Unknown Abilities ++ Georgena...

By aether_G

5.8K 278 189

+Minecraft AU+Requested+ What happens when when Sapnap finds out that he has abilities that no one else... More

+Chapter 1+
+Chapter 2+
+Chapter 4+
+Chapter 5+
+Chapter 6+
+Chapter 7+
+Chapter 8+
+Chapter 9+
+Chapter 10+
+Chapter 11+
+Chapter 12+
+Chapter 13+
+Chapter 14+

+Chapter 3+

421 25 19
By aether_G

Word Count: 1,836
I literally read through
this chapter to make sure there
wasn't any spelling mistakes💀
If there is any, I swear-

Bad suddenly woke up. He looked around, seeing that he was inside his house, in his bedroom, on his bed. Skeppy was fast asleep, dreaming about who knows what. The brunette looked at the clock on the bedside table, it reading 11:25 AM. Bad sighed, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. He sat at the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor. Skeppy had woken up, letting out a groan. He sat up, tapping the other's shoulder.

"Hm? oh.. you're awake" Bad said with a small smile. Skeppy smiled back, slightly stretching and letting out a yawn. "Why are you awake? Something wrong?" Skeppy asked. Bad shook his head, looking back at the floor. The ravenette nodded, sitting next to the other male.

"We should probably go check on Sapnap" Bad said, Skep nodded. The two of them got off the bed and walked out of the room. It took them a while since they were both still half asleep. Bad slightly pushed the door since they had kept it open. They both peaked through, seeing Sapnap was still on the bed, sound asleep.

Bad and Skeppy walked into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. Skep rubbed the younger ravenette's back, a small smile on his face. Bad played with his son's black hair, seeing just how peaceful he looked when he slept. He wondered how Sap could go from being energetic, running around, doing random shit, fighting things, doing what he does to going home and sleep, all as if he was exhausted and needed a vacation.

Sap slightly moved, signaling that he was waking up. Bad and Skeppy sat there silently. Sapnap's eyes fluttered open, looking around his room and sitting up, rubbing his eyes. When he processed what was happening, he let out a sigh and smiled at his parents. Sap rested his head on Bad's shoulder, his smile fading away as he felt himself falling back to sleep.

"Hey... you wanna go to the ocean? We can go sailing with a our friends" Skeppy said, lightly shaking Sapnap's leg. He opened his eyes quickly, nodding really fast as he jumped off the bed and ran into his bathroom. Bad and Skeppy looked at each other, letting out laughs. Once the three of them were ready and wearing some warm clothes, they headed out.

Sapnap could feel the cold air hit his face softly, letting out a sigh and seeing his breath in the air. He shoved his hands into his hoodie's pockets. He walked slowly behind his parents, looking around and spotting the ocean. The way the moon light made the water shimmer was quite beautiful to the ravenette. His lips formed into a sweet, small smile. Sap spotted his close friends Dream and George who were a few feet ahead of them. They seemed to be waiting for them, and a few other of their friends. There were boats lined up next to each other, enough for all of them to use. The thing was that only two people could ride on one boat, so there was many...many of them on the water.

A few minutes had passed by, everyone was there. They all talked for a bit before picking a boat to ride in. The pairings were: Quackity, Karl..Bad, Skeppy..Minx, Niki..Philza, Technoblade..Wilbur, Dream..Tommy, Tubbo..and George, Sapnap. Now, George tried to pair up with someone else. It wasn't that he didn't want to ride on the boat with Sapnap, he was just quite nervous. Sap didn't think anything of it really, he just wanted to get on the boat and go already.

When they were all ready, they got into their boats and began to sail off. The one at the front of the boat would have to row the boat. So, they all picked their spots wisely, because some of them were too lazy to lead the way. George had sat in the front of the boat, Sapnap was going to get distracted by the water and stars anyways. Though, he would love to see him get all giggly and start rambling about it. So he really wasn't complaining.

It was something that George enjoyed. He loved seeing Sapnap happy, giggling, talking about all his favorite things. He even liked to admire the way he looked, always staring at him from afar. Dream would tease him for it, saying that one day Sap would catch him looking and would not let him go on with his day without being questioned. But, he hadn't caught him..yet. He just sighed, continuing to row the boat as Sapnap gasped and squealed in excitement.

They had stayed on those boats for probably an hour or two, letting out groans and sighs of relief once they arrived at a little island where they liked to hang out. Tommy and Tubbo were running around on the sand, Karl and Big Q were chatting, sitting on a towel that was resting on the sand. Techno, Wilbur and Phil were talking while walking around. Bad and Skeppy were star gazing, Bad however would look over to where Sapnap was..making sure he was alright. Minx and Niki were joking around, petting a cat that had walked toward them. Dream and George were with Sap, watching as he tried to climb up a tree.

"Ugh! This tree is too big!" Sapnap yelled, trying to reach the thick branch that was above his head. He planned to use it to pull himself up, but of course..he was too short. "Pandas, you're just short" Dream said, his arms crossed as he stared at his friend. George chuckled, immediately clearing his throat and looking at Dream, shaking his head in a disagreeing way when he noticed Sapnap glaring at him.

"Oh my god, George. You're really scared of what Sapnap would do if he caught you laughing at him?" Dream asked, letting out a little wheeze. Sapnap let out a little "humph", turning away and jumping, still attempting to grab the branch. George rolled his eyes at what his blonde friend had said, yet again shaking his head in a disagreeing way.

"I'm not scared, Sapnap can't even lay a finger on me! He won't be able to beat me in a fight" George claimed with such confidence. Dream scoffed, looking at Sapnap who had turned around to look at them. "Sure, George, I definitely can't beat you in a fight" Sap said with plenty of sarcasm, making George groan and roll his eyes again.

"Hey Sap, wanna know one of George's secrets?" Dream asked, an evil smirk plastered onto his face. George looked at him, his eyes wide, motioning to him to not say a word. Sap had looked at both of his friends. "Of course! I wanna embarrass him so bad" He said as he jumped up and down with excitement.

"No! Dream, don't you dare!" George yelled, making Sapnap giggle. Dream grabbed Sapnap and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him. Sap began laugh as Dream began to run, feeling himself moving side to side and up and down from the movement. George ran after them, a small smile on his face as he listened to the ravenette.

"Dream, let him go, you're gonna drop him!" George said, a little chuckle escaping from him. Sapnap began to scream in terror as he felt himself slowly falling off of Dream's shoulder. Dream began to laugh loudly and wheeze, beginning to slow down his running and coming to a stop. However, Sapnap was still falling and his yells continued. George laughed as he looked at the ravenette's face, the amount of fear he had yet he began to giggle between his screams.

Dream had finally let Sapnap back down onto the ground, the smaller male letting out a sigh of relief. He looked at his tall friend, jumping onto his back. Dream tried to push him off, George being no help. The three of them just continued to play around for the rest of the night. Soon enough, everyone got back onto the boats and went back to their homes.


The next day was quite cold. Rain was pouring. Everyone mostly stayed inside, if they were to go outside they would have to take umbrellas. Tommy and Tubbo had almost gone outside without a jacket and an umbrella, Wilbur and Technoblade had to drag them back inside. Bad and Skeppy made sure Sapnap didn't go outside at all.

Though, he did want to at least go over to Karl's and Quackity's place. But he couldn't since Bad and Skep were quite worried that he would get injured. After seeing those burns and bruises on Sapnap's body, they didn't want to risk having him getting even more injured.

"Skeppy... what is Sapnap doing?" Bad asked. Skeppy had gone up to Sapnap's room to check up on him. The two just couldn't stop wondering about what could happen if they didn't check up on him. They didn't want to lose him to something that his parents could've done to him when he was a baby.

"He's sleeping" Skeppy said. Bad nodded with a little "okay", letting out a sigh. "What's on your mind?" Bad just shrugged, Skeppy sitting down on the couch beside him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I guess I'm just worried..what if they did something to him? He didn't have those bruises and burns last night..not until he took a shower. What if the water did something?" Bad questioned. Skeppy looked at him with a confused expression, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"There is no way, how would the water hurt him? He hasn't gone near lava..he hasn't gone to the Nether, we don't even know if he has 'powers'. That theory is probably just fake, Bad" Skeppy said, making the other let out a distressed sigh.

"I know it sounds crazy, but what if there is something that we don't know?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know.. what if there was something that's, wrong with Sap?" Bad asked.

"How could there be anything wrong? He's..Sapnap"

"Yes, but we don't know his parents are what their family is like" Bad said, "we don't know what they can do, they're from the Nether Skeppy..the Nether!"

"I know..I know, but there is no way that he could have powers, they don't exists" Skeppy said. "His family could possibly have abilities somehow... something wrong and dangerous could be running through Sap's blood" Bad said after. The two just sat there in silence. They didn't even notice that Sapnap was standing near the stairs, his eyes wide. Bad randomly turned to look over at the stair case, his breath hitched. Skeppy being confused turned to look towards the same direction, seeing the ravenette.

"What do you mean that there could be something wrong and dangerous in my blood..?" Sapnap asked, the other two could tell he was upset. Bad and Skeppy looked at each other, looking back towards Sapnap right after.

"What are you hiding from me...?" He asked.

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