
Von Wildfire31

149K 7.1K 213

Riki is their Queen without a King and that makes her weak. Then she discovers her mate, Gabriel, is a werew... Mehr

Standing: Warning Adult Menege Chapter 1: Twenty Lashes
Chapter 1.5: This is a naughty part
Chapter 2: News
Chapter 3: Lucas White Leopard Meets His Match
Chapter 4: Ash Discovers a Secret
Naughty!!!! Chapter 4.5: Naughty!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Dream Sharing: Warning Adult Situation in this Chapter
Chapter 6: Gifts
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 6.5:Naughty!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Fights
Chapter 8: Torn
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 8.5 Torn: Naughty!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Getting to know each other
Chapter 10: A little bit of courage
Naughty!!!!Chapter 10.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 11: Blood is thicker than water
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 1
Naughty!!!Chapter 12 Didn't See That Coming Part 2 Naughty!!!
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 3
Chapter 14: A voice in the Dark
Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 15: The G.A stands for WHAT!!!!!
Chapter 16: Testosterone
Chapter 17: Alone Time
Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle
Naughty!!!!Chapter 18.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 19: Freaky Friday For The Leopards And The Wolves
Chapter 20: Ooohhh Suki Suki!!!!!
Chapter 21: Stand
Chapter 22: All or Nothing

Chapter 13: How do you know what to fight for?

3.6K 195 13
Von Wildfire31




I stalk from the bar, my heart pounding in my chest, as I struggle to process the information I've been given. Sighing in frustration, I run my fingers through my hair as I walk into the bathroom. After checking to make sure it's empty I quickly lock the door and lean against the counter top. My eyes look at my reflection but all I see is me. My mouth opens and I say the words aloud.

"I am a Bezerker. I am a human shifter. I am NOT normal." I hold my breath, waiting for something but nothing comes. I laugh softly to myself as I stare into light blue eyes. I'm nothing special and I never have been. I jump at a pounding on the door as my head whips around.

"Open up lass. I need to see ye." I open the door and Liam forces me to step back as he walks into the bathroom with me. I frown as I tilt my head to look up at him.

"This is the women's bathroom." Liam grimaces as he locks the door and wraps his arms around me.  

"Aye it is, lassie, and what's yer point." I debate about pulling out of his arms but decide against it as my shoulders sag and I lean into his chest. Not once do I start to panic as I stand there, quietly.

"I'm sorry lass. Just donna cry." It isn't until he points it out that I realize I am crying. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and as soon as he says that I feel something inside me shift as I howl in sorrow. Everything that has happened to me in the past comes flooding to the surface as I shake and sob in Liam's arms.

Finally after my sobs and cries have quieted I come back to myself and realize I'm in Liam's arms as he strokes my hair. I look up as he smiles and speaks.

"I meant to tell ye lass. I really like yer pants. They're very sexy." He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh softly as I ask him the question I've been wanting to ask him.

"What happened in the hallway?" He scowls and pulls back as my smile drops from my face.

"Ye know why lass. Why did ye 'ave sex with him again? After the first time?" His hand grasps my shoulders as I jerk back and shove him further into the bathroom. I struggle to stifle my outrage as I speak but my words are still biting.

"None of your business! Dammit Liam I don't have to explain myself to you!" He starts to speak but I shake my head as I unlock the door and start to walk out then I stop to turn and look at him, my face showing my angst.

"I have had enough of having to tell someone my every action Liam. Just because you can touch me doesn't give you the right to lord it over me." With that I turn and walk back into the club. I feel his gaze on me as I avoid touching the bodies writhing on the dance floor to Psy's 'Gangum Style'. Finding a relatively open space I close my eyes and start to dance. I dance freely, imagining that I am free even if I've never felt that way. I continue to writhe to the beat as the song switches to 'Pound the Alarm' by Nicki Manajie. I'm okay until someone comes up behind me and places their hands on my hips.

I freeze and turn to stare into Kade's hazel eyes. I look over his shoulder and am relieved that I can't see Liam through the writhing bodies as I turn my attention back to Kade. His eyes are filled with some unnamed emotion as he looks at me. I shake my head as I step away, my breath shallow. My eyes stay on his as they say what I can't. I want him to hold me but I won't do this anymore. He raises his hands as if to reach for me but I turn away.

The guy dancing beside me is in his twenties, if that. His face has pox scars from teenage acne but he has a 'boy next door cuteness' you can't miss. Having dismissed Kade I dance with him and my shoulders gradually relax when he doesn't try to touch me but continues to dance beside me. I smile when he does some silly little dance as if to make me laugh.

Then I'm gasping as hands shove me to the side as Kade's angry form steps up beside me. I scowl as he glances over at me then steps forward to grasp the kid I'd been dancing with. He twists his shirt in his grasp and pulling back a fist, he slams it into the boy's jaw. The people around us step back as Kade hits him again and blood spurts from the boy's nose.

At first I'm frozen, as if I'm watching it all from a distance then I see the look in the boy's eyes as Kade hits him again. I feel myself start to shake with rage as Kade sets the boy down but he doesn't run. He just stands there and takes it like he deserves it. Kade draws back to hit him and I find myself in between him and the boy. I move so quickly that he doesn't have time to avoid hitting me as his fist crashes into my cheek. The music stops as Kade's eyes widen in horror but I don't move and I don't say anything as he speaks.

"Ash, I'm sorry." I tilt my head to the side and glare at him as I speak.

"Why? You didn't care when you were hitting him. Why am I any different?"

"But he's a...." I interrupt him, flinging my hand at him to be quiet, my rage complete.

"A WHAT? A boy who won't fight you back? But I'm a girl so it's different?" Kade nods and I grimace at him as I spit the blood in my mouth at his feet. When I look back up at him I know there is a smirk on my face.

"Your right it is different." With that I drew back and punched Kade square in the nose, re breaking Liam's handiwork. He shouts and clasps his hands to his face as he starts to bleed. I step closer and slam my knee in his nuts so that he falls to the ground. I look down at him and speak.

"I hit back Kade and you know what? Liam was right. I don't know why I let you look at me much less touch me. All you are is a weak, scared little boy who gets his rocks off picking on people smaller than you to make yourself feel better. Do us all a favor and help my queen however you need to then go crawl back under your rock." I look up to see Riki, Gabe, Luke, and Liam at the front of the crowd staring at me. All of them have pride in their eyes as they look at me and it takes me a minute to figure out why. I've never stood up for anything before. I smile, feeling almost...normal. Then I turn and walk off the dance floor and upstairs to my room. 


I watch Ash go upstairs and nod to Liam to follow after her as one of the bouncers helps Kade up and leads him upstairs to his room. I glance at Gabe and Luke, who are stand on either side of me with their legs spread and their arms crossed over their chests looking menacing. I grin as the music comes back on and I speak through the bond as I start to dance.

"One more dance?" They both look at me, fixing to protest, until they see me writhing in front of them. They turn towards me at the same time and begin to writhe against me. Gabe's hands are on my waist as he stands behind me while Luke's hands are on my neck writhing in front of me. I tilt my head back as Luke leans down and slides his tongue over his mark on my neck. I moan as Gabe leans down and does the same on the other side over his mark. When they straighten up I'm gasping for air as I stare them with lust filled eyes.  

"Maybe we should go to bed now." They both chuckle as they reach down and grab a hand, pulling me up the stairs. 


I open my eyes to see Gabe leaning over me with a tray of food. I smile and push my hair out of my face as I pull myself into a sitting position. Luke mumbles under his breath and rolls away from me, pulling the covers with him. I look down at him bemused, as Gabe sets the tray on its legs across my naked lap, then pulls the lid off the plate. I inhale the smell of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and D.P. I pick up my fork and dig into the eggs. Suddenly I gasp and clap a hand over my mouth as I throw the tray off my lap onto Luke and I scramble from the bed. I hear mutters and curses behind me as I dive into the bathroom to hug the porcelain god. I come back out a few minutes later to see Luke sitting up in the bed, soaking wet, with eggs in his hair and down his chest. I throw my hand over my mouth to muffle the giggles as I step forward and pull the piece of bacon off his forehead and stick it in my mouth as he glares up at me. I stifle my giggles again and grin widely as I speak.

"Sorry." I glance at Gabe who has went and got another tray of food, this time with pancakes instead of eggs. I smile and sit at the edge of the bed, on a dry spot, as I gesture at Luke.

"Maybe you should go take a bath." He watches, amused, as I practically inhale my pancakes.

"Didn't you just puke up breakfast?" I shrug.

"So?" He slides off the bed and shakes his head, throwing eggs everywhere. I dip my pancakes in syrup as a sly grin comes over Luke's face. Then he shifts to his leopard form and shakes, throwing eggs in every direction. I shriek with laughter as I leap from the bed covering my pancakes. I continue to eat as he leaps a top the bed and snarls playfully at me. I hold up a finger and stuff the last of my pancake in my mouth as Gabe shifts into his wolf and starts to stalk towards me as well. Giggling madly I set the plate on the night stand as Luke's leaps off the bed and stalks towards me. I laugh and stumble, falling backwards, onto Gabe's furry back. I stare into silver eyes as I realize I'm not seeing Luke anymore but Lu. I grin broader as I lean up and nip him on the nose.

"I can't wait til I can shift forms with you guys." Lu tilts his head to the side, looking at me as my guards burst into the room. Gabe wriggles from underneath me as Lu stalks towards the guard's, snarling. I speak in a whisper as I lay on my back and look upside down at the guards.

"Don't move. Lu's at the front and he sees you as a threat." Lu glances at me and snarls softly to Gabe. I feel Lu's dislike of the guards looking at my naked body as Gabe crawls on top of me and lays down with his head beside mine. He's careful to keep his full weight off me as he looks over at Lu. The guards remain frozen as I whine softly at Lu.

"Lu...." His head whips around as one of the guards puts his hand behind his back. Lu is on him in an instants. His teeth dig deep into the guard's arm as Daddy comes into the room. He immediately takes in my prone position and Lu's teeth in the guards arm. He crouches down, his eyes on Lu, as he grabs the guard by the back of the neck and shakes him. When he speaks his voice is low and calm as he keeps eye contact with Lu.

"Ungrateful pup, sneaking up on his elder." Lu snorts and releases the guard as Daddy shoves him out of the room then slowly rises. Daddy smiles and looks over at me.

"I'll let you get ready now. Make sure you dress warm, it's cold out." With that he closes the door and I turn my attention to Gabe as I shove at his chest.

"Get off! You ass! You weigh a ton!" Gabe growls softly and licks my face before standing up and backing away. I groan and wipe his slobber off only to have Lu come over and lick me too.

"EEEEEWWWWW! That's it. I'm taking a shower." I leap up and run for the bathroom as Lu and Gabe chuckle through the bond.


An hour later I dressed in black leggings, knee high boots, and a light blue cashmere sweater that goes to my knees. My hair is down and flowing down my back and I have on a faux fur jacket. Both the guys wear blue jeans and dark blue cashmere sweaters. I'd laughed when I'd come out of the bathroom to see us dressed alike but we'd decided to wear what we're wearing now. We walk downstairs to see that all the employees are standing there waiting on us. They all expose their necks as we walk by, acknowledging me as their queen. I glance at Luke but don't comment as I stop in front of Daddy. I look up at him as he bares his neck to me. I smile and bare my neck to him as I speak.

"You're my Daddy. You will always hold more power over me." He laughs and the room joins in as he pecks me softly on the cheek. He starightens and brushes a hair off my cheek.

"We better head out. The Queen has agreed to see you in six hours on Oak Island. It will take us a little while to get there." I glance over to see Griften and the guy with a green Mohawk waiting by the door, carrying book bags. I raise a brow and look at Daddy who shrugs. Green Mohawk guy raises a hand to shake. He speaks as my hand grasps his.

"We aren't letting our Alpha go out alone. And my name is Gremlin." He pauses and smirks at me as he lets go of my hand and speaks again. "Not green Mohawk guy." I roll my eyes and look at Luke.

"I hope he irritates you as much as you irritated me." Griften grins and opens the door. Sunlight blinds me momentarily. I blink as something flashes out of the corner of my eye. I grasp Griften's shoulder and yank him back as a bullet flies past his head. I curse under my breath as Gabe throws himself on top of me. I stay there as snarls and growls sound from all around me along with bullets whizzing through the air. Finally there is silence as Gabe stands and pulls me with him. I look around to see blood splattered here and there but no dead bodies. I glance to Griften, who is holding a man by his shoulders. Griften leans down and takes a whiff as the man pisses himself. Griften grimaces and snarls as he looks at me.

"Fucking human. I almost got killed by a human. Can you believe that shit?" He shakes the man's shoulders and he lets out a frightened squeak of alarm. I gesture to Liam.

"Take him to that Warlock from earlier that tried to set me on fire. Have him erase his memories and we'll be even." Liam jerks at the man, shaking him slightly as he pulls him from Griften.

"Oh, Liam?" Liam stops and looks back at me as I bare my canines at him.

"Make sure he never steps foot near this club again." I turn back to Griften as Gremlin walks up covered in blood. He's so soaked his shoes are squishing as blood seeps out the sides. I raise a brow as he grunts and leans his head onto Griften's shoulder.

"Got shot in my back and nicked a main artery. I need someone to dig the bullet out for me so I can shift." I wince in sympathy as Luke leads him off to the side.

"How's Cara?" Griften smiles.

"She's great. Her and the kids are fine. We have guards watching them til we get back. Speaking of which we need to hurry because we don't have all day." With that he turns around and goes looking for Luke and Gremlin. I sigh and lean back into Gabe. I hope Gremlin took a shower first cause I wasn't going to ride with him like that. 


Two hours later we pull into a driveway with a house on stilts sitting in front of us. The name on the front of the house is 'Harmony'. I grin and look to the guys, who are sitting on either side of me. Luke runs a hand through his white hair as Gabe does the same to his. I narrow my eyes and look from one of them to the other.

"I think you two have been spending way too much time together." They just smile and we slide out of the SUV and walk upstairs to the door. Daddy, Griften, and Gremlin keep watch on our surroundings as I take a deep breath and attempt to calm my breathing. I feel the cubs shift inside me and an overwhelming sense of love surrounds me as I gasp and look down to me stomach. I open the bond so that Gabe and Luke can feel this too. They smile and place hands on my belly as I take another deep breath and ring the doorbell. 

I jerk up and straighten my shoulders when an older woman with light blonde hair opens the door. She smiles when she sees Gabe then her eyes narrow at Luke and I. She sniffs the air as she speaks.

"Oh it's you. Well come in if you have too." I put on my queen face as I raise my chin and step into the room as she steps back. My voice is low and calm even as my eyes flash yellow.

"I wouldn't insult my mates if I were you."

"Do you always threaten people in someone else's home?" I turn to my right as the woman who opened the door walks away and the rest of the guys step in and close the door. Sitting at the bottom of the steps in the open foyer to the right is a tall woman with blond hair and violet eyes just like mine had been. I know immediately who she is.

"I do if they insult my mates." The violet eyed woman sneers and stands to reveal her muscular form, in a white cami and a long black skirt.

"Mates or just the leopard?" I growl as I feel my claws lengthen.

"Goddess or not I wouldn't push me." Suddenly I'm against a wall with her fingers wrapping around my throat as I struggle to breathe. Her eyes swirl with rage as a purple shield flares over me and throws her away from me then through the banister into the stairs. I slide to the floor as Gabe helps me up and Daddy laughs at the goddess. She snarls and leaps to her feet as she draws back her hand. She freezes when she meets Daddy's eyes.

"Coner?" She goes to hug him but he frowns and steps back as he shakes his head.

"I told you mother. You won't lay a hand on me while you stand by and let my child suffer." Her face is incredulous as she looks at me. I reach out blindly and grasp Luke's hand.

"That's my granddaughter? You want me to help the Queen of the Leopards?" Her outrage is overwhelming as she pushes red hot fury at me that licks like flames. I snarl and I feel my wolf come forward as I shove my ice cold fury back at her. As soon as feels the touch of frost on her skin she stops and takes a step back as my shield flares back over my skin. I feel Gabe run a hand up and down our arm as we speak.

"You will not threaten us my goddess. Now tell us how to save our pups!" We snarl and go to step forward but Luke wraps his arms around us and leans down to whisper in our ear as I glare at the Goddess, who is staring at us in shock.

"Ti, calm down you'll hurt the pups. Give over to Riki, please." I shiver as he slides his tongue over our ear and our shoulders slump in desire. We let Riki take over as the Goddess speaks.

"The Leopard Goddess gave you the ability to speak to both beasts. But Ti is my animal to give not hers." I come back to myself in time to hear the last sentence. I leap at her even as I scream.

"She is my animal not yours." My fists slams into her jaw. Daddy steps in between us so we are looking at each other over his shoulders. We both speak at the same time.

"Get out of my way.  I'm going to kill her!" We both freeze as Daddy laughs.

"Mother, you know better than to mess with a pregnant wolf's mate." She glares over his shoulder but doesn't attempt to move him.

"She isn't a wolf." Daddy sighs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Take a deep breath." The goddess wolf sniffs the air as she looks at me.

"How?" I'm confused as I ask my question.

"How do you not know about me?" She sneers at me as she speaks.

"Like I would keep up with that little pussy's baby. I know you're the queen and that's it." Daddy stiffens at the word pussy and growls deep in his throat as the Goddess raises her hands in the air.

"Peace my son. I forget you loved her." Calmly I step around Daddy and look the Goddess in the eyes, allowing her to see how much I could care less about what she feels for me.

"Just give me the test that will put me back in your good graces. I have less than a week to get your blessing before my babies die." She waves her hand and I am standing on the empty beach, facing her and the ocean, with waves crashing at her back. A sword appears in my hand as one appears in hers. I feel the babies shift around inside me as I twirl my sword in the air with my right hand.

"You'll make sure my babies can't get hurt?" She nods and I leap at her, chopping down with my sword even as she parries. My feet slide through the hot sand as sweat trickles down my face. She slices into my arm as she howls in victory. Blood drips down my arm as she growls at me and shifts violently into her wolf form. I blink at the ten foot wolf in front of me with fur so black it's almost purple. Yellow eyes stare at me as I wipe sweat from my brow as she speaks in my mind.

"You FAIL! I will NOT accept you." I snarl and throw my sword down in front of her as I speak aloud.

"You want to give me the real test now?" She blinks and shifts back to her human form. Even naked she is a sight to behold as she stands before and tilts her head waiting for me to continue.

"This was never about my skill as a warrior. This is about my love for Gabe my wolf. So I ask again what is your test?" She smiles slowly and clothes herself in a long white dress as she steps forward.

"Don't pretend to love your wolf. You hide their marks as if you are ashamed." I sigh as everyone appears on the beach behind her. I don't make eye contact with anyone as I speak but I know the guys feel my fear through the bond.

"I don't hide the mark. My hair is down to I need to be able to hide my face should I need to." The goddess pauses in her pacing around me and speaks.

"Why?" I bite my lip to hold back tears as I speak.

"Because my brother in law Jarek molested me and all the memories were taken from me until recently. When they become too overwhelming I need something to...hide behind. " I pause and bare my teeth at her before continuing. "But that doesn't make me weak. I'll get over it." She stops and walks back in front of me.

"Of course it doesn't make you weak. Why do you show Lucas more affection than Gabriel?" Luke and Gabe laugh at that as my lips tilt up in a smile.

"Actually I don't particularly like showing any affection in public but my mates feel the need to get me over it. Gabe did that six months ago. Luke was afraid I liked Gabe more because I showed Gabe affection in public and not him. So I've been trying to be more affectionate with Luke in public. I have no problem being affection with either of them...too much." The goddess frowns at this then speaks.

"But I need actions not words that prove this to me. You could have just had the urge for two men at a time." We all growl at that as a thought forms in my head. I quickly close down our bond as both Luke and Gabe wince. I draw a deep breath and meet the Goddess's eyes.

"Can you see my past actions if you choose to?" The Goddess regards me with those violet eyes then nods. I take a deep breath as my heart twists in my chest and I struggle not to hyperventilate as I speak.

"Then look back to the day of January 6 of this year." She tilts her head as I feel her shifting through my memories. I can tell when she's done because she's looking at me in utmost surprise. I keep my eyes on the sky as she speaks.

"If you can admit aloud what you did to your mates and they forgive you then I will claim you, not just as a wolf but as my blood." A tear slides down my cheek as I nod sharply and look at Luke and Gabe. I open my mouth as I feel bile rise in my throat but I bite it back as I say the words I'd hoped I'd never have to say. Both guys shift nervously at the look in my eyes as I step closer to them and raise my chin.

"I got pregnant in order to save Gabe and Gabe alone. I didn't suddenly change my mind about you Luke. I just wanted Gabe and you were the quickest way to get there. I hoped that if I was pregnant with Gabe's babies you would be forced to accept him as well. I was afraid after we rejected each other before you wouldn't agree to taking Gabe as part of the deal. So I got pregnant in order to keep Gabe and never had any intention of loving you." I watch the shock seep into their eyes as I gasp and stumble back falling to the ground.

Pain rips through my stomach as I scream in agony. I fall to my back as I look up at the sky. I feel something seep out of my eyes and I wipe it away, assuming it's tears. But when I pull my hand in front of me all I see is blood. I feel myself start to fade into the darkness as everyone rushes at me. I guess I didn't have until the full moon after all. I hear an agonized scream tear through the air as darkness envelopes me.


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