Taking A Risk

By TermiaBelle

69.2K 1.3K 136

"Gen, I'm going to be real with you, Do I want to have sex with you? Fuck yes. You're drop-dead gorgeous and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

8.6K 79 11
By TermiaBelle


"We're going to a party tonight," Mia my best friend and roommate announced right before plucking the paperback from my hands and depositing it onto my nightstand. I was so engrossed in the story that I was unaware of her entering my room.

"Bitch, what the hell? I was in the middle of a very steamy scene!"I exclaimed attempting to retrieve my book.

She ignored my protest as she used her body to block my part. "No, no more reading tonight we're going to a party. So take your grumpy ass into the bathroom take a shower, do something with that bird's nest on top of your head, put on something cute, and let's go have some fun. It's our senior year let's make the most of it." she demanded in one breath.

Rolling my eyes I flopped back on the bed folding my arms like a petulant child. "Sorry, I already have plans tonight, besides I went out with you last week," I said referring to when I went to Mitchell's a popular off-campus Bar with her and her 'friend' Nate and some of his teammates.

"Oh really, doing what?" she asked still occupying her post in front of my nightstand. "Reading and maybe binge-watching Criminal Minds or One Tree Hill later," she remarked stepping a little closer to me.

That was exactly what I had planned.

"You don't need me to come with you, you'll have your boyfriend Nate to keep you company," I said teasingly steering the subject away from my very predictable night.

Nate Walker was the star wide receiver, of our college football team. He's been asking Mia out ever since they were partnered together for an assignment in psych class last semester but she kept shooting him down every time.

Because Amia Collins didn't date one-night stands are more her speed. Anything to avoid getting too close to someone. Her fear of commitment stemmed from her parent's fucked up marriage but we'll get into another time.

They kept in touch during summer break and when the new school year started she finally agreed to go out with him and they've been hanging out ever since I could tell she liked him a lot even though she insisted on keeping him at arm's length.

Rolling her eyes she stopped in front of me resting her hands on her hips.

"One, he's not my boyfriend we're just hanging out which you already know. And two, don't try to distract me you're coming to this party. You've turned down the last two parties I invited you to and you promised you'd come to the next one. Well, guess what I'm cashing in on that promise."

I only told her that so she'll stop pestering me and she did. Now that promise came back to bite me in the ass.

I'm not a big fan of going out, if you haven't already noticed. I prefer to be at home cozied up under a blanket watching one of my favorite shows, sketching a new design, or getting lost in a new book.

I wasn't always like this, there was a time when I actually liked going to parties and socializing. Sure I wasn't the social butterfly Mia was, but I wasn't the hermit I am now either.

Since we started our senior year of college Mia has been more determined than ever to drag me out of the house. She kept stressing the fact that it was our last year of college, the last year to make unforgettable memories together. Before we graduate and go our separate ways, me to New York to work with my aunt, and her to med school in California.

Memories we should've been making the last three years we've been in college. When we were in high school all we talked about were all the things we'd do when we attended college together. All the parties we'll attend the clubs we'd go to, we had all these plans. But the girl who made all those plans was the old me before life decided to show me what a nasty bitch she can be.

Dropping her hands from her hips she grabbed my hands pulling me to my feet. Standing next to Mia I always felt like a giant she was five feet nothing whereas I stood at five-ten. But what she lacked in height she made up for in her larger-than-life personality.

"Fine, I'll go," I grumbled. "Who's throwing this party anyway?" I asked.

"Today's Brooks's birthday, so the guys are throwing him a big birthday bash at their house," my back straightened at the mention of his name.

Brooks Heyward was the star quarterback and captain of the football team he also happened to be Nate's best friend.

There wasn't a person on campus who didn't know who he was and everyone talked about him like he was a God. I knew nothing about football but apparently, he's some kind of beast on the field and lead Hainsworth to win the last two National Championships, and is predicted to take us to the next.

Last Friday at the bar was the first time I met him. And for some reason that I can't explain my eyes kept glancing in his direction the entire night. I honestly don't know why we never spoke to each other I spent the entire night talking to Mia and Eliza who's the girlfriend of one of the players.

While he was busy with some blonde girl who was stuck to his side the entire night hanging onto him like she had a won prize. Until they finally disappeared for a while before coming back all disheveled leaving no doubts as to what they were doing.

I don't know what it was about him that intrigued me, sure he was ridiculously handsome with his jet-black hair and icy blue eyes and tall, lean, muscular body he was fine as hell. But it was more than that I'm just not sure what.

Just my luck the first guy that piqued my interest since Eli happened to be one of the biggest manwhore's on campus.

"Gen, are you even listening to me?" Mia asked as she snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I shot her a slightly sheepish look ignoring the aggravated expression etched on her face. "What did you say?"

"I was saying to hurry the hell up, we're leaving in two hours, and you are just standing there daydreaming."

I rolled my eyes. "You're annoying as hell, you know that right?" I muttered walking past her towards my ensuite bathroom.

"I'm your best friend it's my job to annoy you and don't act as if you don't love me," she smiled triumphantly before turning and walking out of my bedroom. Happy she had gotten her way.

She's right I do love her. Our mothers met in college and remained best friends ever since. Being born only a month apart with me being the oldest. It was only natural we became best friends as well.

From the moment we could walk we were joined at the hip getting in all kinds of trouble together. She's more than my best friend she's my sister.

When my life shattered unexpectedly during my senior year of high school resulting in me suffering from severe depression. I shut everyone out refusing to see anyone.

But my refusal to see anyone didn't deter Mia though, because she's stubborn to a fault. Every day she showed up at my house.

Marching straight to my room and sat with her back against my locked door proceeding to talk about the most random things or just sit there in silence at times.

She didn't let the fact that I didn't answer her or open the door discouraged her. Because she did the same thing every day for almost an entire month until one day I finally opened the door and spoke to her.

She refused to give up on me. Even when I had given up on myself for that, I'll always love her no matter what.


After twenty minutes of changing outfits, I finally settled on light-washed, high-waisted distressed jeans that folded at the hem, a cropped baby blue strapless satin-bustier top, and a pair of baby blue, white, and black high-top Air Jordan 1's.

I may not be too keen on going to this party but I still wanted to dress up and look my best, I'm a fashion major after all.

I tackled my mass of thick dark brown curls next, tying it up in a messy bun with a few ringlets farming my face. After applying some light makeup, I added a pair of big gold hoops earrings and stepped in front of my tall mirror admiring the full effect of my look.

Satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my purse sliding the long chain strap on my shoulder. I was reluctant to carry one but I needed something to hold my inhaler.

"Gen, hurry up, the Uber will be here any minute now," Mia shouted from somewhere in the house.

"I'm coming," I shouted back before grabbing my phone off the nightstand and placing it in my purse. Hurrying out of my bedroom door, through the corridor, and into the living room.

When I entered, Mia's head snapped up from her phone. Her eyes slowly took in my outfit as I did the same with her.

Mia was naturally beautiful, with shoulder-length curly hair that framed her heart-shaped face, chocolate brown eyes, cinnamon brown skin, and a petite curvy body she never failed to attract male attention.

Tonight, she was wearing a lilac satin, spaghetti strap bodycon dress that hugged her all curves and complimented her skin tone. Her thick curls were down forming a big halo around her head.

"I'm so glad I convinced you to buy that top, your boobs look fantastic," she grinned approval shining in her eyes.

Before I could respond her phone beeped informing her that the Uber's outside. A minute later we were out the door and in the car on our to the party.


Thanks for reading the first chapter of Taking A Risk I hope you enjoyed it so far. 😊

This is my first time writing a book so bear with me.

This chapter is unedited so it may contain errors.

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