Eternal Desires - Zamasu x Go...

By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

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Cover was drawn by me (✿◡‿◡) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goku was always one for a fight. To clash and comp... More

⚜ Information ⚜
⚜ Chapter One - Conflicts ⚜
⚜ Chapter Two - Emotions ⚜
⚜ Chapter Three - Change ⚜
⚜ Chapter Five - Wrath ⚜
⚜ Chapter Six - Fallout ⚜
⚜ Chapter Seven - Vigor ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eight - Blessings ⚜
⚜ Chapter Nine - Regrets ⚜
⚜ Chapter Ten - Presage ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eleven - Disheartened ⚜
⚜ Chapter Twelve - Duplicity ⚜
⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

⚜ Chapter Four - Contentment ⚜

157 5 0
By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

An entire week. That was how long Zamasu was ensnared by the thought of Goku. The Saiyan had plagued his mind worse than before, haunting him with thoughts so deceiving. He truly wanted to believe there was nothing to it. That he was not fond of a mortal. Such an unworthy being. But the seconds felt like years as the images rewound and washed over him, forcing his hand on the matter. Every day was beginning to be taxed and it weighed on him. Made him stumble and ultimately feel helpless. Whether it was adoration or something else, he found a partial hatred for it. For the subtle warmth that strolled around his being whenever he remembered such cheerful smiles. Such a charming voice. It all left him weak. He wanted answers, but didn't desire the effort or lengths he'd need to go to receive them.

Lingering around his own chambers within the Supreme Kai's residence, he found himself falling onto the comfort of his mattress. The sudden softness left him at ease, but also corrupted his own thoughts. Made the Saiyan reappear before him. To think endlessly of someone was one thing, but imagining them before the other was a whole new meaning. The faint sounds of footsteps drew the Kai's gaze, his eyes widening as the appearance was ghostly. It seemed so fake, yet his heart tightened at the idea of the Saiyan. To imagine they were truly before him. He sat up, letting his eyes meet a stern, yet calm gaze. That tanned skin, so muscular and well kept. Black hair like midnight seemed to sway, as if a draft was present. It made the Kai rise from his spot, his feet taking a single step before he dared to reach out. His heart hammered away, filling his mind with a steady melody the closer his fingers got. It allowed an excitement to bubble up, leaving him breathless at the serene image before him. The figure he was so lured in by. So intoxicated that it made his mind muffled. How he desperately felt a need to grab on, to never let go. To hold that warmth from this adoration deep inside his empty heart. To melt the hatred with such a divine emotion.

He let his fingers remain just inches away before the image shattered, as if glass recently dropped. It faded from existence, leaving his heart to sink. To know the reality of everything. That Goku was not before him. It made his body shutter as his eyes closed, hearing the soft knocks beyond the entrance to his room. Zamasu fell back onto his bed, sighing low.

"Come on in." The door shifted open before a familiar face offered a small smile. Gowasu had carried with him some tea, to which he placed just beside the other.

"You were not around, so I made something to calm the soul. You seem more troubled today, Zamasu."

"I feel I've fallen. That my mind is in mayhem over these thoughts and emotions..." Gowasu hummed, taking a seat beside Zamasu.

"Is this about the one you've become drawn to?" Once the other had offered a simple nod, it pushed Gowasu to speak once more. "You know, Zamasu; these feelings are something you will eventually place. Give it time and I assure things will work out."

"What if I do not have all the time you speak of? Mortal's have a limit to life, so it plays a heavy part. To know that there will never be enough time." Gowasu widened his gaze, keeping silent. "I feel so drawn to the mortal, but fear that even with the time available, it may not be enough. I am still conflicted, after all. But also so infatuated that it affects me greatly. Hinders me at times."

"Is this mortal perhaps the one that paid a visit a while back? He is the only mortal you've met recently, after all. I believe his name was Goku, if memory serves me right." Zamasu nodded, taking the tea as he sipped it slowly. His downcast expression left Gowasu conflicted. He adored his own apprentice. Treasured the progress they had made. Truth was, Gowasu wondered who to thank for the change in Zamasu. Where there once was a raging storm, it had become something tamed. The apprentice Kai's own heart had lost the dark glimmer that haunted it by the day. Releasing a low sigh, Gowasu glanced to the ceiling, beginning to speak softly. "Mortal or not, one can always make time. While it is precious, it is also a gift. Having infinite time is worthless. I can tell this mortal has affected you, so act on it. What do you desire, Zamasu? Tell me."

"I feel such a weight and desire for him, to simply have his presence near me. The times I visited were priceless. They made me feel joy and brought a serene calmness to my sheltered heart." He paused before glancing to the Supreme Kai, meeting the other's gaze. His words were strong, so fortified and unbreakable. It was a first for Gowasu, to see such determination. It made him smile knowing his apprentice was beginning to welcome the good. To broaden his view and accept the unknown. "I want him by my side, so that I may laugh with ease. So that I might walk without a burden. So that my happiness might be placed before me, something I've once deemed worthless. He was a mortal who broke my standards and classifications of his race. Goku is like a light, with a smile far brighter than any sun. Master Gowasu, he is someone I feel connected to. This is a first for me. I've never let someone close, but my heart yearns for such. To become vulnerable and let him in. Tell me then, what do I do now? I worry everyday my desires become overbearing, like a toxin that targets the mind. It shows me his presence and only makes my deep feelings surge further."

Gowasu had remained silent. Truth was, the words shocked him slightly. The detail when talking of the Human made the Supreme Kai understand the full if everything. It was truly adoration, but bordered an obsession. Zamasu was far beyond the line to break free. What he had now was irreversible. It would weigh on him until he claimed the other. Got him close. The thought made Gowasu chuckle. To think his apprentice had changed in so little time. It was a blessing, truthfully. Seeing Zamasu smile at times was enough to back the idea he threatened to reveal. A choice that would put an ease to those thoughts that nearly ate Zamasu alive. Watching the apprentice, he noticed the way his gaze latched onto the air. The way his chest moved from deepened breathing and the glimmer of hope that oozed from Zamasu's subtle and once calm looks. It brought the Supreme Kai to a final choice. He wanted nothing more than his apprentice's happiness. So why stop something so profound and delicate. An adoration to be cherished and a chance to welcome change. It truly was a wonder, how someone had opened the doors to Zamasu's heart. But it was a way to keep Zamasu in the light, to not let him fall.

"Zamasu, listen to me for a moment." The apprentice met the other's gaze, keeping silent before Gowasu spoke up. His tone was so soft and friendly. There was no reason for it to be other than such. "I understand your thoughts, so let me offer you something. I would like to meet this mortal. To know what lies before you and should I truly accept it, I would like to offer a chance. While you're my apprentice, he has shown you the good in life. As appreciation, I wish to bestow him the opportunity to come here. I can say, I am quite curious about 'Goku'. Next time you pay a visit, invite him along."

"Are you sure about this, Master Gowasu? I uh-"

"He is important to you. He has made you happier than any time I've laid witness to. I am sure of this, Zamasu." The apprentice nodded, offering a small smile.

"Thank you, Master Gowasu. I will give the offer next time I travel to where he presides. I truly can not thank you enough, for everything." The Supreme Kai chuckled, waving it off as he rose from the bed.

"No worries. Finish up that tea and head on over to me. I will be in the normal place."

"Will do, Master Gowasu." Zamasu watched the older Kai leave, letting the room become silent. Even so, the apprentice felt a true joy flow through him. His once seemingly small smile grew wider as he thought over the future. The opportunities and chance to get what made him feel so special. He peered to the redone image, smiling wider as he stretched a hand out. It remained far enough away as he breathed out some words. A promise between him and his heart. "To think I fought such a feeling. I truly have become hopelessly infatuated with you, Goku. Such a barbarian, yet has claimed a part of my heart. Such a mystery, truly."

Zamasu had landed on earth with ease, his feet feeling the way the grass peaked over his shoes. How it touched the fabric of his clothes with gentle weight. A crisp wind blew through, shifting his locks of white hair as his gaze fluttered about. He latched onto the view of the countless parts to nature. The swaying limbs of large oaks and the dead leaves that were brought with the breeze ruffled through the air, shifting about without much guidance. Reaching out, Zamasu snatched one free from the air, holding it tightly as he wore a partial smile. His hand accumulated Ki, bringing the leaf to become torn to ribbons as the remains fell to the grass below. "Nature truly shows no lies. Mortals are just like this leaf. Once alive and healthy, but over time shall fall to nothing. Simply return to the soil that they tread on."

"Zamasu? What are you doing here?" The words were breathless, drawing in the Kai's gaze. Joy swallowed him whole as the Saiyan came into view, that perfect coal colored hair dancing with the wind. Offering a smile, the Kai took a step closer. He noticed Goku was not in the usual clothes, but something a bit less fighting style. Even so, Zamasu had to admit it was stunning to see. The way his tanned skin seemed to glow under the sunlight and how the clothes hugged his well shaped frame. It made the Kai ponder how much of Goku's life went into saving a planet that seemed unworthy.

"I came to pay a visit, to see a bit more of this planet." Zamasu noticed the way Goku's expression shifted. How that gorgeous smile seemed to fall for a second. "Was it bad timing? I can leave if so..."

"No, you're all good. I simply wasn't expecting such a visit from you. Today is Vegeta's birthday, so I was planning to attend that..."

"But you don't desire to?" Goku nodded, taking in a long breath.

"After everything, I've sort of become excluded. They push me away, not that I mind..."

"There is no need to lie. You of all people deserve the admiration from others. How many times have you protected them for them to cast you away. If anything, you're a God in comparison to those other mortals. They should know the risk of making an enemy." A short chuckle left Goku, who met Zamasu's gaze.

"Maybe you're right, but I've never minded never receiving recognition. I never saved them to be known. I simply did what was right. Even so, the days have become rather boring. Lonely, almost." The Kai chewed his lip, speaking slightly lower.

"I could always give you company every so often." The Saiyan raised a brow, smiling. His gaze was so soft, pulling Zamasu in. How badly the Kai wanted to get closer. To break the boundary between them. But he couldn't. Not yet. He knew that well.

"If you're able, I'd not mind the company. I was headed to the birthday, if you'd like to tag along. I'll most likely leave the gift and we can head on somewhere else. With my Ex being there, I'd prefer to avoid a minefield."

"Then shall we? Lead the way and I shall follow, Goku." A calming silence filled the space as they remained together for the walk. Simply embracing the serenity between them. It made time for Zamasu to truly distinguish his thoughts. He wanted more than anything to take the Saiyan away from a planet so unworthy. To give him a place where he belonged. He may be mortal, but to Zamasu, Goku was far greater. He was the warmth and sun to the night sky looming in the Kai's heart. Only Goku made him feel so whole.

Once they arrived at the large house, Goku motioned Zamasu to remain there for a bit. The Kai made no time to argue, simply leaned along the wall where a logo remained. He watched the Saiyan head on inside, worry and concern crossing Zamasu. He wondered what would happen, but knew to acknowledge Goku's words. It was the first time he found he could consider someone of Earth, a mortal; as an ally and even something more. He trusted the Saiyan, more so than anyone else.

Goku had lingered a bit in the back, noticing Beerus and Whis were present as well. He took in a long breath, marching in with ease. He laid the present beside Vegeta, who was all too bothered by the party. Seeing the paper, the other Saiyan glanced upwards. The two met gazes before Vegeta offered a partial smile, offering a seat beside him. Goku would have accepted if not for Zamasu waiting and Chi-Chi who happened to take notice of him. Her large scowl only pushed the Saiyan to get away sooner than later.

"Figured I'd drop this off as well as wish you a 'happy birthday'. We're getting older, Vegeta." The prince scoffed, punching lightly at Goku's arm.

"Speak for yourself, Kakarot. I am at the prime of my life!" A short laugh sounded before Goku felt hands grab his leg. His gaze shifted down to see Goten, who clung tightly to his clothes. It confused him at first, at least until he heard another voice that was all too similar to nails on a chalkboard.

"Goten! Come over here! Give me a chance to explain everything..."

"No! I don't want to hear anything. I want my dad, no one else! He already told you to leave me alone, that you're not to be near me!"

"He has no say in this. At least on a political matter. I am still your mother!" Goku widened his gaze, glancing at Vegeta who seemed shocked. Most did. None knew the bad terms of the household. To make matters more heated, Goten spoke freely. He didn't hesitate on his truths, simply tossed them in the open.

"I wish you weren't! All you are is mean. You lied to everyone! My dad is no cheater and never will be!" Gohan had rushed over, attempting to get Goten off, but to no avail. After a bit, Goku shooed Gohan off. He pressed a hand to Goten's head, who met his gaze. The Saiyan lifted his kid, offering a charming smile that made the kid giggle. Arms wrapped around Goku's neck before his eyes filtered to Chi-Chi.

"Look what you've done, Goku! You've convinced my son to hate me..." Goku scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"No offense, Chi-Chi; you did it to yourself. When you spit bullshit, sometimes it backfires. Ever try to understand both sides before you spin a terrible story in your honor. A story to let you play victim?" Most of the group seemed to sense the hostility, obviously taking Chi-Chi's side. It left a few on the sides, Vegeta being one of the few still siding with Goku.

"Just leave Goku! You're ruining the party..." Bulma's voice made Goku chew his lip. He sighed, glancing at Whis and Beerus.

"Good to see you two again. Enjoy the party, I guess." He turned to leave, only to stop when Vegeta reached out.

"You're leaving?"

"I'm not welcomed. Even so, I wanted to bring the gift." Goku sighed, running his hand along Goten's back. "We can celebrate another day, okay? I've got other plans anyway."

"You better keep that promise." Vegeta laid his head on the table, waving as Goku finally walked off. He didn't once look back, leaving the party so silent until he was completely gone. It was no surprise when gossip started. Of course, there were three individuals that were not bothering to listen. Afterall, they knew Goku well. He was a fool, but no cheater. That was a fact Beerus, Whis, as well as Vegeta knew.

Goku had left the party area before wandering back toward Zamasu, who was more focused on the smaller version of Goku. He wanted to ask, but stopped when the kid moved, similar eyes glancing to the Kai. He flattened his features, tapping his chin before he found his words.

"This is?"

"This is Goten, one of my kids. Are we still planning to hang out?" Zamasu nodded, grinning.

"Of course. If you'd like, I've somewhere to go. My Master wanted me to invite you to our universe, so the offer stands. Would you like to see a piece of my life, just as I've seen some of this tragedy?" Goku chuckled, seeing Goten widen his gaze. A slight glimmer appeared, showing the kids' growing excitement. It left Goku with only one answer.

"I'd not say this place is a tragedy, just has its problems. As for the offer, I do not see why not. A bit of fresh air might do me well, especially after that fight earlier. Do you mind Goten coming along?"

"Of course. He is someone important to you. Shall we?" Goku nodded as Zamasu smiled, feeling his heart flutter. He held anticipation, but also a warming joy deep inside. He was slowly getting closer to his goal.

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