
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Six: Let's play truth or dare!
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Fifteen: Let's go bowling!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.
Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.
Thank You Message

Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!

1.3K 77 10
By idreamibelieve

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last chapter! You guys are awesome! 

This chapter is basically just a filler but I really hope you enjoy it <3 It's kind of short as well but I have big plans for the next two chapters... stay tuned! 


“I AM SO OVERWHELMED!” Red cried out “This is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my whole entire life”

“They’re both so cute!” Holly gushed as she stared at the two kittens inside the same cage. One was a small black and white cat and the other was a Garfield look alike cat, it was chubby but quite adorable and Red was stuck in a dilemma between the two cats.

Jonathon examined the cats “I say the black and white. Garfield looks like a lazy cat”

Gina rolled her eyes “Let her choose what she likes”

Norman giggled and they all eyed him weirdly as he was playing around with another cat in a different cage “I think you should go for this one”

“Norman, shut up. Stop giving her more options” Gina rolled her eyes at him. Norman sent her a glare “Shut up, cat murderer”

“Oh you’re going to get it” Gina raised her fist up in the air, stomping towards Norman who immediately took off. Jonathon burst out laughing and cheered them on as they played cat and mouse in the animal shop.

Luke groaned and slung his arm around Holly “I’m bored of this, let’s just leave”

“NO! No one can leave until I choose my cat” Red said eying both the cats and examining them carefully.

“Just get them both…” Jonathon suggested “If you really can’t pick one”

Red grinned at Jonathon’s idea “You think so?”

He shrugged carelessly “Sure, why not? You’ve went through enough trauma in your life, two small cats won’t do any harm”

“NORMAN BROWN, COME BACK HERE THIS SECOND” Gina screamed at Norman who was still hiding from his bully of a friend.

“Gina! I need your help here!” Red yelled at her friend who walked towards her with a small huff “What?”

“I’m taking them both” Red said with a wide grin on her face. Gina, however, did not seem too enthusiastic about the idea “Red, you can barely take care of yourself, are you sure you can handle those two?”

“Yes. I can” Red said determinately. Gina nodded “Well, get them both then”

“YAY! YOU’RE GOING TO BE MINE ROBERT AND CUPCAKE!” Red clapped her hands excitedly at the two bored cats inside the cage.

Gina started to laugh at the names Red gave her soon to be cats “Seriously, Red? Robert and Cupcake? Why Robert?”


Jonathon laughed “You, and that brain of yours”

A while later, they had the contracts all signed for the cats to be discharged but Red couldn’t take them with her today since they had to have a check-up at the vets and a trip to the pet spa before going to their owner so she would get them tomorrow morning. Red, however, bought all of the stuff she might need for the cats, food, beds, toys, etc.

While Red was too busy buying her cats, Damon and Leo were hanging out at the Attic with Kieran. After Sawyers death, word spread around about Damon killing Sawyer and everyone was now even more terrified of Damon than before. He killed a very powerful man that had a huge influence in the community and the black market. His gang fell apart after his death and they all doubted that they will come together again.  

Damon was sitting by himself on a stool, smoking and drinking, trying to get his mind off of what happened. He couldn’t believe that it was all over. He got his revenge. He got what he wanted from Sawyer. He destroyed his gang but yet he still felt something empty within him. A big part of him was missing and he didn’t know how to get it back and it was pissing him off.

It was pissing him off… a lot.

All of a sudden, a fight broke out between two men playing a game of poker. They were yelling, cursing, and they were starting to fight.

A big ruckus began and Kieran went in hopes of stopping the fight but it seemed to grow bigger and a crowd was gathering around the two men who were fighting.

Damon was not in a good mood.

He put off his cigarette and stood up “ENOUGH” He screamed out loud and everyone fell inside almost instantly.

The men stopped fighting immediately and they were all looking at Damon who was furious.


He grabbed his wallet, phone and gun and left the bar without another word.

“Dude- what the hell was that?” Leo asked, following him outside.

“I can’t stand anyone” Damon said “I can’t!”

“Its over, Damon… everything is normal now… at least I think it is. Is it because of her?” Leo asked standing next to his friend and pulling out a packet of cigarettes. Damon took one from him and lit it up taking in a long sip.

He nodded and puffed out the smoke.

Leo understood what his friend was going through.

Damon was tough all his life. He never liked to show any weakness. He was the boss. But then Sally was killed and he became a broken, angry man. Damon became someone else. He then met Red, who as much as she annoyed him, made him smile again. She made him want to be a better person but he lost her now as well and Leo was afraid that his friend was going to fall into that dark pit again where he would see nothing else but anger and depression.

Leo knew the only way to make his friend better again is by getting him and Red back together at least as friends.

He picked up his phone and started to text Gina:

Meet me tomorrow after school with the group. Need to talk ASAP.

He had a plan in mind and he was going to make it happen.

The next day at school, Red and her friends were gathered around their usual lunch table chatting together and having a good laugh.

Leo and Damon were sitting on a different table in complete silence. Damon was too busy sulking and eyeing their table every once in a while to check on Red as Leo tried to spark up a conversation but Damon wasn’t listening.

“Dude, if you really want to talk to her, you have the chance. Go” Leo said “You know, Red. She’s not going to be mean to you”

“She wants nothing to do with me” Damon said as he rolled his eyes at his friend “Didn’t you read what she said?”

Leo shrugged “So what, you’re just going to simply give up?”

“I am not going to stalk her Leo, she has the freedom to choose if she wants me or not. I can’t make her decide and I don’t want to force her to be with me” Damon pushed around the food in his plate and stood up “I need a smoke”

“Damon-,” Leo called out for him but he was already out of the cafeteria doors walking towards the parking lot. Leo sighed and stood up, grabbed his things and walked over to Red and her group of friends who were laughing at something Norman said.

“Leo!” Red exclaimed and got up giving him a hug. He hugged her back “Hey, little Red. Don’t you look really nice today?” He grinned and she smiled at him “Thank you! Want to know why?”


“Because, I get my new cats today!” She giggled and clapped her hands excitedly.

Leo chuckled “Cats? I thought you were only getting one”

“Long story, Leo. Long story” Gina said rolling her eyes and Leo just laughed as he took the empty seat next to Luke.

Leo did not want to babysit Damon all the time. He was old enough to take care of himself and make rational decisions. To Leo, this Damon was weak and vulnerable and as much as he tried to get him back on track, Damon always manages to take a step back but he was willing to help his friend one last time.

When Red saw Leo standing by their table, she took a quick glance around the room to see where Damon was but he was nowhere to be found. She pretended like she wasn’t looking for him and just hugged Leo tightly desperately wanting to ask him about Damon but she couldn’t do it. She promised herself to be stronger than this so she wasn’t going to talk to him anytime soon.

They chatted for a little while and then the bell rang. They all went back to their classes waiting for the school day to end already.

When school was done, Red ran towards her car and left the school without saying anything to her friends to get the two cats she bought. While, Gina, Jonathon, Luke, Holly, Norman and Leo went directly to the diner to see what Leo wanted from them.

“I have a very strong feeling that this is about Damon and Red” Jonathon said with an unpleased look on his face.

Leo cleared her throat “Your feelings are correct. Look, thank you all for showing up and please hear me out. I have been friends with Damon for a very long time and I know exactly when my friend is going through something terrible. Damon has no one in his life, he doesn’t have parents, I am his only friend, his sister is dead, his relationship with his brother sucks and they barely talk and the only person that made him truly happy out of all of this was Red. I know she kind of hates him right now with the way he was treating her but Damon only does that when he cares about someone. Damon would never even blink an eye for someone he doesn’t know,”

“Look, if we’re getting a history lesson about Damon then I don’t want to hear about it” Jonathon interrupted Leo and Gina kicked him in the shin making him shut his mouth.

“Anyways,” Leo proceeded “Damon really cares about Red, in fact, he is in love with her”

Jonathon couldn’t take hearing this anymore, he grabbed his jacket and stood up leaving them all behind in the diner.

“What the fuck, Jonathon!?” Gina yelled as he walked away but he did not answer.

“It’s fine, just let him go” Norman said and Leo nodded “Look, Red is an open book as well. When I came by your table today, she had this hopeful look on her face that Damon might be hiding behind me or something. They both make each other happy in a very… sophisticated way. I know none of you like Damon but I know you know Red very well and I’m sure that she loves Damon just as much as he loves her”

“What are you asking us to do, Leo?” Luke asked, getting impatient.

“Here’s how it is going to go…” Leo started to explain his plan.

He knew it would work.

But, Damon and Red aren’t like any normal couples.

He didn’t care though… it was all for Damon.

It was all for Damon. 



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