Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fi...

Da Namifangurl07

3K 134 73

Many things happened during these years. Events which cause us to rise or fall, laugh or cry, make us love or... Altro

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Not So Ordinary
CH2 - What Are Friends For. . . ?
CH3 - Fate Has It's Ways - Part1
CH3 - Fate Has It's Ways - Part2
CH4 - Invisible Scars. . .
CH5 - Found Within. . .
CH6 - Destinies. . .
CH7 - Communication Is Key
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 1
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 2
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 3
CH9 - Invitation To Demon World
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part1
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part2
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part3
CH12 - Drifting Apart. . .
CH13 - Where to now . . . ?
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part1
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part2
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part3
CH15 - Fighting. . .
CH16 - Hurting. . .
CH17 - Fearing. . .
CH18 - The Feeling Of Guilt
CH19 - Taking responsibility
CH20 - Self Reflection. . .
CH21 - Final Decisions. . .
CH22 - It's okay. . .
CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part1
CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part2
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 1
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 2
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 3
CH24 - Conflict In The Mind
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part1
๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆHappy Pride Month Everyone!๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part2
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part3
CH26 - Starting To See

CH11 - About Our Future. . .

64 3 1
Da Namifangurl07

"Yes, I do think about going back to Demon World. . ." As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt all sour in there because it. . . It felt and sounded wrong, but at the same time I can't really help it. Maybe because that's what I want deep down and that would be the best decision for all of us. . .  

It is weird to say the least. . . .Not to mention terrifying for me as well. . .

"Why Yusuke?" I hear my sister ask that particular question, going all serious as always. "Why would you want to go back there?" At that I couldn't help but scoff a little.

"Come on Miyuki, you were there too!" I pointed out, feeling slightly irritated by this questioning. "The answer should be obvious by now." I mean it should be from the get go. She was there and heard everything. Why does she ask me this?

"Maybe so, but I also want to hear it from you, along with your thoughts and true feelings." She told me with an intense tone. "I want to know what made you actually want to go in there besides just trying to challenge our ancestor, Raizen to prove your point and tell him off like a brat."

"Really, that's just it!" I told her, feeling a little bit frustrated with this unnecessary interrogation. "I want to beat up that bastard who took my shine away!" I hit my fist into my palm as I feels the veins pop on my forehead. I mean for real, she is called the smart one out of the two of us, and yet she doesn't get something this simple, which is really ridiculous.

"Your sister is right about this, Yusuke." Pacifier breath decided to chime into the conversation as well, being as serious as he can be. And as always listen and agree with the one with brains. "There must be some other reason than just trying to beat up someone and settle a score." I was about to yell at the two for pressuring me like this, but just as I was about to give a lecture, or more like an angry rant, my mind just went back at the realization that, they were indeed somewhat onto something. . . That there is something else behind this.

Something more to it. . .

I suddenly feel my anger dying down like a candle and for once my brain picked up the energy to think for a second again. . . logically as My sister would say. . .

Then came the words I once said to myself. . . back on the School's rooftop. . .

'There is someone else inside me now. . .' I remember that thought back at the time when I was at the school's rooftop. 'And I can't feel satisfied until I figure out what that other part of me is. I don't care where it takes me.' And from then on, many things were added up to me which sucked in most parts.

I didn't feel like my old self.

I felt even crappier than usual. . . more so that I didn't even have the motivation to fight like previously. . . And that is a sign which made me realize this problem is big. . . For me at least. . . Then we visited Kuroko who said that maybe I should go back to the way of thinking I once had before both me and Miyu got fired. . . But that was not it. . .

That is a completely different story. . .

"I honestly still don't know. . ." I was finally able to say something while sulking down on the edge of the bed where Miyuki was sitting, right next to me. Honestly, I don't have a clue about all this for real. . . "But maybe if I go out there and fight him, I will probably get my answers. Maybe after setting that score down, I will finally be satisfied with myself." Once more, I see the disapproval from these two people's faces, once more hitting me in the nerves.

"Of course, you would think that way. . ." I hear my own sister whisper under her breath like I was such a disappointment or some crap.

Seriously, what do these people expect me to say?!

They should know by now how this situation of mine is at the moment.

"Well, either way, it's not like we really have a choice in this." Princey made a statement which got me a tad confused, because since when did he got involved in this case?

I mean he is not my boss anymore. . .

"What do you mean 'we' ?" I asked it out loud, curious about what he has to say to that.

"Well, at least you learned to say and ask smart things for sure." I heard Miyuki's sassy comment, which made me turn to her angrily.

"Hey!" I exclaimed at her, offended by insulting my lack of intelligence. Sure I am not as smart as that damn fox, but at the same time I am at least smarter than that Ugly Carrot headed, Kuwabara. Before I can blow up on her, Koenma was able to stop me by clearing his throat, sounding like the authority figure he is.

"To answer your question Yusuke, this is another serious matter." Princey began with his explanation. "As I mentioned it before, it's almost identical to Zankoku's World Domination plan, or the case with the Saint Beasts' leader Suzaku. However, this time we have to deal with three powerful Demon Kings that are ruling Demon World at the moment. And let's not forget that these demons are from the S class or even higher ranks. Just like with the Demon Classes, and the Tunnel, I did not mention any of this before, because I didn't find it important at the time, that is until now." There was a small pause for us to have enough time to get the information into our heads. I was digging it all in, picking out the highlights of it all as best as I can. "Anyways, those three might sound more like a Demon World's problem, but actually, this problem could reach the outside of that realm as well, meaning it is also Spirit World's problem and the biggest problem to the humans in the Living World."

"Yeah, the food thing in nature. . ." I commented out loud as I scratched my face with my finger.

"Yes, and that's one of the main reasons why there is a Kakkai barrier between the Demon's, and the Human's World." Koenma continued with his talking before he looked at my direction. "Yusuke, you need to be cautious about your decisions. Especially if you do set your foot back into Demon World and meet your ancestor. As for that one, I advise you to really not just jump head first."

"Yeah-yeah, I get that a lot." I groaned out loud since this song had been playing for as long as I can remember.

"Oh, I wonder why. . ." Miyuki commented on that with heavy sarcasm that I would use most of the time, and sure enough I look at her with the sting eye. She just can't take the break from her sassy attitude now, can she?

"Well anyways, my decision is still, and from there is nothing you can do to change it. . ." I told them with a firm voice, but also telling it all with honesty because that's really just how I feel.

I really need this.

Maybe out there and away from this place would give me more perspective about this problem of mine. . .

I just. . . I can just feel that the answer might be out there. . .

"Very well Yusuke." I hear my sister sigh before she placed her hand on top of my shoulder. "And you are right, I can't change your mind. And it would be wrong of me to even think about that. But what I can do is at least support you as best as I can." Then came a small pause from her which added a little drama to it. . . "I'll go with you."

"You don't have to if you don't wanna, Miyu." I tried to reason with her. Even though it is a bit stupid of me to do this, when those bald heads also requested for her presence, still, if there is a way to at least spare her from this drama, then I wouldn't hurt to try doing that. After all, she had been through more hell than I did, and she deserves a break from this. "I'm sure I can do this on my own."

"And I trust you on that, but at the same time two is better than one." Miyuki pointed out. "Plus, we became a somewhat package deal the moment we came back from the dead, and they also asked for me to be there too. So yeah, we are stuck with each other for the time being. " And once again she made her point, which is also true, meaning she won't back down and is willing to help me out, even though I am a pain in the ass most of the time.

But she can be like that too, so that makes us even. . .

"Well, good point as always birdy." I breathed out with a shake of my head, but I feel my lips stretch a small smile for her. But it fell quickly when I turned to Koenma's face. "So your dad will be like, involved in this one too?"

"I'm not sure, but there is a high chance that he may get involved in this." He replied before he pushed himself away from the wall. "Thanks for telling me everything. I'll go write a letter to Botan, in case she knows anything about this." With that he turned away from us and was about to leave, but for some reason he stumbled at the doorframe and turned back to look at my sister. "Oh, and I almost forgot something." He exclaimed before reaching inside his pocket and pull out a small plastic box. "Here Miyuki." He walked back toward us and handed my sister that round box. Once it was closer I can now see that it was actually those types of cases that they make for contact lenses, or at least something similar to those.

{Similar box case like this (Image is not mine)}

I see Miyuki look at the small item curiously before opening up to reveal that my first guess gained a point. 

Contact lenses. . . but question here is why did Koenma gave those to her. . . 

"Wow Koenma, you didn't have to tell me in this kind of way." Miyuki told him, which got both me and Princey froze in confusion. "I would have feel less insulted if you had just told me that I'm blind."

"Eh-N-no, that's not why I gave you this." Diaper King defends himself fast. "This was actually one of your Spirit Detective tools from the case. Well, an old one but it was kept for future uses, just in case."

"But why is this with you?" I asked him a bit suspiciously. "I mean, this is technically Spirit World's stuff."

"Well yes, they made them, but they were for Spirit Detectives, which is you and your sister." Koenma pointed out. "Or at least were, but don't worry, they have better things to worry about than something little as this. Plus, they can make another one with ease."

"Okay, but why do you give these to her?" I questioned him with one eyebrow raising up to the ceiling.

"Because it will solve that appearance problem you have Miyuki." The brat replied in a matter of fact way. "I was able to write up to Botan and sure enough we were able to make this work. She snatched them when no one was looking and met up in secret so she can give me this while giving some update about my father."

"Oh, now you're saying that I'm ugly?" Miyuki questioned with a deadpan. "Wow, you do know how to make a girl special, don't you?" At that I almost let out a small snort but I bit back my tongue to keep it in. Man, she and her savage comebacks. They can be irritating but at the same time hilarious as well.

"W-wha-No-no! That's not what I-?!" Koenma tried to explain but he eventually just cut the crap and got to the point. "No, that small case hold some special contact lenses that could disguise you entirely, based on your thoughts. Change some of your features, their colour or anything on the outside looks as long as you wear them securely and think hard enough about the appearance you want." I narrow my eyes at him before turning to look at my sister, curious about her reaction.

"But, . . . how do you even know that. . . ?" She began asking while lifting her head up to look at our former boss with suspicion filled eyes. 

"I kind of ask Ruby about it the other day to be honest. She didn't say much, but she told me enough, and well, I later on put the pieces together." Koenma explained, scratching the back of his head and looking rather embarrassed. To be frank here, I would have kicked his ass for this, but I didn't because he did end up becoming a somewhat better person with us as he stayed with the old hags here at the temple for the time being. "I know, I shouldn't put my nose into other people's business, but I did it, just this once, because I really hate seeing you like this. . . Especially after the chaos I had to put the both of you through. . . " This confession was kind of new, because it is something I never thought I would hear from him. The Prince of Spirit World who had seen many people die and all that for decades. He would be used by now that everyone has their own problems and struggles. But now he is feeling guilty about what happened. . . ? I'm sorry, but it was just kind of unexpected. . . but I guess he had proven me wrong . . . But just as I thought this was it, more came out onto the plate. "When I came to the world, I was raised to live in the rules of Spirit World. I did not like it, but as the son of a god, I did not have much of a choice but to accept it, and I eventually got used to the whole life and death business. However, what I lacked of was the empathy I had felt toward those who would come and go, including the people I had chosen as Spirit Detectives and worked with for years. I always looked for the potentials in those people, and did not care enough about how they will come out of the trouble, or how they will survive it, as long as the case is being closed in the end. Like I said, I was used to seeing people live or die and then later on arrive to receive their judgements up there. . . but. . . then the whole attitude eventually changed when you two came into the picture. . ." Hearing him say all this made me want to slap him, but I held back and remind myself that it was not his fault he turned out like this. It was mostly on his father King Enma, that ugly monster who is said to be a god with no flaws, when in reality, he is far from being this so-called 'perfection'. And unlike him, Koenma actually has the backbone to come up to us face to face and apologize, meaning he had finally grown up from his bratty and immature cookie-cutter mindset that he was pushed into. "Along the way of your journey, watching you grow in power, and person, really paying attention to you, especially after the Sensui case, all of those things made me realize how I am also just a person like you are. Someone with flaws, and someone who had made a lot of mistakes which almost ended up costing other people's lives, including yours. . . If I can turn back time, I would have gone on my way to get more involved in those chases and actually do something useful to help you guys. . . or at least do more, after the countless times you had to sacrifice your own happiness and lives just so the universe can live another day to breath. . . " Koenma let out a small sight. " I know what I might say will not be much, but in the end, I finally realized that what my dad and others I had lived with, had taught me. . . they were wrong in a way. . . You were able to open my eyes at the very last moment. . . and for that, and every pain you had to endure because of my screw ups. . . I'm really sorry. . ." With that small apology he turned on his heels and began walking towards the exit, but he stopped at the door frame once again. " I might not had been a greatest person to work with, nor a good 'friend', but now I'll do my best to right my wrongs and support you two and the others as best as my remaining powers allows me too." Then I see his gaze look into my eyes deeply. "So as a friendly advice to you all, I would re-evaluate things before making up my mind about that decision Yusuke. . ." And with that, he left me and my sister alone in the silence where we looked at each other in question with my mind trying to think of what to do next with ourselves. . .


Kuwabara was snoring loudly in his peaceful slumber with his beloved cat, Eikichi under his arm, purring in her sleep while being safe with her human knight. However, her sleep was interrupted when hear ears perked up, meaning someone is there. Once the cat opened up her eyes and looked at the person that is casting that shadow over her head, she let out a loud screech and got out of the way, knowing full well what is about to happen next.

Sadly, Kazuma continued on to sleep in the comfort of his bed, despite the warning his cat had given him. And because of that, he was unaware of the bare foot that had decided to land on top of his face, waking him up startled and also drowning in his own mattress, groaning all the way in excruciating pain.

" You scared the heck out of Eikichi!" Were his first words that left his mouth, which Shizuru did not find all that amusing.

"Yeah, I'm sure that your cat will get over it!" The young adult snapped at her younger sibling, unfazed by his yells since she had gotten used to it, by some miracle. "Now get out of bed!" She ordered which of course got on Kuwabara's nerve.

"You wanna fight sis?!" Kazuma taunted his elder sister bravely. "I'll fight! I've just been holding back!" He then sat onto his butt with his legs crossed and muttering some more under his breath grumpily. "Because you think that you're a lady."

Shizuru let out a loud sigh before walking over the bed and sit on its edge.

"Listen Kazuma, do you want to get into a decent High School?" The elder sister figure asked as her voice became a bit more tender.

"Yeah, so what?" Kazuma replied, clearly confused about why his sister was getting all emotional like this.

"Then you're gonna have to start studying a lot harder." Shizuru pointed out, which earned a tiny scoff from her little brother.

"Cause I'm stupid!" Kuwabara groaned knowingly before facing his sister. "I GET IT!" He snapped at her, but stopped abruptly when he sees the look on her face. . . "A-aren't you gonna call me stupid?" He questioned her, sounding a bit careful since he doesn't know what to expect from her now.

"Baby brother. . ." Shizuru began, her voice almost cracking up with so many emotions that those trembling eyes of hers are showing right now. "I do know that. No matter what I say, you're not stupid. . ." Those were some words that Kazuma did not expect to come out of his sister's mouth. But he took the chance to savor the moment, because there aren't many moments like these. . .

"Well, it's about time!" He huffed out loud while closing his eyes.

"But it will be stupid if you let your smarts go to waste." Shizuru made a valid point that even Kuwabara was aware of.

"Yeah, I know." Kazuma began with a tone that could care less about it. "Spare me the lecture. . . " That triggered the tiger of the room who wasted no time on jumping from her seat and grab a hold of her victim.

"If you know, then why don't you act on it before you're a deadbeat loser like me?!" Shizuru demanded from her brother before leaving one hand from the straps of his white shirt and began to use that free hand to slap some sense into her sibling's lazy brain. "I didn't help crazy for nothing, and if you keep fighting demons you're on your own, so decide! The exam for the Maget High School is coming up! YOU PASS OR YOU DON'T PASS!!!" After one more slap, Shizuru threw Kuwabara into the window and its blinds, leaving some great damage on them before slipping off of it and just let himself sulk into the depth of his mattress. Shizuru just shook her head and took out a cigarette that she lit up and then blew some smoke out of before turning back to her little brother and look at his window. "The window is coming out of your allowance." Were her last words before walking past him and his cat, who was gently pushed onto her side by the girl's feet. Once Shizuru left the room and closed it, Kuwabara let out a small groan and got out of his position.

"That's what I think of that!" He said out loud before landing flat on his back and stare back up at the ceiling, thinking deeply about what his sister had said to him about his future. "Alright Kuwabara, you're fifteen." He told himself a little sternly. " Maybe it's time you finally started thinking about your future, you know. . . Stop fighting all the time and focus on your school work and apply yourself, and oh, darn it I hate it when she's right about something. . ." He then let out a sight before lifting himself up from his bed and look at those books and papers on his study desk.

Right before he could get up, Shizuru suddenly came back barging into the room.

"Oh, and one more thing." She said before showing her sibling an envelope. "Our favourite redhead sent invitations to the both of us for his mother's wedding."

"What, really?" Kazuma cried out, his eyes brightening up before going over and taking one of the envelop from Shizuru's grasp. "I almost forgot about it."

"Well, maybe we can attend, but you have to promise me that you will study hard." Once again, Shizuru the concerned elder sister brought up the topic, which got Kazuma on the nerve, but he bit back his lip this time.

"Fine-fine, I'll do my best, I promise!" Kuwabara exclaimed it at her loudly before turning to the side and grumble under his breath. "Darn you and your constant naggings. . ."

"What was that baby brother?!" Shizuru raised an eyebrow while looking over her shoulder.

"Nothing!" Kuwabara quickly replied while giving a nervous smile and wave his hand while the other one was behind his back, hiding the wedding invitation he has still in his grip.

"You better." And with that, Shizuru finally left the room with her own invitation in hand. . . 

"Tsk, whatever sis." Kuwabara growled under his breath before looking down at his cat who let out a tiny meow and began to rub her side against his leg. "Well, you heard her Eikichi! We got some work to do." Then he took another look at his desk while his mind went to his possible future. . .

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