Home. (L.N.)

De sunlover43

39.5K 455 17

"True love does not exist" "It does. I will show it to you" Anna Winter is ambitious and smart. With a Bache... Mais

1. Anna!
2. Goodbyes
3. Partytime
4. The Streets of Chelsea
5. Sounds like a Plan
6. Game on
7. May I?
8. Warmth
9. Sisters
10. What Now?
11. The Calm Before The Storm
12. Back On Track
14. Dancing Queen
15. Late Night Talks
16. Regrets
17. Porto
18. Go Chelsea!
19. Champions!
20. Our Time
21. The Country Of Love
22. Everything Needs To End
23. When Worlds Collied
24. Someone New
25. Moving On
26. Doubts
27.Painful Realization
28. Confrontation
29. Mason
30. Roomies
31. Studytime
32.The Dutch Roar
33. The Public
35. Infinity
36. Inked Skin
38. The Evil
37. Cultural Bonding
39. Returning
40. Goodbye
41. The American Dream
42. Moving Forward
43. Viva La Vida
44. Birthday Boy
45. Discoballs
46. Utopia
47. Glory Days
48. Perfection
49. The Future Is Bright
50. Future Pitchblack

34. Monza

675 11 0
De sunlover43

There is something in the air this weekend, I just can't put it into words. It's kinda electrifying and brings up my spirit to whole new level. Maybe it's the knowledge of my birthday coming up on Monday. At least I wouldn't need to spend it in a room full of strangers. I could take part in the lecture in my hotelroom. Spending my day in Monza was going to be pretty special since it's my 21st. I would be an adult now all around the world. If I could I would probably just hang out at the beach all day long but I reckon Daniel has different plans. When he convinced me to celebrate our friendship together this weekend I never thought it would turn into this.

The sun warms my skin when I step out of the shade and into the paddock area once again. My pass with the McLaren Logo dingels around my neck. Giving the public what it wants I reckon would be the motto for this couple of days. After having a talk this morning while getting ready with Sue, she convinced me to be on my very best behavior and always smile for anyone, who gives me their attention. And it seems like Daniel is very popular in Italy. I would've thought the Ferrari drivers would be the center of attention but I was wrong. Daniel was like always the life of the party. While I walk next to the tall Aussie towards McLaren team house we are photographed and filmed by multiple people, just like yesterday. But today I needed to engage more with team and audience since yesterday I had the excuse of lectures pretty much all day long. I sat in my low-key corner in the team home with my headphones, while around me Quali happened. When the engine sound filled the air my fingertips were itching. I couldn't wait for today, where I finally had time to enjoy the race feeling. But firstly we need to get to the motorhome. The only two press people around us I really feel calm with is the the guy making content for McLaren itself and Fabiano from the SkyTeam. Maybe I would've joked with him if this grape of people wouldn't surround us. But luckily it's just for a few moments before they have the footage they wanted and leave us for the rest of the way alone with just the umboxed Team by our side. I take a deep breath and look over to Daniel. His eyes are covered by sunglasses but I see how he looks down at me a little worried. "You alright?" I nod. "Yeah all good. Seems like we gave them for a moment what they wanted." "Not really. I am sure they would prefer if we confirmed the rumors and made out right in front of their eyes." He jokes and I laugh at it. "Cut that out yeah?" I say to the men next to me with the camera, who nods with a grin. But honestly: Dani and his way to act around me takes away a little of the weight of my chest that I was feeling the whole time. I was still nervous and anxious. In Holland I handled it quite alright on my own but with a driver on my side the pressure of not coming across cold or unlikable was higher than ever, especially when the always smiley Daniel is the one person next to me. He holds up the door of the team home for me and I slip in before him. "Good morning everyone" we both great the people sitting around the room.

The sprint race day goes incredibly smooth. I take care of some uni stuff while the McLarens get great starting positions for the race tomorrow. There is pizza for lunch, which is literally the best thing ever. Daniel and I make sure that we are seen together again, so some content gets out there. Just when I get back to the garage after engaging with some fans, I see Zak chatting to Andreas near the cars. None of the drivers are in sight so I just take my shot to get the awkward part behind me. When I approach them both, a young guy with a clipboard steps in my way. He is wearing a headset and his eyes lay calm on me. "Can I help you?" Before I can even say something the deep voice of Zak fills the room louder then before when he talked with Andreas. "Andy it's fine let her through" the young guy let's me pass with a nod, I am not sure if he is Zaks assistant or part of the security staff. But before I even can waste anymore thoughts about this Andy the fist of the McLaren CEO meets mine. "There you are finally, troublemaker" he greets me with a slight chuckle. I smile back nervously. That he sees me as a troublemaker is exactly not what I wanted to come across as. "Hello Sir nice to meet you." I greet the American as well before turning towards Andreas. "Also a pleasure to meet you Mister Seidl" Behind his glasses the realization sets in. "Ah you must be Anna" he gives me also a fistbump. I nod. "Please call us Zak and Andreas. Not sir and whatever, you are part of the family right?" Andreas nods in agreement with his boss. "But I must say you made our communication team quite busy, young lady." The blood rushes in my head and I blush in embarrassment. "I deeply apologize. That was not my attention whatsoever and I am working on turning it all around. I don't know how that all happened and why it spread so wide but... " "Well I know", Zak interrupts my helpless attempt to explain. I shut my mouth and stare at the CEO. "You are a very young and when I might say very attractive woman, Anna. You live the dreams of thousands and by not appreciate that publicly you appear to fans not likable. Find a way to make your own profit out of your privileged situation." Every word of his burns into my brain, he just said it out loud what people tried to explain it to me. In a weird twisted way I am responsible for where I am right now. Andreas by his side nods."We heard you are a very bright student. Now you have the opportunity to show your talent far beyond working for Redbull. You have your faith in the hands." "It was a pleasure to meet you Anna. We can't wait to see your development. And now excuse me I need to make a call" Zak nods at me with a little smile before heading towards Andy. Andreas eyes still lay on me for a moment before saying in a much softer voice "I hope you enjoyed the weekend so far. Surely we will bump into each other again. See you later Anna." He waves before walking off. I am left behind with a big head, it's hard to proced everything they have said to me. I spot the camera crew of Netflix close to me. They filmed all of it. In my thoughts I pray that my storyline doesn't feature on drive to survive, but I was very positive about it till this is all not race related. I sit down in the motorhome for a minute letting the conversation repeat in my mind over and over again before it hits me like a lightingstrike. With a glimpse of the second I didn't just had the idea how to convince Mrs. Stanley to tutor me but also how to turn my life around. I take my phone out and start filming little sequences around the garage. After that I quickly get to my laptop and write the whole concept down. Three pages are quickly filled when I send it to Mrs Stanley. It's my best shot, if she doesn't like it I don't know what will convince her.

When Daniel and I leave the paddock for the day I realize I haven't spoken to Lando at all the past two days. Neither have I seen him around, the only times were when he was in his car on the track. It's like he is avoiding me. If I would be with Haas or any other team today it wouldn't be unusual, but I actually spend the whole day at the McLaren home. With my thoughts hanging on to him I walk quietly next to Daniel and his trainer Michael. Suddenly Mick appears next to me walking towards the exit as well. "Are you sure you want to do this all public?" He just jumps right into the concerns he mentioned all week long, since I've told him about the plan for the weekend. "I will be fine. It's just what I need to do Mick." "But you don't want to" his eyes lay calm on me while we let us fall a little behind the men. "I don't have much of a choice ? It's not just my own now, I have to consider the image of Daniel and the others as well. I try to make it the best for everyone. There wouldn't be anything worse then a bad light on you Mick just because of my private life, that I don't have in control." My voice gets actually louder till the end. I get emotional about this. Originally I thought I would be fine with whatever they want me to do to be likable but it's so much pressure of being perfect. Daniel looks worried over his shoulder to check on me, but when he sees Mick he continues his way. In his eyes the young German and my little argument is not his business and that's absolutely right. The blonde driver on the other hand pulls me into a tight hug. My ear is pressed against his chest and his arms lay around my head like walls. He covers me and my face for moments from the outside world. It's just my brother and I for a moment, yes a brother. I would be stupid not to call him like that, because what we have is so much more then friendship. I breath heavily against his shirt and he gently rubs my back. "You don't have to do all of this. Just ignore them all." He whispers in my ear. The pain in the voice is clear, it hurts him as much as it does me to be forced into the public. We both just want to be normal. We are not made for attention. We both just want to follow our passion, he just wants to drive and I just want to support friends. It's not fair. "It's to late" I mumble against his body. And he sights.

"Really?" Daniel looks at me enjoyed with a red head. He just came back from a run around the track and I film him jogging my way. He purposely shows me both middlefingers, which makes me laugh so hard behind the phone that I loose the balance on the barrier I am sitting on. While I am desperate to grab the cold metal to get grip, two massive hands lay on my shoulderblades and push me up again. For a heartbeat I thought that would've ended badly. While Daniel cracks up about my near fall, I turn around to my rescuer. "You ok?" I sight. It's Carlos in his bright red Ferrari suit. He still holds a hand on my back as if he is still worried I would fall down again any minute. "Yep, thank you." I choose to better climb down the barrier and when I finally stand with my both feet on the ground the Spanish driver lifts his hand of my back. He gives Daniel and myself a nod. Out of the corner of my eye I see how Daniel leans with his hands on his knees and gives Carlos a thumbs up while trying to catch breath. Judging by the color of his head, that is brighter than the Ferrari suit that Carlos is wearing, his head could explode anytime. "Alright then" Carlos mumbles and turns around again to begin his track walk with his team. I give Daniel a deathly look while walking towards him. "You would've let my die" I give him a smack against his upper arm. He now starts laughing again but holds the area of his arm I smacked him. I shake my head but finally start smirking at him. How could I be mad at him, it is my own stupidity. I acknowledge my phone in my hand which is still recording and turn it towards Daniel. "This guy will kill me one day" Our eyes meet over the camera, before he grabs the phone out of my hand. He turns it towards me and I just stand there helpless. He acted so fast I couldn't resist in any way. "Do you think I will win today" he grins but my eyebrows rise. "You better do? I want only the best vibes on my birthday." I grin at him. "Deal. I will win then. " He stops the recording and hands me over the phone again. "I mean it. I will win" he says to me. It's the second time in a row that drivers predict their win to me, surely Daniel is more than capable of it and it's time for him to get some pressure of his shoulder. He is so caring about my and my reputation that I forget that I am actually the only close friend that he has around on the tracks most of the time. Surely when there would be a race in Australia it would be a different level and at Silverstone, Monaco or the US Gp he has friends attending but in countries like Italy or France it's just me. And I have a little responsibility to support him no matter what. "I know" I grin at him. If he says so, it will happen. What we didn't notice is the McLaren CEO a few meters from us watching the two friends closely. A little grin grows on his face as he pleased turns away from them, he just knows that Anna is yet so underrated and she will grow immensely.

I run from the garage where I just witnessed the race to place where the winning cars line up. "What the fuck. What the actual fuck" I laugh to myself while sprinting so fast that my lungs start to protest. I ignore the tears in my eyes. The whole race I was in a state of shock, it would take me a while to process what just happened. After what happened to Max and Lewis, what was absolutely wild by the way, it all seemed like in a movie. My heart stopped for a second when he crossed the finishline and I could hear both of them through the headphones celebrating. The whole garage was celebrating and screaming around me while I just stood there not capable to process the whole thing. When I finally got back to reality I put the headphones down on the counter quickly and started running. I want to see it. I want to see him happy and celebrating. On the way I hear the incredibly loud cheering from the crowd. They are as hyped as I am, if it's not a special moment today for everyone I don't know what to say. Yes, not a Ferrari driver won but someone who deserves it so much more in my eyes today. I am over the moon excited for him and I can't wait to congratulate him. I finally arrive and stop out of breath. Alongside me lots of McLaren employees storm here as quick as their feet could take them. Finally the two orange beauties roll into the place, behind them the Mercedes of Bottas. Phones are held up to catch this moment, Andreas and Zak are close to me on the front of the barrier. The camera guy filming unboxed is also close to me already rolling. It's at that moment when I finally realize what the two just done. Not only that Dani just fucking won the Italien GrandPrix, with Lando getting his best finish ever on P2 they just did the best outcome ever from the race. The air is still electrified just like the first time when I stepped into the paddock on Friday. They both climb out the cars real fast and jump into the crowd of mechanics, hug everyone and laugh. They get so many slaps on the head and shoulders. My heart is just full with joy when I watch them. Lando is the first one who comes closer to me. We spoke earlier before the race. It was a relief because he actually didn't seem to be angry or anything. I was worried about that since he seemed to avoid me. But right now is all what counts. The present smile on my face grows even wider when our eyes lock. They sparkle like if the sun kisses the ocean. My heart explodes in millions of butterflies when he suddenly pulls me into a hug. The adrenaline rushes through both of our veins, while we hold on to each other for a few seconds. I feel hands and arms reach over me to give Lando a congratulating clap on his helmet or something. The hard material of his head protection presses hard against my head, it's not the most comfortable thing but as I would care right now. Him and I are hugging and I can't put into words the feeling of him being around me. It would be stupid to say something right now because he wouldn't hear it. But I choose to do so anyway "I've missed you" I whisper against his helmet, knowing he doesn't here my admission. As quickly as he wrapped his arms around me he pulled away again. I just have just a few breath takes to get control over me before Daniel now spots me in the crowd. His eyes are teary just like mine. He fights his way over to me and pulls me in a tight hug himself. I hear him laughing and I start jumping up and down pulling him with me. We just jump getting out a little of that energy. When he pulls out of the hug I am not ready to let him go so I grab his helmet with both hands and hold on to him. The noise and all the people around us disappear for a moment. It's just us. His eyes framed with little wrinkles around them stare into mine. "Well done champion" I scream out to make sure he hears it. The movement of his nod down to me feels crazy in my hands. This whole Szenario is so much more intense as if Mick won race in F2. It's so much more.

The McLaren team, press, other people and myself wait impatiently for the winning ceremony. Charlotte is now standing besides me, our arms are hooked into each other in support. We both wait for the drivers. She cares for them so deeply that she has tears in her eyes as well. And then finally they announce the winner over the speakers. Daniel as the winner goes first on the podium with a huge smile on his face.
He celebrates with the team and jokes around with the crowd. It's such so clear how much weight is of his shoulders. Then it's his turn. Lando is second. His first P2 podium in formula one. Me heart is racing as I see him receiving his trophy. His smile is the brightest as I ever seen it and I never want to see him any different. My whole body goes numb while witnessing it. I look at the boy who I lost my heart to years ago. But he is not the boy anymore. He is a men, a very grown up one. With his curls and famous grin on his face, a men the ladies love. He stole many hearts before and he surely does right now. I wouldn't even say my heart was the first he stole, but I am certain he will keep it the longest. He will keep it for forever. The smile on my lips appears seeing him this happy. I wish he would be like this around me all the time. That I would be the reason he smiled that way. I remember what he said months ago. "I will show it to it to you, if you let me." His words from our conversation on the balcony in Monaco echo in my head while the two McLaren drives are celebrated by everyone. I didnt let him, and that's the thing I regret most in life. All I want is him to show it to me. Single drops of the champagne fall down on us while the wild sprayingparty is happening. I can just watch in happiness and with a crazy smile on my face. I am truly enjoying this like it's a dream. But my grin changes in a expression of disgust, when Daniel is taking his shoe off and fills it up with the champagne. Knowing what gonna happen I shake my head. And then the famous shoey celebrates it's comeback. He drinks out of his shoe and throws it into the crowd with the biggest grin ever. But the crowned Honey badger doesn't stop there, he is taking of the other shoe as well. He fills it up just to make Lando drink from it. The young brit pulls a face. Judging by it, the shoes isn't the most tasty thing ever. I am not sure which he dislikes more right now the taste of the champagne itself or the knowledge of drinking out of Danny's shoe.

After the celebration ended I head to the Haas Garage, just to see Mick. But I quickly, realize the mood here is very tense and a McLaren pass is surely not very appreciated to be seen around here. The race didn't went as planned for the Haas team. So I just stop by at Micks room real quick to say hi. Of course he frustrated, but he knows he couldn't do better with that car. So I get out of there again and slowly make my way to McLaren. Outside I see people chatting and also I spot my favorite Australien. "Daniel" I shout out while walking towards him. The Australian curly head turns around and our eyes lock again. My God I can't even put into words what I feel right now. The happiness in his eyes tear my up in pride. I am not even sure if this smile left his face since crossing the line. He opens his arms again and I jump in them. I see a flash in the corner of my eye, knowing we just gave a photographer a great picture. I choose to ignore it and concentrate on the guy, who is swirling me through the air. I laugh out in joy while he presses my upper body against his wet one. Let's just hope it's champagne and not all sweat. When he finally let's me down again, we face each other with huge smiles on our fsces. "Congrats buddy, but you lost your shoes" I point at his feet which are just covered by white socks. I don't want to see the bottom of these, surely not white anymore. "Oh no these are back there. If you want you can have a shoey." I raise my eyebrow as he points into the garage behind him. "Oh God, please no. I will leave that to Lando and Zak." "I promise you it's delicious. I mean it's the taste of success and talent" the Aussie winks at me trying to convince me. I fear he would grab me and drag me over there to make me actually do it. "Trust me it's disgusting. I want to never do it again" we hear a familiar voice next to us. I turn my head looking into pitch blue eyes. My favorite blue eyes. His curls are messy just how I like it best and a honest smile is on his face, while looking down to me. I forget for a second what is happening around me getting lost in his eyes. But the smile that I lost for a moment comes back on my face. "Did you expect anything better?" "That's a bit disappointing." the Monza Grand Prix winner tries to defend his podium tradition. His eyes wonder between me and Lando back and forth with grin on his face. He knows these two need to figure it out themselves. Lando points at his shoe "Would you do it with my shoe?" "Hell no!" I take a step back, this getting a little to weird now. "With your own?" Daniel tries. "God no! I am not doing it." "Then you are not worth my time", Danny winks at me, slips down his mask and gives me a little kiss on the cheek to cover up his words before walking off. Left behind is just myself and Lando and actually for a moment it's awfully silent between us. "Congratulations Lando" I finally smile at him. It is honest and I mean it with all my heart. He gives me a smirk back. Our relationship is a thousand times more positive as it was a few weeks ago and I am all in for it. "Thank you Anna." "I mean it Lando. I am very happy for you." His eyebrow lifts. "Why? " I should've been more thrown off by this question but it makes sense in a sad way. I gave him the signal I didn't care about him in a intimate way. So why would I be that happy for him? "Because I truly care about you" I say out the truth, but it's nothing more than a whisper. The truth that I hid so long. On his face appears a warm smile. He believes me, I can see it in his eyes. "Lando! Team photo", our very honest talk gets interrupted by an engineer shouting for him. "We will talk about this later. Are coming to the team celebration ?" I don't know what he talking about only that he just invited me so all I can do in this moment is to nod. His face lights up before he walks past me with his hand touching my elbow. "I will see you there" And his touch leaves sparks on my bare skin. And the smile on my face grows. Another foot in the right direction.

After stopping at the Redbull garage to make sure Max is alright and have a talk with him, I am back to McLaren to question Daniel about this celebration thing, that I seem to attend now. I stop a little before the door of his room. In the door is the team photographer capturing someone inside. "What's going on?" I whisper in fear to interrupt something. The photographer looks over his shoulder and steps aside a little to give me excess of the most precious view ever.

My eyes tear up again looking at Daniel sitting tger ewith his trophy and smiling down at his phone. He is probably on a call with friends or family at home. Its probably the best leaving him alone so I turn around. "Shorty" Daniel calls out and waves me over to him. Everything around him is full with stuff and I am too lazy to put it inside so I climb on the sitting area behind him. My hands lay softly on his shoulders when I smile into the camera. I see his parents smiling and waving back at me. "That's my roommate. She is a real pain in the ass." Daniel introduces me. I lean forward to rest my chin on his head. While rolling my eyes at him I wave to his parents. "Pleasure to meet you. You have a wonderful son." "Daniel why can't you be nice for once like Anna" His moms sights. I grin down at him seeing his reaction on screen. My arms wander down around his neck, so I cuddle a little closer. He laughs out. "Mum I tell you, she seems so innocent now but she can be such a beast." I grin. "That's true. Lucky you, that you won the race my friend" He nods. "Have you seen the race? He was amazing" I ask his parents. "yeah we did and we are very proud of him" his dad smiles. The expression on the Honey Badgers face are the same as the ones of a little boy who made his parents proud. Some things simply never change. "Thanks dad" The head of Charlotte pops in the door, she smiles softly at us as we look up to her. "Hey you two, sorry to interrupt. Daniel could you please be out in 15 for an interview?" She doesn't even wait for the response but leaves us alone again. "Do you have to go?" the voice of Grace Ricciardo is a bit shaky, she surely doesn't want to hang up. It's hard on her and the family that they haven't seen him in so long. But for Daniel it's also incredibly hard not able to go back to Australia to visit his family and hometown friends. They all know he is doing it for his dream but still they wish that they could close him into their arms again. "Yeah I am sorry. There is press stuff to handle. I will talk to you tomorrow." "Alrighty Danny, enjoy your win. Anna, would you mind giving him a big hug and kisses from us?" I smile at Grace who seems so genuine and nice. I pull down my mask and press a big kiss on Daniel's cheek. I feel his muscles move under my lips, he is smiling."Thanks sweetie. I wish you booth a lovely day and I hope to talk to you soon." "Pleasure to meet you Anna & well done son!" Joe adds. And we all say our goodbyes. When Daniel hangs up I hug him even tighter with my face buried in his neck. "God I miss them." he mumbles. "I know." is all I can say. "Thank you for being here tho" he says after a little break of silence. In the meantime his hands wandered up to my arms laying on them. "Thank you for having me. It's such a special weekend for you. I wouldn't miss it for the world." We hear a noise from the door and see the Netflix guys open it and filming us. Daniel sights while I just stare. "Cmon guys a bit of privacy, I will be out in a minute" They do what they have been asked and close the door again. I move back into the position if been before. Comfortable and safe with him. It's such a peaceful moment just us and the trophy. I don't even need to see his face to know that the stares down at it prideful. "So what's about the celebration later on that Lando invited me to?" I muffel into his neck. "He invited you? Men this guy pulls moves" he chuckles under his breath. "Are you coming?" "Sure I am. It's gonna be fun" "Alright go ahead then and get ready I will pick you up at your room in 2 hours and exactly 13 minutes" he studied his watch closely when he gave me the time I need to get ready. Considering that I would be nearly 40 minutes to even get back to the hotel I should hurry. My lips touch one last time the cheek of the Australian feeling the little spikes of his beard. I hear him chuckle again when I climb down from the siting thing behind him and grab my things in a rush to head to the hotel. When I do so I can feel the eyes of the champion lay warm on me. Inside of me is so much pride and happiness that it's hard to comprehend, the huge smile on my face.


Hey guys pretty special chapter. I hope you all enjoy seeing how the friendship of Daniel and Anna lifts up to an even higher level.

But sadly this week it's not all good, it's absolutely terrible and just awful what's going on in the Ukraine. My prayers are with all the people there who are in fear and loose their life in order to protect there country. Please inform yourself about this situation! We as a person can't do much but as a community we can, go to demonstration and show your government your voice!

Stay strong Ukraine 🇺🇦

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