale, it was quickly stepped on by Vegeta himself. The Saiyan had lost a great rival as well as friend, making his moods bitter and untamed. To put it simply, most dared not be in the same space. His accusations were tossed with venom to the others. He had made it clear Chi-Chi had lied from the beginning and it all came crashing full circle. It was the first time most felt at fault, feeling the guilt of their action eat at them.

Of course, they were not the only ones bothered by everything. Whis had hopes for Goku. Beerus, while never truly bothering to know Goku, had also missed the other Saiyan's presence. The Saiyan was the only real fight beyond Vegeta, but that wasn't a matter of interest. With the current warrior of Earth seeking to take over after Beerus, it left an odd reality. The destroyer had contemplated convincing Goku to take over after him, but that opportunity had vanished and it made the destroyer angry. His irritation was palpable. If not for Vegeta's desire to take the fate of Earth into his hands, Beerus would have destroyed the planet without care. But the other Saiyan wanted to avenge Goku, to correct all the wrongs in time. The future that had seemed so fruitful and guarded was left to shambles and a heavy darkness of death loomed in the horizon. Not that there weren't other reasons Earth remained stable. With the approaching tournament between universes, warriors were needed. Unfortunately, Earth housed most of the best, even if the Destroyer hated the taste of those words. Calling the pack that forced Goku away 'warriors', was like eating a lemon whole. Sour and left a bitter and unbearable aftertaste.

Over the month, only Vegeta trained hard. Even with Goku's sudden disappearance, it never stopped the other from hard training. To study up on his fighting power and skills. Of course, he'd yet to master or achieve even the beginnings to the technique Whis had mentioned. He was training to become the next destroyer, but with his clouded mind, attaining Ultra instinct was impossible at that moment. It may be achievable in the near future, but in current times, he was left with only what he could attain. Even as he practiced, he always got distracted on a single thought. He wondered where Goku had vanished to? Whether he was alive and doing well? All of those questions piled high and only weighed more on the hatred Vegeta already held inside. Earth to the Saiyan in that age of time was nothing beyond a husk of a distant memory. Any cheerful memories had vanished with his old comrade and rival, whisked away to never be resurfaced. Even claiming to 'hate' Earth felt too small in proportions. He despised the planet and everyone within, beyond his own son and on occasions, his own wife. No matter who begged for forgiveness, Vegeta had no intention of offering such mercy. He wanted to see the world burn slowly and painfully in the very end. The moment he took over after Beerus, he'd take the planet to its darkest moments, all for Goku. His only real friend that had been casted into an isolated darkness.

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