Haddock Twins: Riders Of Berk

By krazygirlo900

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The adventures following "You Just Gestured To All Of Me" Book 2 in a sense Hicca and Hiccup meet new friend... More

How to start a Dragon Academy
How to start a Dragon Academy 2
Viking for Hire
Animal House
Terrible Twos
Terrible Twos 2
In Dragons We Trust
In Dragons We Trust 2
Alvin and the Outcasts
How to pick your dragon
How to pick your dragon 2
How to pick your dragon 3
Portrait of the Haddock twins
Portrait of the Haddock twins 2
Dragon Flower
Dragon Flower 2
Heather Report
Heather Report 2
Update i found it.
What flies beneath
When lightning strikes
Dragon rescue riders
Well well

Defiant One

441 12 5
By krazygirlo900

'The life of a Viking can be difficult, harsh, and stormy. Nobody could make it through alone. Eventually you're going to have to rely on someone. Unfortunately we do not always get to pick that someone.'

Hicca's pov

I kept my eyes opened as we flew over the sea. A fishing boat hadn't returned so we set off on a search and rescue, not that we exactly knew how to. It was windy and cloudy today and i could tell we would get rain later. I sighed

"This is so lame. Why are we even out here?" Snotlout asked loudly as to be heard over the wind. I rolled my eyes

"This is our first dragon search and rescue mission" Hiccup said trying to be optimistic. He was the one who volunteered for this.

"I see a lot of searching but not a lot of rescuing! Do you even know where we are?"

"My dad said the fishing boat was last seen heading south" Hiccup said pointing in the direction we were going. Astrid noticing the conversation, flew closer. She looked to me. I rolled my eyes after gesturing at my cousin.

"You don't know what you're talking about! There's nothing down there" he said pointing to the water below us before turning to the opposite direction. "I say we go North"

"And if Hiccup or Hicca said to go North?" Astrid said and we all looked to him

"Are you trying to mess with my mind? Because nothing gets in here! Nothing!"

"Believe me," I said "We know"

Astrid sighed before turning back to Fishlegs. "What does our map say?"

He was trying to hold the map carefully as to not tear it but the wind blew it in his face. "Tough to read at this angle"

"You know what Hiccup, Hicca? I'm done listening to you. I said North and that's where i'm going" Snotlout said before pulling lightly for Hookfang to follow but he didn't want to budge. "Hey, you work for me!"

Hookfang headbutt Snotlout before the two flew off.

"We just gonna let him go?" Ruffnut asked and Tuffnut shrugged

"Works for me"

I turned forward and hiccup and i shrugged at one another as we continued searching for the boat. 'Quiet, finally'

Astrid cleared her throat and looked to us with an unimpressed look. Both of us groaned.

"Fine! We're going! Lead the others' back, we'll get him" Hiccup said before we went after our hot headed cousin.

"He never listens!" I complained "Why should we be stuck with him!"

"I know how you feel, sis"

"Come on you two. It might be so but our group isn't complete without them"

"Are you sure?" i mumbled

"I am" toothless sounded sincere. When did he and those two get chummy?

My eyes widened at what we saw in front of us. I was right about the rain.

"Look at the size of that water sprout" i said

"That water sprout is too big!" Hiccup yelled to Snotlout.

"That's why i'm going around it! Duh!" Snotlout yelled back

"Come on guys. Let's just leave him."

"You know we cant do that Hicca"

I sighed. I knew and it wouldn't sit well with me either

We watched as Snotlout and Hookfang struggled to fly.


"I know"


I gasped as Snotlout and Hookfang lost control, the winds tossing them back. We turned around to go after them. Snotlout let go of Hookfang and we ducked as the Monstrous Nightmare went rolling away but Snotlout was still being thrown around.



We flew into the wind currents and Toothless pushed himself to catch up to Snotlout. When he did, he grabbed him and we struggled to get away. The sound of clinking metal and flapping cloth got my attention and i looked behind us.

I gasped. "Oh no, the tail!"

"HANG ON!" and we got caught in the wind tunnel, being thrown around before being thrown out. Unable to steer properly, we went down. We all screamed as we tried to avoid sharp rocks that seemed to come out of nowhere in a fog that surrounded the area.

We finally hit, hard and everything went black.


"Push Gobber!" Stoick yelled to the blacksmith as they, well mostly Stoick moved a cart up the many slopes from the pier to the village.

"I'm pushing Stoick"

"Well it certainly doesn't feel like it. Push harder!"

Gobber then looked up to the sounds of wing beats. "There they are"

The riders landed.

"I'm glad your back. The boat has returned" Stoick said

"Could've told us that before we left" Tuffnut muttered. Stoick glared

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing chief, that was her" he said referring to his twin

"Where're Hiccup and Hicca?"

Astrid dismounted. "They doubled back to get Snotlout"

"I said leave him"

Stoick glared again so Tuffnut put the blame of Ruff again so she rightfully hit him. Stoick ignored them and looked down, already starting to worry for his children.

"Not to worry, You know how hard it is to get them off that dragon" Gobber said trying to cheer his friend up.


Hicca pov

I groaned.

I could feel the hard, cold ground digging into my skin. I opened my eyes, blinking to clear my vision.

A dark, grey sky greeted me. I sat up, wincing at the pain in my body. I looked around for any sign of anything.

No Hiccup, toothless or Snotlout.

The bond was also out of reach.

I sighed before i started walking trying to find a landmark or anything. But this place was so barren.

'I've never seen an island so...dead.' i shivered. 'It's creepy'

I continued to walk suddenly feeling like i wasn't alone but i shrugged it off. A few minutes later, i froze. My stomach dropped and i whirled around. Fear made its way in my chest but there was nothing there. The atmosphere felt so cold.

I caught the glimpse of what seemed like the end of a cloak disappear behind a boulder. I didnt move, didnt make a sound. I didnt dare breathe.

I didn't know why i was so afraid but something told me i should be afraid. Very afraid.

"Oh dear" came an old, croaky voice of a woman. The hair on my body stood up straight. "And history repeats itself."

I stepped back as a small hunched over figure with a cloak walked from behind the boulder. "The gods so do love games." she said

"Who are you?" i asked. I couldn't see her face or any of her. She laughed at the question before taking a step forward.

I gulped.

"Excellenor" she said the ending turning into a hiss before giggling. "And you are....dead!"

I didn't wait, I instantly sprinted off. The woman cackled menacingly but i didn't stop. I kept running.

'What the hell? what the hell? what the hell!'

I glanced behind me but there was no sign of the crazy old woman. I stopped running, to catch my breath. Suddenly a hand grabbed a hold of me and i screamed.


I looked to see my brother looking at me concerned. I instantly wrapped my arms around him.

"Hicca, are you okay?"

I shook my head and pulled away before shaking my brother's shoulders. "We gotta get out of here!"

Toothless then came into my view and i ran to him, embracing him. "Hicca! Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"There is a crazy old woman in the woods trying to kill me on some very strange island!"

"Oh please" i heard someone mumble. I looked to see Snotlout and narrowed my eyes.

"You don't believe me? Wait, where is hookang?"

However, i noticed Toothless look in a direction and instantly got scared again. What if it was that crazy woman again?

"You hear that?" we heard someone ask

"Over there" we heard with the sounds of footsteps. Why does that voice sound familiar. The boys and i looked to one another before we ran and hid behind rocks.

"What do you see?" Snotlout asked a bit too damn loudly.

"Would you be quiet?" Hiccup whispered. "For all we know, we could be on a hostile island."

"We are on a hostile island!" i whispered

"Don't be such babies" Snotlout scoffed. "How hostile can it be?"

When we glanced we saw some rather familiar armor.

'Oh Great! Freaking outcasts'

"Those are wild dragon tracks alright." one said referring to toothless' paw prints. It's a good thing they didn't recognize what kind

"Good. I feel like killing." Savage said with a smirk.

"Is that hostile enough for you?" Hiccup whispered to Snotlout. The outcasts continued to walk around inspecting.

"Nothing over there!" Savage called.

"Nothin' there." The other one said

"I know where we are now" Hiccup said as dread filled his face

"Oh really? What gave it away?" I whispered sarcastically

"Come on, this way!" Savage ordered as he walked away.

"Right behind ya."

When they left we walked out of our hiding spot

"That was Savage. Snotlout, we're on Outcast Island. Outcast Island? I can't believe this! We've really got to fix this connecting rod and get out of here, or we are dead men." Hiccup ranted.

I panicked. "The connecting rod is broken?! How did you manage that?!"

Hiccup looked over to Snotlout with a glare and i huffed. "Of course"

We both then narrowed our eyes. "Snotlout, i'm not so sure you should be eating those berries

He stopped when he noticed Snotlout eating some strange berries.'Snotlout, I'm not so sure you should be eating those berries."

"Well, I'm not sure you should be telling me what to eat, especially after he took my biscuit!" Snotlout retorted pointing to toothless

"Biscuit?" i asked confused

Toothless looked at me innocently while hiccup sighed. "There was a biscuit in the satchel, he complained so toothless ate it. He complained again"

Toothless walked over and started sniffing. "Hey, back off. These are mine!"

"You shouldn't eat those" toothless told him

"Snotlout, those berries could be poisonous." Hiccup said

"This place hardly has life and the ones that it does, you think it's safe" i added

But guess who didn't listen.

"Hey, we're on Outcast Island. We're going into battle. We need our strength, a concept you know nothing about." Snotlout said.

"Battle the Outcasts? Really? Just the us?!"

"Abtholutely" Snotlout.

We whirled to him at the word he spoke. "What did you say?"

"I thaid, abtholutely. As in, of courts." Snotlout said and i pulled at my hair.

"Oh, for the love of- I told you not to eat those berries!" Hiccup said exasperatedly.

"Why? Wath wrong?" Snotlout ran to a nearby puddle of water and looked at his reflection. i walked to him to see his mouth and tongue swollen and slightly purple. "Oh, no, I'm hideouth!"

"We know" i said as I grabbed his jaw and pried it open.

"Give me my satchel. I may have something that can help with your tongue." Hiccup said.

"Thatchel?" Snotlout asked, confused. Hiccup turned to us and i looked between the two confused. Hiccup started to become agitated.

"No, no, nooooo. Do not tell me you just left it there. If someone finds that "thatchel", we're done! It's got the Berk crest on it!"

I moved away from Snotlout but he waved off hiccup.

"Relax. We're thafe. Trust me, no oneth gonna find it."


Savage noticed something laying on the floor and walked over to it. It was a brown satchel but what alerted him was the Berk crest on it.

"Oh, Alvin needs to see this."

"See what?"

Savage whirled around, his sword drawn to the old woman. But she wasn't focused on that. Her eyes widened on the bag in his hands and she snatched it before taking a long sniff.

She laughed. "Who would've thought? Twins!"

"What are you yapping about witch?" Savage snapped as he snatched back the bag.

"Hiccups" The woman spat "All of them are trouble."

And then she walked away leaving Savage confused.

Miles away on the island of Berk, Stoick was looking out to the ocean in worry. "Well, they've been gone for a day. I thought you said they were right behind you!"

"They probably set down to wait out the storm." Astrid suggested but she couldn't deny she was worried too

Fishlegs then pointed to something coming their direction. "I see something!"

It was a dragon, a monstrous nightmare. Astrid's eyes widened. "It's Hookfang"

"If hookfang is here, where's Snotlout?"

"And where are Hiccup, Hicca and Toothless?" Astrid asked.

Stoick narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. "Get your dragons ready; we're heading out!"

Back on Outcast island, in the outcast arena was the outcast chief. Alvin the Treacherous walked around the cages until he stopped infront of one containing a Nadder.

"I like this one. He's got the right spirit."

His attempt to train the dragon was more like trying to control and it didn't work. Alvin was frustrated bordering anger. "Will I never get these dragons to do what I want?!"

"What you need is that book" an outcast said

"No, what we need is Stoick's boy and girl." Alvin retorted.

"Or maybe, you need neither" said a taunting voice. Alvin groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at his mother.

"Quit your yapping before i put you back in your cage!"

Excellinor glared. "If you'd listen to me, you wouldn't be in this mess"

She then put her head in her hands. "But now they are twins! Twins. If we do not hurry they will become the rulers!"

Alvin ignored his mother when he heard savage walk to him. Savage then showed him the Berk crest on the satchel. Alvin grinned like the cheshire cat.

"The Berk crest. Ho-ho, is it my birthday?"

"Uh, I didn't get him anything. What does he like?" One Outcast whispered to another.

"Stop gossiping, and bring me the owner of this bag!" Alvin ordered.

"Do you want him alive?" another outcast asked.

"Why not?" Alvin shrugged. "For now."


Hicca pov

We had managed to find the forge on this blasted island and was watching from afar. Everything was so dreary here.

We just need to wait until the blacksmith leaves, and then I can sneak in there and make a new rod." My brother said, looking through his spyglass.

I glanced at Snotlout who was cringing. I smirked. I had managed to find something to help him and mixed it together into a little bowl i quickly made.

"How long do I hab to leab my tongue in here? Its dithgusting! I saw Toothleth spit in it."

I smirked while gently rubbing Toothless head. "Yup, night fury saliva has incredible healing properties"

Snotlout looked to Hiccup, clearly not believing me. "she's not wrong" Hiccup said shrugging

"Ugh, it tastes like yak pies. Are you sure this is the right medicine?"

"Nope" i said and snotlout looked at me in disbelief. I actually wasn't sure and was going on a whim. But Toothless' saliva should be able to counteract it.

i leaned against toothless with a sigh as we waited. I thought back to that crazy old woman.


But why did she want to kill me? Who even is she?

'How did we even get in this situation'

Toothless nudged me. "Are you okay, hicca?"

I turned to him with a smile. "When we get off this island i will be."

Outside was even darker now meaning it was either evening or night. I was hungry, tired and annoyed.

"Guys look" Hiccup said as he pointed to the blacksmith leaving

"Come on, hurry! We don't know how long the blacksmith is going to be gone." Hiccup said as we made our way to the forge.

"Betty Bodabought a bit of bitter butter, 'And', said she, 'This butter's bitter.' If I bought a bit of bitter butter, it would-"

I groaned before turning and glaring at our cousin. "What... are... you... doing?" Hiccup demanded

"Enjoying my tongue again." Snotlout answered.

"Well, that makes one of us." Hiccup muttered.

I sighed.

Then Snotlout started running to a monstrous Nightmare in the distance. "Hookfang!"

"hey, wait-"

It wasn't hookfang and snotlout got blasted into rocks. "It's not hookfang"

"It's a wild Monstrous Nightmare!" Hiccup. The Monstrous Nightmare snapped at us which made Toothless roar at him. the nightmare was trying to get pass him to us.

"Toothless, stop!" I said even though he was only being protective. But maybe we could get the nightmare on our side. Hiccup walked forward and started extending his hand. The nightmare calmed but an arrow nearly hit his snout and he backed away.

"There they are, the Berk intruders!"

I gasped at the sight of armed outcast soldiers. "Run!" Hiccup yelled and we did.

The monstrous nightmare turned and shot fire at the outcasts and we took that opportunity to escape.

"Circle back around bud" i told Toothless. He nodded before running away from us as me and the boys hid.

"There they go, that way!"

When we looked out we saw when they left, we climbed a bit til we could see Toothles round a corner and the outcast following hism. I took a breath of relief. "Good, they're gone" i said

"Alright, we'll just wait here until Toothless comes back, then head to the blacksmith shop."

"No way! I'm not going anywhere near that place." Snotlout said stubbornly as he cliimbed down. "You two almost got us caught!"

"We almost got-?" Hiccup and I asked incredulously as we followed him.

"The only reason the Outcasts know where here is because you lost the satchel with the Berk crest on it!" Hiccup said

"Well, who brought the satchel with the Berk crest on it to Outcast Island?" Snotlout retorted.

"Well, I had no idea we were going to Outcast Island!" Hiccup said exasperated.

"So you're not prepared, and I get blamed? Hmm."

"Does that sound like it makes sense to you?!" i exclaimed. Hiccup put a hand out infront of me as to tell me to stop before he talked.

"Fine. If you don't like my ideas, please, please let me hear one of yours." We both watched him but he was only quiet.

"Precisely!" my brother exclaimed

"As suspected" i snorted folding my arms

Then Toothless came back to us and nuzzled both of us.

"There you go. Good job, bud! At least someone is pulling their weight around here." Hiccup said

"Oh, you two are so smug!" Snotlout sneered at us

"US?!" Hiccup exclaimed in disbelief and i looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"'Hiccup and Hicca are so smart! They're so brave! They killed the Red Death! They trained the dragons! Hiccup's got the metal leg!'" Snotlout mimicked.

"You can't be serious" i said

"Metal leg?!" Hiccup exclaimed. "That's what's bothering you? That's where you're going? Metal leg?!"

"No! It's everything the leg is attached to!" Snotlout shouted, gesturing to my brother.

"Okay. Well, deal with it, Snotlout. Because, right now, I am literally all you've got! We are all you've got"

"Oh, you think I need you two? I DON'T need you!"

Cold anger spread throughout my body

"You say that yet you are the one who nearly got you and your dragon killed. And who was there? Us!" I said

"Fine you don't need us? Then we don't need you! Go!" Hiccup said and we watched as he walked away. I pulled at my hair.

Hiccup looked at Toothless. "It's him, right?"

"Yeah...but both of you took it too far"

"He's the reason we're in this mess! He could atleast try to be of some use" I said

Toothless looked at us unsure. "Look let's just fix the tail and we can go after Snotlout. Ok?"

Toothless sighed. "Fine"

I looked to Hiccup who agreed.

"Snotlout'll be fine. He was trained as a warrior and's pure muscle. He got this" I said before we walked to the forge. The smith left and we immediately entered. I immediately started prepping to fix the rod while Hiccup told toothless to stay hidden.

I immediately started hammering the rod. I lifted it again but something was stopping it. I looked up and my brother immediately came by my side. Savage was holding the hammer and i smiled nervously.

"And what are we making, Hicca, Hiccup?"

My brother and i glanced at each other as we gulped. We also tried to contact Toothless but he wasn't in range meaning something happened.

"A gift for... Alvin!" I made up

"To thank him for his hospitality." Hiccup sighed. We were not convincing at all.

"Oh boy" we muttered

"You can thank him in person." Savage said sounding smug. "Grab them!"

We couldn't run and the outcasts started dragging us from the forge. I noticed lave on the floor but no toothless.

'oh no'


Toothless POV

I was caught off guard when the groncle launched and we fell away from the smith. I growled. I don't have time for this!

"Back off!"

"You're the one in my territory, Night Fury!"

I growled and flared my wings. He attacked first, snapping his jaws but i jumped to the side. He hovered above me shooting lava blasts that i managed to dodge. When he was all out, i quickly used the advantage and fired two shots. He was blasted back.

I then ran trying to climb up the rocks to get back to the forge. I was suppose to be the look out, what if something happened? Dammit!

I was also out of the range of contact. I stopped when a familiar scent entered my nose. Yes!

I then ran in that direction which led me to the beach. I came upon Snotlout laying on the beach muttering something. I couldn't be bothered on what though. At least he was fine

"Toothless?" he said sitting up. "Wherever you two are, i still don't need you!"

I rolled my eyes before gliding back to the way i came. "Come on, let's go!"

"What?" he asked before looking around suspiciously. "Hiccup? Hicca?"

"Snotlout" i said walking over to him. "We have to go"

His eyes widened. "Where are the twins"

"I don't know. We got separated" i said looking down. 'I was so stupid'

"Look, Snotlout. All three of you need each other and you guys said somethings that was in the heat of the moment. But we need to put those aside so we can get off of this damn island"

"So they need my help" he said looking happy. I nodded vigorously.

"Yes! So let's go before it's too late" I said running off and him following. We made it back to the forge and Snotlout went inside while i looked to make sure outcasts, the gronkle or any other dragon wasn't close by.


I turned to the forge and ran to see the blacksmith swinging at Snotlout with an axe. "Snotlout!"

But snotlout was holding his own pretty well. Dodging and countering. Then i remembered what Hicca said.

"Snotlout'll be fine. He was trained as a warrior and's pure muscle. He got this"

Even when she if angry she, she hoped he'd be fine.

Snotlout then kicked the smith into the wall and turned back looking smug. I rolled my eyes.

"Not bad" i said before my eyes widened. "Look out!"

The smith had grabbed a hammer and knocked, what i realized was the connecting rod for my tail, out of Snotlout's hands. It landed in front of me. I looked to Snotlout who looked at me. Snotlout rolled out of the way as the smith brought the hammer down.

Calculating quickly, i shot a soft blast that made the rod fly and Snotlout grabbed it before using it to hit the blacksmith before kicking him towards me and i pushed him into the wall hard. He didn't move again.

Snotlout walked to me. "You know what Toothless, we make a pretty good team."

I nodded "Agreed"

"I might not give you back"

I growled lowly at that.

"Kidding." Snotlout joked, holding his hands up in surrender.

A sound echoed in my ear and i turned behind me to see Outcasts with the twins walking up a ledge. I growled


Hicca pov

Hiccup and i were walking side by side. Savage infront and the outcasts behind us. Savage then stopped and turned to us.

"Stoic wouldn't have sent you here alone. Where's the rest of your party?"

"Oh, no. No, no. It's just us. Taking a little vacation, you know." Hiccup lied. "I heard Outcast Island is beautiful this time of year."

'I didn't even know where outcast island was'

Savage eyed us before leaning in. Odin, don't they bade?!

"Oh, Alvin will find out the truth from you. In fact, he'll enjoy it" he said "but trust me, you won't."

"Move!" he said before pushing us forward

We continued walking and i was getting tired. I just wanted to sleep.

'Hiccup? Hicca?'

i perked up. 'Toothless?'

'Act normal. We're coming'

Hiccup and i glanced at one another. We?

Then rocks infront of us fell and i waved the dust away before coughing lightly.

"Run!" Savage ordered. They started running the other direction but rocks blocked that path as well. We looked up to see Toothless shooting blasts.

"toothless!" i shouted

Snotlout then slid down and started battling Outcasts. One had him cornered and i pushed him away from Snotlout. Snotlout smiled at me and i returned it. we both then turned to see an outcast holding my brother.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout yelled before throwing the connecting rod he had which hit the outcast right in his face. Hiccup then caught it and slammed it into the face of the outcast, knocking him out.

"Yes!" i cheered

Toothless then bounded to us and licked us. "It's good to see you too" i said

My eyes widened. "snotlout!"

toothless shot a blast and snotlout ducked just in time for it to hit Savage. Hiccup then started fixing the tail. We hopped on the saddle, grabbed Snotlout and made a break for it

"Shoot them down! Fire!" I heard but they all missed. Toothless then blasted the rocks and they fell on the archers. We then flew away.

But before we could i caught a glimpse of a cloak and gasped.

"hiccup' i said tugging at him and showed him the crazy old woman on the highest point. "that's the old woman who tried to kill me"

"Whoo-hooo! Do you two realize what we just did?" Hiccup asked the two of us that were behind him

"We totally kicked butt, duh!" Snotlout said proudly.

"Yeah, and we kicked butt together!" Hiccup replied.

"Look Snotlout, i'm-"

"Hungry right?" Snotlout interrupted. I glanced at the two boys. Hiccup shook his head.

"Yeah exactly"

"I'm starving. We just survived 24 hours on Outcast island" i said looking at the sunrise the further we got from the island.

"Well look who it is" Hiccup said pointing infront of us. We flew and met the others, dad and gobber included.

"Children!" Dad exclaimed relieved. "You're safe!"

"We never had a doubt." Gobber added

"Hello? Other part of the team." Snotlout interrupted pointing to himself. Hookfang then nudged snotlout and he exclaimed happily. "hookfang!"

I laughed as we all flew off. When we reached home we explained everything to dad and i made sure we properly apologized to Snotlout even if he played it off.

Later hiccup and i were laying on toothless on a cliff we landed on. hiccup was fast asleep.

"You were right Toothless" i said looking over the ocean. "We're a team. Our group isnt complete without them"

Toothless hummed

'Sometimes the last person you wanna rely on is the one you end up stuck with. Now being stuck with Snotlout was no picnic. But who new how much we could rely on him?'

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