Lost Wings

By Bp_hiu

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Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Angels? Do you believe that there is heaven? Do you believe that an... More

CHAPTER 2: Blood Sweat And Tears
Chapter 3: Angel or Devil
CHAPTER 4: I'm Going Crazy
CHAPTER 5: Dumb and Smart Angel
CHAPTER 6: Lalisa Choi
CHAPTER 7: First Day Of School
CHAPTER 8: Rain And Pain
CHAPTER 9: Letters And Gifts
CHAPTER 11: Rule 04
CHAPTER 12: New Angel
CHAPTER 13: Crush
CHAPTER 14: Quits
CHAPTER 15: Intentions
CHAPTER 16: My Girlfriend
CHAPTER 17: It Was You
CHAPTER 18: I Love You
CHAPTER 19: New Rules
CHAPTER 20: Dreams
CHAPTER 21: "Don't Leave Me"
CHAPTER 22: The Right One For Her
CHAPTER 23: We Belong To Each Other
CHAPTER 24: Lalisa Love Me
CHAPTER 25: Fitting Room
CHAPTER 26: "Why don't we just become human?"
CHAPTER 27: It's You
CHAPTER 28: Top or Bottom
CHAPTER 29: Brave Confession
CHAPTER 30: Miracle
CHAPTER 31: Make You Happy
CHAPTER 32: Richer
CHAPTER 33: Kidnap
CHAPTER 34: Demons
CHAPTER 35: Timeout
CHAPTER 36: We Miss Her
CHAPTER 37: Letter
CHAPTER 38: Birthday
CHAPTER 39: Coin And Wish
CHAPTER 40: Cameback
Author's Note

CHAPTER 10: She Is Confusing

5K 272 14
By Bp_hiu

Lalisa Pov

I'm always waking up early so I can clean the whole house and I prepare their breakfast.

I stand up from the bed and I went straight to the bathroom, it took about half an hour to finished preparing myself for school.

I decided to cook breakfast first before I vacuum the living room, this house is not that dirty or messy but I always clean it every day.

I finished cooking some breakfast, I prepare the table. Minutes later, I heard Ella and Jennie's voices and footsteps.

"Good morning!" I greeted them with a smile on my face.

"Good morning P'Lisa." Ella hugged me before she sit in her seat.

Jennie just ignore me, she is always like this she never greeting me back when I'm greeting them.

She is confusing sometimes because there is a time where she is so nice and kind to me, then all of a sudden she will just ignore or say mean things to me.

We finished eating and I put all the dishes in the dishwasher.

Suddenly, Jennie asked me to go to the living room and I quickly oblige.

"Here." She handed me a box and I accepted it. "It's a cellphone, there is a manual inside on how to use it."

"What is this for?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes, attitude.

"Search it on google." She left me in the living room with Ella.

"Sorry about her P'Lisa she is just not in the mood." Ella apologizes on her behalf. "You can contact us using that and that gadget is quite helpful."

"I think I should read the manual." She nodded. I sling my bag and I sighed.

Living with Jennie is pretty hard, especially when she always giving me a bad attitude and cold shoulders.

'Aishhh, I miss my wings.'


I took a taxi instead of riding at Jennie's car, she is not in a good mood today and I might just receive a not good treatment if I went to school with her.

As usual, everyone greeting me even though I didn't know them. I just gave them a smile and nod just like Seulgi said.

I arrive in my room and I immediately went to my seat which is beside my friend Seulgi.

"Good morning Seulgi." I greeted her and sat beside her.

"Good morning as well Lisa." She greeted me back with a big smile on her face that I cant see her eyes.

"I want to ask you a question." She faces me.


"Why people are confusing?" She chuckled.

"Is there something wrong? You can tell me."

"Jennie Kim is confusing me because sometimes she is nice to me then the next time she will be kinda mean to me." She rested her chin at her palm.

"Did you do something she didn't like?" I shook my head. "You should be careful when she is around because you might do something that can make her offend."

"Aishh, it's hard understanding people's feelings." Humans to be exact, are hard to understand and read.

"Cheer up Lice, just be good to Jennie." She patted my shoulder and I nodded.

Jennie took care of me when I got sick and she find me when I didn't go home. Did she find me so much burden? I'll guess I make her life hard.

I should find my wings and I think I can lessen Jennie's problem.

I have been nothing but a burden and problem to her, I can't even do anything about it but just go with the flow.

'I need to find my wings...'


I went alone to the cafeteria because Seulgi has dance practice and a school competition is coming soon.

I keep thinking about where I can find my wings, how can I get them back, can I go back to heaven again, and so much more questions related to my wings.

I sat on the chair and I put my foot on the table. I clasped my hand and close my eyes, I need to pray so God can hear me.

I was supposed to pray when suddenly someone sat in front of me and put her food tray on the table loudly. I sat quietly but this someone is so noisy.

"What are you doing?" Its Jennie.

"Praying." She scoffed.

"What are you praying for? Aren't you an angel, why do you need to pray?" I sighed.

"You just disturb my chance to call God." I opened my eyes and she stare at me. I tilted my head and she keep staring at me. "Hey! Jennie!."

"Oh?" She was snapped out of her thoughts. "There's no God Lalisa."

"How did you know? Do you have evidence that he is not true? Did you already visit heaven and find him there?" I bombarded her with questions.

"I forgot that you are an angel for a sec, did I offend you? For not believing God is true." This ungrateful brat, if God is not existing why Ella is still alive.

"God gave Ella a longer life, isn't that enough evidence that he is true?" She rolled her eyes.

"Why he didn't listen to my prayers? Why he made her suffer for too long? He should just never make her suffer for years." I sighed.

"Listen here Jennie, everything that happens in our life has a reason behind it. God testing us if we can solve and surpass every problem or hardships we encountering in our life." She suddenly pointed her fork at me.

"Listen here you dumb Angel, he did nothing but make everyone's life miserable. A lot of people suffering, sometimes if they can't handle the hardships anymore they choose to kill themselves. Did you know that suicide is a sin? You will rot in hell if you have done that."

"Suiciding is like running away or giving up, God didn't give anyone a task or hardships that they cant surpass. He knows each one of us and he knows our capabilities, he knows us very well inside and out. If you get tired take a break, if you feel like you want to give up then pray to God I know he will help each one of us. He is not sleeping, he is not deaf, he is not blind, and he is not heartless. He is always awake listening and watching us, he is always  there with us just don't lose faith."

"Stop it Lalisa, I will never going to believe in him again." She crossed her arms.

"Soon Jennie, you will be believing him again and you will going to pray at him again." She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. She stood up from her seat and picked up her food tray.

"Such a dumb burden angel." I heard her mumbled before she walked away.

I didn't want to give her a burden, I'm not that dumb it's just everything in the human world is new to me because heaven doesn't like this.

I better think of a solution, I know Jennie was just forced to take care of me because I save Ella from death.

I'm going to ask Seulgi to help me.

I stood up from my seat and I jog towards the counter to return the food tray. I quickly ran to the gymnasium where Seulgi and her team practicing.

I arrive in the Gymnasium, I saw Seulgi sitting on the floor while drinking her water.

"Seulgi!" I called her and she stop drinking water.

"Why are you here?" She asked and I sat in front of her.

"I want to ask something." She furrows her eyebrow.

"Go on."

"I want to ask where I can find a house and job." She tilted her head and examine my face.

"Why? Are you running away from your family? Are you running away from someone?" She bombarded me with questions and looked at me worriedly.

"I just don't want to be a burden to my guardian here in Korea, I been nothing but a burden to her. I want to lessen her problem and burden, that's why I'm looking for a job and a house."

"I can help you to find a part-time job and an apartment." I hold her hand.

"Really?!?!" I exclaimed with excitement and she nodded. I hugged her and we laid on the floor. "Thank you Seulgi!! You're the best!!."

"I know, get up and stop hugging me. I'm sweaty and I think doesn't smell good." I sat up properly.

"You smell nice tho, I don't mind hugging you while you are sweaty." I smiled at her.

"Ahem!" Someone cleared her throat and we looked at her. He is good-looking, God might take longer to mold him. "I didn't know we have a guest."

"Kook this is La—" Seulgi was cut off.

"Lalisa Choi." He smiled at me. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too, you're good looking" His face turns red.

"So, you two know each other." She pointed at Seulgi and me.

"Yes, we are." I answered while smiling widely.

I think he will be my new friend, I wish.

"You know how to dance?" he asked and that made me wonder.

"I don't know." He nodded and signed one of his teammates to turn on the loud music.

"Try to dance to the music." I heard a piece of addicting music.

I want to dance but I don't how to dance and how it works.

"Copy me." Seulgi stood in front of me and she sway her body. Jungkook nudged me telling me to copy Seulgi.

I sway my body like how Seulgi did and I continue copying her. Jungkook is smiling the whole time while watching Seulgi and me dancing.

"You did great Lice." Seulgi gave me a high-five.

"Really?" Jungkook and Seulgi both nodded in sync.

"You should join a dance club," Jungkook stated and handed me a paper from his bag. "It's an application form, you don't need to audition because we know you are good at dancing."

"Okay." I accepted the form. I went to the bleachers and started filling up the form. Jungkook is just watching me while he is waiting for me to finish filling up the form.

"Here." I handed him the form.

"Welcome to the Club Lalisa." He smiled at me and he look like a bunny.

"You look like a bunny." He chuckled and he patted my head.

"I always get that a lot." I nodded and smiled at him.

"Ohh~ love is in the air," Seulgi said that made me look at her with confusion.

"Love?" She nodded and she put her arm at my shoulders.

"Sorry Kookie, but this beautiful lady right here is still innocent and naive. Therefore, you need to pass me first if you like her."

"Why does he need to pass you?" I questioned and she chuckled.

"I'm your best friend and I need to protect you." I smiled widely and hugged her.

"I'm glad I have a friend like you." She ruffled my hair but not the bangs because it's unmovable.

"Seul, let me be her friend," Jungkook said and he looking at me.

"It's up to Lisa." Jungkook gave me puppy eyes and I nodded at him.

I was surprised when Jungkook picked me up from the ground and he turn us around. He laughing loudly and thanking me.

"Put her down." Suddenly, we heard a cold voice and my body shivered.

Jungkook quickly put me down and I looked at Jennie. She is deadly glaring at us and there are two beautiful women beside her.

"Anny—" I was about to greet her but she dragged me outside the Gymnasium.

She continue dragging me, ignoring the people looking at us, and didn't bother to bid her goodbye to her friends.

I forgot to say goodbye to my friends, I think I should just apologize to them later.

"Rule 04: You are not allowed to touch anything without my permission." She stated and I looked at her with confusion.

'Did I touch anything that made her mad?'

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