Born, Hated and Found (The Va...

By FangsandVeins

217K 4.1K 804

(Editing) As much as she'd love to have humanity in her she doesn't; she never did. As infuriating as it i... More

Born with Fangs
Damon and Mystic Falls
Tomb vampires
My only exeption
The not so fearful
Don't Mess With Me
Wolf much
Moon Stone
Masquerade ball
Did I Ruin it
Last hope
Dumb Kidnappers
Night in a cabin...
How many times does this happen till It gets boring again?
Another NORMAL day
A Tale
The ferocious and the little
Dinner parties are friendly...
Kill and Die
A cure
A dance at the falls is never just a dance
A little Drama hurts everyone
Death is Long Overdue
Roadtrips can go in many directions
Revenge is sweet.....but under certain circumstances
The Truth to the Tale
Not me
A Little More Than Confused
You're Gonna Here Me Roar
Wrecking Ball
Drunk with Damon
Suprise Visit
Damon, get out of my shower
The Threat of Worry Lines
To Bash a Birthday
One Ends, The Other Begins
Made A Deal With The Devil

Road trip

6K 128 20
By FangsandVeins

Kayla POV

I sat on my bed with my laptop on my lap. I typed away, replying to random people I met online. It's not like I'd meet them, and its not private chat either. It's twitter.

In the last few days, I have gotten closer to Damon. I'm not the only one who has noticed, everyone has. We spend way too much time together, and we're picking up on each others bad habits. Even back in New York, or when I stayed with him for a couple of months, we weren't this close.

I kinda like hanging out with him too. I get this odd feeling in my stomach, and sometimes I want to find ways to always have a connection with him. Most of the time, it's just us being us. We play pranks, set things on fire, and drink and erase people.

Stefan, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie secretly took bets about who I'll hook up with. Bonnie and Stefan are betting on me just hooking up with some random at a bar, while Caroline and Elena think that Damon and I are going to hook up. Stefan can be such a girl sometimes. I don't even think I was meant to hear, I just kinda was in the basement drinking blood, when I climbed up the steps. The basement door was close to the kitchen, and that's where they met their little bet.

"Hey Kay, what you up to?" Damon asked as he walked into to my room....without knocking, might I add.

He plopped down on the bed by me, peering at my laptop screen.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked, getting back to replying on random tweets. No life.

"It's not like you'd kick all this sexy-ness out of your room." Damon cockily answered, picking up the rubix cube from my side table and fidgeting around with it.

"How does the grill sound?" Damon asked, turning the almost finished cube in his hand. I leaned in trying to get a better look. I looked up just as Damon did. I breathed out, noticing how close we were. I noticed things about Damon that I never did before. His hair was slightly brown, but almost black. His eyes, were strange, yet beautiful.

"C-can't. I have sexy suds car wash." I answered, breaking out of my trance, as I casually leaned back away from him.

"Girls in bikinis.... you in a bikini, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Damon said, a flirty tone to his voice. I swear Damon is so deep into this flirty, bad, playboy character, that he flirts without knowing.

I glare at him. "Shut it. Not like you haven't seen me. We went swimming a couple of times. We even went to the beach once."

"That was different. You'll be working this time." He said with a smirk. "All those girls working hard to get my car squeaky clean. It's like a dream." Damon dramatically sighs, and then laughs when I slap him on the chest.

He got off the bed, tossing a finished rubix cube on the bed, as he walked to the door. He opened the door, then turned towards me, smirking, winking and then he disappeared, leaving an echoing laugh behind.


I wore my turquoise bikini with blue faded short shorts. Caroline had roped me into this. If it was up to me, I'd show up in a nice pair of sweats. Thanks to Caroline, I have to deal with disgusting old men, that will not so subtly stare.

"No discounts or freebies. We are not running a charity here!" I heard Caroline yell.

"Caroline, one more car!" I shouted.

I finished my car and headed to Damon's car, which just pulled in.

"Really Damon?" I asked. I didn't think he'd actually show up, and to be honest I was annoyed and slightly tired.

"Yep. I said I was going to come didn't I?" He said. I groaned. He eyed me up and down as if he saw something he liked.

"Damon, I know I'm gorgeous, but stop staring." I sighed as I turned towards some of the volunteers who were just standing around. "One car here guys." Matt came over to help.

" Matt why you so dry?" I asked with a mischievous grin plastered over my face.

"Oh no. Don't you dare Kayla!" He yelled, taking cautious steps backwards.

"Or what?" I yelled back.

I grabbed a bucket and ran after Matt, dumping the water on his head.

He looked at me then grabbed a hose and started chasing me. He cornered me and grabbed me around my waste from behind, throwing water on me. I giggled and tried to get myself out of his grasp, but the water was being a big disruption. Through the water in my eyes, I could've sworn I had seen Damon smirk and then slightly glare at Matt.

I got out of Matt's grasp and walked to Damon's car and begin soaping it.

After I finished Damon's car he and I begin to talk.

"You and Matt huh?" He asked.

" He's not my type." I said and I thought I saw a slight smile on his face.

Though I did like Matt in that way once for awhile.

"Any ways.... I'm going to grab a towel, from inside. See you soon." I say and walk inside taking in deep breaths. Damon can't have this affect on me. I simply refuse for him to affect me in any way.

As I walked in, I could sense someone. I could hear the soft and light clicking sound of the person's foot hitting the ground, behind me.

I turned around to see someone that looks awfully like Elena. I knew it wasn't Elena because of the clothes the girl wore. Elena like to wear nun clothes, while this girl adorned, a tight leather jacket, with black tights, and some six inch heals, not to mention her hair was also curled, which was unusual because Elena's was pin straight.

On normal circumstances, I wouldn't have second guess this girl as Elena, but my life's not normal and I've heard stories.

I'd thought I'd never have to see the nasty witch that ruined Damon's life, my faith is twisted, and meeting people is not in your hands. Going along with the act that Katherine was putting on, I decided I'd play a little bit too.

"Hey Elena. Why'd you change clothes?" I asked pretending to be confused.

"Just trying a new look." Katherine answered, giving me a once over and sizing me up.

I nodded, at her giving her the same once over. I flipped my wet hair behind my shoulder, before turning around. I walked to the supply closet, aware of Katherine following from behind.

I threw the closet door opened, hidden from Katherine's view.

S.O.S! Katherine!

I took out my phone texting Damon, before Katherine could see me.

I grabbed a towel, dropped it, then vampire sped to her grabbing her by the neck pressing her to the wall.

"What are you doing here?" I spat.

"Smart one....for a new born. And strong. I see why Damon is so fond of you." She stated and smirked. Only the closest friends know about me being born vampire, the rest think I was bitten and turned about fourteen years ago, and joined Damon and Stefan.

"Get out of my town!" I growled through clenched teeth.

Damon came right then, "Katherine!" He growled and took a protective stance in front of me, just as I let go of her.

Katherine took the opportunity and pushed Damon into a open locker making the door go through him. She smirked satisfied, then disappeared. Damon dropped to the floor along with the door.

I texted the whole gang about the Katherine thing then quickly went to damon.

"Pull it out, it hurts!" He growled. I got a good grip on it and pulled it out. I watched as blood spluttered out around his wound. I took his leather jacket out and pulled his shirt off, cleaning the wound with a towel.

I couldn't resist but to look at his perfectly carved out chest. Although I'd never admit this out loud, Damon's chest looked like mother nature herself, with her own hands painted what lied before me.

"Like what you see?" Damon asked cockily. I quickly shook my head and gulped. "Take a picture it lasts longer." He said. I rolled my eyes and growled a little bit.

I dabbed once more making Damon groan in pain.

"Hey, it's okay, just relax." I whispered. I put his head in my lap and continued cleaning the wound. I could feel him stare at my face, but I just looked at his big wound. After two towels were soaked with all the blood. His wound begin to heal. I looked up from his wound to his face. My eyes met his. He searched my eyes, for any emotion, but I new better than to reveal any.

We continued staring into each others eyes just as the whole crew arrived. They all looked in between me and Damon. I put the towel down and leaned his head against the locker instead and stood up. My whole stomach and legs were covered in his blood.

I grabbed a towel and silently cleaned my self as the rest begin to clean the scene.

"Are you sure it was Katherine?" Stefan asked.

"Yes. I slammed her against the locker." I state.

"Are you crazy?" He states, "Now she sees you as a threat!" He yelled and begin pacing. I rolled my eyes. I can probably kill Katherine, she's old but I can take her.

"Well I don't see her as a threat." I state.

"What Katherine wants she gets." Damon chokes out.

I bit my wrist and leaned it against his mouth, he looked at me, before drinking greedily.

"Not this time. She can't come in to our town and take over. I'll kill her." I state. I stood up from Damon and walked back outside to see everyone cleaning up the car wash area. Everyone followed me from behind.

I pulled out a lose crop top from my car and put it on, and searched for something for Damon.

I could sense all the girls giving him stares.

I found a guys tank top in the car, probably Stefan's from gym or something and tossed it at Damon. He smells it and tosses it back.

"It's Stefan's." I state and tossed it to Stefan.

"I'm going home." I state and get in to my beautiful car.

"I'll come with you." Damon States.

"Take your own car!" I hissed at him.

"Nah. I'll pick it up later." Damon states and gets in. I groan and back out of the school parking lot and drove home going really fast, clenching my teeth the whole way home.

I stopped in front of the house and left before Damon even had the chance to open his door.

Let's just say... I was pissed.


Damon POV

Maybe Kayla and I did go a little wild last night at the club, but it was so worth it.

I woke up and went to Kayla's room only for her to be rubbing her head.

"Sorry about last night. I was pissed at Katherine and then I was drunk." She said.

"It's alright." I said then disappeared and reappeared with a glass of water and aspirin. "Helps with the hangover." She smiled and took the aspirin.


After that, Kayla went to school. Boring. Now I'm bored.

I sat around drinking and being lazy until Katherine showed up. When I needed her, she wasn't here, I searched for all my vampire life for her and now here she is, pretending everything is ok. Slut bag.

"What do you want Kathereine?" I asked with a annoyed tone.

"I came back for you Damon, I missed you." She said. I grabbed a stake and pushed her towards the wall, where I had the upper hand.

"Well what is it Damon? Kill me or kiss me. We both know your only capable of one." She said manipulatively. I gave in and crashed my lips to her. The same fireworks were not there, but it was still good.

"Wait brief pause... I want to ask you something, answer it right and we can be here all day, answer it wrong, and I'm gone." I state.

"I know what your going to's always been Stefan." She states.

I snap out of it. I stake her upper arm and she disappears. I can't believe it! Always Stefan! Father loved Stefan! Katherine loves Stefan! Elena loves Stefan! Always!

I run out to the grill and got a girl to come to the back way to the Alley way where I drowned her dry.

The rest of the day went by and I continued drinking in a random bar somewhere in the world. I continued getting texts from everyone but didn't respond.

A few hours later I went to the back Alley way of another bar and drowned another girl dry.

I sat there for what seemed forever before, someone came. She put my head in her lap and brushed my hair out of my eyes. Kayla.

"Hey, Damon." She said.

"It's always Stefan! Katherine picks Stefan! Elena picks Stefan and Katherine who I was looking for forever picks Stefan! Still picks Stefan." I yell. She hugs me.

"Damon we are going home. Alright? You'll be alright Damon. Your stronger then all of them out there. I know you can get through this. I'll help you I promise." She says. So confidentially. I just had to remember how young and wise she could be. Young, but wise.

She stands up and try's to steady me but I'm to drunk. She finally gives up and puts her arm around my shoulder.

She runs me to her car. Her awesome car that she won't let me have.

Once I got in she begin to drive....really fast. I passed out when she begin driving.


I woke up to find her still driving.

"Your still driving? Where was I, texas?" I asked.

"Some where in Georgia, ran into lots of traffic and theres thirty minutes till we get home." She replied softly and nicely. I would be mad if I had to do all that for someone. Even Elena. Thinking about it. I don't even like her anymore. Maybe I'd do it for Kayla. Maybe. Oh god, I'm going soft.

"Thanks, how'd you find me." I asked.

"Six straight hours of maniac driving and searching, I eventually got to Georgia, smelt a strong scent of yours at a bar couldn't find you, looked for you, then found you in a dark alley near by. Plus you left a long trail of blood drained bodies." She stated taking another sip out of one of about ten large coffee cups that were there.

"Thanks. Your always there for me, thank you........ Should I drive, you look bummed." I state.

"Go back to sleep Damon, half the alcohol is still in your system and trust me you have a lot."

We talked a bit and after a few minutes of comfortable silence. We finally arrived and it was about mid- afternoon.

"Thanks again Kayla." I stated.

"Don't mention it, go in there be strong, keep your pride boy." She said patting my shoulder. I couldn't help but smirk.

I walked into Stefan and Elena enjoying breakfest.

"Enjoying breakfest?" I asked and smirked. Elena rolled her eyes and Stefan glared.

"Where were you Damon? You were missing for almost two days?" Elena asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Well now that you ask.. Here and there... Some business, I had to take care of." I state.

"Makayla was out looking for you. She's been gone long, almost a day." Stefan states. She only told me a few hours.

"Yah, well She called me I answered, she came to Georgia where I was taking care of some business." I state. Just then kayla walks in the front door looking tired. We stare at her.

"What?" She asks, we don't answer.

"Well I'm going to sleep." She states and disappears bumping into everything on the way.

"I'll go to sleep too." I state and smirk then disappear to my room. Never again am I being that stupid. Katherine is dead to me. There's only one other person I care about and it is... Kayla.



Shorter then my last few chapters but still pretty long.


Hope you guys like the chapter.

Don't forget to leave lots of Comments and


Next chapter up soon! ;)

<3 bye!

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