𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐧𝐜𝐭...

By renjunworld

75.1K 3.1K 2K

➺ kim yunhee, a hufflepuff with a spark of courage and ambition, embarks on adventures with the chosen one, t... More

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⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥

⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟕

995 41 9
By renjunworld

𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝟐𝟎 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔

several nights ago, yunhee had dreams about her and her friends being in some strange room with millions of glass orbs. they were searching for something and it was not a good feeling.

it was only last night that she had the most horrifying dream. she saw death eaters and a person being thrown into a veil to their death.

she wasn't sure when this event would take place and when to prepare herself, so when she was sat by the fireplace in the kitchen of grimmauld place and it suddenly lit up in green flames, she was on her feet immediately. her eyes widened in fear and she threw her book aside.

"the floo network." she whispered, recognising the odd flame colour and how she had travelled by it before. she suspected someone must have been trying to get here and it frightened her to think it was an enemy since her friends were all still in hogwarts and the floo networks there were all supervised by umbridge except the one in her office.

the flames died out not long after and yunhee ran into the living room where members of the order were having their usual meetings.

"someone was trying to use the floo network here." yunhee told them and remus stood up, with furrowed brows, to check the fireplace.

"i'm sure it was someone else in the order, dear." sirius reassured her.

"anyway, i want to return back home. got a load of housework to do, so let's get going. we'll come back here for the holidays to see mark, jeno and renjun." mrs zhong said, placing a hand on the small of yunhee's back to push her towards the door.

they waved bye to the order members and yunhee held onto mrs zhong's hand so she could apparate them to her house. she felt the usual sick twisting feeling and the darkness that came with it.

"i will never get used to this." yunhee groaned, doubling over when she felt bile in her throat.

"you will someday." mrs zhong reassured her, rubbing her back. "i'll start getting dinner ready. wash up and come down to help."

"okay. i won't be long." yunhee replied and rushed up the stairs to the spare room that had been made into hers.

she changed into some pyjamas and as she washed her face, she had an odd feeling of someone being behind her. she spun around and almost screamed at the sight of jisung right outside her window.

"what are you doing?!" she yelled, pushing open the window to let him crawl through through the gap.

"i had to see you." he said, watching her cross her arms and tap her foot impatiently. he held back a smile at her hello kitty pyjamas and plaited hair.

"no. no, you don't get to do this. after everything that happened, you just come crawling back — literally — and expect me to be alright with it?"

"yunhee, calm down." he said as she began pacing back and forth the room, not ending her ranting. 

"please do not tell me to calm down. you betrayed me." she replied, resisting the urge to throw some punches or just simply cry.

"i didn't. yun, please hear me out. everyone else did. they know what really happened."

"of course i will." she sighed, giving in. "i'm just mad right now, but i can't go without hearing your side of the story. that's just not fair. so please, tell me why you sold us out."

she sat down on her bed and patted the space next to her for him to sit.

"i didn't sell you out." he stated and at her raised eyebrow he sighed. "what i mean is, i didn't want to. yunhee, they knew i was close to you so they used veritaserum on me..."

"truth serum?" yunhee questioned and he nodded.

"just like they did to cho. it was awful. i didn't want to tell them anything, but i couldn't stop it. whatever seonghyun told you guys, he did it to provoke you and get me to work with them. he's been saying he's going to tell my parents everything. right now it's just pure blackmail because he thinks i could be of use to him. i didn't want this, yun. i felt so guilty the last few weeks and didn't know how to face you all. look, i'm really sorry."

"i'm still mad. i can't help being mad but i do forgive you. it's not your fault, i know. if only you'd stop being put into these situations. it all stems from your parents. it's their fault for most of this. if they'd just let you be your own person..." she trailed off then turned to the now quiet boy and pulled him in for a hug. "you suck sometimes, but you didn't mean for this to happen. it couldn't be helped."

"thank you, yunhee." he replied, hugging her back. they stayed like that for a few seconds, then he tensed and sprang up from the bed. "holy shit! i completely forgot what i came here to tell you! mark mentioned something about sirius, so he tried to contact him through the floo network, but got caught by umbridge. then he took her to the forest and while jeno distracted the slytherins that were left to guard us, i quickly used the floo network that brought me down the road."

"sirius? what do you mean?" she asked, assuming mark had filled him in about everything.

"he said sirius was taken by voldermort, so he's probably in london now."

"what?! no! i was with sirius only twenty minutes ago! he's fine." yunhee exclaimed, looking around frantically. "voldermort is playing tricks on mark. we have to go find him. now."

"i know where they're going. the—"

"so do i. the ministry."

i saw it in my dreams. there were orbs.

"in the department of mysteries." jisung told her as he climbed through the window again and held out a hand to her. she grabbed it and he helped her out. she felt bad for ditching chenle's mother since she was expecting yunhee to come help with dinner, but she had to go find her friends. it was more important.

the ministry wasn't too far from chenle's house so it didn't take long for them to make it to the department of mysteries on level nine.

"so, mark told you everything then?" yunhee asked as they cautiously walked past shelves of globes.

"yeah. said sirius was innocent and his god father, the only part of his parents he has left, so that's why he got worked up so quick." jisung explained, as he kept track of the numbered shelves they had passed. they had just made it to ninety when they heard voices not too far ahead of them.

"he should be here!" a voice yelled.

"that's mark." yunhee pointed out. they hurried to where the lights from wands were and found mark and the rest of their friends. "mark!"

"yunhee, jisung, what are you doing here?" renjun asked as mark reached out to pick up a orb that had his name written on it.

"jisung told me what was happening. we have to get out of here now!"

"no. they have sirius. he's here." mark told her, examining the orb.

"no, mark, listen to me. give me that." she tried to take the orb from his hands and the moment her fingertips grazed it, her eyes rolled back into her head as flashes of images invaded her mind. she saw mark as a baby when voldermort tried to kill him and the gruesome images of his parents dying. then she saw mark dead, but when he was older, older than now.

"yunhee!" he shook her shoulders, snapping her back into reality. she rubbed her forehead, pushing away the thoughts about the visions she had seen. "what's wrong?!"

"mark, sirius isn't here! i was with him in that place." she said, referring to grimmauld since she couldn't say that aloud. "he's safe. you-know-who was tricking you!"

"that's impossible. i saw..." he replied and everything seemed to click in yunhee's head. the person who was going to die tonight...

"yes, i know, but i saw something different. sirius is safe for now, so if we don't leave he won't be for long." she explained.

"mark!" jaemin called out, holding his wand up at the death eater who was walking towards them.

"where's sirius?" mark asked, despite yunhee telling him what the reality was.

"you know, you really should learn the difference between dreams and reality." the death eater said, pulling off his mask to reveal a familiar face to donghyuck, jaemin and jisung. "you saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see."

"father." donghyuck gasped.

"how disappointing to see you all here. i expected more from you, jaemin and hyejin. i hoped you'd set a good example for my son and jisung." his father said. "now hand over the prophecy and you four come over here."

"no." jaemin refused, holding back his friends and sister, protecting them.

"you do anything to us and i'll break it." mark added and a mocking laugh followed after his words.

"he knows how to play. itty, bitty, baby, mark."

yunhee's hand quickly caught onto chenle's, afraid. she recognised the voice and the face of the person speaking. she glanced at aerin and jia who looked just as frightened to be face to face with someone who broke out from azkaban.

"bellatrix lestrange." renjun sneered.

"renjun huang, is it? how's your mum?" she asked, smirking. "i don't need to ask about your dad though. i know he's just fine with us."

"you!" renjun yelled, raising his wand and bellatrix mirroring him. yunhee grabbed renjun's arm, lowering his wand.

it was clear that bellatrix had messed with his family. it made sense since renjun never spoke about them and no one had seen his parents.

"now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we?" a new voice suggested. "all we need is that prophecy. hello, jisung."

jisung was practically shaking in fear now. that was his father. the person who made his life a living hell by controlling his every move like a piece on a chess board.

yunhee squeezed the slytherin's hand, comforting him. it was all she could do for now.

"why did voldermort need me to come and get this?" mark asked, bringing the attention back to him.

"you dare speak his name? you filthy half-blood!" bellatrix bellowed, her eyes widening a frightening amount.

yunhee shuffled to hide behind her friends that were in front of her. after hearing how angry that woman got over mark being a half-blood, she wouldn't want to know what would happen if they found out she was a muggle-born.

"it's alright. he's just a curious lad, aren't you? prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. which is lucky for you, really." donghyuck's father said as more death eaters appeared, circling them. with every step bellatrix took forwards, the group would take one back until they had nowhere else to go, trapped.

"jeno." yunhee whispered, anxiously, when she noticed a death eater getting a little too close. he hastily moved over to her in a protective manner.

"haven't you always wondered the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord? why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? don't you want to know the secret of your scar? all the answers are there. in your hand. all you have to do is give it to me. then i can show you everything."

"i've waited fourteen years." mark spoke.

"i know."

"i guess i can wait a little longer. now!" mark yelled and everyone raised their wands, shouting at once.


they all took off running down one way, then another when death eaters blocked their path. they soon found themselves being split up into smaller groups like the death eaters wanted.

"stupefy!" yunhee yelled, taking out one person, then bumping into jaemin and aerin who had taken out someone else. she quickly grabbed aerin's hand and they continued running until they found the rest of the group again. they watched the path in front of them where another death eater was making their way down.

"reducto!" yunhee, unexpectedly, yelled, sending a large burst of light down the path. she heard the sound of glass shattering against the floor and looked over at her friends. "my bad...?"

"come on." renjun took her hand, dragging her with him. "get back to the door!"

they ran as fast as they could, avoiding the falling glass orbs and made it to the door. as they rushed out of it, they fell and fell until they were only a couple centimetres above the floor. they froze for only a second before being dropped, harshly.

and yunhee blacked out.

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