Soulmates ~Rebekah Mikaelson~

By tvdbexx

59.1K 1.2K 75

Your name is Avery Jenna Gilbert. You are Elena's younger sister but Jeremy's older sister. You left town bec... More



4.3K 91 11
By tvdbexx

I finally fell asleep after an hour of thinking of my dream and what it meant.

I had no idea what it meant and that's what freaks me out.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed and got ready and went downstairs to the smell of pancakes.

"Hey D, you making your little vampire pancakes again" I say with a small laugh.

Damon always makes vampire pancakes and that's another thing that I loved about him.

"Of course bestie, how did you sleep last night?" Damon asked me and my heart started beating a little fast when he asked as I thought of Rebekah but I quickly stopped so Damon didn't hear it.

"Uh yeah, good, just still adjusting to the mattress heh" I say nervously and Damon looks suspicious for a second but he looks normal the next second.

"Okay... well eat up" He says as he puts a plate of his vampire pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks" I say as I hear my stomach growl and I pick up the first pancake and take a bite out of it as I see Lena walk into the room with Stefan and their laughing and I look over at Damon and I can see that he is jealous.

"Don't worry about it D" I whisper as I walk past him to put my dish in the sink. I turn around and see Damon smiling at me with a grateful look.

"I'm gonna head out to the grill, see you guys later, thanks for letting me spend the night" I say and Damon and Stefan both smile at me.

"Of course, you're always welcome here Avery" Stefan says as we both share a smile.

I then say bye to Lena and leave the Salvatore House and get in my car and then drive to the grill.

-5 minutes later-

I arrive at the grill and park in a parking spot and I walk out and walk inside the grill and see Caroline and Bonnie.

I walk over to them and I sit down next to them.

"Hey guys" I say and they look at me and smile at me.

"Heyyy, how's it like being back in Mystic Falls?" Caroline says all happy and chippy like how she usually is and I laugh slightly as I think of how everything has been so far.

I smile and then my dream comes back to me from last night as it starts to replay in my head.

After a minute I snap out of my thoughts from Caroline and Bonnie shaking my shoulder.

"You okay Avery?" Bonnie asks and I nod slowly.

"Yeah just thinking..." I say as I trail off and look over behind Caroline's and Bonnie's shoulder as I see a familiar face.

"Shit..." I whisper as I can make the face of Klaus and Caroline and Bonnie are confused.

"Wow Avery Gilbert cussing? You're not aloud to do that you're still to young" Bonnie says and I smile and laugh nervously but my heart starts to beat quickly as I see a familiar blonde by Klaus.

"Guys I need to go... Nice chatting guys bye" I say quickly and get up from my seat as I rush over to my car and I try to open the door when there is a blur in front of me and I fall back and hit the concrete and drop my keys beside me as I look up and see Klaus looking down at me.

"K-klaus" I say with my breath shaking slightly and he just smiles quickly.

"That's correct love" He says and I get up quickly.

"Nik! Leave her be!" I hear as I turn around and see Rebekah again. My heart starts to beat quickly again as I see Rebekah approach and my dream comes to mind but I quickly push it out of my mind.

"Move out of my way Klaus" I say turning back to Klaus ignoring Rebekah.

"Not until you speak to my sister" Klaus says and I'm confused by it. Klaus really didn't care that much for Rebekah. Even though she is his sister he only really cares for himself and himself only.

"Why the hell do you care? From what I've heard you don't give a shit about your sister or anyone else in your family, considering their all daggered and temporarily killed" I say and he stops smiling and glares over at me.

Klaus takes a step towards me and I hear Rebekah speak from behind me. "Nik don't!" Rebekah says and he laughs as he steps away and holds his hands up in surrender.

"Fine, you your not going anywhere until you talk" Klaus says and I roll my eyes.

"How about this? No" I say and try to push past him but he grabs my arm roughly and it actually starts to hurt.

"Ow" I say and I see another blur come in front of me when I suddenly feel Klaus' arm off of me and I look over and see Rebekah pinning Klaus against my car.

She slowly lets him go and he smirks at her and turns turns to me as Rebekah does as well.

"Avery please, I need to tell you something" Rebekah says with her eyes pleading and I nod.

Might as well see what she has to say.

Klaus smirks and we slowly walk away from him as me and Rebekah walk behind the grill.

"Well, what do you want?" I say really not caring that much.

"Look I understand that your upset Avery-" Rebekah starts but I then cut her off.

"Upset? I'm devastated Rebekah, you lied to me, and even though we were really not close at all I felt a big connection as if we had been friends for years, and all that was thrown away when I found you were Klaus's sister and that you were torturing my best friend" I say quickly and she looks at me with a apologetic look.

"Look I know! And I felt that connection too! I was so confused as to why it would be you out of all people but then after you left I couldn't stop thinking of you" Rebekah says and I can't help but think about how I was also thinking of her.

"And then last night... I-I don't even know I had a dream about you... about you and me.." Rebekah says slowly and my heart started beating quicker.

"What um, what was the dream about?" I say quietly hoping it wasn't the same one as mine.

"Us two.. in a field running... chasing each other.. I fell and you caught up to me and then we cuddled..." Rebekah says looking at me hesitantly and I groan and sit down on the floor against the wall and Rebekah does as well.

"I had the same dream" I say slowly and she looks at me kind of surprised.

"I also felt that connection that you had when we... well when I bumped into you, it felt like we known each other forever even though we just met" Rebekah says and I don't know what to think. We both felt the same thing. We had the same dream. This doesn't make sense at all.

"Avery?" Rebekah says snapping me out of my thoughts as I look over at her.

"Um yeah?" I ask quietly.

"I'm so sorry I lied to you, I didn't think I would care that much but your different... your sweet, kind, can be a bitch but a badass at the same time" Rebekah says and we both laugh.

I laughed. I actually laughed. Every time ever since I was San Diego and even when I came back, I had to laugh sometimes, but they were never real or out of joy. But this one was. It was real. Out of happiness.

Once our laugh finished Rebekah looked over at me.

"I never meant to hurt you so much, I regret it with my life, Avery" Rebekah says and I turn to her and smile.

"It's okay" I say quietly once again.

I turned and just looked at the random things behind the grill and Rebekah did the same but I could see that she turned and looked at me out of the corner of my eye. I could feel her gaze on me.

"Look are you gonna keep staring or-" I start but Rebekah then pushes me down to the concrete but gently so it wouldn't really hurt and she gets on top of me pinning my hands to the ground.

"Rebekah what are you-" I start but she cuts me off but saying 'Shush' quietly and looks around as I look up and see random men with guns and stakes and vervain.

"What the hell?" I whisper mostly to myself as I turn and look up at Rebekah and then look behind her as I see a stake in the wall.

They shot a stake. Was it at me or her? Never mind not important right now.

Rebekah quickly grabs me and vamp speeds away from the men.

We vamp speed to somewhere that's a block away from the Salvatore House. I know because whenever me and Lena want to go over to the Salvatore House we take this way going around this block.

"Rebekah what's happening?" I say as we begin walking down the road but Rebekah still keeps an eye out.

"Random people, they have vampire killing weapons, vervain, stakes, probably guns loaded with both" Rebekah says and we keep walking.

"It doesn't make sense though... they shot at you" Rebekah says and I look at her confused.

"But I'm not a vampire" I say and she nods.

"I know, maybe their trying to get you for something else and have weapons to take down any vampire near you... like me" Rebekah says and I am so confused.

"But you were a vampire near me? Never mind, great I have psychotic men after me who might just kill all my friends" I say and groan and Rebekah strokes my arm slightly and relax's me.

"Thank you" I say and turn to her and smile.

"I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there" I say and smile again.

"Well you'd be dead of course" Rebekah says sarcastically and we both laugh again.

We then hear a gun shot and Rebekah wastes no time in picking me up and vamp speeding me right in front of the Salvatore House door.

Rebekah knocked on the door quickly but there was no answer. We just walked inside the house and Rebekah quickly locked the door behind us.

We looked aliens the house and Damon, Stefan, and Elena were no where to be found.

Rebekah locked all the doors and windows and closed the blinds and curtains in every room.

"Rebekah it's fine, why are you getting so worried?" I say as she looks at me kind of scared. Not for her. But for me.

"Because I'm- I don't wanna lose you..." She says quietly at the last part and looks around for something. Probably bourbon.

"Hey hey!" I say as I walk up to her and grab her face and look at her and she looks at me.

"I'm not going anywhere" I say with confidence in my voice and she slowly nods as she pulls away and I walk over to a cabinet and pull out a bottle of bourbon.

"Looking for something like this?" I ask and she looks up and smiles at me.

"Yes, I was looking for that in fact, thank you love" She says as she walks over to me and grabs the bottle from my hand.

We both laugh and we head to the library for fun as Rebekah looks at random books as I slowly open the curtain slightly and look outside and see nothing.

"I'm not seeing anything, I think the coast is clear" I say and Rebekah doesn't say anything and I turn around and see her reading a random book she found.

"Rebekah?" I ask once again and she doesn't even look up from her book as she has a confused face on while reading it.

"What's wrong? Does the book say something?" I ask getting really curious as I walk over to her and start reading the page that she's reading right now.

I immediately have a confused face as well as the title says 'Soulmates'

Whoops, hey guys this was kinda a long one. How are y'all liking the book? Why are the men chasing Avery? Why does that book say Soulmates? Why did Avery and Rebekah have the same dream? If you want to know more then keep reading! Love you all ❤️

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