When the Tracer leaves a mark.

By TheNotoriousPotato

1K 45 67

When a team of very different individuals, gathered to stop the Omnic Crisis things, a mission that screams '... More

We both have some stuff we wish we could forget..
The Last Samurai is joining the cavalry!
A wind of change...
Bounty Hunting.
The Strike Commander.
Scars don't heal.
Our lowest point, the greatest change.
Two roads meet forging a single one.
The night is young.
A new morning routine..
Back to base.
Defending Her Honor.
Halloween Party (Special)
Fujin's tough time.

Nothing like your first day.

71 3 18
By TheNotoriousPotato

As the sun rose the dark room lit up, the sunrays lighting every part of the room. Hitting Fujin right in his eyes a grunt escaped his lips as he turned and burried his head into his pillow. The night sleep was a tough one and that was the only reason he wasn't ready to wake up. Fujin felt a light shake on his shoulder that earned another grunt and burried his head deeper into the pillow. The shaking got heavier and he pulled the soft pillow over his head. "Goodmornin' sleepyhead!" that voice and that accent could only be one person. "Not now." he turned his head to the other side. Lena frowned and looked around, she didn't find any object that she could throw at him. Not having any success she sat on his lower back and looked down at him. "Not gonna work Lena. You're too  light." She heard Fujin's voice muffled by the pillow. "C'mon loveeeee" she said and pulled his arm with again, no success. "Not now, still tired." he said and pulled his arm inside. Tracer kept her frown and fell back to thinking. Maybe if she couldnt wake him up maybe she could get him up by making him uncomfortable. "If you dont get up im getting under the covers." She said with a smirk forming on her llips. "Just take off your shoes then." Her eyes widen but she did get under the covers. He was shirtless, could be the temperature. It's not like she sleeps with an entire outfit on. She stood there, his right arm against hers, they stayed like that for about a minute or two before her eyes lit up. She wrapped her arms around his own "Im NOT gonna get up even if you get naked right now, just so you know." he said starting to get slightly annoyed. And then she did it, she blinked both of them out of bed. "I..." he frowned and glared at her who gave him a big smile "I know, i love me too now get ready!" she moved on and looked out of the window enjoying the good view. He looked at her and noticed that she had her suit on so he did the same, leaving the sword and the hat behind. Fujin walked next to her and stared at her enjoying the view. She looked so peaceful and so beautiful. "You know the view is indeed gorgeous." he leaned on the edge and said that looking at her. She nodded "Now that's the Fujin i know..." she stopped "For a day.." she just shrugged it off and continued "Let's go grab some breakfast now shall we?" she was all cheerful about it. Fujin questioned what time it was, he had a split second to look at the digital clock on the bookself of his room, 11 am, 'well... fuck' he thought. "So that's why you're so cheerful.." he smirked at her and she looked at him raising an eye brow. "It ain't an early morning.." he kept the same smirk and she glared at him. Fujin tapped her on her shoulder and the smile made its way back on her beautiful face.

"S'here we are luv. Every morning we come here and we catch up, get food, drink coffee, i think there is tea but im not sure.." Fujin chuckled as he opened the door and let Lena walk in first "What a gentleman" she squeezed his cheek earning a glare from the boy. Walking inside he took a moment to inspect the room while following the Brit infront of him, big tables a lot of people, he noticed Angela and Winston sitting about the end of the room. That's where Lena was leading him. They were all happy to see him especially Angela who got up and gave him a tight hug. "Didn't know you were this strong.." he raised an eye brow and everyone on the table laughed. Fujin turned his head around to see everyone on the table. Winston got up tho and started introducing everyone "So this is Reinhardt, big guy with armor if you've seen him." Fujin shook the hand of the older man "It's an honor sir." Reinhardt laughed and said in a thick German accent "Haha, no need to call me sir. We're friends now." the man had a good grip. 'Yup, definetely German.' he thought. "Moving on..." he procceeded to introduce more people. "Jack is currently not here and where is the cowboy..." Winston looked around 'They got a cowboy now?' Fujin was curious to say the least. As the Samurai sat down he felt someone else fill the seat next to him... Lena. She smiled at him as she let down her tray with food and a cup of coffee, he smiled back before she started eating. He took a deep breath in filling his lungs as he was about to go and get something for himself that's when he felt someone sit on his left side.  Fujin looked around to see someone wearing a western-like hat. 'That must be the cowbow..' the man was holding two cups with what looked like coffee. "Hey there partner." the man said with a smirk on his face and a western accent. 'Yeah, definetely the cowboy..' Fujin said to himself and offered his hand for a handshake. The man shook his hand "The name's Jesse McCree." he introduced himself and Fujin did the same. "Now i was told that we got new blood so i took the liberty to get you a cup of coffee as well." McCree told the Samurai who gladly accepted it. As he took the first sip he noticed it was strong for a coffee, stronger than any coffee he ever had. By the taste of it it could've been just coffee with nothing else, no milk nor sugar. 

The time passed quite fast for his first morning there but there was one more person he was eager to meet. Jack Morisson. He constantly kept hearing about him but still no sign of him. Probably someone who has a high rank Fujin said to himself. He just shrugged the thoughts about it and moved towards his room. Upon entering he took a moment to absorb everything that has happened in the past few hours to a day. His mind was a sea when there as storm around the corner, all muffled and wild. Thousands of thoughts entering and leaving the Samurai's mind, so many things that could go wrong with this choices but at the same time, so many things that could go right. He took a big breath and decided to get on with the rest of his day. First of all was to take his personal things out of the bad and put them into place, upon doing so he came across his flute. A smile crept on his face as this was something that always made him calm and relaxed and above all, when his mind was troubled it helped him concetrate. 


Lena was also getting along with her day, she was coming back from the training room where she was asked to be by Jack Morisson, she was a good shot after all so there were some things that the Tracer could show to the newer Agents. As she was passing by the infirmary she decided to give Angela her daily visit (It was never just  one visit..). "Heya Ange!" Lena cheered as she blinked and sat next to her best friend, Angela was doing work on her laptop but Lena was not understanding anything. "Lena, how did the training go?" The blonde smiled at her while putting the laptop to the side. "Was aight ya'know. They're new but im sure they will get the hang of it. It's really Jack who should show them how to shoot a gun but yeah." She explained "And... what do you think of our newest recuit?" she put an extra tone on the newest while nudging the Brit's arm with a smirk on her face. "Wot? Fujin?" Lena's face took a shade of red as she turned around to hide it. As soon as her heartbeat went down "Well... he's alright. My guess is he will be quite the asset." she wasn't being the cheerful and childish Lena, she was more serious right now. Probably she didn't wanna say anything that she would regret later cause she is a blabbermouth after all. "And that's all..?" she gave a wink at Lena who just sighed "I dont know Ange. Not yet at least. I mean, we are on a good start but yeah, it's better safe than sorry y'know." Angela smiled at her victory. Lena needed someone indeed, but she was actually thinking a bit like a grown up right now and she was kind of proud. After all Angela always saw her as her little sister. "Anyways, better be on my way now." Before Lena could close the door the blonde called out to her and she looked at Angela raising an eye brow. "Can you get Fujin to come here? Need to get his medical accords into the data base... plus, if he tells me something extra i'll tell you." she winked at Lena who shook her head to hide her rose-shaded cheeks and left the room. 

She kept thinking about what Angela just asked and the way she did it. 'I can't be feeling this way for him. Not this early..' she mentaly scolded herself for even thinking about it and just tried to move on. Her mind always drifting back to him and things related to him. She found his door not closed fully so she just decided to take a peak and have a look at what was going on in there. She found him sitting cross-legged infront of the big window overlooking the sea. A melody touched her ears as she tried to figure out what was the instrument.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FlWvjg95sc     (The song)

After some seconds Lena got the fact that it was a flute, she found it mesmerizing to say the least how fluent he was with it. She didn't know but Lena could've sworn that the song was telling a story, it had rhythm, it had tempo and it was heartwarming. She was between entering or letting him finish but then again, she already got in when he was sleeping half naked. Shrugging the idea off for now she opened the door and walked in next to him, she sat down cross-legged as well just enjoying the view. Before entering Fujin had already aknowledged that she was there, part of his training was to train his hearing, feel vibrations when possible, he didn't want to have blindspots, ever. If it was anyone else he would stop but with Lena, he had this feeling in his gut that he could be himself no matter what. Just like she had the same feeling about Fujin. Finishing the song he put the flute next to him and took a deep breath clearing his mind. "What did you think of it?" He asked her "It was... beautiful. What was it?" Fujin smiled "A story, ancient one. Talks about a man who got killed by his brother. Upon his journey in the after life he came across a demon and they fought. They're battle shook the ground until the man won. Before dissapearing, the demon gave a part of himself to the man. After a battle of the mind and soul he was victorious once again. But he was different. His arms had bandages wrapped around them and he was wearing a mask, part of the demons face. He was carrying two swords. One to cut, one to seal. Some say he still roams the earth hunting the exact same demons. His name is Yone." he finished and looked at her. The look on her face was the look you would see on the face of a 12 year old when their favorite movie was playing on the TV. Her eyes were wide and she was leaning towards him. "Wot that's it? That's the whole story?" Fujin nodded "Aw bollocks." she pouted and he smiled turning his body to face hers. "Do you know more?" she lit up "Yes, perhaps another day you'll get to know more. But let's focus on the present. What brings you here?" She put her thoughts together and then spoke "Angela said you will need to go to the infirmary because she needs some medical accords of yours. I don't really know this stuff.." she looked away. "Well neither do i, but we do what we gotta do." she turned her head and saw that he was standing up and offered her his hand. Lena gladly and he pulled her up holding her hand even after she was standing infront of him. "Thanks for waking me up today.." Fujin smiled at the brunette "It's no biggie luv.." she was holding his hand too, she didn't think about it, just did. "I mean if you didn't i probably would still be lying in that bed.." The Samurai pointed his eyes at his bed. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes "Rough night?" Lena said kinda worried. When someone goes through a massive change the last thing you wanna do is put extra stress and tire him out. "Well, new things... will take a while. At the start everything was uncomfortable but then it got better." Hearing that made her feel a little better for waking him up. Deep down they didn't want this moment to end, not so fast at least. But things had to be done, maybe after some days when things will settle down they can have some larger talks. "I think i need to get going. Can't be late on my first day at work." she nodded. Fujin guided the Brit to the door and let her pass first. While doing so he checked her backside and one thought was in his mind. Damn. "So i'll be seeing you then luv." her cheeks turned when she noticed him. Giving her a smile they parted ways. 


A sigh left his lips before he knocked on the metal door. Fujin heard Angela calling him inside and he opened it. "Well hello there." She smiled at the Samurai, she wasn't wearing her suit, actually she was wearing normal clothes and over them a lab coat and in addition she had glasses. "You look shook." The smile never leaving the blonde's face. "Kinda didn't expect to see you in normal clothes.." the man admitted and earned a slight chuckle from her. "When i'm here i always wear normal doctor clothes. The suit would be too much don't you think?" She had a valid point when he thought about it. "Shall we get started then?" she smiled and walked over to a bed to which she motioned for him to sit on. Obeying the doctor he sat down after she asked him to take off his shirt because she had to take the heartbeat. "How's your first day so far?" This was something she uses a lot when working, talking to a patient while they might be stressed on during a difficult time it helps their system perform more normal-like if they take their mind off of the current time. "It's going good i'd say. Don't really know what i expected but i am enjoying it here. Bit of a rough night if im being honest tho." He looked around the room, different pictures of the blond, with suit on and off. Some certificates and some more pictures. Definetely a doctors room... "Figured as much.. woke up by yourself?" Angela didn't wanna ask much but curiousity did get the better of her. "Lena woke me up, didn't expect it to be honest but honestly, im glad she did. Cause if she didn't i would probably still be under the covers.." a chuckle leaving his lips while Mercy's mind was thinking. "What do you think of her?" she asked without thinking about it a second time. "Lena? Well, she's something i can tell you that for sure. She's a joy to have around tho, like having a kid. And when she changed my mind about joining... i still don't know how she did it. No one has managed to make me change my mind in a very long time..." She was satisfied with that answer, so she decided that it would be better to not ask anymore and not push the limits. "Now i will have you sit face down so i cann see how that shoulder of yours is doing..." and just like that about two hours passed and they were done.

-Hours after having dinner for the night

Despite not having the best of sleeps last night Fujin wasn't feeling tired, not yet. So he decided to take a night walk outside of the building where the rooms were located. He sat down on one of the benches before the cliff, overlooking the sea beneath him. The chilling cold of nighttime might have been a little too much but he had fore-seen it and got a coat with him. The Samurai put his hands in his pockets to protect them from the cold and then stared off in the distance. That's something he used to do some years ago before giving up on the idea, reflecting. Reflecting on what happened that day, or on something big that happened to him. While millions of thoughts raced through his mind about every little thing that had happened in the past days Tracer was approaching him, she had been looking for him to tell him something important. She sat next to him on the bench and stared off like he did. "Hey.."Fujin almost whispered. Nighttime was something he always found so attractive, the silence was so loud at some points. The dim moonlight was giving a whole different prespective on everything. "Everything allright luv..?" she asked quite concerned "Yeah, im just not sleepy yet so i figured i might take a little walk, relax with some view." He smiled at her "You?". The cold was starting to get to her so she put her hands between her thighs "Just wanted to tell you that McCree has a job he wants you in tomorrow so he said after breakfast tomorrow to go and talk to him. Fujin nodded and before turning his head towards the sea again he noticed her hands and how her legs were shivering cause of the cold. He smiled to himself "Here..." The Samurai took off his coat and wrapped it around the Brit who was so goddamn grateful it was nighttime cause if the sun was out, he would be able to see the mad blushing on her cheeks. "But it's cold.." she whispered "Trust me, i've survived some serious shit, some cold ain't got nothing on me.." She still wasn't alright with it so she scooted herself over next to him, literally next  to him and wrapped her arms around his own. The contact wasn't making him too warm, but it was enought to not feel most of the cold. When she let her head lean on his shoulder that's when he knew that that day, ended on the best note possible.


Well Well Well, sorry for not updating for two days. But i felt like i needed a break after updating three consecutive days. BUT! 3.2k words is a very good comeback chapter, right? RIGHT? Anyways, i hope you enjoy this one and i hope youre having a good day. TTYL!

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