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By soggykookie

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*READ THE PREQUEL FIRST* The sky was grey as the coffin shook and rattled until it tumbled down the pedestal... More

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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝐼𝒱

2.9K 207 30
By soggykookie

I'll mention where it ends if you want to skip

Taehyung's POV

"Are you sure you want this, dear?" I cup her face.

"Kind of," she grinds on me making me moan.

"Don't push me too far. I won't be able to stop," I warn her holding her hips in place.

"Then don't," she smashes her lips onto mine and I pull her closer. Our bodies fully touching, her chest smushed against mine. I grind my hips up and she deepens the kiss pulling me by my collar. 

"Dear," I warn her, "Tell me if you want to stop now."

"No," she hums into my neck placing small kisses. 

I quickly switch our positions to get her below me and hover over her, "I love you," I nuzzle into her neck and grind. She moans pulling me closer. I attack her neck with open mouth kisses. I find my way down to her collar bone. She runs her fingers in my head and tugs on them. I bite her collar bone and suck harshly on them to leave purple marks. She tries to grind her hips on mine, "So impatient," I tease her and run my hands down her body to find her breasts. I slowly pull down her shirt to reveal her bra. I kiss down her chest to the top of her breast. She shudders at the feeling and moans pushing my head into her chest. I find the hem of her shirt and pull it up. She quickly brings her hand and removes her shirt. I look at her face to find her eyes clenched and closed, her breathing ragged. 

"Dear," I run my hand down her waist.

"Hmm?" She replies shaking.


"Just relax," I kiss her forehead, "We can stop if you want."

She gulps as her face is filled with distress.

"What is it, dear?" I ask preparing to stop.

"I," she opens her eyes slowly, "I'm scared."

"Of what?" I ask, kissing her forehead, "You don't have to be scared of anything."

"Will it..," she trails off, "Will it h-hurt?"

I couldn't do much about it unless I somehow get my venom in her. I had to bite her or something like that. 

"It might," I reply softly, "But it'll go away. It will only hurt at the beginning, my dear."

She frowns, "Can you go slow?"

"Of course, dear," I nuzzle my nose into her neck and lightly nudge her, "We can stop if you don't want it."

"I want it," she says.

"Are you sure?" I ask again, "It's okay if you don't want it, my dear. I'll love you even if you deny sex now."

"I can't do that to you," she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"You've done way too much for me. I have to do something in return," she replies.

"No," I shake my head, "Is this all for what I did for you?"

"No, I love you," she says.

"Then don't do this only to return the favour," I say, "I want it only if you really want it."

She tears up, "I'm so useless."

I get up and sit beside her, "Don't you dare say that, my dear," I slowly pull her up and give her shirt to her.

"Why?" A tear rolls down her cheek, "I tried to give you pleasure but I failed at that too."

"No," I shake my head and pull her onto my lap, "You did not fail at giving me any pleasure. Just having you around me is pleasure enough, my dear," I wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry," she clutches onto my coat and sniffs, "I'm so sorry my grandfather arranged you with such a useless person."

I clench my fists in anger. I pull her by her shoulder, "Dear," I warn her, "Don't you dare say that word. You're not useless. Do you understand?" I shake her violently.

She shivers and nods. She looks terrified. I smile, "Dear," I cup her face, "don't be scared of me. I just couldn't stand that thought of yours. You're not useless."

"I really wish I could do something for you," she says looking down.

"You want to do something for me?" I ask, "Then stay by my side and love me."


"Take the video down!" I shout at the relations officer.

"I can't!" He explains, "We've taken it down from YouTube and other major video streaming apps but it's all over Twitter and Instagram."

"Did you find who leaked it?" I ask.

"Whoever did this was quite smart. We aren't able to trace them," he says.

"Find a way to solve this," I say, "Or I swear God, I'm going to lose it all."

I stomp out of the office to find my dear and take her home. I find her sleeping in my cabin. I slowly lift her and walk out. She stirs awake in my arms, "Tae?"

"Yes, dear," I smile.

"Put me down. I'll walk," she says.

"No," I press a kiss to her forehead she frowns.

"Put me down!" She whines.

"No, my queen deserves to be carried," I say holding her tighter.

"Why are your employees looking at us like that?" She whispers to me.

"They're jealous," I say and quickly walk outside. They all probably saw the video. I set her in the car and get to the driver's seat. I don't know what to do... If only I could find the person who released the video. I could have manipulated them to take it down or state it was fake. It's okay. I'll find them sooner or later.

"I need to get back to work soon," Yuna says.

Work? She will definitely hear about the video at work. I can't risk that.

"Can't you stay home for a few more days?" I ask.

"I don't want to get fired, Tae," she shakes her head.

"I can make sure you won't," I say.

"No," she sighs, "I wanna go to work. I miss work."

"Please," I beg, "It's for your safety."

"Can't you send your guards with me?" She asks.

"I don't trust them. For all I know, we could have a mole in our group and I don't want to risk it," I lie.

She sighs, "Let's see."

I smile, "We're here. We can do something together if you want."

"What can we do?" She asks.

"We can cook together," I shrug, "Maybe binge some shows and cuddle?"

"I think I like the second one," she looks down.

"Sure," I smile, "We're home."

Next morning...

Yuna's POV

I wake up to see Taehyung sleeping beside me. Our legs tangled and his hands were on my shoulder and waist. I slowly remove his hands and untangle our legs. I sneak out of bed and walk to my bedroom. I quickly shower and get ready for work. 

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But I have to get to work."

1178 words

A/N- If you think Yuna spoils the mood always, she is not in the right mind. She's extremely stressed with all the things that are happening. And she's confused about Taehyung too. AND SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE SMUT I GO THROUGH PHYSICAL PAIN WHILE WRITING SMUT ;-; And idek where this story is going :D

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