Lilac | JJK ✔️


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Small bells rang of the door being pushed, which alerted the cashier. "How can I help you?" The cashier asked... More

welcome :)
1 | Prince! Prince!
2 | A messy breakfast
3 | Scenery
4 | Cooking time!
5 | Dessert time!
6 | Friends
7 | My lady
9 | Advice
the sequel is out!

8 | Help

20 6 1

The next morning had come. Haeun woke up from the sounds of small giggles that could be heard from her right side. She opened her eyes and heard the voices of Hyun and Iseul.

"Hyun? Iseul? Why are you guys by my bed?" She groggily asked. Both children hushed her at the same time. Their small index finger was pressed against their lips.

"We're hiding!" Iseul whispered, Hyun nodded. "We are playing hide and seek!" He added.

"Ah, I understand." She nodded, before opening her eyes and abruptly stopping her movements. "Wait, how am I in my bed? I can't remember going in..?" She asked herself, scratching her head in wonder.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Mrs. Han. The two children in the room sighed dramatically in relief.

"Good morning, Haeun." Mrs. Han smiled. "Good morning Aunt." Haeun greeted, a small smile plastered on her face.

Mrs. Han continued to look down at the kids. "Hello children." The older lady greeted.

"Hello auntie!" The two whispered in union.

"Aunt, do you know how I got in here? I don't remember going back inside?" Haeun asked and Mrs. Han chuckled. "Well, it was a sweet moment."

"Sweet moment?" Haeun asked, confused. How does going inside the hospital equal being sweet?

"Yes dear." She nodded before starting her story.  "I was walking towards the kitchen to fetch some water, when I saw Jimin coming in with his wheelchair." Haeun nodded in understanding.

"And on his lap was you." Mrs. Han smiled.

Haeun looked at the older in confusion. "Me?"

"Yes, dear. Jimin had said that both of you fell asleep. It was late and he needed to go back to his respective room. So he thought of bringing you back on his lap. He even tucked you in." Mrs. Han gushed.

"Ah, I see. That was so nice of him." She quietly said. She felt guilt rising in her body. He had made her laugh and spent time with her. He even comforted her, what has she done in return? Nothing. He was such a good friend, while she probably made him tired. He also brought her back inside. I must have been so heavy.

"I need to make it up to him." She whispered, before turning towards Mrs. Han. "Aunt, could you and uncle help me today?"

"I'm sorry dear, but your uncle has a doctors appointment in ten minutes." Mrs. Han said, Haeun nodded. "But we can help you afterwards. I'll get you help in the meanwhile." Mrs. Han smiled.

Haeun smiled back and nodded. "Thank you Aunt."


The bright sun shined on Jungkook's figure as rode in his wheelchair in the yellow hall. His mood was quite good today. His day started off by eating some delicious breakfast and getting away from the boring white halls.

And now he was happily on his way to his friend. Speaking of her, she was visible, meters infront of him. "Hae—" Jungkook yelled before stopping. There was a male nurse beside her.

She probably needs to talk to him about some medical stuff. I'll just wait for her.

"Hello young man!" Mr. Han gladly said behind Jungkook's back. The younger turned around. "Hello uncle." Jungkook greeted.

"How are you?" Jungkook asked and earned a bright smile back. "I'm doing good, young man." Mr. Han said as he patted Jungkook's shoulder. Mr. Han proceeded to look at his watch, he widened his eyes.

"Boy, I'm late to my appointment. I'll see you later young man!" Mr. Han said as he walked quickly to his hospital room.

Jungkook nodded and turned towards Haeun and the male nurse again. They were walking towards him. Jungkook's eyes lit up, his lips curved into a big smile that was of course hidden under a mask.

"My lady, do you wan—" Jungkook brightly spoke, before stopping his sentence. The two just ignored him and walked past him. They seemed to have a good time also, they were laughing and all. Jungkook's face scrunched in confusion.

Did they not see me or something?

Nevertheless, Jungkook turned his wheelchair around and went towards the laughing pair. "Haeun! Haeun!" He yelled to get her attention, but she suddenly ran?

Jungkook looked at the pair, hurt was evident in his eyes. Did she not want to see me?, Jungkook thought before shaking his head.

No, she's probably busy. I'll come later.

Jungkook turned his wheelchair to the exit and rode towards his room with his head down.


"Could you get me the blueberries, nurse Jihoon?" Haeun asked and the nurse helped right her away. "Here you go." He smiled.


Haeun was currently making blueberry cake for Jungkook. Last time she had made it, he had eaten endless pieces of it till he was full. He loved the cake, and therefore she wanted to make it for him. She wanted to thank him, he has been the bestest friend she had ever had.

She heard his voice calling for her moments ago and panic filled her. She wanted it to be a surprise and therefore she ran when she heard him.

Haeun hoped he didn't hear anything about the cake. It would ruin the whole surprise.

The nurse Jihoon was here to help her. She had needed help and asked Mr and Mrs. Han. Sadly they couldn't come. Mrs. Han had instead asked Jihoon to help her and he of course agreed. The time with Jihoon wasn't awkward at all, he was a nice guy. He even had some jokes he told her and it made her laugh.

"So, who are you making this cake for?" Jihoon asked, looking at her mix the blueberries in the cake mix.

"My best friend." She said. "He has been the best friend I've ever asked for. And I feel guilty. We went on a long walk yesterday and he was probs tired. Still, he brought me inside when I was asleep. I was probably so heavy." She said, while whisking the cake mixture.

"Ah I understand." He nodded. "Do you need help with anything else?" Jihoon asked.

"Well.." Haeun continued telling the nurse what she needed help with and he did what she said.


Jungkook had come back to his room sullen after being in the yellow halls. He knew it wasn't a big deal, but it seemed like Haeun didn't want to be with him by the way she ran.

"Prince Jungkook, is there something wrong?" His butler Sungchul, asked. Jungkook shook his head.

"No, no it's nothing." Jungkook fake smiled.

Yeah, it's probably nothing. She probably just needed something, Jungkook kept telling himself.

"Sungchul, how long have I sat here since I came back? Jungkook suddenly asked, which made the butler look at his clock.

"About an hour?" Sunghul hesitantly answered.

She's probably done by now.

"Sungchul, bring me a mask. I'm going out."


The sun once again shined on Jungkook's figure as he rode in the yellow halls. The front desk was right infront of him. I could ask where Haeun is.

"Hello ma'am, could I know where Haeun is? I'm her friend." He proudly said. The front desk lady smiled and nodded.

"I believe she's in the kitchen." The front desk lady said and Jungkook thanked her.

She's probably making something delicious!

Jungkook smiled bright and went towards the kitchen.


As Jungkook came close to the kitchen door, he heard loud chatting and laughter. He peeked inside and saw Haeun laugh and having a good time with the male nurse.

Jungkook didn't know why, but he got this weird feeling he has never got before. And it wasn't plesant.

He continued to watch the pair from afar.

Jungkook wanted to be in the place of the nurse, he wanted to make her laugh like that. He didn't know why, but he didn't like the way the nurse looked at her. It looked like the nurse liked her or something.

Suddenly the nurse took out a tissue. The nurse went closer to her and, it looks like they were kissing?

Jungkook felt like his heart broke in two. Why did he feel like this?

With a tear sliding down his face, Jungkook turned around and rode his wheelchair towards the garden.


Jungkook sat in silence for while in the small garden. The sun was so bright, in contrast to him who was sitting with his head down, fiddling with his fingers.

Everything around him seemed at peace. The flowers on the ground blew gently and small birds were flying peacefully around the garden.

His head was filled with thoughts like 'Why am I feeling like this?' and 'Does she like his company more than mine?'

Suddenly the sound of someone sitting was heard. It broke Jungkook out of his thoughts and he turned his head to look at the person sitting beside him.

"Hello, prince Jungkook."

published: 14/09/21

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